June 2010 Anstey Clarion Magazine

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I am looking for enthusiastic individuals who care for their neighbourhood and want to keep it safe from crime and Anti Social Behaviour. Please consider becoming a Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator for your neighbourhood. The crime in Anstey is going down, let’s keep it that way. The only area’s covered by a NHW Co-ordinator at the moment are: Long Close and Ruskin Fields, Princes Close, Fulmer Road, Bradgate Road, Dalby Road, Broughton Close, Balladine Road, Longhade Furlong and Wooldale Close. We have just welcomed the residents of the middle part of Link Road to the Anstey NHW. Please let me welcome your Neighbourhoods. Once you have set up your scheme it is NOT time consuming. The benefits are huge. A pleasant place to live with neighbourhoods looking out for each other. A discount on your house insurance (depending on your insurer). Being part of a very friendly group of people, all helping to make Anstey a good and safe place to live. We meet every two or three months, to hear what has been happening in the village, the latest crime figures, and any event planned for the future, and the latest initiatives. If you think you would like to help or need more information please phone me on 0116 2365745 or e-mail dianetillotson@tiscali.co.uk

Charnwood Borough Council and Leicestershire Libraries have joined forces to create a healthier and more active community. Council’s Active Together Team will be conducting free health checks for adults at local libraries throughout the summer. The health checks will be carried out by a qualified fitness instructor. The health checks include, measuring weight, blood pressure, body fat percentage, body composition, basal metabolic rate, muscle mass and total body water percentage. They will take place locally at:

• • •

For more information about these sessions or other physical initiatives for adults aged 16+ in Charnwood, please contact the Active Together Team on 01509 632535 or email active.together@charnwood.gov.uk

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Space Hop: Summer Reading challenge 2010 Children aged 4 – 12 years can go on an intergalactic adventure at their local library this summer. Space Hop is a fun and exciting reading challenge that will be taking place in all Leicestershire libraries, including mobile libraries, from 10th July to 11th September. Sign up for the adventure and receive a FREE Space Hop membership card and fold-out poster. To complete the space mission and the reading challenge children will need to read six books and collect stickers to add to the poster. Everyone completing the reading challenge will receive a Space Hop certificate and other rewards. Children under four can join in their own version of the reading challenge by visiting their local library and collecting stickers for a special Bookcrawl Space Hop certificate. For more information about Space Hop call in at your local library or check out the website www.leics.gov.uk/spacehop It’s free to join the library and there’s something for all the family to enjoy.

13th July: Anstey Library: 2-4.30pm 10th August: Anstey Library: 2-4.30pm 14th September: Anstey Library: 2-4.30pm

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Next Issue Out 21st August• Deadline: 7th August

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

Anstey Parish Council News From John Alexander (Clerk to the Council) Email: ansteypc@btconnect.com • Tel: 0116 236 2646 Website: http://anstey.leicestershireparishcouncils.org

Parish Councillor Vacancy We are told by the Charnwood Returning Officer that a single candidate had put in their nomination papers by the deadline. Mr Donald Crighton will therefore be elected without the need for voting.

Council Structure

Message from the incoming Chairman of Anstey Parish Council

Looking Ahead...


ow times change! I was Chairman of the Parish Council in the 1980s, but the new professionalism required today by government and by the public is quite daunting. Fortunately our excellent Parish Clerk John Alexander and his staff are well equipped to carry out the large range of tasks that we are expected to carry out these days. Please come along to a Parish Council meeting to see how we function and spend your money. We hope that every decision we take is in the best interest of Anstey, but the only way we will know is if you tell us.

Vandalism is a continual drain on our funds

At the second council meeting on May 25th your parish council decided on the Vice-Chairman. Councillor Steve Farmer was elected to this post and joins with Michael Parker Chairman as the senior members of the council.

Recreation Ground There has been an increase in the number of youngsters playing football against the shutters at the back of the building. The council is taking steps to address this as the footballs are frequently going over the building and being a hazard to other people. We hope to get the football played against the proper wall which is marked with goalpost, etc.

Sure Start Centre Progress is slower than everyone would like due to the need to get all of the correct permissions. We will provide an update as soon as we can.

Please keep your hedges in trim Now we have some better weather the hedges are growing. Can we request that all householders look at their hedges and shrubs that are next to a pavement and trim them back so people using the footpaths do not have to avoid the foliage. Thank you.

John Alexander

One of the most expensive areas we have to cater for is the cost of vandalism in the village, particularly around the Jubilee Hall and the car park on Stadon Road. We have provided a kicking wall but this is not enough for some of the budding Beckhams in the village who think that damaging the shutters around the Jubilee Hall is a good game, although costly. This would appear to be caused by just a few young people who don’t seem to understand that someone has to pay; it may be not them directly but if they live in the village their parents do via the council tax, as do we all. We do try to provide some facilities for all in Anstey and in particular the young but this continual drain on our funds (approximately £10,000 last year) does mean that there is less to spend on other projects. However the graffiti wall and youth shelter would seem to be a success.

