Circulation: 4,000 copies Monthly
Thank You! JAY BROTHERS GRATEFUL thanks to everyone who supported Markfield Congregational Church in the presentation of Christmas with the Jay Brothers in what was another amazing evening bringing old friends and neighbours together. The event raised over £500 for our church which really helps us to continue our presence and support for the community.
SING CHRISTMAS WITH RADIO LEICESTER CHURCHES together in Markfield hosted two events one at Markfield Court Social Club and the other at Mayflower Court for Radio Leicester’s annual Carol concert “Sing Christmas”. The work of our Churches extends beyond the four walls of our Church buildings, and we are always pleased to work with different groups within our village. Both events were well attended and a good time of fellowship was had by all.
BOSWORTH COLLEGE DESFORD BOSWORTH college Desford presented a wonderful Christmas concert, show casing the many talents of their students. Members of the community and Churches Together in Markfield were invited and we enjoyed a wonderful time of entertainment and refreshments. Thank you to all and well done.
Angela Berry
Major thanks to BD Living from Redgate Farm Animal Sanctuary REDGATE FARM Animal Sanctuary has been helping animals in the area for over 30 years and often takes in certain species that no other local charity has resources to help. It was fabulous news when we found out earlier in the year that BD Living, a Division of Barratt Developments plc, was going to do a variety of fundraising activities like Christmas Jumper Day, Sponsored Waxing, Massages, etc. Members of the Social & Events Committee from BD Living came to Redgate Farm on Friday 21st December 2018 to hand over a cheque for £3,207.72p which is an absolute amazing amount that the employees have raised for us. This company is less than 10 minutes away from us and it is a massive help when large companies like this are willing to support local small charities that are in need of the money as we get no government funding or any grants and survive on donations of the public only. BD Living has also assisted Redgate on repairing two of the paddock’s fencing which helped our goats, sheep and horse hugely. Their employees, who would usually be building fitted wardrobes, came down for two days and carried out the repairs using donated wooden pallets. The charity is open every day (apart from Christmas Day) so feel free to come down and visit us between 12 noon and 3.30pm to see the animals. We are based near Markfield and our website has our address. Once again thank you to BD Living for helping Redgate Farm Animal Sanctuary (registered charity number 1036506) for an amazing Christmas gift to the charity and its animals.
Rhona Duncan, Manager
Enhancing Bagworth THE BAGWORTH Forward Group (BFG) begins the New Year with its continued emphasis on ‘enhancing the life of the village’. Several events are planned for the coming year which will fit in with the Group’s aims. The first event will be the Spring Fayre on 30th March. If you would like to hire a stall at this event, please contact Karen on 01530 230573. This is usually a popular event and is well attended. The 17th Annual Bagworth Show is on 24th August. More details to follow on this when we get closer to the time. Other events will include a Christmas Fayre and a session of Christmas bingo.
Thank you! WE WOULD be pleased if you could thank everyone who supported the Christmas Concert with Stanton Under Bardon Singers & Musicians which was held in St Mary & All Saints Church on Friday 14th December proceeds which have been sent to RAINBOWS HOSPICE £226.00 Thanks also for those who supported Carols Round the Village on Monday 17th December, and raised £274.27 for RAINBOWS HOSPICE. We were very grateful to Phil & Tom in the Old Thatched Inn who circulated the village with our event, and put on lovely welcome refreshments on a cold night. The total to Rainbows is £500.27 so thank you all very much.
Best wishes Peter Massey (Organiser)
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Testing times in Bagworth SOME OF our regular users have had a very successful year in 2018. They have been examined and rewarded with different awards. 2019 got off to a great start for the pupils at Dance-tastic as they received the results from their exam day back in December. Mr Richard Rose came over from Birmingham to undertake the enormous task of examining the 34 children and 9 adults in both Ballroom and Latin American sections, all partnered by their Principal Jo James. 166 dances fitted into 4 hours was a gruelling schedule but the results were fantastic. His Feedback to the Examining Board and Jo herself was very complimentary. The best mark for a junior was Harrison Tringham-Roberts who achieved 96% for his Waltz with the addition comments quoted as “Super Style Shown, Great Future Here!”. The best results for the whole school went to an adult candidate, Victoria Smith who achieved 96% in Quickstep, Rumba, Cha Cha Cha and Jive. The examiner’s comments about her included, “a natural dancer here with excellent floor presence”. However, the focus is now moving into preparation for the dancing school’s first ever Dancing Awards Presentation and Showcase event on 9th February and then to qualifying competitions in Nottingham and Whitby for the Grand Finals in the Tower Ballroom in Blackpool in July. Classes are in Bagworth Community Centre on Wednesdays so if your New Year’s Resolution is to ‘Keeeeeeeeeep Dancing’ or at least start dancing give Jo a call on 07790 322486. In addition to the dancers, some of the young people who attend the Zen Goshin Ryu martial arts school at the Centre have also been tested on what they have learned and have successfully received awards. These people (see top photo) include Alex Abrahamson, Brendan Clanchy, Alyssa Clark, Eddie Foulds, Carson Fraser, Flora Graham, Moray Graham, Isla Little, Dylan Millar, and Joshua Smith. Congratulations to all of them. If you would like more information about this martial arts school please contact Andrew Walker on 07975 833078 or visit his website Finally the Trust would like to congratulate both Jo James and Andrew Walker who both put in a great deal of effort to help to achieve these results for their students. The Centre is very proud to be associated with them and with their success.
A new kind of diet YOU MIGHT well lose weight by eating a late breakfast and an early dinner. A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science has found that if you delay breakfast by 90 minutes, and eat supper 90 minutes earlier, you may well lose weight, even if you do not change what you eat. Researchers believe the reason may be that moving both meals closer to the middle of the day may attune your eating times with your circadian rhythms, meaning that your food metabolises better. Or, it may be the effect of the longer fast period overnight.
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Why call someone when you can just decide where you and your friend want to meet by exchanging 76 text messages.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Singing carols around the Christmas tree in Markfield! FOR THE fourth year running villagers and their friends gathered on the lower green in Markfield to sing carols. People began to gather early, and it was great to see so many children who came to join in. Several dogs came with their owners too! The giant Christmas tree was admired by all and the lights helped us to read the words of the carols. Some people remembered to bring torches and the children used their ‘Glow sticks’. There were so many people this year – over 70 by my reckoning – that, even sharing carol sheets, we ran out and so people had to try and sing from memory! We were lucky with the weather which was very mild so we were not too cold! After the singing we had mince pies, biscuits, squash, tea, coffee or mulled fruit punch in the warmth of the Methodist Church school room across the road. Despite buying more fruit punch than last year, it proved so popular that it ran out again! Everyone had a great time catching up with people and chatting. Many thanks go to Markfield Parish Council who helped to organise this event - it gave people the opportunity to come together and begin their Christmas celebrations. Thanks too to the Methodist Church for letting us all use the church premises! We will certainly be repeating this event next year so watch out for adverts in the Herald and around the village as well as on Social Media.
0116 332 9032 07795 103 593 Visit us on Facebook to see examples of our work.
Happy New Year to everyone!
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Thornton Community Centre, 175 Main Street, Thornton, Leicestershire. LE67 1AH Info or Tickets:- Ernie Broadhurst - 07973 304625 Mary Pratt - 07791 831507
Sure boss, I’d love to take on some extra work. I have 7-8 free hours a night where all I do is sleep anyway.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Stanton-under-Bardon Village Hall NEWS STANTON UNDER BARDON Village Hall closed 2018 with some very successful and well attended community events. Our very first Wreath Making sessions on 2nd December were great fun and very popular and it is hoped that we will be able to put on some more sessions leading up to Christmas 2019. We also held our very first Christmas Concert with the Hathern Brass Band on 8th December. We had an amazing turnout of nearly 60 people from Stanton and surrounding villages, with several villagers attending their first event in the hall. We are very grateful to Westleigh Partnerships Limited for their sponsorship and for bringing along some free merchandise on the night, also our thanks go to Phil and Tom at The Old Thatched Inn for supplying mulled wine and vouchers for the raffle, and to Julia’s Bakery for the mince pies. We are grateful to everyone who helped make the event such a success and we are currently trying to negotiate a date with the excellent Hathern Band for another performance next Christmas. The Christmas Concert was also the first opportunity for us to try out our new temporary staging, and it worked very well indeed. The village hall were able to purchase the new staging with help from the Parish Council and the Hinckley and Bosworth Parish Initiative Fund, for which we are, again, most grateful. It is hoped this will enable us to hold many more performances and provide a platform for the village school too. Looking forward to 2019, our next Film Night will be on Saturday 19th January featuring the award winning Darkest Hour starring Gary Oldman. This stunning portrayal of Winston Churchill during his most challenging times won ten major awards in 2018. Doors open at 6.30pm and the film starts promptly at 7.00pm. Tickets are available on the door or in advance from Stanton Stores. There will be the usual tea, coffee and raffle during the intermission. We will also be resuming our monthly Coffee Mornings and will continue to serve freshly cooked bacon baps, as these have proved very popular. The coffee mornings are planned to coincide with the visits from the mobile library which stops nearby. The first will be Tuesday 15th January, followed by Tuesday 19th February and Tuesday 19th March. Everyone is welcome, whether you come for coffee and stay for lunch, or just pop in for a quick chat. • THE VILLAGE HALL TRUST are currently seeking volunteers to join us as Trustees or key holders. We are a small, friendly group that manage the Village Hall. We work as a team, so the workload is spread between us. It is an excellent way to get to know your neighbours and take an active role the community. If you have a few hours a month to spare, and would like to help out, please get in touch through our website, or email with your contact details. We look forward to seeing you at one of our events soon, but meanwhile the Stanton under Bardon Village Hall Trust would like to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy 2019.
years of care
Mark Stephens
Celebrity Annual Lunch
Chairman, Stanton under Bardon Village Hall Trust
with guest speaker
Alan Dedicoat Wednesday 20 March 2019 Welford Road Stadium Home of Leicester Tigers at 11am
Book today 01509 638 045 Sorry I’m late. I got here as soon as I felt like it.
Tickets £42pp including three course meal and welcome drink on arrival Hosted by BBC Radio Leicester Presenter Dave Andrews
Registered Charity Number: 1014051
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Carol singing outside Markfield Co-op ONCE AGAIN the sound of carols being sung with great enthusiasm was heard in Markfield when people met outside the Co-op on Main Street on Saturday 22nd December. Not only members from the Churches which make up ‘Churches Together in Markfield’ but others from churches farther afield as well as passers- by and shoppers, who stayed to sing despite the closeness to Christmas Day! Having had occasion to go into the store for some sweets to soothe my throat during the hour that we were singing, I was able to hear the carols very clearly even indoors! We were happy to have the opportunity to catch up with old friends and wish everyone we saw a very Happy Christmas. We were glad to give people a chance to join in with some well-known carols which they might otherwise not hear and we also had the opportunity to give out booklets with messages of Hope linked to the Christmas season. ‘Churches together in Markfield’ are extremely grateful to the Co-operative organisation, as well as the manager and staff of the Co-op for allowing us to hold the event and for their support each year. We would also like to thank all those who took part and gave of their valuable time.
Please do come and join us next year! Happy New Year to you all!
Happiness Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
Joseph Addison
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The trick to really enjoying someone’s company is not to spend a lot of time with them.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
• Environmental Improvement Grant to 31st March 2018 – 2 x Notice boards @ 50% funding = £575.00 – to be undertaken between January & March 2019. - 1 to replace the existing noticeboard at the junction of Main Street and Neville Drive. - 1 to be installed at the junction of Uplands Drive and Main Street. • Residue of the Markfield & Stanton Herald Fund – A donation of £6441.07 had been received by the Parish Council. If in future there ceases to be a village magazine the Parish Council would contribute up to £6441.07 towards setting up a new one. This funding would be earmarked for expenditure on the Community Park project at Mayflower Close Recreation Land. • COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: - Mr P Bedford. - Residents of Shaw Lane, A511: Mr P Bedford had met with residents of Shaw Lane to discuss their concerns about speeding traffic and high pollution levels. He had taken forward to the Leics County Council suggestions of reducing the speed limit or the installation of barriers. He had also raised concerns about the original planning conditions placed on Aggregate Industries quarry extension regarding the resurfacing and noise reduction. Leics County
Extracts from the Minutes Of The Parish Council Meeting Held On Tuesday 4th December 2018 Council believed that these conditions had been met. - Bardon Hill Quarry Community Fund: - As Chairman of the Bardon Hill Quarry Community Fund is to consider applications from local voluntary and charitable groups for funding for projects that benefit local residents in the Markfield / Coalville area. The fund has approximately £40,000 a year, for the next 9 years. Markfield Library had successfully applied for £3,000.00 funding and he encouraged local community groups to make applications under this scheme. - Local bus services: - He was still awaiting sight of the new policy. - Parish Council Grit Bin
requests: - Mr P Bedford would meet with the Leics County Council Officer to discuss why our requests were rejected. - Rise Rock; Bardon Aggregates quarry extension: - The company proposed to move the rock during the extension project and a lot of environmental improvements were being undertaken by them. - Whitwick Road bridge repairs over A511: - Mr B Gannon had recently spoken to the project manager, who had informed him that they were still in the process of jacking the bridge up. • BOROUGH COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: - Mr M Lay - Developing Communities
Fund: - Funding for projects under this scheme was still available until February 2019. - Government borrowing limits: - The limits on local authorities had been lifted to enable more social housing to be built. The Borough Council was going to develop a more positive housing strategy. - Revised strategic Growth Plan: - The plan identified the need for a further 10,000 dwellings and additional employment land. Major infrastructure improvements would also be needed such as the A46 Expressway, the M1 and A46. The A5 and A42 would also be improved to support growth in these areas. The Strategic Growth Plan will be considered by the Borough Council, with the aim of having it approved by midDecember. • COMMUNITY CENTRE - New Parish Council Office entrance: - The Parish Council would commence hiring the office from November 2018. - New internal partition Door & Stud wall: The erection of the partition within the office to form a CCTV room has now been completed. - Progress report on the Community Park Despite the weather having deteriorated over the past two
Bagworth & Thornton Football Club is looking for players aged 10, 11 and 12 to strengthen our teams. We are a new and ambitious football club, with all new facilities being built this year at the QEII Sports Ground, Bagworth . Our teams are trained by professional coaches supplied by ME Sports. All players receive home and away kits. We are sponsored by Matt Elliott of Leicester City Football Club and ME Sports. For more information, call: 01530 242706 or mobile: 07802 454754.
