Late-January 2011 Anstey, Cropston & Thurcaston Clarion

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Your Monthly Community Magazine • Late-January 2011

New Children’s Centre to open at Anstey Library


The library closed for refurbishment from Friday 31st December and will re-open two months later on Monday 28th February 2011. The newly improved library will be fully redecorated and will have a new layout, including a separate family room for activities, a disabled toilet and baby changing facilities. The Children’s Centre in Anstey is part of the third phase of the Surestart Children’s Centre development, and will provide a range of services for families with young children. Steve Boud, Locality Partnership Co-ordinator for Charnwood said: “We are looking forward to completing this development so that the Charnwood Surestart Children’s Centre services can be extended more effectively to the Anstey and Birstall areas.” Locally, children’s centres are a partnership between Leicestershire County Council, district and borough councils and other organisations. Leicestershire County Council Lead Member for Adults & Communities David Sprason, said: “This will be beneficial to local people and will prove a more cost-effective way of delivering services, and is a good example of how libraries can be used in various ways.”

Come along and see the details of the development on land off Groby Road, Anstey of 185 dwellings.

Anstey Christmas Day Lunch was a great success!


A new children’s centre will be coming to Anstey Library soon as part of the library’s refurbishment.

John Alexander

Clerk to Anstey Parish Council

Anstey Players will present ‘Strictly Cinderella’ - a Pantomime with a Difference on Wed to Sat 16th to 19th February at the United Reformed Church, Bradgate Road, Anstey.

County Councilllor David Snartt chatting with some of the diners at the Annual Anstey Christmas Day Lunch

Our coverage just got bigger! THE CLARION is now delivered to Thurcaston and Cropston too! So if you live in Thurcaston or Cropston, and you have some news about your area, drop us a line by post or email and we’ll include a mention in the Clarion. Our contact details are on page 2.

Mike & Susan

Anstey Parish Council is organising an exhibition of the plans sent by the developer to Charnwood for consideration. This will be at Jubilee Hall on Saturday 5th February from 10am to 12 noon. The parish council will be discussing this and putting in a response and all residents are entitled to also put in their comments to Charnwood.


The 5th Annual Christmas Day Lunch held in St.Mary’s Church Rooms, Anstey on Christmas Day was another great success. Organiser Dave Ford would like to thank St Mary’s Church for their ongoing kindness shown by allowing the use of the rooms, all the helpers and those that contributed to make the day so memorable. Dave is now planning Christmas 2011. To join his team Tel: 0116 236 8811.

Possible development on land off Groby Road, Anstey for 185 dwellings

Doors open 7.00pm, curtain up 7.30pm. Saturday matinee; doors open 2.00pm, curtain up 2.30pm. Tickets £6.00, concessions £5.00, including refreshments. Contact Sarah on 0116 288 6846.

We look forward to entertaining you.

Next Issue Out 19th February 2011 • Deadline: 5th February 2011

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069

Anstey Police Matters Welcome to this edition of Police Matters from the Anstey Neighbourhood Policing Team.

Crime Prevention Advice As you can see from December’s crime figures below, the village has suffered heavily with theft from motor vehicles. This is a timely reminder to ensure that nothing of value is left on show in vehicles, and this goes beyond obvious items such as Navigation Devices etc. Items that have been taken have been car stereo systems (if you can remove the faceplate do so); sunglasses, items of clothing and other property that you may not necessarily think would be of interest to the thief. If you spot any suspicious activity around vehicles, such as trying door handles or shining torches into vehicles, then please call 999 immediately and report a possible crime taking place. Please obtain as much of a description of any individuals seen as possible, and if a vehicle is seen note down the make and registration number.

Good News

Anstey, Thurcaston & Cropston


Call Mike or Susan on Tel: 01530-244069 Write to: PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT Email: Website: The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the The Clarion Production Team. The inclusion of any group or organisation in this publication does not necessarily imply a recommendation of its aims, methods or policies. The Clarion cannot be held responsible for the information disclosed by advertisements, all of which are accepted in good faith. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine, but no liability can be accepted for loss or inconvenience caused as a result of error or omission. The Clarion reserves the right to amend, shorten or refuse to publish articles and/or advertisements submitted for publication. All contents © Anstey, Cropston & Thurcaston Clarion None of the articles contained in this magazine are to be reproduced in any way without first obtaining written consent from TheClarion. ANSTEY, CROPSTON & THURCASTON CLARION is printed in Ellistown by Norwood Press This issue delivered between 28th-30th January 2011 by our dedicated team of deliverers.

Following on from the advice regarding theft from motor vehicles above, there is some good news. A male was arrested in the village during December for a number of thefts from vehicles and also thefts from garages and outbuildings. Linked to this arrest, a number of stolen items were recovered and returned to their owners. Also, you may have heard about the closure of the Anstey Police Office in the news recently. We are pleased to inform you that the Anstey Policing Team will remain as a presence within the village and we look forward to continuing working with the community to ensure that Anstey remains a safe place to live and work. Finally, we would like to wish you a happy and prosperous 2011.

How to contact us You can contact your local neighbourhood policing team – PC 1841 Parker and PCSO 6662 Wright – by telephoning 0116 222 2222, selecting option 2 and when prompted, tap in identification numbers 1841 or 6662, to leave us a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also send us an email by logging onto the website at and clicking on the ‘Neighbourhood Policing’ icon, or you may also contact Crimestoppers, which is free and anonymous on 0800 555 111.

Film Presentations from Thurcaston & Cropston Parish Council

Burglary Dwelling - The Green, Millfield Close, Bradgate Road


Burglary (non Dwelling) (Business Premises, Shed, Garage, Etc) - Charles Drive, Bradgate Road (2)


Distraction Burglary (attempted)


Theft of Motor Vehicle –


Theft from Motor Vehicle – Albion Street, Edward Street, George Street, Forest Gate (2), Highfield Street, Woodgon Road, Latimer Street (2), Andrew Road


This comedy stars Bill Nighy and Emily Blunt. A meticulous assassin, who is still dominated by his mother, meets a young lady called Rose who is the exact opposite of him. She is reckless and free spirited but they complement each other and somehow, form an interesting partnership. This is an excellent film.

Damage to Motor Vehicle - Bradagte Road (2), Forest Gate, Anstey


• “Invictus” will be shown on Friday March 11th and lasts 134 minutes.

Criminal Damage Dwelling – Groby Rd, Cropston Rd, Bradgate Rd,


Criminal Damage (non Dwelling) (Business Premises, Shed, Garage Etc) Coronet Close, Bradgate Road (2), Cropston Road (2)


Theft Person


Theft Store – Co-op


Theft Cycle


December Crime Figures for Anstey

Whats on in The Studio at CURVE? ‘Gandi & Coconuts’ Tues 22 – Sat 26 Mar £8.50 - £16.50 ‘Time for the Good Looking Boy’ Wed 30 Mar – Sat 2 April £8 - £12 ‘Schrodinger’ Wed 11 – Sat 14 May £8.50 - £16.50 Ticket Office 0116 242 3595

• “Wild Target” will be shown on Friday February 11th and lasts 98 minutes.

In February 1990, Nelson Mandela walked free from prison after a quarter of a century of incarceration in his 8ft by 8ft cell. This film is a truly inspiring drama, unravelling the story about President Nelson Mandela’s struggle in South Africa ,the emotional rifts in rugby & the amazing reconciliation among the earthy colours of the country and the spirit of its people.

• “Made in Dagenham” will be shown on Friday April 8th and lasts 113 minutes. The 187 women machinists employed at Ford’s Dagenham assembly plant in 1968 were working in impoverished conditions for long, arduous hours. They laid down their tools when they were reclassified as “unskilled”. The single act of rebellion changed history. This film is a hilarious and heartwarming tale of female empowerment.