New allotments planned this year In this financial year we are to develop some new allotments in the village to help relieve the current waiting list. During 2010/2011 we hope to work with partners to develop facilities for sport on the Mitchell’s Field site on Cropston Road. In the long term we hope to further develop the sports field off Link Road with the help of the Martin School to maximise the use of the fields around the school. The recreation area adjacent to the new Wilson and Jelson houses will be developed when the builders have completed work on these sites. Please remember that we welcome your comments about what you feel is needed in the village. Telephone the office on 0116 2362646 or me on 0116 2363525.

Michael Parker

Chairman, Anstey Parish Council


Please Note: There will be no Anstey Clarion in July due to holidays.

We would like to thank all the people who attended the Charity Night we had on 14th May at The Notts Oddfellows Club.We have got a lot of good feed back. We raised £620 which has been split between the two charities Loros and Help for Heroes. Plus 2 donations for Loros from people who could not attend. We also sold H4H wristbands at £2 each and up to now have raised £146 we still have some left if anyone would like one please contact us on 2350729 We would also like to thank The artists for giving their time Stonepark, Vertigo, Amy Lou’s Band and Sam Bailey. Also Muzzy Izzet for drawing the raffle and signing autographs and having his photo taken with people. Everyone enjoyed that and George Taft and Sally B Jarvis for assisting with the raffle. Also thank you to the people in the pubs of Anstey who bought raffle tickets the results are in those pubs for you to see. A big thank you to Notts. Oddfellows for letting us have the room and to the Clarion for putting in the advertisement. Thank you all.

Geoff and Lynn Snee


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Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

Anstey WI News

Fashion through the ages Theresa Thomson’s talk to Anstey WI, Fashion Through The Ages (Part 2), was eagerly anticipated, as everyone had so enjoyed the first part last year. Members sat patiently through the business, pleased to hear that President Jackie Dawson had enjoyed her first experience of being a delegate at the National Federation’s IGM in Cardiff. At last, the suitcase was unpacked, and Theresa began to share her expert knowledge through the delightful little mannequins she made and dressed herself. An added bonus this time was the addition of child models, since the talk covered the period from 1790, when children’s clothes began to be designed differently from those for adults, allowing them freedom to play. Theresa explained the evolution of fashions through the long reign of Queen Victoria, and moved into the realm of nostalgia as she continued to 1982. The mood of nostalgia continued, as members giggled over the photographs entered for the competition, “What we used to Wear.” This was won by Jackie Dawson.

LETTER Let’s get together Help For Heroes evening at the Methodist Church (Great), Elvis at the Old Hare and Hounds (Very Good), Motown Disco at the Coach and Horses (Very Loud) and Live band at the Crown Inn (Never got there) - all on the same night (Sat 6th. June) and a cloud burst for good measure. Great but a little bit of overkill me thinks? Perhaps the proprietors of these outlets should meet now and again to sort out entertainment dates so that we avoid having everything on, on the same night. Oh for the good old days at Anstey WMC - an act on every week - no expense spared... If you’ve not got your “Club Case” then you can’t come in would say the “Man” on the door. Does anybody remember who he was? Let me know. I was far too young. Tom Rushin, Les Spencer, Mr. Herbert? You tell me ...

John Sutherington

PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT

Tel: 01530-244069 Email: info@ansteyclarion.co.uk Website: www.ansteyclarion.co.uk The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Anstey Clarion Production Team. The inclusion of any group or organisation in this publication does not necessarily imply a recommendation of its aims, methods or policies. Anstey Clarion cannot be held responsible for the information disclosed by advertisements, all of which are accepted in good faith. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine, but no liability can be accepted for loss or inconvenience caused as a result of error or omission. Anstey Clarion reserves the right to amend, shorten or refuse to publish articles and/or advertisements submitted for publication. All contents © Anstey Clarion None of the articles contained in this magazine are to be reproduced in any way without first obtaining written consent from Anstey Clarion. ANSTEY CLARION is printed in Ellistown by Norwood Press This issue delivered between 18th and 20th June 2010 by our dedicated team of deliverers.

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

David Snartt reports... My roles at the County Council I have changed some of my roles at the County Council for this council year. I am now a member of the Children and Young Peoples Scrutiny Committee along with retaining my membership of the Corporate Governance Committee, where I have been Chairman for the last five years. I will not be involved with the Police Authority, albeit I will continue as Chairman of the Charnwood Community Safety Partnership which includes all the agencies involved in reducing crime and disorder and anti-social behaviour within the Charnwood area.

