4 minute read


A word from Glenfield Parish Council’s Chair of CouncilCllr Nick Chapman

I WAS HONOURED to be invited to attend a presentation evening on Monday 3rd July 2023 at the ATC Headquarters in Glenfield where I presented The Glenfield Parish Council Community Cup and The Blaby District Council Silver Jubilee Trophy to two worthy cadets from the 2070 (Glenfield) Squadron, Air Training Corps. It was a very well attended event and I wish congratulations to all the cadets.


I ALSO WANT to advise that we currently still have three vacancies for Parish Councillors. If you would like to get more involved in the work of the Parish Council then please contact us on 0116 231 2498 to find out more. As a Parish Councillor you will help represent the views of local residents and make decisions about the running of current and future services for the village. Applications forms are available to download at www.glenfield-pc.gov.uk

Grounds staff Blog

ON FRIDAY 7th July 2023, a fire was intentionally set to shrubbery and a tree at the side of Glenfield Primary School and the Council Office on Stamford Street, resulting in severe damage and loss of the tree.

Fortunately, someone promptly alerted the Fire Brigade who swiftly dispatched firefighters to the scene. The fire was successfully extinguished thanks to their intervention. Currently, we possess CCTV footage of the incident and will be handing it to the police to view and investigate further.

The dangers of climbing on the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) fencing at Ellis Park!

RECENTLY, we have noticed an increase in children climbing on the MUGA fence.

The Glenfield Community Food Hub

THANK YOU for all your donations to the hub, and a special thanks goes to the lady and her daughter who donated a slow cooker, and in addition, from the proceeds of selling her sofa, extra food provisions to the food hub.

The Hub operates every other Saturday (next one is Sat 12th August 2023) from the green cabin located near Morrisons at the Annexe. Any resident of Glenfield (you will need to show proof of address in Glenfield ie Council tax bill) who requires additional food supplies can pop down and be served with a maximum of 20 items from the store.

This behaviour is extremely dangerous and puts them at risk of accidents and injuries. The fence is not designed to support the weight of individuals climbing on it, and doing so could lead to the fence becoming damaged or weakened.

To further address this issue we have installed additional signage around the area, clearly highlighting the potential risks and consequences of this behaviour. We have also spoken to the local school directly, explaining to them why it is important that children do not climb the fencing.

We kindly ask for your support in reinforcing this message with your children. It is crucial that they understand the importance of using the MUGA safely and responsibly.

Meetings of the Parish Council are open to the press and public and all meetings are publicised on the Parish Council’s notice boards and web site (www.glenfield-pc.gov.uk). There is an opportunity for members of the public to raise any comments or queries that they have with the Parish Council. It is helpful if you contact us prior to attending the meeting so that the Council is better informed and able to help you.

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Cherry Trees

WE HAVE successfully planted our 7 beautiful Japanese flowering cherry trees in Ellis Park and cannot wait for them to bloom and add a vibrant touch to our surroundings.

Heavy duty mesh guards have been placed around them to provide extra support and protection from vandalism as well as some of the CCTV cameras have been strategically moved to provide better coverage of the trees until they become more established.

Report EVERY Crime

PLEASE CAN residents ensure that any issues they observe, including suspicious behaviour and vandalism, are reported in the first instance to the Police, rather than posting this on social media.

We have recently seen social media posts regarding motorbike riders casing the Glenfield area in the early hours, trying both house and car doors, which is something the Police need to be made aware of.

Help protect our community - all crimes and anti-social behaviour have a negative effect and reporting them can help get the problem addressed. The Police can be contacted by calling 101 or online www.leics.police.uk/reportcrime.

If you are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment you can use the minicom/textphone number 18001 101

It’s no laughing matter

OUR GROUNDS STAFF have reported an increase in the number of larger gas canisters being found in the Parish. Laughing gas - in canisters - is one of the most widely used recreational drugs and rising in popularity. The small silver canisters, also known as “nos” or “nitrous oxide”, are being swapped for supersize versions, around 80 times bigger.

We really wanted to highlight our concerns about this to all Parents and Guardians, as taking too much can cause unconsciousness and suffocation and sadly people may die, as a result.

How to Contact Your Local Councillors

SHOULD YOU have an issue to raise or a question about something going on in your community that you would like answers to, please don’t hesitate to contact the Parish Office (admin@ glenfield-pc.gov.uk or enquiries@glenfieldpc.gov.uk) or one of your local Councillors for help, support and advice.


Cllr. DAVID ALLEN – cllr.d.allen@glenfield-pc.gov.uk

Cllr. NICK CHAPMAN (Chairman) -cllr.n.chapman@glenfield-pc. gov.uk

Cllr. ATUL JOBANPUTRA – cllr.a.jobanputra@glenfield-pc.gov.uk

Cllr. LEE STEPHENS (Vice Chairman) – cllr.l.stephens@glenfieldpc.gov.uk

Cllr. IAIN SMITH – cllr.i.smith@glenfield-pc.gov.uk


Cllr. LEE BRECKON – cllr.l.breckon@glenfield-pc.gov.uk

Cllr. NICK COX – cllr.n.cox@glenfield-pc.gov.uk

Cllr. DOREEN DENNEY – cllr.d.denney@glenfield-pc.gov.uk

Cllr. ROY DENNEY – cllr.r.denney@glenfield-pc.gov.uk (Tree Warden)

Cllr. OLIVER HALL – cllr.o.hall@glenfield-pc.gov.uk (Tree Warden)

Cllr. GRAEME HUSS – cllr.g.huss@glenfield-pc.gov.uk

Cllr. PANNA MORJARIA – cllr.p.morjaria@glenfield-pc.gov.uk

Cllr. RICHARD WYATT – cllr.r.wyatt@glenfield-pc.gov.uk

Your DISTRICT and COUNTY Councillors

Cllr NICK CHAPMAN (District Councillor Glenfield Ellis Ward) 07710 174005 or cllr.nick.chapman@blaby.gov.uk

Cllr HELEN GAMBARDELLA (District Councillor Glenfield Ellis Ward 07492970251 cllr.helen.gambardella@blaby.gov.uk

Cllr LEE BRECKON (District Councillor Glenfield Faire Ward) cllr. lee.breckon@blaby.gov.uk

Cllr ROY DENNEY (District Councillor Glenfield Faire Ward) 0116 233 8604 cllr.roy.denney@blaby.gov.uk

Cllr NICK CHAPMAN (County Councillor) – 07710 174005 or nick.chapman@leics.gov.uk

Cllr LEE BRECKON (County Councillor) – lee.breckon@leics.gov.uk

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