• “The King’s Speech” will be showing very soon ... Venue: Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council will be showing these films at Thurcaston Memorial Hall. Starting at 7.30pm, tickets cost £4, Concessions- £3.50. Price includes refreshments and a lucky prize draw. Advanced tickets can be purchased via the parish office - 0116 236 7626 or at the door.

Information supplied by Diana Green

I truly believe that all deadlines are unreasonable regardless of the amount of time given.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069

Anstey Parish Council News From John Alexander (Clerk to the Council) Jubilee Hall, Stadon Road, Anstey, Leics. LE7 7AY Email: Tel: 0116 236 2646 Website: http://anstey.leicestershireparishcouncils.

Public Toilets Anstey Parish Council would like to thank all residents who responded to the questionnaire in the last edition of the Anstey Clarion. The results of the responses received were: •

23 in favour of keeping the toilets open • 24 in favour of closing them In late December we received news that Charnwood Borough Council had decided to give grants of £ 2,400 per annum to help towards the costs of retaining the toilets. This obviously significantly reduces the costs, but came out after the consultation period. With this in mind the parish councillors debated, at length, over retaining the toilets. The Parish Council finally decided to keep the Anstey toilets, open subject to resolving some legal and practical issues with Charnwood BC. A few questions were raised during this consultation so I will to try to answer them: 1. while there over 3,000 properties in Anstey we only get Council Tax/ Precept from some owing to; empty properties, people who do not have to pay or get reductions, so we calculate our Band D on figures provided by Charnwood Borough Council who collect the money on our behalf. 2. “the state of the toilets”, this is due in part to Charnwood deciding to only do the absolute minimum maintenance necessary for some years. 3. “charge for the use of the toilets”, this would mean a significant outlay to change the toilets and coupled with the increased chance of theft and possible extra damage to access the money might cost more than it would bring in. 4. “it will require another council employee”, not necessarily as we are looking at different ways to manage this facility without needing extra staff and Charnwood are reducing staff from this transfer of responsibility. 5. “why not demolish and replace with more disabled car parking etc.” There is no certainty over what Charnwood would do if they closed the toilets. We have also worked with the council to get two more disabled parking places around the Nook.

Air Crash Local Hero Local Anstey firefighter, Nick Jordan helped to save 2 lives when a Cessna Jet crashed at the runway at Birmingham Airport during foggy weather in November 2010.

The plane was transporting a liver from Belfast to Birmingham for a transplant. The plane had come to rest on the grass near the runway and thick smoke was billowing from it. The pilot was still in the cockpit and Nick had to leave him temporarily to get assistance from his colleague to help get the pilot out of the burning plane. As he made his way out, he saw the box containing the donated liver, took it and handed it over to the waiting ambulance crew. Nick then returned with his colleague, managed to turn off the engine and help the pilot to safety. The liver was, fortunately, undamaged in the incident, enabling the transplant to proceed without any further hitches. Nick’s parents, Derek and Maureen, also live in Anstey and are extremely proud of their Son who is married with 2 children. Nick, now 41, was educated at Anstey Latimer Street and Anstey Martin Schools, before going on to Quorn Rawlins. He as been a firefighter at Birmingham Airport for the last 10 years. Nick said “I’ve gone over and over it in my mind, waking up at night thinking about it. Luckily for us all, everything came out well.” Congratulations Nick for helping to avert a tragedy.

John Sutherington

Budget and Precept The parish council also had a long discussion about the budget and are concerned to try to keep our part of your annual council tax as low as possible. Excluding the toilets we have managed to keep the increase to 1.8%. This is mainly to pay for our costs for the parish council election in May 2011. This could cost over £ 4,200 which we are legally bound to pay. The aim is to keep services at the current level and still provide some additional facilities utilising grants and other funding. This will result an average Band D rate of £ 74.25 per year for the whole property. This precept is our main income and is used to provide services throughout the village including; sports and recreation grounds, playgrounds, maintenance of the greens on Bradgate Road and Leicester Road, maintenance of cemetery and churchyard, running of Jubilee Hall and pavement snow clearance (under contract from the County Highways for specific areas). Lastly, during the current financial year the parish council gave away grants and support to local organisations to the value of over £ 5,000.

I know that the work cycle is not PLAN-START-FINISH but WAIT-PLAN-PLAN.

I must start with congratulating Dave Ford and his helpers for once again providing an excellent Christmas lunch at the usual venue. Not only did they provide the lunch but I thought the Church Rooms looked fantastic with all the trimmings, making it feel so welcoming. For the short time I was there everyone was enjoying themselves making it a real party atmosphere. The highlight for me is hearing everyone talking, when I think that if this event didn’t take place many residents could have been on their own throughout Christmas day.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069

David Snartt reports... County Councillor for Anstey within the Bradgate Division

Children’s Centre to Open at Anstey Library Following the disappointment of not having a new Surestart Centre within Anstey due to planning difficulties with the proposed site, I now understand that a new Centre will be incorporated within the Anstey Library. Sure Start Children’s Centres are facilities where a range of support services, primarily for parents of children aged 0-5 years who need extra support. The intention is that this early intervention can prevent difficulties happening in later years. The new centre will be open 2 to 3 days a week providing services for families and children under 5 in the Anstey area including; access to one to one support provided by family outreach workers; health visitors and other specialist services; access to information about child care and support services; book collections; physical activities and activities to support early learning and literacy. I am sorry there will be short term disruption whilst work on the building is taking place, but I believe this will be of great benefit to families in future years. I understand the Library will reopen on Monday 28th February. Improvements will include redecoration; a new layout; a disabled toilet and a separate Children’s Centre family room. Whilst the Library is closed borrowers can take out or return items at any Leicestershire Library.

Charnwood Mentoring Scheme As Chairman of the Charnwood Community Safety Partnership, I am delighted that the Partnership beat competition from 300

Charnwood Mentoring Scheme: Photo of the National Award presented by Esther Rantzen CBE

other projects throughout the Midlands to win the funder/commissioner of the year award at the recent Mentoring and Befriending Foundation Awards in Birmingham. The “Twenty Twenty” scheme began in 2008. It was set up to reach disengaged young people in the Charnwood area who are at risk of being involved in antisocial behaviour. The aims include; to reduce the level of anti-social behaviour; to raise the confidence and self esteem of young people and increase the engagement rate in education. The scheme was then entered into the national awards in London and was recognised as one of the top five projects in the country. Esther Rantzen CBE presented the certificate in recognition of the achievements made over the year. It is worth noting this scheme is dependent on volunteers being mentors. If anyone is interested in becoming a mentor please contact Sheila Cullinan on 01509 234234 or e-mail Sheila.cullinan@

employment uses, education, open spaces, retail, community and healthcare facilities on the land at Ashton Green, which is north of Beaumont Leys. I have been concerned for some time about the impact this will have on the county roads, especially villages close to the site with the extra vehicles this will generate. I understand the following infrastructure improvements have been confirmed. Improvements to the A46/Anstey Lane/Gynsill Lane junction to include signalisation of the roundabout and dualling of Anstey Lane upon occupation of the development. Traffic calming measures and widened footways along Greengate Lane and the provision of a one-way working

Ashton Green Development I thought I would keep you updated on this development. At the Leicester City Council Development Control Committee on the 20th December, The City Council members voted unanimously in favour of granting outline planning consent for the construction of dwellings,

Every morning is the dawn of a new error.

shuttle signal at the existing railway bridge also upon occupation of the development. I also understand that the main concerns expressed by the County Highway Authority that are currently outstanding include, the traffic impact of the development upon Anstey, notably along Cropston Road and The Nook and the accessibility of the development by foot and bicycle between Ashton Green and the surrounding areas. I am told that these items will be discussed by officers with the City Council before the final conditions are confirmed. I have pointed out to officers the impact of this development on the roads through Anstey should also be taken into account when looking at further large developments within the Parish. If you need to contact me on any issues please writ to; 10 Groby Lane, Newtown Linford, Leicester. LE6 0HH. e-mail david.snartt@ or telephone 01530 244804.