Latimer Primary School It was a great privilege to be asked to visit the Latimer Primary School to be part of their programme looking at different aspects of government. My part centred around local government and the main issues for the council particularly affecting Anstey. This event was professionally managed by the pupils taking the form of a question and answers session, which was recorded. In my view, the questions were well thought out and challenging, especially asking about the current issues and what the council is doing to overcome them. Topics included anti-social behaviour, litter on the streets and speeding traffic. I was delighted to be part of this learning experience. It was pleasing to see how confident the young people were in carrying out their tasks during the lesson and the knowledge levels they had on local issues. This was an enjoyable time for myself and hopefully helped the pupils understand the issues facing local government today within the Anstey Parish.

Parking in Anstey I have received several complaints about the main car park near to the doctors surgery in the village always being full during the day, this throughout the working week. Most suggesting that this is because many people leave their

Have you received unsolicited phone calls from individuals offering to help speed up your slow computer?

vehicle in the car park then travel on public transport. Several residents have suggested a time limit should be in place so that people coming to Anstey to use our local shops are able to park close by. At this stage I am not sure if this would be possible but I would be grateful for any suggestions on this issue.

Community Safety As Chairman of the Community Safety Partnership I would like to take this opportunity to give a gentle reminder to residents to make sure they secure windows and doors especially during the warmer weather. There is a need to close and lock windows and doors when you are away from your property and take similar precautions during the night. By taking these simple steps it will make it more difficult for the opportunist burglar to carry out this type of crime. I am delighted to see the CCTV cameras being installed around the Nook. I am grateful to the Parish Council for progressing this safety programme. I have been involved with the monitoring aspect of this project through the centre at Charnwood Borough Council. This, I believe, will be of great benefit to this busy area of Anstey and will be another tool to help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.

Ashton Green Development I have already told you of my concerns with this new development by the City Council.

PC users: Are you being plagued by ‘Help’ calls?

to Anstey residents. The service reductions were agreed as part of the County Councils Medium Term Financial Strategy to reduce the budget by £66 million over the next four years. The main reductions will see the evening service 123 and the Sunday 121 service ending on the 17th July 2010, both services are heavily subsidised by the County Council. There will also be adjustments to the 74 service during the evenings and on Sunday. Please check with the bus company if you use the 74 service during these times. I will update residents when I have more information.

If you need to contact me on any issues please write to 10 Groby Lane, Newtown Linford, Leicester. LE6 0HH, email david.snartt@leics. gov.uk or telephone 01530 244804.

According to an article in a recent issue of Computeractive magazine, some PC users have received calls from a company claiming to be “the service provider for Windows.” The caller said he had “received messages .. that your computer is running slow.” The caller then tells the computer owner to visit a designated website where they can get help. However, they are then told they will need to pay around £65 for access. Computeractive Magazine advises computer users not to panic if they receive one of these phone calls. CA says: “A caller cannot tell if your PC is running slowly or infected with a virus, so anyone making these claims is lying “Never let a caller gain remote access to your computer.

Art Exhibition A local art group is to hold its 7th annual exhibition at the Village Hall Annexe at Woodhouse Eaves on 26-27 June. Summer Exhibition 2010 will feature work by members of the ARTform ArtsCentre and will include more than a hundred paintings and drawings in various styles, subject matter, and prices. Opening times are 12-5pm on Saturday 26th, and 10am-5pm on Sunday 27. Admission is free and refreshments will be available. For more information on the exhibition or classes, ring Mark on 01509 673064.

I attended a briefing which brought me up to date with the latest proposals. I am still concerned about the traffic levels that this may bring through Anstey. I still feel that future residents may use this route to access the M1 north and other destinations within the north of Leicestershire. I have alerted County Council officers of my concerns. I will keep you informed when I have more information.

Reduction in Bus Services There will be reductions in bus services that provide services

How do those dead bugs get into those enclosed light fixtures?

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

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From Saturday 19 June to Sunday 11 July exciting artwork called “Profusion” will be on display at Calke Abbey. The exhibition consists of specially commissioned and existing works by twelve acclaimed international artists which are inspired by the unique setting at Calke. Full details can be found at www.beaconartproject.com

• Another temporary art installation can be seen in the Marble Hall at Kedleston Hall, near Derby, from 19 July to 29 September. This is an art project called “Promenade” by Susie MacMurray and you will be able to walk through a shimmering, maze-like structure, composed of thousands of metres of gold thread.