The downside to dating intelligent women is having to Google what they call you when it ends badly.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: weeks good progress has been made with both contracts. The only area where work had to be suspended due to the weather was laying the coping bricks on the terrace wall. Both contractors have established and maintained a good working relationship with community centre staff and no issues with general car park users have been reported. W. Albans and Sons have now been on site for 2 months. • NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN – Report from Mr T Lockley Markfield Parish Council 4th December 2018 – Neighbourhood Plan report The following drop-in events were held: 17th 2 to 5 p.m. – Shaw Lane Working Men’s Club 24th 2 to 5 p.m. – Markfield Community Centre 29th 2 to 5 p.m. – Markfield Court Hall Attendance was as follows: • Shaw Lane Working Men’s Club - 7 • Markfield Community Centre - 21 • Markfield Court - 7 24 of the visitors completed “contact forms”, so they can be kept informed about how the plan is progressing. The Steering Group
might also be able to persuade some of them to either join it or, assist with the sub-groups, which will prepare the plan’s various chapters. The Rural Community Council (RCC) will collate and analyse all the comments and prepare a report on them for mid-January 2019. The Steering Group is very grateful for professional assistance provided to date by the RCC staff. Over the next few weeks the Steering Group will be preparing a list of potential invitees for a stakeholder event, which will probably be held in late February. Invitees could include local landowners, businesses, schools/ other community facilities and from the Stanton-under-Bardon Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. It was announced at last month’s Annual Parish Forum that H&BC has agreed new working arrangements with the RCC. Previously the support provided by the RCC, would have stopped after the Stakeholder event, but now if can continue and, if required, be dovetailed in with the work their planning consultant does for individual NP Groups. Since there is no compulsion for our Steering Group utilise this new arrangement, it will have to decide in the New Year how it wants to proceed.
Get in touch today!
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I hate it when a couple argues in public but I missed the start and don’t know whose side I’m on.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Feeling S.A.D. this winter? By Hollie Jordan, Happy Head Hypnotherapy
THE WINTER BLUES, known more formally as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects 1 in 3 of us in the UK. This article will look at what SAD is, why we get it and what we can do to alleviate symptoms. SAD is commonly experienced during the winter months and symptoms often alleviate as the days get lighter as we approach Spring/Summer. The symptoms of SAD may include low mood, worry and irritability. Some people may find that they are sleeping longer than normal and are struggling to get up in the morning. Often, feeling lethargic or sleepy throughout the day as a result. Some find that they lose interest in everyday activities and experience feelings of guilt, hopelessness and worthlessness. It may be a good idea to visit your GP if your symptoms are severe and are affecting day to day activities. It is not known for sure what causes SAD but it is thought that it has something to do with shorter daylight hours we have during the winter months. Studies show that a lack of sunlight stops a part of our brain working properly and this may affect the production of Serotonin. Serotonin is sometimes referred to as the ‘Happy chemical’ and when we produce Serotonin we are happy, nice and can generally cope better with what life has in store for us. Lower Serotonin levels are linked to depression. Lower light levels may also affect your Circadian rhythm (your natural body clock) which also leads to symptoms of SAD.
What can we do? There are many things we can do to alleviate the symptoms of SAD, these include: • Light Therapy - Get yourself a light box which is a special lamp used to imitate natural light and uses a different bulb to the ones we use around the house. Alternatively, make the most of the sunlight we do get by getting outdoors during the day as much as you can. • Light Exercise – Regular exercise will reduce stress, release endorphins and boost serotonin. Even better if you can exercise outdoors during the day!
• Engage in positivity – People who have a negative outlook may experience SAD more than those that don’t. Thinking positively, practising mindfulness or meditating will help you to be more positive. • Talk – talk to family/friends about how you are feeling. Having a chat and a cuppa might be just the antidote. Positive interactions are thought to get our Serotonin flowing! • Do things you enjoy – Whether it’s binge-watching your favourite TV show or reading a book; taking a few moments to indulge in something you truly enjoy will give you a burst of positive energy. • Hypnotherapy – Hypnotherapy is a mixture of talking therapy and hypnosis which helps you to create new, positive behaviour changes to make lasting change. It may give you just the boost you need. Whatever you choose to help get you through the long, cold, dark nights of winter always remember…..summer is coming! Hollie Jordan, Clinical Hypnotherapist based in Battram Tel: 07817 907314
We keep a potato masher in a drawer because sometimes it’s fun to not be able to open that drawer.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Newbold Verdon Jazz Club THE NEW Year started with a welcome return of The Savannah Jazz Band at Newbold Verdon Jazz Club. As usual the band provided us with a great evening of traditional jazz starting with a rousing version of Washington and Lee Swing and continuing with many well loved jazz tunes. Roger Myerscough played the beautiful clarinet solo, Hymn to Freedom which was well received by the audience and the harmonica played by Bill Smith made a nice addition to the normal line up. The band got all the audience joining in with You are My Sunshine and sent us all home in a happy frame of mind for the coming year. We look forward to seeing them again next year. • NEXT MONTH sees New Orleans Heat entertaining us with no doubt some great piano playing by Barry Grummett. Do come and join us on Friday 1st February at Newbold Verdon Social Club. Admission £9, doors open at 7.00pm. Music from 8.00 - 10.30pm. For more details please contact Pauline on 01162 865496 or Kelvin on 01455 822824.
Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation hosts Time to Talk Day event SHUTTLEWOOD CLARKE Foundation will be holding an event on Thursday 7th February from 10.00am – 12noon as part of a nation-wide push to get people talking more openly about mental health for one day. Time to Talk Day is organised by Time to Change, the campaign to change how we all think and act about mental health problems, led by charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness Time to Talk Day aims to get as many people as possible talking about mental health and this year, There are lots of different ways to have a conversation about mental health. Whether that is talking on a walk, or listening over a cuppa, conversations can make a big difference. Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation will join thousands of other groups, organisations, schools and members of the public, who will all be having conversations about mental health on Time to Talk Day. 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem in any given year, but many of us are too afraid to talk about it. Starting a conversation about mental health might seem daunting but simply sending a text, checking in on a friend or sharing something on social media can break the ice. Helen Baxter, Activities Coordinator said: “We are taking part in Time to Talk Day because mental health is a topic that we should all feel able to talk about. Having these all important conversations can make a big difference to so many people. The more we talk - the more lives we can change. Drop in for a cup of tea, a chat and pin a note to our community pledge wall!’ The Free drop in event will take place on:- Thursday 7th February from 10.00am – 12noon at Ulverscroft Grange, Whitwick Road, Ulverscroft, Leicestershire, LE67 9QB for more details please contact Helen Baxter on 01530 244914 or visit
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I’m too old for the amount of passwords I’m supposed to remember.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Why you should not keep your curtains closed IN DARK rooms, 12 per cent of bacteria can reproduce; in rooms exposed to sunlight, only 6.8 per cent can reproduce. Remember that when you consider your household dust and the effect that simply opening your curtains can make. Researchers at the University of Oregon point out that we spend most of our time indoors, ‘where exposure to dust particles that carry a variety of bacteria, including pathogens that can make us sick, is unavoidable.’ But we can do something - let the sun stream in. The study found that it helps to kill the human skin-derived bacteria in our homes. As one doctor put it: ‘Our study supports a century-old folk wisdom that daylight has the potential to clean – or, as we now know, to kill microbes on dust particles.’
What is happening to our pets?
IT IS getting harder to own a pet. In 2012 two-thirds of homes had pets. Now it is down to just over half. In fact, families are now ten times more likely to own a virtual assistant like Amazon’s Alexa than even a hamster. It is not our fault. We still love animals, but can we still provide them with a home? Growing numbers of us are unable to buy our own homes, which means that many of us are in rental accommodation, and not that many landlords welcome pets. Sadly, many animal sanctuaries are full of dogs and cats who were unable to move on with their owners in their next rental property. There is a similar problem in later life. So many residential homes ban residents from bringing their much-loved pets - which only increases their loneliness in old age. And yet those of us fortunate enough to have pets still love them and mourn their loss.
Book Spot BirdBox By Josh Malerman SOMETHING is out there, something terrifying that must not be seen. One glimpse of it, and a person is driven to deadly violence. No one knows what it is or where it came from. Five years after it began, a handful of scattered survivors remains, including Malorie and her two young children. Living in an abandoned house near the river, she has dreamed of fleeing to a place where they might be safe. Now that the boy and girl are four, it’s time to go, but the journey ahead will be terrifying: twenty miles downriver in a rowboat--blindfolded--with nothing to rely on but her wits and the children’s trained ears. One wrong choice and they will die. Something is following them all the while, but is it man, animal, or monster?
The Perfect Girlfriend By Karen Hamilton JULIETTE loves Nate. She will follow him anywhere. She’s even become a flight attendant for his airline, so she can keep a closer eye on him. They are meant to be. The fact that Nate broke up with her six months ago means nothing. Because Juliette has a plan to win him back. She is the perfect girlfriend. And she’ll make sure no one stops her from getting exactly what she wants. True love hurts, but Juliette knows it’s worth all the pain...
Your Closest Friend By Karen Perry CARA shouldn’t have survived the attack. But at the last moment, a stranger snatched her to safety. In the hours that followed, she told her Good Samaritan secrets she’d never told a soul. Not even her husband. Especially not her husband. In the aftermath, Cara is home, healed and safe. Which is when the anonymous threats begin. Someone knows things about her that they shouldn’t. Cara’s Good Samaritan offers to help - to save her all over again. That night, Cara made a friend for life. But what if she isn’t a friend at all?
Lies By T.M.Logan JOE LYNCH is just an ordinary happily-married man until one split-second decision throws his life into crisis. When Joe sees his wife having a confrontation with family friend Ben, it’s the first hint that she’s been lying to him about everything. And when he steps in to protect her, a harmless shove knocks Ben to the ground. And he’s not moving... Gripping, unputdownable and packed with twists and turns from the first page to the very last, this stunning psychological thriller will make you question whether we can ever really trust the ones we love . . .
Shopping Differently in 2019 LAST YEAR we saw programmes like ‘Blue Planet 2’, ‘Drowning in Plastic’ and ‘Stacey Dooley’s Fashion’s Dirty Secrets’. Many people are looking for ways to reduce their consumer impact on our environment. But it can seem overwhelming and can we as individuals make any real difference? The answer is yes! Collectively, individuals taking steps to change consumer habits all add up to making a big change. So whatever New Year’s resolution you were thinking of making, go ahead and make it. Whether it’s using your own Tupperware when buying meat and fish; switching to a reusable water bottle; taking reusable bags for groceries, choosing plastic free toiletries; rethinking where we buy our clothes from, we can all play our part. There are some wonderful local shops out there too, who are happy to help us, including The Zero Waste shop and The Just Shop, both in St Martin’s Square, Leicester.
It’s good to share!
If you enjoy reading The Herald, please pass it on to a friend or relative when you’ve finished with it.
I like to start my day by having a nice cup of coffee and then scrolling through the internet for 12-14 hours.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Is the internet increasing your secret addictions? DON’T LET your access to the internet mess up your head. That is the warning of a number of experts who are calling for urgent action to address the growing problem of a range of mental health disorders. Now an international team of more than 100 researchers say that the ‘all pervasive’ nature of the web is driving not just ‘cyberchondria’, online hoarding and shopping addictions, but also problematic pornography use, gambling and excessive gaming, which is breaking up people’s lives. The report, published in European Neuropsychopharmacology, warns that users are becoming addicted and displaying obsessive behaviour, such as repeatedly checking emails and social media and suffering cravings and withdrawal if denied access. There is a name for such behaviour: Problematic Internet Use (PIU). The World Health Organisation recognised it in 2014 and warns it has now become a global social health issue.