David Snartt

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069

Thurcaston & Cropston Local History Society

Are YOU Interested in local history? Thurcaston and Cropston Local History Society was formed in 2000. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month except April and December. The annual programme includes visiting speakers, trips and outings. New members and visitors are always welcome. Membership: £12 per year Visitors: £3 per meeting. For further details please contact the Secretary, Peter Smith, on 0116 236 7365. •

18 Jan The Hunt for Bosworth Battlefield Richard Knox

22 Feb Life on a Tudor Manor Alison Coates (aka Widow Jennyt Grooby)

15 Mar “What bard hath sung of thee?” Women’s lives in Leicester 1780-1925 Shirley Aucott

17 May The Victoria County History of Leicestershire: a new beginning Prof. Christopher Dyer

21 June Visit to Groby Old Hall The Time Team visited in April 2010 - look out for the programme to be broadcast on Channel 4 during 2011.

Of all the friends I’ve ever had, you’re the first.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069

Charnwood Borough Councillor’s Report From John Sutherington Proposed Houses: Groby Road. Well another new year is upon us, and slowly but surely the nights are drawing out. I do hope you all had a good and peaceful Christmas, I know I did because my Mother, even after losing her long fight to save her right leg did make it home for the Christmas season, and my lad, serving in the forces rang me to say he was “OK” despite his mishap, and will be home on leave to read this edition of the Clarion, in the UK! The New Year should bring us a new Multi Use Games Area on the “Reccy” tennis courts at Hollow Road, with floodlights. Improvements to the Millfield Close play area, and at last some movement forward to Mitchells Field on Cropston Road in the form of a drainage and levelling scheme. We seem to have a plague of moles there at the moment. I haven’t been too close in case they are from the Daily Telegraph! I hope too that you all enjoyed the Christmas lights in and around the centre? Fabulous display again at Ashfield Drive corner, and on Dalby Road too. Perhaps next Christmas we could organize a village competition?

Old WMC. and Conny Club? As many will have seen, the old “Worko’s” and “Conny Club”on Stadon Road are well on the way to renovation and should be open in the near future, which will brighten up this area of the village. The Worko’s has had planning permission granted with conditions to open as an Italian Restaurant and Tapas bar, while the old Conservative Club should be opening as a sports bar.

More Re-openings It’s also good to see that the old café at the Nook / Cropston Road junction is due to reopen soon and the former Paula’s Pantry has already done so as part of the Roy Green estate agency. Threshers old shop is also being refurbished. Things are looking up! Pity about the old Bairstow & Eve’s closure on Bradgate Road. But I feel the village could be waking up a little very soon.

Disabled Parking Bays At last these 2 new parking spots outside Roots and Fruits and HSBC in the Nook have now been marked out but I am puzzled by the signage which needs to be made clearer.

At the time of writing there are no “new developments” to this proposed scheme of almost 200 houses along this Country Lane. I do have copies of what you can and cannot object to when a proper application goes to Charnwood Borough Council, which could be very shortly. Please get in touch if the need arises and I will get one to you. This leaflet would also be helpful should you have any objections to the Ashton Green development between Beaumont Leys and Birstall. This is for 3000 - yes - 3000 new homes.

Cuts at Charnwood In our quest to make cuts and to save money it was decided to reduce the number of directors at Charnwood Borough Council to just 3. After due process Simon Jackson, Eileen Mallon and Christine Traill will take up these positions. Chief Executive is still Mr Geoff Parker. These cuts however are not enough and others will inevitably have to be made in the near future. Some difficult decisions lie ahead.

be taking over the running of the public toilets at the Nook car park from Charnwood Borough Council, as from April 2011, for at least the next 5 years. I for one think this is the right decision. It will mean a slight increase in your council tax bill (about £3.40 per year) but it will mean an essential village amenity stays open - both for residents and for any visitors shopping in the village who may get caught short! Please get in touch if you think I can help in any way… Always a pleasure never a chore. Yours Sincerely

Cllr. John J. Sutherington 43 George Street,Anstey, Leicester. LE7 7DT. 07939 070603. Email: cllr.john.sutherington@ PS. Well done to Dave Ford and his team of “Elfers” at the 5th Christmas Day lunch held at the Church Rooms, sorry I couldn’t make it this year for the first time but my Daughter and Grand Daughter Got me!!


Too many charity bags! What is it with Anstey and Charity clothing bags? I must get three a week drop through my letter box. Now, I’m all for charity but how many clothes do these people think we have? Are we to walk around naked? What a thought that is! On the odd occasion I have left a bag out for collection it wasn’t collected! So why keep on posting bag after bag after bag through my door? Just think how much the charities could save if they didn’t keep manufacturing collection bags or - even better - if they could come and collect the mountain of unused bags I have and recycle them. If anyone knows how to stop these bags being posted - or at least so many bags being posted - I’d love to know.

Andy Joyce Forest Gate, Anstey

Money Coming back? Charnwood Borough Council, have received a further payment from the Icelandic bank and another is expected shortly. The total repayment of the £1million is now at £471.000. We shall also be bidding for a grant of up to £10 million from the government. If successful this will go to help bring the remaining Council owned dwellings within the borough up to a “Decent Homes” standard.

Lottery? No I’ve not won anything but I can report that the outlet at the newsagents on Link Road has now been re established after a major breakdown. Proprietor Jay would love to see her valued customers back, and apologises for the disruption caused.

Grants I was pleased to support through Anstey Parish Council, grants to village organisations: Anstey Stadon Angling Club and the Scouts Hut. Many thanks must also go to the Edith Murphy Foundation for their stunning award to the Anstey Town Charity.

And Finally … The Public Toilets. Although this has no doubt, been mentioned elsewhere in the “Clarion”, Anstey Parish Council will

I’ve been looking for a girl like you - not you, but a girl like you.

Spring Courses available at Local Venues

Your first steps to a new life in the New Year 2011 Course Description

Location Description

Start Date

End Date



First Aid for Parents and Carers






First Aid - Emergency First Aid at Work






Family History - Workshop

Glenfield Library





Astronomy - Find Your Way Around the Night Sky






Computer Workshop (ITQ) - ECDL/CLAiT

Glenfield Park House





First Steps In Computing

Glenfield Park House





Computer Workshop (ITQ) - ECDL/CLAiT - Using Microsoft Office 2007






CLAiT Certificate - Tutor Led (ITQ) - Using Microsoft Office 2007

Newbold Verdon Library





Digital Animation Using Flash - Level 2






Computer Confidence - Improve Your Skills






Cooking - Winter Cookery






Sugarcraft and Cake Decorating






Pilates Based Body Conditioning - Mixed Ability






Tai Chi - Beginners

Kirby Muxloe Village Hall





Pilates Based Body Conditioning - Mixed Ability

Groby Village Hall





Pilates Based Body Conditioning - Mixed Ability






Tai Chi - Beginners






Watercolour Painting - Beginners Level

Kirby Muxloe Village Hall





Watercolour Painting - Mixed Level

Kirby Muxloe Village Hall





Pottery - Mixed Level






Guitar - Improvers Level






Guitar - Mixed Level






Glass One Day Workshop - Kiln Fused

Groby Village Hall





Jewellery Making - with Wire and Beads - Beginners Level

Groby Village Hall





Spanish Beginners - Part 2






Italian Beginners - Part 2






French Beginners - Part 2






British Sign Language - Start to Sign






Spanish Language Toolkit for Holidays






English for Life

Newbold Verdon Library





Improve your prospects Update your Maths and English with a Qualification FREE Maths and English

New project – Skills 4 Jobs Who is it for? • People who live in the County • Aged 19+ • Not in paid employment • Individuals under threat of redundancy

TEL 0800 988 0308

To enrol or further further details please telephone the Adult Learning Department at Groby Community College on 0116 2874725 or Freephone 0800 988 0308 Or visit our website at:

She has her husband eating out of the palm of her hand - it saves on the washing up.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069


Advert Rates

The Clarion’s one-man think tank applies his own brand of logic to those nagging little problems …

Catching crooks before they commit crimes Whenever television programmes show crimes in progress, you can always tell who the crooks are by the fuzzy mosaic pattern over their faces. Why don’t the Police tour our cities and video everyone to see whose face goes fuzzy? Then they could arrest the criminals before they commit any crimes, in the style of the film Minority Report.

