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Leicester Oddfellows want to spread the love of friendship this February
WHILE MOST people’s thoughts turn to romance this Valentine’s Day, Leicester Oddfellows is inviting people to fix up a friendship date instead.
The friendly society, a non-profit group which hosts regular active and social events across Leicestershire says romance is great but it’s not the only way to make you feel more energised and valued.
When it comes to feeling loved and emotionally supported, forging strong friendships can help us to feel more fulfilled and satisfied with life.
Mike Harris Branch Secretary of the Leicester Oddfellows’ said: “Valentine’s Day always tends to focus on romance and grand gestures, but it is important to remember that love comes in many forms and is needed for more than just one day of the year.
“As well as providing us with social experiences that lift our spirits, friendships offer a vital support network for when times get tough, prevent loneliness, and perhaps most importantly, help individuals recognise their own self-worth.
“We also appreciate that if you’ve lost someone close, Valentine’s Day can be a difficult time of year. We say come and have a lovely time with us at one of our meet-ups. A warm welcome is waiting.”
Leicester Oddfellows’ friendship group has more than 850 local members, mainly older adults. It meets regularly for social get-togethers and offers support and advice when members might need it.
Deanna Roberts from Leicester who has been a member of the group for 4 years, added: “After losing my husband I felt very alone so one of my friends asked me if I’d like to come along to a meeting to get out a bit. I was apprehensive at first but I needn’t have worried as I was made to feel welcome from the start. I have made many new friends and we’ve had lots of fun and lots of laughs along the way! Everybody looks out for each other and it makes you feel good to have that support and be able to help someone in return, after all that’s what friends are for.”
To find out more about the Leicester Oddfellows, or to find out about other upcoming events, contact Jo brown on 0116 2543106 or email jo.brown@oddfellows.co.uk
Further information about the Oddfellows can be found at www. oddfellows.co.uk.
A fortune-teller tells a frog: “You are going to meet a beautiful young girl who will want to know everything about you.”
The frog says: “This is great! Will I meet her at a party, or what?”
“No,” says the fortune-teller, “In her biology class.”
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Client: “After hearing your amazing argument in court this morning, I’m beginning to think I didn’t.”