Friends of Charnwood Forest Upcoming Events Monday 21st January: 7:30 pm Woodhouse Eaves Village Hall. Talk by Robin Jenkins , Senior Archivist (Collections) Record Office for Leicestershire.
This is the story of the largest document, created by Sir Thomas Shirley, and kept by the Record Office. Who was Sir Thomas and why did he feel compelled to create so vast a record? He claimed that it was thoroughly researched and accurate - but is it true? Come along and hear Robin’s insight into this fascinating piece of Leicestershire history. Monday 18th February 7:30pm. Woodhouse Eaves Village Hall Talk by Colonel Robert Martin,
An insight into the history of this local family and it’s close ties to the Charnwood Forest Area. Monday 18th March. 7:30. Woodhouse Eaves Village Hall AGM followed by a talk be Peter Tyldesley,
Come along and hear a little more about the association and listen to a fabulous talk by Peter, the Director of the Bradgate Park Trust. Who are these Colourful Characters who inhabit or have inhabited our beloved Bradgate? Come along and find out more about our wonderful Charnwood Forest. Monday 15th April. 7:30 Woodhouse Eaves Village Hall Talk by Roy Mitchell,
“THE HISTORY OF THE STONEYWELL GARDENS.” Everyone is very welcome to join us. A nominal charge of £3, payable on the door for non-members.
Our Mission Statement
To work towards the preservation of the countryside and local environment of Charnwood Forest Regional Park for the benefit of those who live within it, and for those who visit, and for future generations. We aim to be an effective,informative,and influential voluntary organisation. For more information, and on line application, see
I’ll be doing a book signing today at WH Smith from 2pm until they kick me out for writing in random books.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Some positives and negatives for 2019 Borough Councillor Matthew Lay writes in the Herald I AM NEVER sure when it is too late to wish people all the best for the new year, but on the proviso that it’s not too late in mid January, then let me wish everyone a happy new year and let’s hope it’s a good one.
Markfield Community Park progressing Starting on a real positive, I am delighted with the progress that has been made on the Community Park at Markfield. The new multi use games area is now complete and fully functioning with new upgraded LED floodlights an added bonus. The two pitches are now available to play on and with the dividing curtain in place simultaneous games can be played. The pathways are also now nearly completed with just the path behind the pitch to finish and that is being done as I write and will provide a nice link through to the primary school. The terrace next to the Community Centre will also soon be complete and it is just the landscaping and planting outstanding from the first two phases of the project. Next up will be the installation of the outdoor gym equipment and the kids’ kick about and basketball area. These last two phases plus some further improvements to the children’s play park will be completed in the Springtime and will mean we will have a first class facility right in the heart of the village for all to enjoy. We have worked to keep disruption to a minimum on the car park and while it wasn’t possible to avoid losing some spaces to the construction I am pleased with the response of users to any inconvenience suffered. This has been helped by the regular onsite supervision of the works by two Parish Councillors Tony Lockley and Klaus Senkpiehl who really have done a great job. A large part of the funding for this project has come from the Borough Council at Hinckley and is a positive investment in our community. With
further funding available from the Borough Council before the end of the financial year, I am hopeful that Stanton Parish Council will also be in a position to move forward with its own proposal for a new multi use games area to add to its existing community facilities. I will be doing whatever I can to support this plan and make sure it’s a success.
Negative impact of traffic growth Now for a few negatives. I wrote last year regarding my concerns about the growth of traffic on the A50 and A511 and the impacts this was and is having on the quality of life for local residents. It’s a particular concern for those living closest with the ever present worries about the noise and the air quality which have been around for a few years and which hover close to breaching the level which would trigger the statutory requirement for an Air Quality Management Plan. It’s a strange situation because just a small deterioration in air quality will trigger the need for the plan, and the plan may bring about some lasting improvements which are clearly needed. We don’t wish for things to get worse but sadly it may require it before things possibly get better. Residents along the Shaw Lane had, of course, hoped some years back for some relief when the planning application for the extension of Bardon Quarry was being determined. As part of the mitigations to offset the quarry extension, promises were made to residents along Shaw Lane and these promises included noise-reducing road surfacing, a pedestrian crossing to allow residents to access the bus stop on the Leicester side, and funding to support the installation of secondary glazing. It is appalling that not one of the mitigations promised have yet to be delivered, despite significant funding having been made available by the quarry’s owners. It is not acceptable to make promises to local residents on the back of such a big development and then
not deliver them. It erodes trust in public authorities, especially when they make decisions as they did on the resurfacing of the A50 down to the Bardon roundabout. The County Council chose not to install noise reducing road surfacing as agreed, and instead went for a resurface that would reduce future maintenance costs. On an economic level that may make sense but the money was coming from the quarry and was to offset the impact of the quarry extension on local residents. The noise levels for some residents have actually got worse as a result. Alongside this the County Council have refused to support the pedestrian crossing despite funding being in place. Promises made to placate any opposition to the quarry extension and just cast aside years later, is totally unacceptable.
Flying Horse Roundabout Staying on the A50/A511 issues, I now understand plans are now being made to address the problems evident at the Flying Horse roundabout. These problems have a long history but needless to say, the increased traffic using the roundabout is at long last recognised as a big issue. What will be an even bigger issue though, is the alleged proposal to remove not just the roundabout but also to make any cars entering the A511 from the Stanton Lane side, to only be allowed to go left down the A511 to the Bardon roundabout and back again to head eastward or across to Copt Oak. Such a proposal needs very careful consideration by the County Council and most of all they need to engage with and get the support of local residents who will be impacted. If this proposal is correct I for one would not be supporting such a change to our local road network. I fail to see why local communities should be made to pay the price for a total lack of forward planning when thousands of new homes and huge industrial warehousing is constructed, bringing with it ever-increasing
Matthew Lay volumes of traffic. The problems are getting worse and the solutions seemingly on offer are totally inadequate and absent of any local considerations. It is going to be an issue that will not go away in 2019 and we must remain steadfast in prioritising our communities needs.
Lack of policing resources Finally just before Christmas I had the pleasure to meet up with our Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire Willy Bach. I was able to raise my concerns directly to him, about the lack of policing resources in our locality and the ongoing impact of the Government’s funding cuts on the Leicestershire Police force, which as I have mentioned before have been unprecedented in their severity. With crime rising locally and a number of concerns being raised far and wide around the reductions in police officers and staff, I am pleased he is looking at ways in which he can secure more resources to reverse the decline in numbers and better support community policing. The problem is that although the Government has agreed that its own cuts have had significant impact, it is not willing to bridge the funding gap itself but instead will allow local police authorities to raise more money through the Council Tax system. It’s a good example of passing the buck! However I am of the opinion that we must increase support to our local police force, but in return the police need to work better to support local communities like ours.
Marriage is mostly misreading facial expressions and asking each other, “You OK?”
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Letter from Uncle Eustace
On how to survive a parish retreat The Rectory St James the Least of All My dear Nephew Darren We have just returned from our annual parish three-day silent retreat at St Epiphanius’ Priory. We had the usual attendees: those husbands who see it as an opportunity to stop their wives talking, however briefly; those wives who can keep their husbands temporarily from the 19th hole at the golf club; and those who want to see if it might be a suitable home in which to park an inconvenient relative. It can come as quite a shock for first-timers: the ladies are appalled to discover that there is neither coffee shop nor hairdressers, and the men that there is no bar or billiards table. The resident community certainly frowned on the four men among us who were discovered silently pushing a car down the drive late one evening before starting it at the main gates as they escaped to the nearest pub. Those of us who are older hands know to bring our own supplies – carefully wrapped, so that the clinking of bottles is not too obvious as one ascends the main staircase. The near universal retreat to bedrooms before dinner is less an opportunity for quiet reflection and more one for a restorative sherry.
The more experienced also know that temperatures in the house are Siberian. All the movement and hand waving during Services is less charismatic enthusiasm and more an attempt to maintain blood flow to the extremities. The series of addresses were given by an aged member of the community. That some of our party fell asleep during the addresses was excusable; that the person giving them also occasionally did so, was not. During one stroll round the gardens, I noticed clouds of smoke coming from behind the hedges near the chapel. My hope that it was parishioners experimenting with incense to be used in church on our return was soon crushed when I found it was a group of hardened parishioners topping up their nicotine levels. Seeing them nervously huddled in the shrubbery made one think of schools and bike sheds. I now find it difficult not to picture them all in short trousers and wearing caps. And so we return, knowing that we have done our bit once again for the spiritual vigour of the parish, and also that three days of vegetarian cooking will mean a long queue at the village butchers tomorrow morning.
Your loving uncle, Eustace
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Once you turn 40 you can sign up for Amazon Past Your Prime.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Happy New Year If you look at our logo it says Information - Education Recreation and that is exactly what our library is all about. So why not make 2019 a year to remember join the library and have the world at your fingertips. Here are some very good reasons to join our library. It’s free Not many things are free these days - but libraries remain one place where you can visit without it costing you a penny. You can go home with a bag full of books, not only for yourself but also for the children, all for free. Or you can just simply read the latest issue of the local newspapers or free magazines.
All the latest news from
and quiet. It can also be a place to do more research while doing homework or any other kind of studying.
Community Hub We host local events throughout the year, celebrating national and literary anniversaries, as well fun events for children and adults. We also have a message board for the community to post information about events or advertise local activities and services. Without libraries, where would we be? Join us today - it’s absolutely free The library might just change your life
So many people are touched by dementia. SANTA’S VISIT
We now have some photographs of the visit Santa made to the library just before Christmas. Over 50 children had an opportunity to speak to Santa and listen to his stories before receiving a gift of a book. We’d like to thank Bradgate Rotary for arranging the visit and making it such a fun event, and we hope Santa will be able to come back again next year.
Silence is Golden Ah, peace and quiet. It is one of the few places you can go where there’s no loud music playing or noisy conversations. You can sit in a quiet corner and read a book or newspaper with a cup of tea or coffee and not be disturbed.
The Internet
DONATION Would you please spend just one hour to understand a little more about dementia? Learn you, new skills family, friends, neighbours It could help Free Wi-Fi - our whole community. MARKFIELD TIMES The world wide web. For individuals without internet connection at work or home, we are the number one point of online access. This means we can help folk get connected and stay connected.
We have free Wi-Fi in the library - much quieter than using the WiFi in local pubs and probably a lot safer than using local hotspots. Bring your laptop and surf the net for free.
We offer art and creative writing classes. Our art class meet Thursday lunchtime from 1.00pm to 3.00pm and our creative writing group meet fortnightly on Monday evenings. Or learn new skills as a volunteer and meet like minded people.
multiple books at a time for FREE, you are more likely to try something new. When you are in a library, you are surrounded by some of history’s greatest and most creative minds. Knowledge is Power and reading whisks us away to new
Ourabout free, Find our more local history
lands, teaches us about the world around us and drives us to ask hard questions. Why not join one of our book clubs and read books you might never normally read.
Great for children
Once again we would like to say a huge thank you to the gentleman who came in just before Christmas and handed over a very generous donation towards our Library funds. Thank you very much.
There are now only a handful of Di Lockley’s publication, Markfield Times, left and she is now selling them at a reduced price of £5. Call into the library to buy your copy before they sell out.
valuable and interesting Dementia Friends have a dedicated childrens area and host a weekly story time event new authors the under 5’s. It not only giveseveryone to InformationDiscover Session is just for about asking We have an extensive archive and kids a chance to discover books or genres QUIZ NIGHT it’s the best place to research the and interact with otherand children how Most people generally are on a understand a bit more about dementia Our we next quizmight night will be on history of our local area. We have but mums enjoy it too, as it offers budget so rarely buy a new book Thursday February 7th at 7.30pm. access to local social history books, an opportunity them to get on a whim. If they did it would and make life that bit easier moreforpleasant for As usualthose its £1 to enter and as well as maps and out of print together for a chat. They meet tend to be book about a specific come along on your own as we reference books every Friday morning from 9.15am genre or an author they already will make up teams on the night. people who live with it. know, but because you can borrow Research your family Refreshments will be provided but if Children love our library. We
Office or quiet haven to do your homework
you wish you can bring a bottle.
CHINESE NEW YEAR Please do be a Dementia Friend.
We have free access to genealogy websites so you can research your own origins without breaking the bank. We also have an expert social historian who can help you trace your family tree.
Some people work from home which is not always easy if there are children around, so retreating to the library can be a godsend for people who need a bit of peace
Research databases We have expensive online database services that most people wouldn’t generally buy on their own. So with just a library card number and the click of a button you can access news archives, academic research, Which? magazine as well as access to lots of reference books and online dictionaries. You can even gain access to a Driving Theory Test!