Solving drought problems It’s ridiculous that Britain, a small island surrounded by water, should ever experience a water shortage. We all know that making sea water drinkable is a very expensive process, but cleaning up river water is cheap. So all we need to do is build dams across the major estuaries to stop the fresh water from the rivers getting mixed up with the sea water. This will create a series of ready-made reservoirs at a fraction of the cost of building new ones on valuable farmland.

Travelling in space faster than light We all know how powerful gravity is, so why not use it to help us speed through the Universe? All that is requires is some way of concentrating the gravitational force of a large object, like Jupiter or the Sun, and then focus the force onto a small object like our space ship. Then - whoosh! It is similar to the principle of hydraulics. As soon as we reached the desired speed, we would switch off the gravity power and coast along, through the void, using on-board rockets for fine manoeuvering.

Have YOU got the same sort of brain as Boris? Share your wisdom with other readers by writing to: BRAINWAVES, Anstey, Cropston & Thurcaston Clarion, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT or email your clever ideas to

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Twelfth Page

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Eighth Page



Quarter Page



Half Page

£120.00 £80.00

Full Page (A4)

£190.00 £140.00

Call 01530 244069

or email: All Prices INCLUDE VAT at 20%

Tax freeze for residents as Charnwood Borough Council tackles tough cuts CHARNWOOD Borough Council will seek to freeze council tax rates next year - despite massive Government grant cuts. The council’s formula grant, the amount it receives from the Government each year, has been cut by £1.5 million (13.8%) for 2011/12. That will be followed by a £1.07 million cut (11%) in 2012/13. Despite the cuts, announced on December 13, taxpayers will benefit from a zero increase in Council Tax next year which will be funded by the government. This would see Charnwood’s share of band D bills remain at £102.62 – among the lowest for an English district council. Although the grant cut is larger than anticipated, the council aims

to manage the shortfall by making £1.5 million of on-going savings and by using £700,000 of reserves. £823,000 of savings will be from salaries and staff costs with senior management already reduced from eight to three directors. Total on-going savings of over £1.5 million are proposed, helping to reduce borough expenditure for 2011/12 to £17.7 million from £19.9 million in 2010/11. Councillor Mike Preston, Charnwood Borough Council’s leader, said: “The recession has affected everyone and the council is no exception which is why we have to review our services and the way we deliver them and help towards the budget cuts required across the country. “We recognise times are

difficult which is why we are committed to taking advantage of the government’s offer to fund Charnwood for the equivalent of a 2.5% Council tax rise and at the same time saving money while trying to reduce the impact on services. “In 2011-12 we aim to save £1.5 million which will have a limited impact on services but will result in some redundancies, both voluntary and compulsory. “We will still need to save at least a further £1 million in the three years from 2012-13 onwards and we aim to review what the council does and how it delivers its services in order that we can provide the borough with good services that are both affordable and sustainable financially”.

Thurcaston and Cropston Gardening Club News Thurcaston & Cropston Gardening Club got off to a flying start at their first meeting of 2011 with 33 members attending the AGM and listening to a talk on “The Native trees of Charnwood”. The AGM, swiftly executed by Paul Day the current Chair, reminded the members of the successful year just completed, with visits to Highgrove and a garden in Gadsby, and a range of exciting and interesting speakers . The Club celebrated their September Garden Show, which boasted a record number of entries. The clubs looks forward to this year’s Show on 3rd September 2011, as well as a number of evening talks and garden visits. Mark Graham, Charnwood Council’s Wildlife Officer, the first speaker of the year had an attentive audience. He explained how ‘native’ trees are considered to be the trees

growing in Britain at a time before the last Ice Age when Britain was still connected to Europe by a land bridge. This gives Britain a small number of native trees, around 30, unlike New Zealand where there are over 200. Hazel, Oak, Silver Birch, Beech, Willow, Alder, Elm, Yew, Ash and Larch are some of the most well known of our native trees, each one having a preference for a particular habitat. Native trees are particularly important in supporting other wildlife. Charnwood is host to many oak trees, probable the most important of all our native trees, which support up to 500 other plant and insect species, their life cycles timed to perfection to make the most of the trees. Look out for the caterpillars that appear every May to feast on new leaves. Several serious diseases are threatening oak trees, with Acute Oak death a current concern. Gardening Club members engaged their speaker in a lively discussion at the end of the talk.

Every time I’m wrong, the world makes a little less sense.

Why not join this friendly and welcoming group. The next few meetings are:• Wednesday 9th February: ‘Seasonable Plants’ by Helen Osbourne • Wednesday 9th March ‘The History of Rock Gardening’ by Vic Aspland Visitors are most welcome, as are new members – whether as an experienced gardener or a beginner. The Thurcaston and Cropston Gardening Club meets on the second Wednesday of the month, 7.45 pm at the Thurcaston Memorial Hall Contact Dave Haddon on 0116 235 9758 for more details.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069

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My only hobby is laziness, which naturally rules out all the others.


ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069

Bradgate U3A (University of the Third Age)

Comforts and Convenience in a Country House W

e have all seen the recent television programmes “Downton Abbey” and “Upstairs, Downstairs” in which the country’s aristocratic families lived life to the full amid the opulence provided by great wealth and the armies of servants that it took to run the large establishments located throughout the country.

Our recent speaker, Professor Marilyn Palmer, gave us an insight into how comforts, lacking in earlier large houses, where introduced into the country establishments of late Victorian and Edwardian society. With the introduction of sanitation in the towns, the “nouveau-riche” occupants of larger country houses wanted to see the same level of sophistication in their establishment and not rely on the servants having to empty chamber pots every morning. never have been done before. The services of an electrical engineer where not available, you just had to work it all out from basic principals (or find someone who could) right from the generation of power, the means of conveying it to its place of need and how to control its end use. No wonder fires where not uncommon, sometimes a fire resulted in the total loss of a house such as Lanhydrock in Cornwall or, if you were very lucky, the fire (Dunnham Massey still has the was small and your house survived! largest collection of chamber pots We were shown pictures of a retort in the country.) It was the same house, where gas was generated, with the provision of town gas disguised as a stable block, told and a little later, that wonderful how the water from the emperor invention “electricity” for the fountain at Chatsworth House ran lighting of the house. Now whilst a turbine generating electricity most of the established land owning between 1893 and 1988 and how families where quite happy with the at Loughton Hall a horse walking old ways (Fellbrigg Hall in Norfolk within a large wheel, pumped did not have central heating until water from the well to the storage 1964), the new entrepreneurial tanks situated in the roof of the industrialists, bankers etc who used house. Other buildings designed their country houses for weekend as follies hid such things as water parties etc, sought ways to bring pumps, hydraulic rams and water all these new idea’s to their new wheel generators. houses. At Osmaston Manor, a hydraulic Marilyn showed us pictures of how lift was installed in 1846 from this was achieved in many houses. the basement to the first floor to Some quite unique ways were facilitate the transfer of guests adopted as it has to be realised that the introduction of a service such luggage to their rooms. Such as electricity into a large house may devices contributed to the total

Forthcoming Police Surgeries at Jubilee Hall The local police are running POLICE SURGERIES at Jubilee Hall on the following dates in 2011. All residents are welcome to these surgeries. Times Are 7-30pm To 8-30pm • Thursday 17th February • Thursday 17th March • Thursday 28th April