• Whilst the key aim of the National Trust is still to care for coastline, countryside, buildings and contents so that they can be enjoyed today and by future generations, the Trust is encouraging all Property Managers to “bring their properties to life”. You can now play Billiards in the Billiard Room at Sudbury Hall. You can also play croquet at Canons Ashby, near Towcester. As part of the garden restoration project the 19th century croquet lawn has been re-laid and a croquet club has been formed for local villagers. On Monday afternoons club members will be on hand to teach visitors the basics of the sport and on other days you will be able to hire the croquet set for a game. At Belton House, near Grantham, there is now a “Dawn to Dusk” display in which a number of rooms are now presented as if for a 1930’s weekend house party. The presentation progresses from daylight to evening as you pass through the rooms. The Yellow Bedroom is set for breakfast and day and evening clothes are laid out for the “guests” in the Windsor Bedroom. Finally the Dining Room is set for formal dinner with a magnificent table centrepiece, on loan from Waddeston Manor, with the room lit by flickering candlelight. Don’t forget that in addition to the house, gardens and parkland there is also a massive children’s Adventure Playground at Belton. For information on the Leicester Association of National Trust members please call, 0116 2229133.

Alan Tyler, Chairman, NT Leicester Association

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One good thing about repeating your mistakes is that you know when to cringe.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

Look out Anstey, we’re on our way! Just what you’ve all been waiting for: mouth watering home-made cakes and savouries. Gluten free goodies. Mysterious chutneys, flavour-rich jams, lemon curd to die for. •

Beautiful home-grown plants & delicious fresh- picked, home -grown fruit and vegetables. Tasty free range eggs. • Loving, hand- crafted cards, jewellery, knitted and sewn items-perfect for gifts or treat yourself. • Extensive range of books from the LOROS book stall. • Or just pop along for a tea/coffee and a chat. What is this? It’s the Women’s Institute Country Market from Glenfield. Where is this? The Methodist Church in the Nook When is this? Friday mornings 9.00 until 11.00am, for a trial period of, July 23rd­ and 30th, August 6th and 13th. Maybe our recipes our old fashioned, just like grandma made, but we are up to date in saving the planet with our goodies that don’t cost the earth in terms of money or food.-miles. Come along and talk to the producer who made that delicious lemon drizzle cake, get advice where to plant those perennials, ask how the chickens are this week who laid your breakfast egg, You can’t do that at Tesco!! If you would like to join us and sell your home made cakes & crafts, home-grown fruit & veg etc You don’t have to be a woman or a member of the local WI to be in the market.

For more information about our social enterprise market telephone Irene Marriott 0116 2364295 or email irene.marriott@ntlworld.com

Irene Marriott

Guides celebrate 100 Years of Guiding On Saturday and Sunday 24th /25th April Girguiding Midlands held a Carnival Day to Celebrate 100 years of Guiding, 10,000 members each day, at Drayton Manor Park and Zoo.

Warning about computer scam Please could you warn computer users of a “scam” that is going on at present. A phone call is received from someone claiming to be associated with a major, trusted supplier; it could be Microsoft or NTL for instance. The caller says that your computer is corrupted and information containing viruses is being issued from it. They ask you to go to your computer and log on, and during this highly pressurised call, they demonstrate where the virus is situated on your machine. The cure for this problem, they say, is to install a ‘viewing’ programme. The next step to their instructions would potentially be to install the “partnership codes”, which would then give them full access to your computer remotely and enable them to copy data, containing any internet banking information, card purchases etc. You maybe password protected but these can be broken by the unscrupulous.

Name & Address supplied

July activities for your diaries at Anstey library

1st Anstey Guides joined the 10,000 other Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers who attended on the Saturday. Each County that attended were given a colour to wear and ours was Orange. After much thought and taking into consideration that County were going to supply us with an Orange T Shirt we decided to go along as Cheer Leaders. Cowboy hats were sourced and bought then decorated in orange, orange leg warmers acquired and then we made orange pom poms to shake. We arrived on a glorious morning and the fun began. We saw many weird and wonderful sights in all the colours of the rainbow plus some, silver robots, yellow ducklings, green and red dragons to name but a few. The effort that had been put into some of the costumes was wonderful. We did the Parade around the Park, watched a show with a live band and our own Girlguiding Talent, then we were released onto the park with its rides and shops. I do wonder if the general public who attended that weekend knew about us, but we only got favourable reactions wherever we went. A wonderful day was had by one and all.

Carol Charnley 1st Anstey Guides


1st Anstey Guides celebrate at Drayton Manor Park

Wriggly readers – stories and rhymes fun for under 5’s with their parents or carers on Thursday 1st July 2 – 2.45pm • Health and Buggy walks on Thursday 8th July. Everyone is welcome. There is £1 fee which covers the cost of the activity and also includes teas, coffees and biscuits. The walk starts from Anstey library at 1.45pm • Summer reading challenge for children aged 4 -12years takes off on Saturday 10th July from 9.30am • Free Health Checks on Tuesday 13th July from 2 – 4.30pm is provided by a health expert from Active together. You have nothing to lose, book your appointment today. For further information and bookings please contact Anstey library on 0116 3053536.