9.00am to 10.00am
1.00pm to 3.00pm
6.00pm to 7.00pm
9.00am to 10.00am
1.00pm to 3.00pm
6.00pm to 7.00pm
9.00am to 10.00am
12.30pm to 3.00pm
6.00pm to 7.00pm
9.00am to 10.30am
1.00pm to 3.00pm
10.00am to 12 noon
The new year begins on February 5th and is the Year of the Pig. The Pig is the twelfth of the zodiac animals and in Chinese culture, pigs are the symbol of wealth. Men born in the Pig year are optimistic and gentle. They are very focused but not the best with money. They trust others easily and are often scammed. Though people will lie to them, more will love them. Women born in the Pig year are full of excitement. They attend social events whenever possible and treat everyone genuinely. They also have good fortune with wealth. These women love children too.
Being an adult means I’m in charge of my own bedtime, and I’ve realised I’m not equipped to handle that responsibility.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
BOOKS BEING MADE INTO FILMS IN 2019 Read the book before it becomes a film The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness The book: The first part of the Chaos Walking trilogy - and what the title of the film will be introduces Prentisstown, a place where everyone can hear everyone else’s thoughts so there’s constant noise. However, main character Todd then discovers a patch of silence when he goes on the run. The film stars: Tom Holland as main character Todd, Daisy Ridley, Nick Jonas and David Oyelowo. It’s out March 2019. The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn The book: Agoraphobic Anna Fox hasn’t left her New York home in 10 months. She watches her neighbours, the Russells, from the window, but one evening “a frenzied scream rips across the silence and Anna witnesses something no one was supposed to see”. The film stars: Amy Adams (as Anna), Gary Oldman, Julianne Moore, Anthony Mackie and Wyatt Russell. It’s out September, 2019. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt The book: This Pulitzer prize-winning novel tells the story of 13-year-old Theo Decker, whose life is turned apart when his mother is killed in an accident that he survives. He is taken in by wealthy family friends and the story follows him as he deals with his grief and new ways of life. The film: Ansel Elgort plays Theo. The rest of the cast includes Nicole Kidman, Sarah Paulson, Luke Wilson and Jeffrey Wright. It’s out October, 2019 Little Women by Louisa May Alcott The book: If there’s any chance at all you got through your childhood without reading this classic, then now is the time before the highly-anticipated film comes out. The book chronicles four sisters: Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy on their journey from childhood to womanhood in the late 1800s. The film: The 2019 remake is the works of Ladybird director Greta Gerwig and has an all-star cast including Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh, Timothee Chalamet, Laura Dern, James Norton and the one and only Meryl Streep. It’s out December 2019/January 2020.
CLUBS AND GROUPS After a break over the Christmas Holidays all our usual clubs and groups will be meeting again in the New Year. • Book Clubs - our afternoon book club meets the first Monday in the month from 2.00pm to 3.00pm in the Library, while our evening book club meets every 6 weeks on Monday eve-nings from 6.00pm to 7.00pm • Writers Group - our writers group meet every two weeks on Monday evening from 7.00pm to 8.30pm • Art Class - our art group is every Thursday lunchtime between 1.00pm and 3.00pm • Also Thursday lunchtime from 1.30pm our Ancestry Expert is available to help you discover your family tree • Thursday lunchtime also sees our Knit and Stitch group meeting from 1.00pm to 3.00pm • Friday morning from 9.15 am is our Reading and Rhymes group for under 5’s • Our Social Walking Group meet most Mondays and usually meet up again sometime during the week.
We look forward to welcoming you into the library during 2019. For more information about any of our events, groups or clubs please visit our website: markfieldcommunitylibrary. or email us at: markfieldcommunitylibraryevents@
Small group mat based Pilates classes! Fun, friendly and relaxing! Suitable for mixed abilities. The exercises can be modified for a safe & effective workout.
Activities Centre, Ulverscroft Manor Priory Lane, Markfield TUESDAY - 6.00-7.00pm & 7.00pm-8.00pm THURSDAY - 6.30-7.15pm (Body Blitz)
Woodhouse Eaves Village Hall Main Street, Woodhouse Eaves THURSDAY - 9.30-10.30am Classes also in
For bookings contact Sally Tel: 01455 824095/ 07966 107244 Email:
Cook’s Farm Shop & Country Supplies
Markfield Lane Newtown Linford Leics LE6 0AB 01530 242214
Wild Bird Food – Niger Seed – Sunflower Hearts – Robin Mix High Energy Mix – No Mess Mixes – Feeders - Peanuts – Plus much, much more!!! Extensive range of animal feeds available, plus much more House Coal – Smokeless Coal – Logs – Kindling – Firelighters
****Rock salt for Driveways **** Beef – Pork – Lamb – Chicken – Sausage - Bacon – Ham – etc. Brocklebys Pies – Clarkes Ready Meals - Fresh Farm Eggs Potatoes – Fruit & Veg – Butter – Cheese Milk - etc Open – Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30 pm Saturday 9am to 5pm Sundays – 10am to 1pm
I like a woman that makes me feel alive, but also lets me know that it might not be for long.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Markfield WI Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7.45pm at the Methodist Church, Main St Markfield. Further information from Fran Johnson 01530 243350 or Jane Barrington 01530 243285.
MARKFIELD HOMEMAKERS meet in the Congregational Hall, Main Street, Markfield, LE67 9UU on the second Wednesday of the month at 8pm. Feb 13th: Beetle Drive - 8pm
For more information, call: Brenda on 01530 242173 or Iris on 01530 242436.
Groby Village Society Meetings are held at Groby Village Hall Starting at 7.30pm. The venue may have to be altered for some meetings.
For Further Details Contact Hon. Secretary Mr. P. Castell
Tel. 0116 287 9842.
E-mail:- Non Members are Welcome
Bagworth Community Centre
What does the Trust do? I WAS RECENTLY asked the question, ‘What does The Trust do?’
If one person is saying this, then it is likely that more people are thinking it, so I thought it might be the right time to try to answer it. The short answer is that the Trust runs the Community Centre in Bagworth. The longer answer is more complex. The Trust is a small group of volunteers. When the Parish Council asked the Lottery for financial help to enhance the Community Centre (the Lottery provided one third of a million pounds) a stipulation from the Lottery was that the Centre had to be run by a Trust and not by the Parish Council. As a result a limited company was formed called the Bagworth Community Centre Trust (2013) Ltd. The Trustees are directors of this company which is also an official charity. The Trust oversees money coming in and going out of the company. Clearly one way for money to come in is to rent out the different rooms. Some people are regular hirers such as Bagworth Pre-School and Dancetastic. There are many more. In addition the Centre is used for one-off events such as parties, wedding receptions, naming ceremonies and even wakes. Regular users are able to access the building themselves, but one-off hirers need to be let in and then the building has to be locked when they have finished. In addition to these monies coming in, the Parish Council gives us a donation. This is why renting the rooms is cheaper for people who live in the Parish. As a matter of interest, we have bookings up to the end of 2019. Another aspect of running the Community Centre is attracting new hirers and users. The world wide web and social media play an increasing role in this and one of our Trustees created our social media
presence and also our website. Our administrator is going to be increasing the use of social media with regular posts covering activities at the Community Centre. To enable the Centre to be hired out, and in addition to the work that the volunteers do, staff are employed by the Trust. These include a cleaner (who does an excellent job and would be difficult to replace), a person who redecorates the Centre (which is done at least annually) and a Centre Administrator. With regards to money being paid out, clearly there are staff wages (which have to be administered) but also fuel costs, namely gas and electricity bills to be paid, as well as repairs and the replacement of items which either go missing or get broken. Members of the Trust carry out repairs where possible. Trustees are also responsible for the legal aspects of running the Trust. This includes operating PAYE for our employees and producing annual accounts that comply with legislation from HMRC, Companies House and The Charity Commission which each have their own requirements and which seem to change annually. There are currently just five Trustees and the majority are not retired so any Trust related work they undertake has to be done outside working hours. The Trust meets formally once a month, generally on the 3rd Wednesday, where any necessary expenditure
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or new ideas can be discussed and decisions made. We need more Trustees and are keen to hear from anyone who would be interested in joining the management team of a very successful and well-used facility in Bagworth. We are in the process of identifying specific areas that new Trustees could take ownership of. The first area is our website, this could do with being revamped and relaunched and then regularly updated with current news. If you have any web design or website development skills and you want to get involved with a successful community charity please message us via our facebook page or email admin@bagworthcommunitycentre. org. Another area that a new Trustee could take ownership of is H & S compliance, monitoring and risk assessments. If you fancy helping a charity out with this side of things, again, get in touch. • FINALLY the Trust would like to say a big thank you to one of our original directors, John Crick, who has sadly decided that it is time for him to leave. He is one of those people who quietly got on with jobs without making a big fuss about it. It is only when he is not there that it becomes obvious all of the things that he did. He will be sorely missed and will be very difficult to replace. Thank you for all that you did, John.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
‘Love Yourself – Heal Your Life’ (2 day Workshop)
DO YOU feel that there are blocks to you achieving the life you want? Are you ready to make changes to help you achieve your dreams? If so, you will be interested in an upcoming event in our community. Carol Deacon, certified and licensed Heal Your Life Workshop Teacher and Coach, will be leading a 2 day workshop based on the work and philosophy of Louise Hay, a renowned metaphysical Lecturer, Teacher and Author with more than 50 million books sold worldwide, including her International Best seller ‘You Can Heal Your Life’. The workshop will help participants identify negative beliefs that are limiting them and then learn simple, yet transformational techniques to release limitations and go beyond them. Participants will learn that loving themselves is the foundation for making positive changes. While this easy to say - it is often not easy to do! Using affirmations and visualisations along with other techniques, they will experience transformation as they heal the past and allow barriers to dissolve. Every area of life can be improved with this workshop: relationships, health, career and prosperity. New Year – New You! Why not invest in yourself and add value to your life by giving yourself the gift of a place on this transformational workshop. Date: Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th February 2019 (9.30am to 5.30pm). Venue: Ulverscroft Manor Activity Centre Priory Lane, Ulverscroft, Markfield, Leicestershire, LE67 9PH For more information about this workshop please go to www.
Anyone For TENNIS (and much more)? IT HAS BEEN a busy year for Gynsill Tennis Club. There is social tennis at the club 3 times a week which is really enjoyable. Also the men, ladies and juniors have all been playing in matches in the local leagues. As well as playing tennis the club members have been on a walking weekend, had a boules tournament and bbq in the tennis club car park, a quiz night and enjoyed a pie night at Beaumanor Hall. The club had a stall at the Anstey Gala (you may have seen us there). Everybody that came to our stall had fun trying to hit tennis balls through different holes with prizes for the best scores. Gynsill Tennis Club is a friendly and welcoming club. If you are thinking about starting to play tennis, haven’t played for a while or are a regular player why not come down and see us. The club is on the corner of Gynsill Close and Gorse Hill. Saturday afternoon is club afternoon. You can also visit the club website or contact our Head Coach, Adam Charlton, at
Bookings Now Being Taken for Valentine’s Day
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Wednesday is
“STEAK NIGHT” 2 Steaks, With Hand-Cut Chips, Peas, Tomato, Mushrooms & Two Glasses of House Wine - £19.95
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I hate when I’m running on the treadmill for half an hour and look down to see it’s been 4 minutes.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
New Year New Start!
Volunteers required for vital roles in helping to support older people ROYAL VOLUNTARY Service is one of the largest voluntary service organisations in the country and inspires and enables 20,000 volunteers to give their skills, experience, energy and time to help people in need in hospitals, at home and in the community.
Locally in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland we support approximately 2,000 older people per year with our services. These services include helping older people who have been discharged from hospital to rebuild their confidence and remain independent once they return home, providing transport to help with shopping, attending hospital appointments or support with social opportunities. In addition our volunteers provide valuable company and friendship as well as making sure that the older person is safe and well. Teresa Gibbs – Commissioned Services Operations Manager for Royal Voluntary Service: “The demand for our services is always increasing and as a result of this we are looking to recruit more volunteers to allow us to continue to offer the support to local older people. Our volunteers make a significant and positive difference to older people’s lives and without their incredible contribution we would certainly not be able to provide the current level and range of services.” Chris Cordle, a retired NHS medical psychologist from Leicester, is a Royal Voluntary Service volunteer. She delivers the charity’s Home from Hospital service which helps settle older people back into home after a hospital stay. She says: “I missed the satisfaction of working with people - I loved that part of my job. Volunteering has filled that gap. I enjoy working with older people, hearing their stories and helping them to achieve their aims. Much of my career was about motivating and helping people, and that’s what I’m still doing now. I really enjoy encouraging people to achieve their personal targets. It’s very satisfying.” We would really like to hear from local people who may be interested in this very worthwhile volunteering opportunity, a couple of hours per week really can make a real difference to the quality of older people’s lives. To find out more please email uk or call 0116 2667706.
Achieving If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.
Eat your way out of depression
Zig Ziglar
WHAT YOU eat affects how you think. So says a recent international study, which has found evidence that a Mediterranean diet can cut the risk of depression - by reducing inflammation in the body. The study, conducted at University College London, found that people who ate plenty of fruit, vegetables, nuts, fish and plant-based foods, had a 33 per cent smaller chance of getting depression as compared with others who had diets high in saturated fat, sugar and processed food. As one doctor said: ‘There is compelling evidence to show that there is a relationship between the quality of your diet and your mental health.’