Free cheese and wine evening

separation of the occupants of the house and the staff within the house. While wanting all the comforts the country offered, owners and guests did not want to be aware of servants and it is said that in one house, should the owner ever see a maid or footman, that person would be instantly dismissed. Now as the house could not be run without such staff, Marilyn suggested that there must have been some way of re-employing the dismissed staff member by the housekeeper. After learning about all the hidden secrets that make up a country house, on your next visit to a National Trust owned building or a country house converted to an hotel, you should look into all the hidden places to see if you can spot any of the ingenious inventions that were installed to make the houses work in the days when they where at their most opulent. Our next meeting will be held at the Jubilee Hall, Stadon Road, Anstey on 2nd February starting at 2.30pm when we will have Steven Brooks of Glenfield Travel who will be telling us all about “The Funny Side of Travel”

Anstey Neighbourhood Watch would like to invite the residents of Bradgate Road and Cropston Road, to a free Cheese & Wine evening on February 16th at the Anstey and District Funeral Services starting at 7pm. NHW have been instrumental in several recent arrests being made, and with crime figures dropping. If anyone is interested in becoming a NHW Co-ordinator or would like more information about setting up a scheme, please come along. This is your chance to meet the local police and existing Co-ordinators for a social evening. NHW helps cut down crime and helps create a community spirit. Please let me know if you are interested in attending this event, either via phone or e-mail. My details are: Phone no 0116 2365745 or e-mail dianetillotson@


Brian Rowlinson

I’ve had all the electric leads in my house shortened to save on electricity.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069

The Coach & Horses The Nook, ANSTEY Tel: 0116 236 5816 FREE Entertainment Sat 5 Feb: SOUL/MOTOWN (with Mickey Harding - 8.30pm) Sat 12 Feb: WARLOCK 8.30pm (1950’s Rock ‘n’ Roll) EVERY Tues: KARAOKE 9pm (Plus ‘Play Your Cards Right’ –With Cash Prizes) EVERY Thurs: QUIZ - 9.30pm (Music & General/Free Entry – Win Cash Prizes & a Raffle with A Gallon of Beer as Prize!) No Sunday FOLK at the moment Stadon Sports & Social Club 62a Bradgate Road, ANSTEY Tel: 0116 236 4542 New Members Welcome. Sat 29 Jan: SAM BAILEY (Top Female Clubland Vocalist) BINGO/Every Tues/9pm Start. QUIZ 9pm Alternate Thurs: Feb 3,17, Mar 3 & 17 (With Free Supper) The Old Hare & Hounds Bradgate Road, Anstey FREE Entertainment Every Thurs: QUIZ – 9pm (£20 Drinks Voucher for Winning Team) Every Fri: KARAOKE – 9pm The Crown INN Bradgate Road, ANSTEY T: 0116 235 0505 FREE SAT Entertainment 9pm Sat 29 Jan: SPLINTER Duo Sat 12 Feb: THE KICKS (Acoustic Duo) Sat 26 Feb: Live Music TBA ’YUMMY MUMMIES’ – Every Thurs 10am – 12 noon & Breast Feeding Support – Every Mon 10am – 12 noon (Mother’s Groups Both Free) QUIZ NIGHT Starting Every Sunday from 20th Feb – 8pm £2 per person Entry/Cash Prizes The Wheatsheaf Leicester Road, Thurcaston. T: 0116 236 2972 QUIZ NIGHTS Monday 7th Feb & Mon 21st Feb £1 Entry – Drinks Voucher for Winning Team & 2nd Prize - Free Cheese Board -8pm Start

Groby Ex-Servicemen’s Club Leicester Road, GROBY Tel: 0116 287 1809 NOTICE TO MEMBERS New Members Welcome Fri 4 Feb: BOB JAMES Sat 5 Feb: FULLY LOADED Sun 6 Feb: Super Sunday ‘50’ Fri 11 Feb: LEE WAINWRIGHT Sat 12 Feb: SHAUN EB Sun 13 Feb: Super Sunday ‘50’ BIG SCREEN SKY SPORTS The Field Head Hotel Markfield Lane, Markfield Tel: 01530 245454 Various Tributes Fortnightly £2 Entry after 7pm. Fri 28 Jan: ABBA Quiz Nite: Every 2nd Tues WEDDING FAYRE on Sun 20th Feb 11-4pm The Stamford Arms Leicester Road, Groby Tel: 0116 287 5616. Sun 6 Feb: ACEMEN 3-6 Sat 12 Feb: STONEPARK (Valentine Special) Sun 13 Feb: WELLAND VALLEY STOMPERS 3-6 KARAOKE ~ Every Wed OPEN MIC ~Every Thurs The Nag’s Head Station Road, Glenfield T: 0116 287 2794 Every THURS 9pm – QUIZ (General Knowledge) Free to Enter. Win Beer. SKY SPORTS Bagworth WMC Station Road, Bagworth T: 01530 230 205 Fri 4 Feb: DANCE – 8pm £2.50 (All profits to ‘Help for Heroes’)

Green Light Festival Green light is a one-day festival to celebrate and showcase sustainable living in Leicester. The festival will take place on Saturday 12th February at the Queen’s Building, Mill Lane, De Monfort University, Leicester LE2 7DR and will run from 10am – 5pm.

Does that screwdriver really belong to Philip?



ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069

New Breastfeeding Cafe in Anstey A weekly breastfeeding cafe is running every Monday from 10th January at The Crown Inn, Bradgate Road, Anstey on Mondays at 10-11.30am.

Breastfeeding cafes provide somewhere for mums to go with their babies to have questions answered about breastfeeding, to receive support in the early months of motherhood and to make friends with other ladies in the same situation. The Anstey group will be run by Jacqui Francis-Ford, a Family Outreach Worker, and supported by members of the Charnwood BRAS (Breastfeeding Reassurance And Support) Group. The cafe is open to anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding. Jacqui says “Please come along with your baby, meet other mums, enjoy a cup of tea and have any questions answered that you may have.” The Charnwood BRAS volunteers are a group of thirty women from Charnwood who have completed the La Leche League Breastfeeding Peer Counsellor Programme so are trained to provide support to mums who are breastfeeding and give information to pregnant ladies about feeding their babies. For more information about the Anstey Breastfeeding Cafe please telephone Jacqui Francis-Ford on 07825 060522 or visit the website at

Speedway returns to Leicester! Speedway is returning to Leicester after an absence of almost twenty-eight years. A new stadium is being built on Beaumont Park in Beaumont Leys and is near to completion in readiness for the start of the season which begins in April and ends in late October. The stadium will have seating for over four hundred spectators and on the opposite side of the track a covered stand will run the length of the back straight. The team will be known as the Leicester Lions and they will race their home fixtures on Saturday evenings. The Lions have entered the British Premier League which consists of fourteen clubs with tracks as far away as Plymouth, Glasgow and Edinburgh. The sport was one of the top spectator attractions in the city until the closure and demolition of the Blackbird Road stadium in the early eighties. Since then the Lions have been homeless, but now speedway will once again be part and parcel of Leicestershire’s sporting calendar. The team consists of seven riders and has taken on a cosmopolitan feel about it with riders from Great Britain, Australia, Denmark and Russia making up the side. Sergey Darkin, who has twice been crowned the individual champion of Russia, was the first to agree terms to join Leicester. He flew into Heathrow airport to sign his contract at a Supporters’ Club Christmas Party and received a warm welcome from fans.

Alan Jones

Leicester Speedway Ltd Press Officer

Loads of Spring College Courses Groby Community College - in conjunction with other local venues - is offering a selection of stimulating college courses.

Among the courses on offer are: Astronomy, Winter Cookery, First Steps in Computing, Cake Decorating, Tai Chi, Watercolour Painting, Pottery, Guitar Playing, Jewellery Making, Digital Animation Using Flash, and several language courses. Courses start in late January/early February so now is the time to think about enrolling. The full list of courses is on page 7.