Why is it that no plastic bag will open from the end you first try?


Saturdays 1-4pm & 6-9pm Weather permitting


plumbing & heating

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ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

Charnwood Borough Councillor’s Report From John Sutherington hopefully sufficient improvements will have been made and the funding package can be obtained to improve Charnwood’s 5800 housing stock.

Grass Gutters?

Millfield Playing Fields / Allotments If everything goes to plan a number of “New” allotments will be taking shape over the next 12 months, subject to Charnwood Borough Council agreement. There is a long waiting list for these. This proposed new site should ease the problem somewhat. Funding has been found for the project.

Dimmingsdale Close A plan is currently going through Charnwood Borough Council planning for 9 dwellings situated adjacent to number 10, the Close. Objections have been made mainly about the suitability of the entrance to the site coming off the Close and over a footpath which is widely used by many Parents and Children going to and from both the Anstey Martin and Woolden Hill Schools, and also the narrowness of Dimmingsdale Close itself. A final decision should be made by the end of June, early July. It will be a battle because at this time the County Council Highways Dept. have made No objections, on highway grounds.

Martin Court Long overdue but it seems that some of the empty flats at Martin Court are now being slowly filled. The new Charnwood Neighbourhood Housing; Chief Executive Sue Taylor has been to visit.

CNH Funding Lost Ms. Taylor is alas disappointed at Charnwood Neighbourhood Housing not achieving their expected 2 Star status (only 1 Star given). Getting the “2 Stars” would have brought in £36m of government funding for Council house improvements within Charnwood. I understand redundancies are expected with as many as 20 jobs having to go. The situation will be reviewed again in April 2011, when

Reports have been coming in about the state of the roads around the village with grass and weeds growing out of the gutters. I couldn’t agree more and have reported it, to the relevant authorities.

“KIDS” Wild Card CBC Kids Leisure passes are exceptional value. Get in touch now with Leisure Services at Charnwood Borough Council for outstanding value for money until March 2011. As well as local events at activity centres, sports clubs and shops we have teamed up with national attractions, so you can use your pass on holiday in the UK. A booklet is available listing all the offers. For more details on how to get your card. Ring Charnwood Borough Council Leisure Services. 01509 634673. Or Email: leisure@ charnwood.gov.uk It really is something worth having.

Ashton Green I attended an Area Forum meeting on June 9th to find that this project - which is basically an extension of Beaumont Leys going towards Thurcaston/ Birstall - is going for outline planning permission later this month. If all goes to plan the development of 3,000 homes could begin as early as 2012. With 1,000 family type houses forecast to be built within 5 years. I have insisted that Anstey be kept fully informed as I fear there could be a big increase with the flooding of Rothley Brook in Anstey, and the increase in traffic within the village could be massive. To put this proposal into perspective, it will be bigger than Anstey; we currently have around 2,600 dwellings within the village.

Committees for 2010/11 I have been elected to serve on the following committees for Charnwood Borough Council in the next council year. Community and Partnerships, Licencing (Vice Chair), Charnwood Sports Council. Reserve member for Planning and Personnel.

Heart Link Petition & The Children’s Cardiac Centre Thank you to all those who signed this petition which currently stands at over 10,600 signatures. I handed ours over to Amanda French, daughter of Geoff Smart MBE Chairman and co-founder with wife Gill of Heartlink based at Glenfield Hospital. The petition, which contained over 420 names included many of my fellow Charnwood Borough Councillors and Anstey Parish Councillors. It is essential that we try to keep this marvellous facility open at Glenfield Hospital. Thank you to all those who helped collect the signatures.

And finally, at last: Yes the CCTV cameras in and around the “Nook” area of the village have now been installed, one was set up the wrong way round but that should have been rectified by the time you read this. I understand there will be no Clarion in July so have a good Summer Holiday wherever you may be going. I am thinking of purchasing a newer car. Not a Rover. So a day trip to “Skeggy” is all for me! If you think I can be of help please Email, Phone, Write or Call in for a chat and cup of tea. Always a pleasure never a chore. Yours Sincerely

Cllr. John .J. Sutherington. 43 George Street, Anstey. Leicester. LE7 7DT. 0116 2204643. M 07939070603. Email: cllr.john. sutherington@charnwood. gov.uk

ENJOY DRUM LESSONS • Full Ebony/Gold Plated Premier Signia Kit Provided • All Grades (Trinity Guildhall-Rock School)/All Ages/All Areas • • • •

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When the actress saw her first strands of grey hair she thought she’d dye.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069