Before marriage, men would wander car parks aimlessly because they had no-one to point out the open spots.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
‘Healing Your Heart After Loss’ (3-hour workshop) ARE YOU grieving the loss of a loved one, a relationship, your health, a job or career, or a pet? If you are finding it difficult to move beyond the loss then you will be interested in an upcoming event in our community. Carol Deacon, certified and licensed Heal Your Life Workshop Teacher and Coach, will be leading a 3-hour workshop based on the work and philosophy of Louise Hay, a renowned metaphysical Lecturer and Teacher, and Author with more than 50 million books sold worldwide, including her International Best seller ‘You Can Heal Your Life’. This workshop will help you learn the ideas and techniques to heal your heart, find acceptance of the loss and find the joy in life again. You will experience: The power of sharing with others who are dealing with loss; A meditation for finding peace; Forgiveness work; A releasing ritual and 12 ways to love yourself. New Year – New You! Why not invest in yourself and add value to your life by giving yourself (or a friend) the gift of a place on this transformational workshop. Date: Saturday 9th February 2019 (9.30am to 12.30pm) Venue: Ulverscroft Manor Activity Centre, Priory Lane, Ulverscroft, Markfield, Leicestershire, LE67 9PH For more information about this workshop please go to www.
Methodist Minister’s Reflections IT IS JUST as well, I think, that we can’t see too far ahead along the journey of life.
As we move into another new year, many of us will have a mixture of hopes and fears, expectations and anxieties. The truth is that none of us knows what lies ahead. Having said that, as we consider where we are as a nation and as a world, we are faced with huge problems which we as a human race are struggling to address. The almost constant stream of bad news we see on our TV screens can be rather depressing. I recently came across two quotations which may be helpful. The first is from Anne Frank, a young Dutch Jewish teenager who died at the hands of the Nazis in 1945. In her famous diaries she wrote, “I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains”. The other quotation comes from civil rights activist Martin Luther King, who was assassinated in 1968. He said, “Only in the darkness can you see the stars”. The Christian message is one of hope in the midst of despair and light in the midst of darkness. My hope and prayer is that even in the darkest of times we may catch a glimpse of the light.
Steve Clark
Minister, Markfield Methodist Church • FB - Markfield Methodist Church
s Boil er s
£1,350* Fitted * Plus V.A.T. Terms & cond
itions apply.
WEEK Installer
GREAT VALUE & NO SURPRISES from your local heating company since 1994 Drop in to see us: 13 Leicester Road, Groby, LE6 0DQ
0116 287 8000 Tomorrow is a big day for me at work. They are refilling the snack vending machine.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
National Trust Leicester Association NEWS
PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT
MANY OF the large National Trust properties in the East Midlands such as Calke Abbey are well known to the general public. However, the Trust also owns a few much smaller properties which are only open for a short period each week. One such property is the medieval Old Manor at Norbury, south west of Ashbourne, which was built by Ralph Fitzherbert in the mid13th century and expanded by Sir Henry Fitzherbert around 1300. The building is Grade 1 listed. You enter the Old Manor through a low doorway into a storage area with stairs leading down to vaulted cellars. A second staircase leads up to the Great Hall and on the landing is some fascinating 17th century Flemish glass which is in superb condition. A Tudor doorway gives access to the Great Hall. It is unusual to find a Hall on the first floor, usually it would have been on the ground floor and the first floor would have been reserved for private chambers. The Hall is a long rectangular chamber with a large fireplace on one side. The room is simply furnished with period pieces including a well worn Elizabethan table and a late medieval chest which is the oldest item of furniture in the building. A unique feature of the Great Hall is the unusual open-beam roof, built to a king-post
The Herald Tel: 01530 244069
The Herald is a monthly local magazine delivered free to approximately 4,000 homes and businesses in Markfield, Field Head, Stanton under Bardon, Thornton and Bagworth.
Contact Mike Wilkinson with your articles, news items or advertising enquiries. The Old Manor at Norbury, near Ashbourne design. There is also some medieval stained glass. Adjacent to the Old Manor is Norbury Manor which was built in the mid-15th century, was badly damaged during the English Civil War, and rebuilt about 1680. This building is not open to the public but is maintained by the Trust as holiday cottages. Next to the two manor houses is the medieval parish church of St Mary and St Barlok, not NT. The church is regularly open and contains medieval stained glass and memorials to the original Fitzherbert family who lived in the Old Manor. Also on the site is a well tended knot garden from where a trail leads to a summer house and then
Markfield Methodist Church | FB Markfield Methodist Church
Friday 8th March 2019 7pm
Piano Recital by Roman Kosyakov
descends through a small wood to the banks of the river Dove. Overall the property is well worth a visit. During 2019 it will be open every Friday from 11.00am to 1.00pm and every Saturday from 1.00 to 3.00pm, from 22nd March to 26th October. • THE NT LEICESTER ASSOCIATION has an afternoon meeting on Wednesday 23rd January when David Bell will present a talk entitled “Trust Me I’m your Plague Doctor”. The meeting will be held at St Guthlac’s Memorial Hall, Holbrook Road, Leicester, at 2.30pm. • THERE WILL also be an evening meeting on Tuesday 12th February at The Braunstone West Social Centre, St Mary’s Avenue, Braunstone, at 7.30pm. Colin Deeley (NT) will present an illustrated talk entitled “Life & Time in the Workhouse” Admission to meetings is NTLA members £2.50, visitors £4.00, including refreshments. For details of the NT Leicester Association and its Talks Service for other organisations please call 0116 2229133.
Alan Tyler, Publicity Officer
Roman is a graduate of the Moscow State Conservatory who now studies at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. He has won many competitions including first prize in the Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition with a performance of Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No 1 with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra His performance for us will include Rachmaninov’s 10 Preludes which may produce a few tears!!! As soon as we have the full programme it will be published on our website
Tickets: £10 (under-16s £5). Please use the “contact us” portal on our website or call Malcolm on 01530 242742 | 07812 142361
“Thanks for saving my life” said no toddler ever.
Printed by Norwood Press in Ellistown. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Herald Production Team. The inclusion of any group or organisation in this publication does not necessarily imply a recommendation of its aims, methods or policies. The Herald cannot be held responsible for the information disclosed by advertisements, all of which are accepted in good faith. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine, but no liability can be accepted for loss or inconvenience caused as a result of error or omission. The Herald reserves the right to amend, shorten or refuse to publish articles and/ or advertisements submitted for publication. All contents © The Herald. None of the articles or adverts contained in this magazine are to be reproduced in any way without first obtaining written consent from The Herald.
This issue of The Herald is being delivered by The Herald’s team of dedicated deliverers, namely: Sarah Jane, Lyn, Lily, Ian, Ann, Gill, Sandra, Jeanie, Jenny, Callum, Lisa, Yvonne, Margaret, Daniel M, Jessie, Ray, Stacey, Maisie, James, Daniel W, Louie, Ray, Stacey, Sophie, Andy, Linda, Rowan and Mike.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
And so next month will see thousands of us shakily climbing ladders against the sides of our houses, garages and trees, to install cosy nest boxes. And soon our tenants will arrive: blue tits, robins, nuthatches, pied wagtails, sparrows, to starlings, tawny owls and even great spotted woodpeckers. National Nest Box Week was started by the British Trust for Ornithology in order to encourage the conservation of our breeding birds. Nest boxes are desperately needed, as natural nest sites for birds such as holes in trees or old buildings are disappearing fast, as gardens are ‘tidied’ and old houses are repaired. It really is worth the trouble to put up a nest box. If you hang one within sight of your kitchen window, you will have hours of fun in observing the young feathered families. Visit the website at for details of how to build a nestbox, where to site it, etc.
BLUE TIT NEST BOX – CUTTING PLAN Plank size c. 150 x 1170 mm All measurements are in mm
25 mm diameter for Blue Tit and Coal Tit
WEATHERPROOFING Weatherproof the roof with water-based preservative and ensure it overlaps the front of the box to stop rain reaching the entrance hole.
ROOF JOINT To minimise the risk of rain entering the back of the box it is worth cutting a groove into the back plate to accommodate the back edge of the roof.
Thank you Bagworth I HAVE been asked to write a thank you note on behalf of Ken and Glenda. They have been organising dances at The Club, Bagworth for well over 10 years and have finally decided to call ‘time’, having raised a massive amount of money for various charities through those years. Their last dance was on New Year’s Eve and over 60 people turned up to say thank you. Ken and Glenda were very touched by the many presents they received and would like to say a big thank to all of the people involved who were present that night and to all of the people who have supported them over the years. Although Friday night dances have come to an end they will continue to organise the tea dances on a Wednesday at The Club. Admission is £1 and this includes a hot drink and biscuits. It takes place between 2 and 4 pm. It is a very friendly atmosphere and newcomers are always welcome.
Bob Austin
OPENING ROOF Fit a rubber hinge so that the roof can be lifted easily for cleaning and nest monitoring. Find our more about the BTO Nest Record Scheme on our website
FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE: Come and worship the Lord with us on the 1st Sunday in every month at 10.00 am. Our gatherings are fairly informal. THURSDAY ART CLASS: Between 7pm and 9.00pm. Bardon Park Chapel, Shaw Lane, Bardon, Coalville LE67 1TD There is a large car park at the back. For more details on any of the above please contact: Richard Norburn on 0116 332 9634
IF YOU like birds, now is the time to help the next generation get started.
National Nest Box Week 14th – 21st February
Bardon Park Chapel
ALTERNATIVE DESIGN An alternative to the traditional round entrance hole is a simple triangular opening on the side of the box. Overhang the roof if you adopt this approach.
Get more information from our book ‘Nestboxes: your complete guide’. Available from
Cover photograph: Edmund Fellowes / BTO; design artwork: Nigel Hawtin
Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus Clutch size: 8–10 eggs Incubation: c.12 days Chicks fledge at: 16–22 days Broods: 1 per year
Seasonality of nests with eggs (E) and young (y), derived from Nest Record Scheme data. J
Relationship status: table for one but drinks for two.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Local Church Services Markfield Congregational Church Sunday 20 January 10.30am United Service in Trinity Methodist Church Sunday 27 January 10.15am Morning Worship Sunday 3 February 10.15am Morning Worship followed by Communion Sunday 10 February 10.15am Morning Worship Sunday 17 February 10.30am United Service in St Michael’s Parish Church
Cross Hills Baptist Church, between Bagworth & Thornton Sunday 20th January 10.30am Morning Service Sunday 27th January 10.30am Morning Service We are pleased to be welcoming our Regional Minister, Rev Dr Nick Ashton Our Praise & Worship Team will also be playing for this service Sunday 3rd February 10.30am Morning Service Sunday 10th February 10.30am Morning Service with The Lord’s Supper Sunday 17th February 10.30am Morning Service Sunday Club in our hall for children & young people during Morning Service. For Family Services they join in with the main church. For further details, our contact list is in the Cross Hills News section in this magazine.
Trinity Methodist Church, Markfield Facebook : Markfield Methodist Church Sunday 20th January 9:45am Focused Prayer Fellowship 10:30am United Covenant Service 6:00pm Evening Service Sunday 27th January 10:30am Morning Service 6:00pm No Evening Service Sunday 3rd February 10:30am Morning Service 6:00pm Taizé Service
Sunday 24th February 9:45am Focused Prayer Fellowship 10:30am Morning Service 6:00pm No Evening Service
St Mary and All Saints’ Church, Stanton under Bardon
Other Events at Trinity Methodist Church Everyone Very Welcome Music Café 2:00pm to 4:00pm 24th January, 14th & 28th February
Sunday 20th January 10.30am Morning Service
Sparklers Group For Children Zero to Reception Age & Carers Church Club For Children from Mercenfeld School Both Groups meet Monday 3:15pm to 4:30pm Every Week during Term Time
Sunday 3rd February 10.30am Morning Service
1-2-5 Birthday Celebration Event Thursday 21st February 2:00pm to 4:00pm Beetle Drive
Sunday 24th February 10.30am “Something Different” Service
St Michael and All Angels’ Church, Markfield
St Peter’s Church, Thornton
Friday 18th January 8.00pm “Still Friday”
Sunday 27th January 10.30am “Something Different” Service
Sunday 10th February 10.30am Holy Communion Sunday 17th February 10.30am Morning Service
Sunday 20th January 10.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 20th January Wednesday 23rd January 10.30am Churches Together in 10.00am Midweek Communion & Markfield Service at Markfield Methodist Coffee Church 6.00pm Evening Prayer Sunday 27th January 10.30am All Age Service Sunday 27th January 9.00am Holy Communion (said Sunday 3rd February service) please note new time 10.30am Morning Service 6.00pm Evening Service Sunday 10th February Sunday 3rd February 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion Sunday 17th February Sunday 10th February 10.30am Holy Communion 10.30am All Age Service Sunday 24th February 6.00pm Holy Communion 10.30am All Age Service Friday 15th February Wednesday 27th February 8.00pm “Still Friday” 10.00am Midweek Communion & Sunday 17th February Coffee 10.30am Churches Together in Markfield Service at St Michael’s Church Holy Rood Church, Bagworth 6.00pm Evening Prayer Sunday 24th February 9.00am Holy Communion (said service) please note new time 6.00pm Evening Service
St Peter’s Church, Copt Oak Sunday 20th January 9.15am Holy Communion (said Service) Sunday 27th January 6.00pm Evening Prayer Sunday 3rd February 6.00pm Holy Communion Sunday 10th February 3.00pm Praise Service Sunday 17th February 9.15am Holy Communion (said Service) Sunday 24th February 6.00pm Evening Prayer
Catholic Church of St Wilfrid of York 53 London Road, Coalville, LE67 3JB Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil: 6 pm Sunday: 10 am See Newsletter on the website below for details of weekday Mass times, Confessions, and other events. Parish Contact: Parish Priest: Fr Tom Breslin – 01530 832098 Parish Website: School Details: St Clare’s RC Primary School, Coalville: 01530 837747 www. De Lisle RC College, Loughborough: 01509 268739
Markfield Masses
Held at the Congregational Church Hall on Main Street, next to the Chinese take-away. All are welcome.