I have bad reflexes. I was once run over by a car with a flat tyre being pushed by two old men.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069


Castle Hill Park Mystery Solved Mysterious orangey-red and white plaques have been appearing on tree stumps, gates and benches in Castle Hill Park recently and it’s all because the Park is gaining a POC. ”What’s a POC” I hear you say; it’s a Permanent Orienteering Course . Leicester City Council and Leicestershire Orienteering Club have got together to promote this fun sport for all the family. Orienteering involves using a large scale map to find controls (those orangey/red and white markers). Courses are planned of different lengths and levels of difficulty so youngsters in pushchairs or girls & boys from ten years to seventy years can always find a suitable course. Orienteering is also known as “cunning running” because the fastest runners can be beaten by a person who is better at map reading. The.orienteering club is organising some Saturday morning sessions for beginners to have a go. Time: 11.00am to12noon • Sat 5th March Castle Hill meet outside Heatherbrook School, Astill Lodge Rd LE4 1BE • Sat 12th March Castle Hill meet outside Beaumont Lodge Sch, Astill Lodge Rd LE4 1DT • Sat 19th March Castle Hill meet outside Gorse Hill, Anstey LE7 7GR Cost: Adults £3. children £1 or bargain family price only £3 includes Explorer Award badge & certificate Further information from Roger Edwards tel 0116 2127547 e-mail or

Family history query

I am researching my family history and have found that my maternal and paternal grandparents were born in Anstey with large families. My Great Grandfather - George Worth 1853 was born in Anstey and he married a Maria Catherine Rigden from Kent when he was in the Army, which he enlisted underage as Sheppard. He later changed this back to Worth and his children had a double barrelled name. They had 9 children - Bertha Ann - Harriett Matida - Arthur - George - Lily - Sarah - William Isaac (my Grandfather) and Henry and Phyllis. My Grandmother was born in Anstey - Dinah Matilda Ball - and her siblings were : Mary A - Emma - Nellie - James H - Albert - Philip - John William - Hannah - Beatrice. Her Father was James Ball who was born in Laxfield Suffolk and her Mother was Priscilla Black born in Anstey. I was wondering if I could advertise through your newspaper if there are any relatives who still live locally who I could contact and find out more and add to my family tree. I am especially keen to get any photos or information about any of them. My postal address is; 10. Laxton Close Birstall Leicester LE4 4FT and my telephone number is 0116 221 4875.

For Holistic Talks and Events: Visit: For Holistic UK Hotel Hosted Weekends: Visit:



As part of our aftercare service, we now offer a monthly Bereavement Aftercare & Support Group, which has been set up to provide a FREE support service, not just to our clients, but to ANY bereaved person, irrespective of their age, creed, religion and length of bereavement. The group meets on the 3rd Saturday of every month in the catering suite at Anstey & District Funeral Services between 10am and 12noon.

Next dates: Sat 19th February & Sat 19th March ARRAN BRUDENELL, Tel: 0116 234 0548

My sister’s expecting a baby, and I don’t know if I’m going to be an uncle or an aunt.


ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069

Reporting Hate – Charnwood LETTER Project Brings Help To Victims The Hate Incident Action Project is calling upon Charnwood residents to report all future hate incidents so that local authorities and agencies have a clearer picture of the nature and scale of the problem in the Borough and so that victims can receive the help and support so often needed but not always readily available. The Project, which is run by Human Rights & Equalities Charnwood, works closely with organisations such as the police and local councils, and is already providing support to people who have been targeted because of their difference or because of their belonging to, or association with, a minority group or community. Tony Kelly, Hate Incident and Support Officer explains: “Historically, hate crime has been seen mainly as an issue of race or ethnicity, for example through racist incidents. However this is a very narrow view, as hate crime can also be motivated by a person’s hatred or prejudice in regard to age, disability, gender or gender identity, sexuality, and religion or belief. We know also that there is massive under- reporting of hate crime. There is perhaps also a perception that hate incidents are mainly restricted to towns and cities. Our experience however shows that incidents are just as likely to occur in villages or more rural areas, and that the effects on victims can be even more devastating due to isolation and a lack of support. Through the Hate Incident Action Project we want to encourage more people to report hate incidents whenever and wherever they occur so that we can get a much better picture of what is happening in Charnwood. By doing so we can help to ensure that various resources across Charnwood are better targeted, and that victims and their families receive the best possible level of support”.

Several agencies have already joined forces with the project and are adapting the way in which they deal with hate incidents, through procedural changes and staff awareness. In doing so, those agencies have also become alternative reporting centres for hate incidents, providing an additional or alternative method of reporting should the victim or witness not wish to report an incident to the police. Anyone can report a hate incident, whether victim, witness or third party. For example, a shop customer may witness racial abuse being directed towards a shopkeeper, or it could be that a group of youths is seen by a passer-by to ridicule someone with a disability. Quite often the victims in these types of case do not have sufficient confidence or knowledge to report them, and so they continue to suffer. However, if the witness or in fact any third party reports the incident enquiries can be made by Project staff that can lead to positive action on behalf of the victim. If the report is for information purposes only, then at least the Project is aware and can look at alternative measures. Incidents can be reported in a variety of ways, either in person at a reporting centre, or by phone, or on-line. For further details please contact the Hate Incident Action Project on 01509 261651, or to report on- line visit www. Cllr David Snartt, Chairman of the Charnwood Community Safety Partnership said “I am pleased to say that Charnwood Borough Council and the Community Safety Partnership offer full support to Human Rights and Equalities Charnwood in delivering this important project. I understand that it is only through partnership working that we can make a difference to victims of hate incident. We can really begin to provide the level of support to victims of abuse in a meaningful way. I want to congratulate all at HREC who have worked so hard to secure this funding.”

LETTER Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2010 I would like to thank the people of Anstey, Glenfield and Beaumont Leys for their contributions to the Poppy Appeal. Together we raised raised £16,361.41. A big well done especially to all our collectors, the shops and businesses who volunteered to have a collection box, the schools who support the appeal and most gratefully again to the Edith Murray Foundation for their generous contribution. For anyone interested the Branch meets in the Stadon Club, Bradgate Road, Anstey on the second Wednesday alternate months at 7pm. The next meeting is 9th March. Thank you all once again

Mandy Jordan Poppy Appeal Organiser Anstey District

Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life.

On January 6th, 7th and 8th, the Hilton Hotel, Birmingham was taken over by the Elvis Presley Fan Club which was holding a competition for the best tribute artiste of 2011. There were 80 entrants and only 22 got through to the finals. DANNY FISHER (John Tanner) a local boy from Anstey was one of the finalists. The judge said he had an outstanding voice, was the closest to Elvis, and scored him 9/10 which was good for his first attempt. John, is the son of Stephanie Tanner (Webb) and the late John Tanner, who was the under-steward of the Old Anstey Club. Danny Fisher’s grandfather was Mr Charles Powell who also liked entertaining at the Club on the ‘free and easy’ nights. If any club or pub in Anstey would like to book Danny, contact him on 01455 273364.