PREDATORS Releases July 8th 2010

Predators centres around Royce, a mercenary who reluctantly leads a group of elite warriors who come to realise they’ve been brought together on an alien planet... as prey. With the exception of a disgraced physician, they are all cold-blooded killers – mercenaries, Yakuza, convicts, death squad members – human “predators” that are now being systemically hunted and eliminated by a new breed of alien Predators. The story is: A tribe of predators has kidnapped a group of humans, the most deadly killers to be found on planet Earth, and dropped them on an alien planet which serves as a predator game preserve (note: It is not the predator home world). Think of it like a fisherman stocking his pond with trout. The primary trout here are played by Adrien Brody (who has seriously bulked up and against all odds is utterly convincing as a total badass), Topher Grace (who still looks like Topher Grace), Danny Trejo, and Alice Braga. They’ve been dropped in with no idea how they got there or who brought them, and they don’t really get along. Laurence Fishburne shows up after the main leads have landed, as a human character already on the planet. He’s utterly kickass, chewing scenery up and spitting it back out. Director, Rodriguez, describes his character as “the one who got away”. He’s survived on the predator hunting preserve for an unspecified period of time, he knows all the tricks, and he’s figured out a way to beat them at their own game. The predators’ game involves real hunting techniques the likes of which we’ve never seen before, leading to the development of some of those new types of predators mentioned previously. As another alien movie it ticks all the boxes and offers a few neverbefore-tried elements that are worth seeing.

We Need Your Anstey News! Anstey Clarion was set up to bring local news and information to Anstey villagers on a monthly basis. We’d like to include more news of local events, and achievements, but we need you - the villagers of Anstey - to keep us informed about what’s going on. Don’t miss this opportunity to help create a valuable village magazine. Please drop us a line about what’s happening in your area of the village and we’ll do our utmost to feature it free in the Clarion. Email us at info@ansteyclarion.co.uk or write to: Anstey Clarion, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT.

Mike & Susan Acupuncture is a jab well done.


ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

New & Future Releases on DVD Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief (PG) This adaptation of Rick Riordan’s remarkably popular fantasy book series tells the tale of accident-prone teenager Percy (Logan Lerman), who discovers that he’s actually a demigod, the son of Poseidon, and he is needed when Zeus’ lightning is stolen. Percy must master his newfound skills in order to prevent a war between the gods that could devastate the entire world. OUT JULY

Green Zone (15) Matt Damon and director Paul Greengrass re-team for their latest electrifying thriller in Green Zone, a film set in the chaotic early days of the Iraqi War when no one could be trusted and every decision could detonate unforeseen consequences. During the U.S.-led occupation of Baghdad in 2003, Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller (Damon) and his team of Army inspectors were dispatched to find weapons of mass destruction believed to be stockpiled in the Iraqi desert. Rocketing from one booby-trapped and treacherous site to the next, the men search for deadly chemical agents but stumble instead upon an elaborate cover-up that inverts the purpose of their mission. OUT JULY

Extraordinary Measures (PG) Fate and determination push idealistic father, John Crowley (Brendan Fraser) into joining forces with reclusive medical researcher, Dr. Robert Stonehill (Harrison Ford). Together, this unlikely pair face impossible odds as they battle the entire medical establishment and time itself to find a cure before it’s too late. Also starring Golden Globe® winner Kerri Russell, Extraordinary Measures is a true story of the power of love and faith against impossible odds. Inspired by the book The Cure by Pulitzer Prize Winning Writer Greeta Anand. OUT JUNE.

Nanny McPhee & The Big Bang (U) Nanny McPhee appears at the door of a harried young mother, Mrs. Isabel Green (Maggie Gyllenhaal), who is trying to run the family farm while her husband is away at war. But once she’s arrived, Nanny McPhee discovers that Mrs. Green’s children are fighting a war of their own against two spoiled city cousins who have just moved in and refuse to leave. Relying on everything from a flying motorcycle and a statue that comes to life to a tree-climbing piglet and a baby elephant who turns up in the oddest places, Nanny McPhee uses her magic to teach her mischievous charges five new lessons. OUT JULY.

Clash Of The Titans (12) The 1981 classic CLASH OF THE TITANS gets a starstudded remake with this film from director Louis Leterrier. Sam Worthington stars as Perseus, the son of Zeus who must defeat his father’s nemesis, Hades, to keep the world from being overtaken by evil. SCHINDLER’S LIST stars Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes are once again pitted against one another as Zeus and Hades, respectively. OUT JULY.