Please note: Services will be at Bagworth Community Centre Sunday 3rd February 9.00am Holy Communion
“Still Friday” 2019 Each evening will include simple reflective worship songs, silence, prayer, readings and responses and last up to an hour. All are welcome. Come along and enjoy the peace.
Sunday 10th February 10:30am Morning Service 4:00pm Café Church Service
18th January
Sunday 17th February 10:30am No Service – United Service at Anglican Church 6:00pm Evening Communion Service
17th May 20th September
15th February 21st June
15th March 19th July
18th October
16th August 15th November
No “Still Friday” in April or December
Fridays 8.00 pm at St. Michael & All Angels’ Church
Very rarely am I part of the problem. Usually, I’m the entire problem.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Markfield Trinity Methodist Church is 125 years old THIS YEAR marks the 125th anniversary of the building of the Wesleyan Methodist Church on Main Street, Markfield, now known as Trinity Methodist Church. However, it was not the first chapel to be built in the village and so what follows is a brief account of the different church and chapel buildings found in Markfield, linked to the history of non- conformism. Initially, St.Michael’s Parish Church, on the Green, was the established church which villagers would attend. There has been a church on this site since at least 1072, but the current church is most likely 13th or 14th century, with some Victorian additions. However, by the mid 18th Century, there was a growth towards dissention from the Church of England. John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement along with his brother Charles, was a frequent visitor to Markfield in the late 18th century and, because of his patronage by Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, he was able to preach at the Parish Church of St.Michael’s. There is a plaque on the wall of the cottage just outside the lych gates of the church commemorating John Wesley’s preaching. So many people came to hear him that there was not enough room in the church and he preached outside. During my visits to the library, I came across a fascinating book entitled ‘The True Knitty Gritty; Markfield 1086 – 1930,’ researched and compiled by Di Lockley. This contains many fascinating facts about life in Markfield including information about non-conformism. For example, it tells how, at first, villagers would hold services in their own houses or cottages, as there were no chapels to use for worship. The late 18th century Leicester Quarter Session records show a number of requests for permission to use a dwelling in Markfield for worship, by ‘Protestant Dissenters from the Church of England’ (ibid p.45). At some stage, a row of cottages opposite the Co-operative store on Main Street may have been some form of chapel. It is still possible to see two Church shaped windows, one in the middle at the back which is just visible as you walk down Holywell Lane towards the Co-op, the other in the front wall of the cottages although this window is only visible from the inside of the property. However, the earliest dated Methodist Chapel lies at the top of Holywell Lane. This was opened in 1811 and may be the Meeting house mentioned in the
1813 Village Land and Property Survey, which names as proprietors the Westley Meeting House Trustees (more probably Wesley). Later this became known as the ‘Temperance Hall’. After a variety of uses this has now been converted into two dwellings but still has the stone with inscription on the front of the building, ‘Methodist Chapel 1811’. A Congregational chapel was built along Main Street in 1852, by Henry Chapman with the help of paid workers and volunteers quarry workers who assisted once their shift was finished! This is now the Congregational Church Hall. Over time, the Wesleyan Methodists had breakaway groups, one of which was the Primitive Methodists. The original chapel at the top of Holywell Lane was built for the Wesleyan Methodists. In 1842 the Bourne Methodist Chapel was built on Main Street. This later became the Primitive Methodist Chapel. Trinity Methodist Church was originally built in 1894 as a new Wesleyan Methodist Chapel and the Holywell Lane congregation moved in. Thus at one time two Methodist churches existed side by side in Markfield. Eventually, in 1932, Wesleyan, Primitive and United Methodists, along with the Bible Christians, united as one national Methodist Church. Almost thirty years later the two Methodist
Chapels in Markfield united and formed the present Trinity Methodist Church. Eventually the original Congregational Chapel proved too small and so the congregation moved to the Bourne Methodist Chapel, which is still the Congregational Church today! There is a very interesting village walk which takes you past all the buildings mentioned here. The ‘Markfield Village Trail Leaflet’ is available from Markfield library or from Markfield Local History Group – please visit the website for more information. There is also an information board at the car park on Main Street on which is a map
and pictures of the village. If you are interested in the history of the village and the surrounding area, please do come to one of our meetings. The next meeting is on Tuesday 19th March – details to be announced nearer the time! We are a friendly group and welcome visitors. For more information about Markfield Local History Group, visit the website at www. or phone me, Rosie Woodland, on 01530 244497.
Rosie Woodland
Markfield Local History Group
Christmas Day for Those Alone 2018 EVERYONE who attended Christmas Day for Those Alone in Anstey and surrounding villages had a great day, volunteers and guests alike. We catered for 91 people! All guests had a lovely 5 course Christmas dinner, a present each and a goody bag with lots of yummy treats. We enjoyed great entertainment with Nigel on his squeeze box doing a Christmas sing along and of course several games of BINGO! We would like to thank all the volunteers who came forward to help both prior to the day and on the day whether that be the initial planning, securing funds, setting up the room, wrapping presents, putting up posters, providing transport, hosting a table, and last but so very much not least all those involved in the catering. The meal was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone and catering for 91 is not an easy task! A very grateful thanks to the companies etc.. who support us – to Next for again donating all the lovely presents for everyone, Nationwide in Anstey whose lovely staff co-ordinated collecting chocolate oranges, other goodies and cash from the lovely folk of the villages who donated, Anstey Ale Brewery, Anstey Parish Council, Britvic, Charnwood Brewery, Everards Brewery, S J Langton Butchers in Glenfield, Little Markfield Farm open day, Roots and Fruits, Roy Green’s, Sainsburys Local in LFE, Morrisons, Pladis (Jacobs) Wigston, Midlands CO-OP, Walkers Crisps and Yorkshire Tea. Many thanks to all who have donated money and goods themselves, my friends, work colleagues and local people who donate what they can, everything helps - small or large - and all donations have helped make the day very special. Thanks also to St Mary’s Church, Anstey who don’t charge anywhere near the full amount for hiring the room - and without the room this couldn’t go ahead - so thanks very much for the use of the room once again. Thanks for reading and a happy New Year.
Kerry Sharpe
Thanks to Facebook, I never forget the birthdays of people I don’t really know.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
What’s Been Happening at Markfield Community and Sports Centre Words and pictures from Ron Grantham • Tel: 01530 242240 • Happy New Year 2019 FIRSTLY WE HOPE that you have all had a lovely and safe Christmas and, like us, you are looking forward to a happy and prosperous 2019. If you are determined to fulfill a New Year’s resolution why don’t you get involved in one of our many activities or clubs provided at the Community Centre. We provided a whole range of activities that will be of interest to you ranging from sports, health and well being activities as well as more leisurely clubs such as art, yoga, dance and activities for all ages. Details can be found on our website or on posters at the Centre.
Markfield Community Park THANKFULLY the weather has been kind to us here in Markfield and, so far, it has not hindered the development of the Parish Council’s community park improvements project. The new outdoor sports pitch is now in use and we have received many extremely favourable comments on how good it is. Bookings for use of the new pitches are fast coming in so, if you would like hire it, you need to book your slot sooner rather and later to avoid disappointment. The new pathway that meanders around the grounds is almost complete and it will provide a wonderful walk through the trees around the old playing field. I have worked it out that if you walk around the inner walk circle of the pathway it will take you approximately 400 steps. So, if you walk around it FIVE times you will have completed approximately a mile. So what? You may ask. Well, a walk around the new path way would contribute towards the NHS recommendation that a brisk 10 minute daily walk has lots of health benefits and would also contribute towards the recommended 150 minutes of weekly exercise. You don’t have to walk for miles and miles so, a nice stroll around the park in a safe environment will help your own health and wellbeing. Once the new outdoor gym has been installed the more adventurous of you can supplement the walks with a bit of body strengthening exercise before relaxing on the new patio area. Once again our thanks go to the Parish Council in providing these marvelous new facilities for the village.
Markfield Library Christmas Party DURING the evening of Friday 7th December volunteers at Markfield Library were treated to a Christmas Party that included a Fish and Chip supper, a quiz and a light hearted game of Bingo. The party was provided to sincerely thank all the volunteers who provide their time to keep this much needed facility going in the village. Many libraries across the County have closed due to lack of voluntary support. However here in Markfield our library remains open and through the hard work of the Library Committee and volunteers the Library remains open and even provides additional and exciting activities and events. Well done to all of you and your efforts are much appreciated.
Parents and Toddlers Christmas Party On Tuesday 18th December our Parents and Toddlers group held its now annual Christmas Party. The Centre was packed with excited children and their parents/guardians enjoying the festivities. All the children had a packed Christmas lunch and a present. The party included Christmas songs, face painting and a visit by our very own Markfield Father Christmas. Many thanks to Donna, Carol and Dawn as well as other parents for organizing this wonderful Christmas party for the little ones. Don’t forget that Parents and Toddlers sessions are held at the Centre on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, just pop along a join in.
Mayflower Club’s Update
DECEMBER was a busy month for the Mayflower Clubs and there was definitely a Christmas theme throughout. On the 5th December, Rachel Gray from the RVS came along with a number of artists to show members how to make handmade Christmas Cards (pictured above) using water colour paints. I have to say that the resulting cards produced by members were truly amazing and we certainly have some budding artists in the making. On the 12th December and following up on the Christmas theme, we turned our minds to making Christmas Table Decorations. Using a large bag of locally gathered and very prickly holly, ivy and other evergreens members created their very own and personal table decorations and wreaths. Once again the results were outstanding and very creative.
I just hired a private investigator to find out what I do all day.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
We all had a wonderful time and many thanks to all involved in organizing the party. We are now planning our session for the forthcoming year and to date the following events are already scheduled for the coming months: • 23rd January Burns Supper • 30th January “What’s in the Box Mystery Game” • 13th February Valentines Chocolate Making • 27th February St. David’s Celebration If you are interested in coming along to any of our Mayflower Clubs, simply turn up either on at Monday Afternoon Friendship Club or on Thursday afternoon for the main Mayflower Club. Both clubs are from 2pm to 4pm and only cost £1.50p per session. You will have fun, meet new friends and be most welcome.
Mayflower Home Made Wine Club
The Mayflower Club annual Christmas party took place on the 19th December. The hall was packed with members and specially invited guests including Parish and Borough Councillors and people who have supported the project over the years. With the hall and tables decked out with Christmas party decorations members and guests sat down to a sumptuous Christmas buffet washed down with our home made runner bean wine that certainly put us all in a festive mood.
Over the year we have had demonstrations on how to turn fruit and vegetables into home made wine. Following these demonstrations there has been interest in starting a new Home made wine club at the Centre. Initially the club will be held monthly based on the availability of seasonal fruits and vegetables. The first session will take place on Tuesday 12th February from 5.30pm to 6.30pm and then every second Tuesday in the month. The club will be open ANY adult from absolute beginners, those currently dabbling in wine making and want to learn more as well as the “experts” who can share their experiences. It will only cost you £2.00p per session which far less than the cost of a bottle of wine.
National Blood Service Firstly I have been asked to pass on the thanks of the National Blood Service to all those people who took time out of their busy Christmas schedule to donate blood on Friday 28th December. This session has helped towards providing much needed blood supplies to cover the busy Christmas period and also helped the NHS to stock up on the rarer blood types. The next session will take place on Wednesday 13th February so please come along and “Do something amazing” by donating your much needed blood.
Money Saving Special Offer
During the meal and having recovered somewhat from his visit to the Parents and Toddlers Christmas Father Christmas arrived with a huge bag full of Secret Santa presents for everyone. After the meal we really got into the Christmas spirit with entertainer Bill Brookman and his wife Melanie leading choruses of Christmas songs and carols. Members really got into the swing of things “playing” and drumming along to the music and raising the roof with their enthusiastic singing. The party concluded with little Maleki singing “We wish you a Merry Christmas” which brought cheers of joy and delight.