Stephanie Webb

Message from Anstey Gala Committee Anstey Gala Committee would like to thank all those who supported us last year. It is now time to start planning this year’s Summer Gala and we would also like to take this opportunity to invite you to become a new member of the committee. We currently meet on the 1st Monday of the month at 8pm, in Anstey Jubilee Hall. Please feel free to come along or email for more information.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069


Anstey Neighbourhood Watch Update I would like to wish you all a very happy New Year. Special thanks to everyone at the Anstey & District Funeral Services for all their help and support during 2010. Making us feel very welcome, and for looking after us all during our meetings. I would also like to say thanks to all the old and new co-ordinators for all their help and support during 2010. Special thanks to Don Crighton, and John & Coral Dowling for all their help and support with the Summer and Christmas Gala’s. We have had a few new NHW Co-ordinators during the last year, and who’s members have already helped in the arrest of two people. Remember, belonging to a NHW scheme helps to cut down crime, and helps build a closer community. (It also helps to reduce the cost of your house insurance). I am hoping the coming year will be as successful as last year, with even more schemes set up. We have someone who is interested in setting up a scheme for Latimer Street, so if you live in this street, please help and support her by joining the scheme. I was very disappointed in not hearing from anyone in Princes Close, who is willing to take over from John and Fay. All you need is a computer. If we don’t find anyone to take over, I am sorry to say, you will not be intituled to a 10% reduction on your house insurance renewals. (Depending on your Insurer). You will no longer be in a NHW scheme. We had a very successful Community Speed Watch in early November, with over 300 motorist’s caught doing over 35 mph, through the village. This will be repeated again during the coming year. A very big thank you to everyone involved, especially Dave Ford, for organising everyone on Bradgate Road, and to David Farmer for doing the same on Cropston Road. If anyone else would like to volunteer for this year please get in touch. I will be letting everyone know which weeks we will be covering, as soon as I have confirmation from the Safety Team. We also have two more No Cold Calling Zones, Caters Close and Fairhaven Road. In February we are holding a Cheese & Wine evening (see page 10), with local police and existing Co-ordinators present. So if you would like to find out more about joining or setting up a NHW scheme, in a relaxed and friendly environment, just get in touch with me, and come along to the evening. My contact details are: Phone no 0116 2365745, or e-mail


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Phone: 0116 262 3202

Fax: 0116 261 9186 My mate is in love with two school bags. He’s bi-satchel.


ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069

Anstey Town Grant Deadline

What is the Big Society? A great deal was made at the time of the last General Election and during the intervening months about what the Prime Minister called the Big Society. I find that many people are not quite sure what this actually means. To me it implies that people are to be encouraged to take part in community activities, charities and other voluntary organisations. I may be wrong but that is how I see it. As secretary of the Anstey Town Charity I am very much aware that there are a huge number of people in our community who give their time and energy freely to run and help in a variety of ways. Be it the village gala, parish council, youth groups, neighbourhood watch and sports teams to name a few and dare I say it the Town Charity.

Self Help at Martin Court I recently visited Martin Court where they hold a daily coffee morning for the residents for a small fee and on Wednesdays none residents can also join them between 10 and 11 am in their communal lounge. I spoke to two of the residents Mrs Connie Flaherty and Mr Bob Cadman, who play a very active part in helping to organise social and fund raising events for the benefit of their fellow residents. They also hold a Bingo evening on Tuesday evenings from 7:30pm to which none residents are also welcome and a film show once a month. Connie told me that the income from their coffee mornings and bingo evenings helps to pay for outings by hiring transport to nearby villages when they are able to enjoy a lunch and socialise. It also helps the committee to put on a Christmas lunch and entertainment. Bob explained that the District Council is sometimes able to help them pay for items through what is called the ‘wish list’ or the’ tenants bid’ but with the cutbacks affecting local authorities the residents have had to become an effective self help group. They are not too proud to accept help from friends and relations either, for example when a generous relative helped them replace their TV which had been stolen. This outrageous crime prompted them to step up their security and join the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. Recently, the Anstey Town Charity helped them with a grant towards buying a storage shed

Can we help? So, is this an example of what the Big Society is all about? The Anstey Town Charity is in existence to do just that! The trustees particularly like to help those who make an effort to help themselves and others in our village. The grants are not enormous, but every little helps!

The closing date for a grant is the 31st of January 2011. If you have not already applied and would like further information on how to apply for a grant please give Ken Schofield a call on 220 7552.

Big Changes At Anstey & Glenfield Cricket Club At Anstey and Glenfield Cricket Club’s AGM held at the end of November 2010, a return to The Crown Inn as our Headquarters was decided upon, and a number of changes to personnel at the Senior League Club were made due to the retirement from the club’s committee of Richard and Amanda French. The decision to move from the Hare & Hounds to the Crown was made by members after a proposal by Mark Stafford. With the change of H/Q the proprietor Ms Heather Taylor was put forward and elected as President of the club for 2011. Heather will be our first Lady President since the legendary Dorothy Partridge back in the 1970’s. Local Councillor John Sutherington remains as Club Chairman for another year. However we now have a new Secretary Peter Timms, from Anstey, a new Treasurer Mrs. Nikki Storer from Groby Road, Leicester, and Martin Oliver from Anstey will be our new Groundsman. All will be taking over these 3 key roles at the club during 2011. There will be some teething problems I’m sure with all these changes but nothing insurmountable as some of the experienced “old” guard such as Colin Bennett, Simon Abbott, Mark Stafford, Derek Jordan and Steve Allen are remaining on the Club’s strong Committee. On the playing side for Saturday league sides Iain Marjoram will be 1st. XI Captain, while Charlie Wilkes remains in charge of the 2nd. XI for a third year. Sunday man at the helm and fixture secretary will be Mark Stafford, while 18 year old Kirby Spencer will be taking over the Thursday evening league side for the first time. Last year’s Captain Mark Nelson (Mr. Leicester 2002) has gone to live in America. Kirby is a product of our youth section, and is relishing the prospect of captaining a senior side; Paul Edwards (now 22) has agreed to act as his mentor. We have entered 3 sides in the junior cricket leagues at Under 11, 13 and 15s. We are a little short on juniors at the time of writing so if you have a young lad or girl with an interest (we HAVE just won the Ashes?) please get in touch with Youth co-ordinator Colin Bennett 0116 2363939 or myself 0116 2204643. Indoor nets for ALL start at Mountsorrel Soar Valley Centre on Sunday 6th February. Four lanes have been booked from 6pm to 7pm. Qualified coaches will be at hand to help and advise. Pads, gloves and bats are available to borrow for juniors, thanks to 2 kit bags supplied by the ECB. N.B. It is £1 per person per session. The future is looking bright after a difficult 2010. If all goes to plan there will be more good things to report next month! A major signing perhaps….

John J. Sutherington Chairman

I accidentally left my electric toothbrush all night. I’ve never seen the bathroom look so clean.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069

Anstey WI

Anstey Rugger

Anstey WI were to have hosted the Bradgate Group Carol Service at Anstey Methodist Church on 3rd December, but it had to be cancelled because of the extreme wintry weather. At their December monthly meeting they were entertained by magician Joy Henderson, who baffled them with card tricks, illusions, predictions, and thought transference. The latter involved president Jackie Dawson, wearing deeley boppers and holding a rotary whisk to her forehead – a memorable sight! Joy showed a real talent for gently coercing her audience into assisting with her tricks. Beryl Boyes shot balloons using a banana. Joy even put a sword through the neck of secretary Sheila Timms. “Blood” trickled to the floor, but no harm was done. It was all great fun. The evening ended with a delicious bring and share supper, and a festive tipple.

January Meeting Dr Audrey Matthews fascinated members of Anstey WI with her account of the Science of Underwear. A principal lecturer at De Montfort University, she has the gift of using clear, simple language to explain complex technology. She outlined the trends over the last 200 years, for things to become smaller, and for natural fabrics to be supplanted by synthetics, or improved by the addition of synthetic fibres. This applies to sportswear as well as underwear. Dr Matthews brought with her a big bag of samples in which she rummaged from time to time, and many were passed round to be examined by members. Her stated mission is to make science fun, and she is undoubtedly successful in this.

