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Development Properties IN BRIEF

Barwell land for sale by auction

SDL PROPERTY Auctions are offering for sale BY AUCTION a parcel of land adjacent to the Barwell Constitutional Club.


The land – at 20 Chapel Street, Barwell, Leics. LE9 8DD - is thought suitable for a residential scheme of around five units, subject to planning.

For sale at the 23rd February SDL property auction with a guide price of £185,000.

Visit the website at www. sdlauctions.co.uk for more information.

NW Leics. District

MR D SANSOME (c/o Agent: Mr A Brown, Nest Architectural Limited, Unit B3, Ground Floor, Illuma Park, Gelders Hall Road, Shepshed, Leics. LE12 9NH) – Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 3 twobedroom dwellings with associated infrastructure – at 146 Hermitage Road, Whitwick, Coalville, Leics. LE67 5EH.


(c/o Agent: Miss Harriet Whalley, 1 Park Row, Leeds LS1 5HN) –Erection of 3 office buildings, access, car parking, landscaping and associated works approved under planning permission 18/02227/FULM without complying with Condition 15 so as to allow for an alternative timescale for submission and approval of access details – at EM Finger Point Farm Site J23A M1, Castle Donington, Derby.

Rutland County

MR C R MULLER (c/o Agent: John Pearce, Harris Lamb, 75-76 Francis Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 8SP) – Outline planning application for up to 73 dwellings – at land off Stapleford Road, Whissendine, Rutland.


Agent: Matt Taylor, Class Q, The Grey House, 3 Broad Street, Stamford PE9 1PB) – Erection of 2 detached dwellings – at land south of Back Lane, Ryhall, Rutland.

Unnamed Applicant (c/o

Agent: Mr Andy Moffat, Savills (UK) Limited, Unex House, 132134 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 8PA) - Cross Boundary Outline Planning application with all matters reserved except access for up to 1,350 no. residential units (use Classes C2 and C3); two form entry primary school (use class F.1); local centre uses (use classes E and F2, public house, wine bar, or drinking establishment, drinking establishment with expanded food provision, hot food takeaway for the sale of hot food where consumption of that food is mostly undertaken off the premises); removal of existing bund; associated green infrastructure including provision of public open space, landscaping, formal and informal play areas; utilities (including drainage); and associated access, ancillary works and structures – at Little Casterton Road, Stamford Road, Little Casterton, Rutland.

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