Don’t forget that if you are planning a special family event, party or function with a bar we only charge a modest hire fee of £10 per room. This hire fee is very competitive to other venues in the area and will save you money. For bookings and enquiries please contact Markfield Centre and Sports ,Mayflower Close, Markfield LE67 9ST on 01530 242240 or email or you can visit our website www.markfield to view our facilities, latest news, photo gallery and information about the Centre.
At the end of the day, life should ask us: ‘Do you want to save the changes?’
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
A very successful first Christmas Tree Festival at St. Peter’s, Thornton THANK YOU to everyone who came to visit! This year, the Friends of St. Peter’s (FOSP), Thornton, organised their first ever Christmas Tree Festival at the church, and the theme was “Christmas Carols and Songs”. Originally, the festival was due to take place only over the weekend of 15th/16th December, but the church looked so lovely – as pretty as a picture – the nineteen brightly-lit trees all stayed up until 5th January. The atmospheric and sparkling display made all the church services, and especially the Carol Service and Christingle, even better than ever. We are delighted to report that the Festival was both enjoyable and successful with about 90 people coming in to look at the trees and 60 visitors submitting voting slips for the competition. As part of this competition, prizes were awarded in three categories – the best adult’s tree, best child’s/children’s tree and the most imaginative tree. The results were as follows: • Best adult’s tree – won by Helen Crouch with her ‘Coming Home for Christmas’ theme • Best child’s/children’s tree - won by ‘The Little Angels’ church group for pre-school children, with their ‘Hark the Herald Angels’ theme • Most imaginative tree – won by ‘The Beta Group’, with ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’. The deceptively simple Nativity scene created by 6-year old Aston was so appropriate to the season, it was moved to the altar area to sit on top of the Bishop’s chair until Twelfth Night. We are also delighted to report the encouraging figures for church attendance in the month of December at St. Peter’s. Over those four Each evening will include simple reflective worship songs, silence, weeks 349 adults and 212 children came to celebrate the season. prayer, readings and responses and last up to an hour. Wonderful news! All are welcome. Come along and enjoy the peace. (All entry charges and visitor donations pertaining to the Tree Festival January 15th February 15th March will18th go towards the maintenance of this lovely 14th century listed building). 17th May 21st June 19th July 16th August
“Still Friday” 2019
October 15th and November A 20th fewSeptember words from18th Julie Wilson (16) No “StillGibbins Friday” in April Aston (6)or– December why the festival was Fridays to 8.00 important uspm at St. Michael & All Angels’ Church
THIS EVENT was special because it was where the families in Thornton and surrounding villages could come together to decorate a tree for our very own tree festival. This festival was held at St Peter’s church in Thornton in December 2018, where many families came into church to decorate a tree, which was their own tree. Everyone used their own decorations with the theme of Christmas Carols. Everyone got the choice of their carol, decorations and colours which made this event special to the families who took part. My little brother Aston Gibbins (aged 6) decorated his own little tree, but this wasn’t an ordinary Christmas tree - it was a white ‘twig tree’ which stood just 2ft tall. He decorated his tree himself with tiny white fairy lights and heart-shaped white balls. He chose the carol Away in a Manger himself and he had a little manger in a wooden stable at the side of his tree. Aston said to me: “My tree looks magical and my tree sat on the big chair at the front of the church”. He was very impressed with his tree, and proud that everyone could see it. Although it was not a winning one he said that decorating his tree had been great fun and it looked very pretty and sparkly. We hope there will be more things like this in church that families can take part in.
By Julie Wilson and Aston Gibbins
I’m so lonely, I bought a plane ticket just for the airport pat-down.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Markfield Medical Centre and Patient Participation Group WE HOPE that you all had an enjoyable Christmas and wish everyone a happy and peaceful New Year. As the New Year begins, it seems that everywhere there are reminders of ways in which we can improve our health, lose weight or tone up our bodies! Recently, for example, I watched a programme which encouraged me to stop drinking alcohol for a month, cut down on the amount of fat that I use in cooking and eat less in order to lose weight! The news programmes, too, seem full of advice and warnings about the food we eat and exercise that we do or don’t do. However, some of the advice could be useful – for example, the Change4Life campaign to show how much extra sugar children in England are eating – a whopping 2,800 sugar cubes per year, more than double the recommended guidelines. The website gives ideas for swapping to lower sugar alternatives, which could benefit the whole family. Visit the website at: for more information.
Missed GP appointments AN ARTICLE on the BBC website described how missed GP appointments ‘cost NHS England £216 million pounds’. If patients do not attend appointments this information is recorded and apparently amounts to more than 15 million consultations. It may be possible for this time to be given to another patient, but only if the appointment is cancelled in advance. Doctors are always concerned if a patient doesn’t attend for an appointment and will try to check on the reason behind a non attendance. However, the surgery
is always grateful when patients let them know in good time.
Free health check AGAIN, on the BBC news, we hear that apparently fewer than half of the people who could have a free health check have taken up the offer. This is available to anyone over 40 and can be taken every 5 years until the age of 74. It is offered to anyone who is generally healthy and who does not already have monitoring or reviews for any medical or long term conditions. It involves tests on blood pressure, weight and height and takes about 20 minutes. The health check helps to pick up heart problems early and you will receive advice on how to lower the risk of a range of conditions including stroke, kidney disease and type 2 diabetes. Why not take advantage of this free health check - as we all know ‘ Prevention is better than cure’. If you think that you are eligible contact the surgery to make an appointment. Don’t forget the PPG AGM is on Monday January 21st at 5.30pm – all welcome!
Herald Small Ads Pick Up A Bargain!
• Richmond Rise RECLINER ARMCHAIR. Cream colour, only a few weeks old, like new, sale due to bereavement. Cost £319. Price: £159.00. Tel: 0116 287 9549 (Groby).
• Genuine UGG BOOTS made by UGG Australia, Euro size 42. UK M8/ L9 - Sheepskin and suede - Colour Sand - 25.5 cm high. Very good condition. Price: £25.00 Tel: 01530 242318 (Markfield).
• PINE BOOKCASE, 36”H by 26”W by 12”D, 3 adjustable shelves, bun feet. Price: £10.00. • CONSOLE TABLE, 28”H by 43”W by 21”D, upcycled, slightly distressed, colour Winter Grey. Solid wood, turned and reeded legs, two drawers, nice handles, has some age to it. Price: £50.00. • Small handmade painted STOOL, decorated with handpainted corn flowers, 11”H by 15”W by 9”D, colour Winter Grey. Price: £10.00. Tel: 01530 243043 (Markfield).
• 3 PRINTERS: 1 Scanjet: Epsom XP-700 W Fi Epsom XP 432 W Fi, HP Deskjet 1050, HP Scanjet 4370. All with original boxes. • Samsung - SQ 1000 ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER Price: ALL FREE. For more details tel: 07974 594134 (Groby)
• SWIMMING POOL, 12ft diameter, 3ft 4” deep, tubular metal frame, in and out steps, electric circulating pump. Unpacked but unused. Price: £100.00 o.n.o. • Electric 12v OUTBOARD - Minn Kota Turbo 5-speed. Little used. Price: £60.00 o.n.o. • GARDEN SHED - 10 ft by 6ft. Very good condition. Buyer to dismantle. Price: £100.00 o.n.o. Tel: 01530 245328 (Stanton-underBardon). • MOBILITY SCOOTER. Takes apart for transporting. Price: FREE • WonderCore Smart (EXERCISE MACHINE). Hardly used. Price: £45.00 Tel: 01530 481754 (Markfield Court) • Hedgehog GUTTER BRUSHES. Unused. 100mm diameter. 8 metre length. Price: £20.00 Tel: 0116 287 6724 (Groby).
CHILDCARE ITEMS FOR SALE • Maxi-Cosi Rubi CHILD’S CAR SEAT (9-18 kgs, age approx 9 months-4 years). Cost £133 new from John Lewis. Easy to fit. Price: £50.00. • Mothercare spring interior COTBED MATTRESS. Little use (never wet). Price: £30.00 • COT BED. Price: £20.00 • BED LINEN. ‘Humphrey’s corner’quilt cover, pillowcase, fitted sheet, duvet cover. Price: £10.00 • Quilt & Pillow. Price: £10.00 Tel: 01530 230610 (Thornton).
IF YOU HAVE any household items which you’d like to advertise FREE in the Herald, please SEND DETAILS by post or email - sorry, we can’t take them over the phone. Maximum EIGHT items please. Our postal address is Herald Small Ads, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT or you can email details to: PLEASE ENSURE that you put ‘Small Ads’ in the subject line, and include your postal address (not for publication).
Calling all Local Clubs, Groups, Societies & Associations ... Tell us what you’re up to and we’ll include your news in the Herald! Tremendous!
It may not look like it, but I’m actually very handsome.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
More Bagworth eye witness history Interview with Kate Baines: 14/3/2000 MANOR FARMHOUSE was a large L-shaped building. It must have been built before the window tax, as a big window in each room had been blocked up making the rooms quite dark. Some of the windows had been made into shallow cupboards with the wooden shutters inside made into doors and some had just been nailed up and left. The kitchen and dining room on either side of the front door faced south with the garden lawn, and an iron hand gate in front leading to the home field. Round the corner, the polished wood staircase and the panelled drawing-room faced west, looking across the valley to Bagworth Park, Thornton and Markfield. On the north side was what we called the back kitchen. A dark cold room with a blue brick floor, a huge copper and a slate sink. Behind was a long damp dairy where the big butter churn stood. At the bottom end of the dairy was an old wooden box containing Croquet Mallets and Hoops. The lawn was big enough to play a full Croquet game, but they were only put out if we had visitors and summer parties. Sometimes my uncle would have a broody hen in a ‘coop’ on the lawn, which was like a little iron igloo with bars at the front. When her eggs hatched the mother couldn’t get out and roam round the garden, but the tiny yellow chickens could run in and out. At night, a strong iron door to fit the bars was placed in front to keep the chicks safe from the foxes. The front of the house was mostly covered in ivy, but there were two large espalier plum trees growing there too, and a Victoria plum and a Greengage. In the autumn we could lean out of the bedroom windows and pick them. There is nothing sweeter than a sun-warmed greengage plum picked straight off the tree. We would go from room to room to pick as far as we could reach. The only ones we daren’t touch were those below my Uncle and Aunt’s bedroom. There were four large bedrooms and a smaller one over the front hall. Even that was as big as the master bedroom in most modern houses. Up a separate flight of stairs (the back stairs) two shabby rooms faced north-east and would originally have been for the servants. My Aunt had a young servant girl at one time who lived in, but I don’t remember where she slept. Probably in one of those rooms, which would have been a bit scary for a fourteen year old, leaving home for the first time. At the top of the house were three
attic rooms running the whole length of the building. When my cousins were older, they used to sneak up there for a quick smoke. The fumes went up the chimney and there was a window on the north side which gave a view right up the village street. They could spot their parents returning home and get downstairs before anyone could suspect what they were doing. My Aunt and Uncle, as nonsmokers, were very strict about such dirty habits. Even guests had to go outside if they wanted to indulge. Another escape route for us was the cellar. The house stood on a ‘nob’ high above the farm buildings. The cellar door was next to the main staircase. No lights in there of course: there was no electricity on the farm, only oil lamps and candles. When you opened the cellar door it was very dark and you had to feel your way carefully down the uneven steps and along the bottom wall. It was always damp there and we knew there were toads and newts, but round the corner you could vaguely see the outline of a door with cracks of daylight showing through. A few more steps and a turn of the heavy handle and you were out in the sunshine behind the house. Quickly across the stack yard and the orchard and we were in the home field away from prying eyes. There were no windows on that side of the house. This field was only used for grazing a few young beasts. The other side of the road was the village ‘tip’. We weren’t supposed to go there, but my cousin James used to rummage out old bicycle frames and wheels without tyres and would fasten them together somehow. It was wonderful fun to freewheel over and down the humps and
hollows of the field. We didn’t need brakes or seats, somehow you could always steer into a soft patch of ground. From the top of the hill we could see the railway line, and could watch the huge steam engines chuffing along the track was another thrill. Sometimes we would run all the way down to the bridge over the Bagworth Park drive and stand panting underneath while the train roared over our heads. In the spring the railway banks used to be smothered in primroses. That was another forbidden area, if the driver or fireman saw you trespassing they would throw lumps of coal at you. The few trees now left on the hill were once part of the garden, what we called the shrubbery, mostly laurel and lilac bushes with ivy covering the ground. The garden had a high wall all round, lawn and flowerbeds in front. Gooseberry and current bushes, small fruit trees and a strawberry bed near the path to the outside lavatory. A three seater one. Two high seats either side and a lower one in the middle. That was like sitting in an armchair, very comfy but a bit smelly in the summer. The big kitchen window overlooked all this luscious forbidden fruit, so, often when you were trying to sneak a tempting strawberry, there’d be a terrifying rap on the pane and a furious hand gesturing you away. The house was such an old dark place we thought there should be ghosts… of course there weren’t, so we invented three. ‘Tony and Betty’, our favourite names, for the good ghosts and ‘Sammy’ for the naughty one. As time went on the uninteresting good ones faded away, but Sammy
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I haven’t exaggerated in 300 years.