The future is unimaginable Can anyone imagine what life be like in 50 years time? With the rate of change in technology apparently accelerating, life in 2060 will be unrecognisable. Not convinced? Well take a look back at what life was like half a century ago. In the 1960s, you were doing well if your family had a secondhand car. These days, almost every family has a car, and many have two or even three. Teenagers who haven’t even had a job are driving around in cars. This would be unthinkable fifty years ago. In those days, you bought your weekly grocery from an independent supermarket - no large chains of Tescos, Asda or Sainsburys in those days - and transported it home on the bus. Your home was heated by a coal fire (or coke if you were living in a smokeless zone) which meant that only one or two rooms were warm. In the winter, ice would form on the INSIDE of your metal-framed windows. Cooking was usually done on an electric cooker, and your hot water was produced by an immersion heater in the storage cylinder. Fitted carpet was only for rich people. Ordinary folk had lino with a carpet square or rugs on top. Entertainment was limited to watching TV (3 channels), going to the cinema or going dancing. Cinema-goers were entranced by James Bond battling villains using futuristic gadgetry. But such is the rate of progress between 1963 and now, that some of the items created for 007 are now commonplace. Take, for example, the highpowered laser used by Goldfinger to cut open the doors of Fort Knox. Lasers are now used regularly in industry, and small versions exist in

CD players and computers. In the same film, our hero is equipped with a fore-runner of today’s sat-nav device in his Aston Martin DB5. This was considered very far-fetched in 1964, but now they are regarded as an essential tool by many people and can be purchased for less than a week’s wages. Take yourself back to the 1960s (if you’re old enough) and imagine your reaction if someone explained Google Earth to you. “In 50 years,” your time-travelling friend would say, “ there will be a machine in every house which will enable you to view the whole of the world as if you were flying over it in a helicopter. You will then be able to zoom in and look at the fronts of the houses as if you were actually walking along the street.” Incredible. Amazing things which we take for granted these days - microwaves, central heating, ordering everything online and having it delivered to our door, hundreds of TV and radio channels, and the ability to publish our thoughts to the world at virtually no cost - just could not be imagined 50 years ago.

WHAT DO YOU THINK WE’LL BE DOING IN 50 YEARS TIME? Let loose your imagination and tell us how you think the world will look in 2060. Write to: THE FUTURE’S BRIGHT, Anstey Clarion, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT or email: info@ansteyclarion.co.uk

Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

Anstey Crown celebrate promotion in style Anstey Crown FC held their second annual presentation on 31st May at the Crown public house and Restaurant, Bradgate Road, Anstey

The club celebrated its second promotion in two seasons in fine style with sixty players and invited guests attending. Players and club officials were presented with awards to recognise their hard work over the season with Club Chairman Rob Breward overseeing proceedings. The principal awards for the 2009 -10 season were as follows: • 1st Team Players’ Player: JAMES PEPLOE • 1st Team Manager’s Player: PAUL SHURMER • 1st Team Top Goal Scorer: TYRONE SMITH (23 goals) • Reserve Team Players’ Player: SIMON MOORE • Reserve Team Manager’s Player: Russ Charlesworth • Reserve Team Top Goal Scorer: Simon Moore (13 goals) • Steve Knight Club Player: JOHN O’BRIEN • Clubman Award: Mark (Jock) Coleman Club Chairman ROB BREWARD was both surprised and extremely proud to receive an outstanding contribution award from the club, accepting the award on behalf of all the backroom members of the club, without whom the club would cease to function. 1st Team Captain JOHN O’BRIEN collected the North Leicestershire Football League Division One Runners up trophy along with all first team players who also received individual trophies. Chairman Rob Breward presented junior members Alex and Josh O’Brien and Sam Charlesworth with awards for help on match days which received great applause from the players. The Committee thanked the Crown management for their much appreciated efforts in preparing a sumptuous buffet and allowing the club to use the very welcoming facilities of the Crown. Anstey Crown FC would like to invite any interested players of a good standard to contact either Rob Breward on 07704 053943 or Reserve team manager Jock Coleman on 07813 969509 in the first instance for an informal chat or to attend the weekly training session held at the Home ground, the Mowmacre sports ground, Leicester; please contact either of the above for further details. There are still opportunities available for sponsorship for the coming season, the Club secretary Miss Gemma Rich can be contacted on 07814 875657 to discuss your requirements. Many thanks to everyone concerned in the running of Anstey Crown FC, a club with great potential and even greater ambition.

Rob Breward

Chairman and 1st team manager

You will feel stuck with your debt if you can’t budge it.



ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

Thurcaston and Cropston Open Gardens Weekend 2010

Glenfield Millennium Green News Plant Sale The sun shone, hundreds of plants arrived and most were sold in just over 2 hours. A total of £468 was raised on the morning, with more to come. A big “thank-you” to everyone who donated plants, helped on the day and especially to those who came to buy.