Sheila Timms

No wins, no losses, no games at all in December Way back on 20th November we sent a team to play an in form Aylestone Athletic. A strong performance from the Anstey team saw us come away with a 36-24 win. With four games left we were well set up to finish 2010 in style. • 27th November away at Ashby-de-la-Zouch – called off due to frozen pitch. • 4th December away for league game at South Leicester – called off due to snow. • 11th December we were due a home league game – oddly Syston called off as they couldn’t raise a 3rd team. Very odd from such a large club! • 18th December quarter final in the County Shield competition at Aylestonians – called off due to snow and ice! • The next two weekends were Christmas and New Year, so the next game was 8th January. We travelled to South Leicester to play the League game called off in December. South’s team were big, mean and looked the business from the off. For the first five minutes they had our team all over the place, however Anstey’s line held and South’s endeavors only gave them points from a long range penalty making it 3-0. A further penalty left us 6-0 down at half time. Due to injuries, the second half saw Anstey use our two replacements, Ian Pollock and Rhyss Williams after Jazz Martin and Dave Bucknor came off. One more penalty for the home side, made the final score 9-0 to South Leicester. Despite this being our first loss in the league this season, it was a great game played in good spirit and in good conditions. League matches coming up in against Coalville Social and Cosby, plus catch games with Syston and Aylestonians. Calling everyone who has had anything to do with Anstey RFC from the 1980s,1990s or 2000s - Players and Coaches, Senior and Mini/Junior. Join us on Saturday 14th May for our 30th Annual Dinner Dance and Presentation night. This year we have booked the Lingdale Golf Club on Joe Moores Lane, towards Woodhouse Eaves for a fantastic night of celebrations. To reserve your tickets go to

Chris Apperley Chairman Anstey RFC

Visit for more information

Swimming Sessions at Birstall Longslade Birstall Longslade Swimming Pool has early morning swim sessions Monday / Tuesday and Friday at 7-9am Cost for Adults £2.90 • Over 60s £1.70. Also Sunday morning Adult swim 8- 9.30am. There are also other swimming sessions available. Telephone 0116 267 3461 Website

I’d like to see things your way, but I’m looking in another direction.



ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069


Subscriber Login Old Thatched Inn : Stanton-u-Bardon Passcode/New Users Valentine Menu ~ 3 courses £19.95 Help

Months Wordsearch

First Date..... STORE Roast Tomato and Red Pepper Soup smooth & velvety with a hint of chilli wicked!

Menage a Trois

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Name: ................................................................................................................

 AOUT Address: AVRIL............................................................................................................. DECEMBRE FEVRIER ............................................................................Postcode: ............................. JANVIER IfJUILLET you can find 12 FRENCH NAMES FOR THE MONTHS OF THE YEAR in the Wordsearch grid above, you could win JUIN a MAI £20 Dining Voucher to spend at The Old Thatched Inn, Main MARSStreet, Stanton-under-Bardon. (See advert above right) All you have to do to go into the prize draw is find - and mark a line NOVEMBRE through - the months of the year in French. These can run vertically, OCTOBREor diagonally (and backwards!). horizontally SEPTEMBRE Send your marked entry forms to: PARLEZ VOUS FRANCAIS, Anstey Clarion, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT to arrive by Wednesday 9th February 2011. Please remember to fill in your name and address. The  sender of the first correct entry drawn out of the hat will win the £20 Dining Voucher to spend at The Old Thatched Inn. Good luck! 


Last issue’s TWO winners The winner of the Red Lion Voucher was: ANNE BEALE of Martin Court, Anstey. The Little Acorns Voucher was won by LEE MYRING of Bradgate Road, Anstey. Congratulations! Your vouchers will be with you within 21 days.

three sweet melon pieces on a bed of port & redcurrant sauce, topped with Passion Fruit Sorbet

Saturday 12th February

Entwined with Love prawn & smoked salmon cocktail served on a bed of salad

In Love.....

Limited spaces Book early!

Parfum d’Amore delicate Seabass fillet set on a braised fennel heart with a light dill sauce

01530 242460

Quackers About You roast breast of duckling in an orange & ginger sauce

No! But I Love You prime sirloin steak, cooked as you like served with garlic & onion sauce

Enveloped By Passion Mushrooms, leeks & cherry tomatoes in a smokey paprika sauce with a hint of brandy All served with a selection of vegetables minted new potatoes or Parmentier potatoes

Happy Ever After.... Pav-Luva light nests of meringue filled with cream, strawberries & vanilla, set on a strawberry sauce

Trifled By Love chocolate & cherry trifle topped with whipped cream

Manacled 2gether 4 Life deep apple pie with creamy custard for 2 to share

Council powers up battery collections A NEW pilot scheme has been launched by Charnwood Borough Council to collect batteries for recycling. Special collection bags have been distributed to 16,500 properties throughout the Borough so residents can recycle used and unwanted batteries. The trial has been running since January 4 as part of a bid to divert batteries away from landfill and reduce the risk of hazardous materials leaking into the environment. From one collection so far, 300kgs of batteries were collected for recycling – the equivalent of more than 12,400 AA batteries. Councillor Hilary Fryer, Charnwood Borough Council’s cabinet member for the environment, said: “Batteries contain hazardous materials which we want to divert away from landfill while being able to recycle them. “If this trial proves successful, we hope to be able to provide this service to every single household in the Borough later this year. “The council is always looking at ways to build on our already successful and effective recycling and waste collection service to protect the environment, increase recycling and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill.” Residents in the trial area can place used batteries in the special battery bag, seal it and leave it for collection next to the green recycling box on the usual recycling collection day. A replacement bag is left for the next collection. All types of household batteries are eligible for collection ranging from AAA cells to mobile phone batteries and button cells used in hearing aids and watches. Alternatives for residents who aren’t included in the trial area are available at Leicestershire County Council’s Recycling and Household Waste Sites in Loughborough, Shepshed and Mountsorrel.

I laugh in the face of danger, except if I’m involved.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 25 • Late-JANUARY 2011 • Tel: 01530 244069

Boot Camp ready to put people through their paces AN URBAN Boot Camp is opening in Anstey to help knock residents into shape for 2011.

The 10-week course, organised by Charnwood Borough Council’s Active Together team, will run on the field outside Jubilee Hall in Anstey. It provides a unique outdoor training facility that employs a range of military, functional, sports specific and dynamic methods to ensure a fulfilling workout that also gains results. The sessions, which are conducted by fully qualified staff, will be running on Saturday mornings from 9.30-10.30am until 12th March. Participant Dominic Salvia has been attending a course in Loughborough twice a week since the summer and says it has helped boost his fitness beyond his expectations. He said: “The trainers are friendly and know how to push me to get the most from the sessions. I still go twice a week, a round trip of 30 miles each time, so it must be keeping me entertained in some way! “I find I get pushed right to my limits but not beyond and I am 100% positive I get more from each session than spending time in the gym or other types of exercising - I even skip 5-a-side on Thursday to make sure I’m in a good shape from the session that night.” Andy Osborne, Urban Boot Camp’s co-founder and head of training, said: “We are really excited about working in partnership with Charnwood Borough Council and will be putting residents through their paces. “Men and women of all fitness levels, ages, shapes, sizes and fitness abilities are welcome, we tailor our sessions to every need.” Councillor Peter Lewis, Charnwood Borough Council’s cabinet member for leisure and culture, said: “This is a unique chance for everyone in the Borough to start getting into shape for 2011. “Don’t let the term ‘boot camp’ put you off. This is a fun course which uses some alternative techniques to help you get fit.” Anyone in the Borough can sign up to the course which costs £6 per session.. Spaces can be booked by calling the Active Together team on 01509 632534.

If you enjoy reading The Clarion, please pass it on to a friend or relative when you’ve finished with it. Thanks!

Results for Anstey Speedwatch (1st Nov 2010 to 14th Nov 2010 Total Vehicles sent to the police: 310 (All speed limits all roads)

Bradgate Road 30mph Total Average Speed Highest 35 to 39mph 40+mph 50+mph

139 38.6mph 54mph 101 36 2

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Cropston Road 30mph Total 171 Average Speed 39mph Highest 50mph 35 to 39mph 117 40+mph 53 50+mph 1 Repeat Offenders 4 x 2 0 x 3 0x4 Kit: Hand Held Radar

My girlfriend told me I should be more affectionate. So I got two girlfriends.


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