Whenever there was a village parade, always accompanied by the local brass band, the horse would gallop up to the wall at the top of the field, then march and prance round and round in perfect time to the music. remained a strong accomplice for many months. One Sunday we found a huge Union Jack flag in the attic, so we poked it through the front window and waved it vigorously. Unfortunately many of the villagers were sedately making their way down the field path to Cross Hills Chapel. That took a bit of explaining away. In the winter we liked to watch the mangolds being sliced and mixed with the chaff for the cows. It was hard work, they were sliced in a special machine that was turned by hand, rather like a huge mincer. My uncle also bought sacks of rolled oats from a local mill to be mixed with the mangolds and chaff. There was a peculiar kind of cow food that looked a bit like a dried banana, dark brown in colour with a slightly scent of a musky smell and a sweetish taste. My cousins loved this and used to rummage through the feed sacks to find it to chew. I think it was called ‘locust bean’. When the big Shire or cart horses were not needed, they were always turned out in the home field. One of them, a huge gentle animal had been an army horse in the first world war. After the armistice, those that were surplus to army requirements were sold off to the public. This particular one must have been attached to a regimental division. Whenever there was a village parade, always accompanied by the local brass band, the horse would gallop up to the wall at the top of the field, then march and prance round and round in perfect time to the music. Sadly this beautiful house was demolished in the 1960s, it had been rendered uninhabitable due to damage from the coal mine subsidence.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Roman Gods & Godesses Wordsearch Forgot username or password?
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FIND 12 ROMAN GODS AND GODESSES in this month’s Wordsearch puzzle and you could win yourself a meal and a drink. This month we are offering a tasty prize of: A Main Course for Two, plus A Bottle of Solutions for Districts Free House Wine at The FieldHead Hotel. To go into the draw, all you have to do is find - and mark a line through - 12 ROMANResources GODS AND GODESSES.
What We Offer
Who We Are
Find the 12 Roman Gods below:
These can run vertically, horizontally or diagonally (and backwards!). Send your entry to: ROMAN GODS, The Herald, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT to arrive by Saturday 9th February 2019. Remember to include your name and address. The first all-correct entry drawn out of the C V M G R K K J A K A hat will win the Meal for Two at The Field Head Hotel. Good luck!
Name: ................................................................................................... Address: ................................................................................................ .............................................................................................................. .......................................................... Postcode: .............................
Last Month’s Competition Winner The winner of last issue’s Wordsearch Competition was: Mrs Jane Lister of Churchill Drive, Leicester Forest East. Congratulations! Your prize voucher will be sent to you soon.
Greene King toasts strong festive APOLLO CERES sales DIANA after record Christmas Day JUNO PUB GROUP Greene King JUPITER has cheered strong festive MARS after customers trading MERCURY brushed aside Brexit fears toMINERVA send sales surging over NEPTUNE and New Year. Christmas VENUSin Greene King rose 4% Shares as VESTA the Hungry Horse and Chef & VULCAN Brewer owner said like-for-like
sales in its managed pubs jumped 10.9% in the two weeks to January 6. It notched up another record on Christmas Day, with sales of £7.7 million, up from £7.6 million in 2017, as moreCreated Britons chose to by eat out for their Puzzlemaker festive lunch. The Suffolk-based firm also said it saw all sales categories achieve like-forlike sales growth over the key six-week festive period. Greene King said the Christmas trading performance helped sales rise 3.2% for the 36 weeks to January 6.
Someone should tell scientists they don’t need to keep finding reasons for us to drink a glass of wine at night.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
News from Cross Hills Baptist Church Serving the villages of Thornton & Bagworth plus the surrounding area We had a great time this Christmas! We had a great time this Christmas celebrating the birth of Jesus, in all sorts of different ways! On Saturday 22nd December at our Carol Service we sang our favourite carols with Marwood Brass Band, Santa paid a visit (with sweets for the children and band members) and one of our latest puppets, Eddie the donkey, made an appearance. One of our members, Robert Holmes, led the service (due to Pastor Garry’s recent hip operation) and in his message he spoke about us all needing Jesus in our lives, like Christmas toys needing batteries. We were very pleased to welcome Diana Morgan, one of the Trustees of Hinckley Homeless, who gave us an update about the Project’s current work and their exciting plans for the future. We were told about some of the young people who had been helped by Lawrence House and the things they had gone on to achieve in their lives, some either going on to independent living or aiming towards that goal. Our Reverse Advent boxes were full to overflowing and she thanked us immensely for those and for the collection that had been taken at the service which raised £125, all of which would be a great help to them, as they get no government funding. Social time was enjoyed afterwards with mince pies, tea and coffee. On Sunday 23rd December we enjoyed our Sunday Club’s Christmas presentation of ‘Humbug’, a Christian version of ‘A Christmas Carol’ written by one of our church members. They were all ‘stars’ and we enjoyed it immensely. Our Singing Group performed for us and Ruth brought a message and song from our new puppet, Eddie the donkey. The Sunday Club youngsters were presented with their annual Christmas prizes and the leaders were thanked for their time and commitment in leading the Sunday Club week by week. Karl Tyler, one of our new members who led the service and gave our Christmas message, gave everyone a little gift to open on Christmas Day as a reminder – a beautiful little box tied up with gold ribbon that contained a Cadbury’s Roses sweet and a text from John 3 verse 16 ‘God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life’, something
that we as Christians all believe. On Christmas Day we enjoyed a short service led by Revd David Butcher, with the youngsters bringing some of their smaller Christmas presents to show us. David had brought along an extremely large intriguing gift wrapped Christmas present, that some of the children gleefully opened for him. He also had a very small box holding an incredible amount of ‘small gifts’ that he used for his message about the small baby Jesus who’s arrival on earth we celebrate at Christmas. The large box held Merry Christmas balloons that were given out for everyone to take home to remind them to keep hold of the message of Christmas and not to let it fly away. We were also given shortbread biscuits that had kindly been baked by a member of his family. Our usual collection raised a further £180 for Hinckley Homeless that was taken to them after Christmas, making our Christmas total for them this year of £305. Some of our members again contributed to a ‘Charity Christmas Card’ instead of writing individual cards and £35 was sent to the chosen charity, The Salvation Army, who do such good works in our communities at Christmas, in particular for those for whom Christmas would otherwise be very difficult. After Christmas, Ruth Holmes and family again kindly organised a Christmas Party on Saturday 29th December in our church hall. Church members, family and friends enjoyed quizzes and traditional games and a delicious buffet was laid out. The evening was rounded off with a lively ‘Okey, Cokey!’ and we all went home having enjoyed a lovely evening with good friends.
and peace to this world and we pray that this is the message that will spread around our troubled world this year. If you would like to come to our Sunday services during this coming year, please see the Church Service Information section in this magazine showing the times of our services and our contact details are below if you need to speak to us about anything. You can also find us on Facebook.
Contact Numbers Pastor - Garry Kelly: 01455 457802 / 07816 616189 Secretary - Lynda Kelly: 01455 457802 / 07910 440243 Treasurer - Glynis Straw: 01530 230272
Glynis Straw
Treasurer – on behalf of the Cross Hills church family
Downsizing our social life WHAT DO you most enjoy doing with your spare evenings? Going to a party? Probably not – for it seems that the joy of not going out has become the new thing to brag about. It used to be a childhood punishment: go to bed early, don’t leave the house. Now it is discussed as an adult ‘self-care’ goal – even Kate Moss has praised the benefits of bingesleeping. All this cosy staying-at-home is not confined to the middle-aged and upwards; 82 percent of 18-to-30-year-olds have admitted to cancelling plans with friends in favour of an early night and hangover-free morning. All in all, no wonder that by late last year pubs were closing at a rate of 18 a week. Half of the nation’s nightclubs shut down between 2005 and 2015. There is even a big slump in ‘casual dining’ out. The American news site Vox has recently christened this new movement the ‘homebody economy’. For though at home, we are still spending, via streaming services and delivery apps. But at least we don’t have to look for a parking space!
Bessie Willett It was with great sorrow that we said farewell in 2018 to our valued church member, Bessie Willett, who died on 21st December. She is already sadly missed by us all, but we are comforted knowing that she believed in the Lord Jesus Christ so is now in Glory with her Saviour, free from the pain and suffering she bravely bore during her last few weeks. Her funeral, on 14th January, will already have taken place by the time this issue of The Herald is distributed. The Cross Hills Church family would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year for 2019. Jesus brought a message of love, hope
No, I can’t tonight. I already have plans to look at my phone somewhere else.
THE HERALD • MID-JANUARY 2019 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:
Markfield WI News
Newtown Linford Gardening Club
LAST YEAR was a record-breaking year for us with a series of excellent talks by prestigious speakers, two very successful visits and social evenings which attracted around 100 people on each occasion. Our membership has increased to 140 and our visiting speakers have been thrilled to be welcomed by such a large, lively and appreciative audience. Our programme for 2019 promises to be equally attractive with a wide variety of topics offered by our visiting speakers. We have again two celebrity evenings when household names in the horticultural world come to our village. This year our celebrities are Matthew Biggs from Gardeners’ Question Time and Chris Beardshaw, the famous garden designer with an enviable collection of Chelsea gold medals. As usual, we invite members of other gardening clubs and interested people to join us on these occasions and tickets at £12 can be obtained from the secretary. In addition we have some excellent evenings planned. We are particularly pleased to welcome Alan Power from Stourhead whose garden has regularly featured on Gardeners’ World. Our two visits will be equally popular when we go to the famous David Austin Roses Nursery and to the Leicester Botanic Gardens.
FOLLOWING her talk earlier in the year about the sale of rolled recycled paper jewellery helping the women of Uganda we invited Alison Rockett to come and hold a session on making the jewellery. We were surprised how easily we could make the beads from scraps of paper - obviously the larger pieces made by the Ugandan ladies take more technique. The afternoon was well attended and went quickly with beads and chat and each of us went home with at least one finished bracelet. Alison had also brought along some of the jewellery made by the women which proved very popular as Christmas presents. • ON FRIDAY 16 NOVEMBER we held our annual fundraiser quiz night at Coalville Rugby Club. This is always a popular (and highly competitive) event complete with a ploughman’s supper in the interval. Prizes were eventually awarded to the winning team and we all look forward to next year. • WE WOULD LIKE to thank all the library staff for their efforts in relation to their poppy display. For any WI members who helped with the poppies I attach a photo of our
poppies as part of the display. • AT OUR NOVEMBER MEETING Peter Wood came to talk to us about willow weaving. He told us about the different species of Willow and we learned the difference between coppicing and pollarding. We then had the chance to make Christmas trees, not as easy as it looked when he demonstrated, but we all had a go and everyone went home with a finished tree. In 2000 Peter set up Greenwood Days a centre teaching traditional craft skills based at Spring Wood. His specialist skill is chair making and he brought along a chair he had made. He also brought details of the various courses run at Spring Wood, giving some of us food for thought for next year (the chair making course is already sold out).
~ PROGRAMME 2019 ~ Jan 22nd Birds in our Garden - Chris Edwards Feb 26th Open Evening with MATTHEW BIGGS Mar 26th Thrive –Amanda Fields Social and Therapeutic Horticulture Apr 23rd The Garden at Stourhead - Alan Power May 28th Plants for your Garden - Timothy Walker June 18th Visit to David Austin Roses July 23rd Summer Garden Party Aug Evening at Leicester Botanicalworship Gardens Each27th evening will include simple reflective songs, silence, Sept 24th National Gardens - Julie prayer, readings andTrust responses and lastAllard up to an hour. All are welcome. along andCHRIS enjoy BEARDSHAW the peace. Oct 22nd OpenCome Evening with Dec18th 10th Christmas Party January 15th February 15th March
“Still Friday” 2019
17th May June Julythe secretary 16th August Anyone interested in21st our activities can 19th contact (tel. 01530 242452) or e-mail us at, or15th else come along to one of 20th September 18th October November ourNo meetings as a visitor (£3). “Still Friday” in April or December If you would like a copy of our programme for the coming year, we will be Fridays 8.00 pm pleased to send one to St. Michael & All Angels’ Church
Anne and David Couling
• FOLLOWING our evening making Christmas trees we felt properly festive and are looking forward to our Christmas Party at our December meeting. If you didn’t come to any of our meetings this year why not make it a New Year’s resolution to come and meet us next year; you can come along to any meeting without obligation. Our speaker in January will be Matthew Morris who will be telling us about recent archaeology in Leicester since Richard III.
Joining together with Christians from other traditions for sharing, praying, contemporary worship, refreshments
Markfield Congs Hall, 7.00pm Thurs 1st Nov. - sharing food
The woman selling sea shells by the sea shore must have had a strong personal brand to overcome such a poor business model.
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