Quiz Winner The winner of our ‘chocolate’ themed quiz was announced during the morning. There are obviously lots of chocaholics among our supporters as there were many correct entries. The winner, after a lucky draw, was Mr P Leatherland. He was presented with £20 worth of garden vouchers by Margaret Ellingworth who donated the prize.

Garden Party

Don’t forget to come along to the Open Gardens in Thurcaston on Saturday 26th June 1-5pm and in Cropston on Sunday 27th June also 1-5pm. There will be 25 gardens in all to see, large and small, immaculate and more natural! Tickets(which cover both days) are £4 per adult (accompanied children free) and are available from any garden on the day, or in advance from Richard Hill School Office (Mon-Fri 9-3pm), Anstey Lane, Thurcaston. Please bring along a plant to the plant swap on the Sunday at 56 Latimer Road, Cropston. In addition the School will be holding their Summer Fair on the Saturday 26th June 1-4pm. Cake stall, bouncy slide, games, craft stalls and refreshments will all be available here. Please come along and join in a great weekend!

Hopefully the sun will also shine for our next fund-raiser. Our Annual Garden Party will be held on Saturday 10th July at 60 Overdale Avenue, Glenfield, from 3.00pm to 5.00pm. This is a time to meet with friends over food and a glass of wine and raise money for Glenfield Millennium Green. Admission of £2.50 includes food, a glass of wine (or fruit juice) and entry to a Prize Draw. Accompanied children are admitted free of charge. There will be a few stalls to keep you amused – plants, books and tombola are planned at the moment.

Chris Tordoff

Life Changing Chance!


The Hit TV series ‘The Biggest Loser’ is back… SHINE TV are looking for very overweight people from all over the UK to take part in the programme. For this series, we are looking for people to apply in pairs. This could consist of duos such as couples, siblings, parent & child, old school friends and flatmates. You must both fit the following criteria: • Aged between 18 and 50 • Wanting to lose a minimum of 4 stone each • Available to live in our health retreat for 8 weeks from September 2010 (NB. This means you will not be able to work at all during this time). If you and someone you know are serious about losing weight, committed to getting fit and passionate about changing your lives then apply online ASAP at: ww.biggestloseruk.com or you can contact SHINE at biggest.loser@shine.tv or 0844 678 0156.

A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blown apart.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

Anstey Rugby Club News

Worthy Award winners at the Annual Dinner Dance

Anstey & District Funeral Service Independent Family-Run Funeral Directors A select group of Anstey Rugby Players with WAGS enjoyed an excellent meal in the Barbarians Lounge at Leicester Tigers on Friday 14th May. A much improved disco set up got everybody up and dancing all evening without the need for Christmas records as we had last year. Before all the music, it was presentation time for a selection of shields and cups deservedly earned during the season just ended, with that man in a monkey suit again at the microphone. The Dorothy Partridge Trophy, donated by the landlady of the Hare & Hounds when the club was formed in 1980 went to Young Player of the Year, Rana Gdan. The Most Improved Player Cup was collected by Imran Kalia, and First Team Player of the Year was Jack Barnes. All deserved winners. The Danny Mead Trophy for Clubman of the Year went to The

We take care of every detail, advise and help you every step of the way.

Winners (top): Rana Gdan, Imran Kalia, (bottom) Jack Barnes, Chris Apperley, Ray Apperley Bullet himself, Chris Apperley who had previously had his name on the shield in 1995. Later, The Unsuccessfully Hidden Birthday Pint of ... Down In One Award, went to our Treasurer, Ray Apperley. By the time this is in print an AGM will have taken place and a new committee formed ready to take us into the 2010/11 season. Anstey RFC are pleased acknowledge the financial help from our sponsors Ulverscroft Books and Words & Graphics and the support of Chris, Glenda and the staff at the Coach & Horses

Chris Apperley, Chairman Anstey RFC Visit www.ansteyrfc.co.uk for more information

• •

• • • •

Traditional hearse & fleet Horse drawn carriages, motorcycle hearse & alternatives available Memorial showroom Extensive car parking Private catering suite Private chapels of rest Funeral arrangements can be made in the comfort of your own home if preferred

0116 234 0548 Talbott House, Leicester Road, Anstey, Leicester LE7 7AT


Grand book sale at Loughborough Library Loughborough Library is holding a grand book sale on Saturday 19th and Sunday, 20th of June. There will be many bargains on offer, including books for adults and children, as well as CDs and DVDs. There will also be a selection Asian books and DVDs The library is situated on Granby Street and is open from 9.30am - 5.00pm on Saturday and 11.00am – 4.00pm on Sunday. Contact the library on 01509 212985 for further information. http://www.leics.gov.uk/loughborough_library

TEAMWORK... means never having to take all the blame yourself.



ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

POLICE MATTERS Welcome to this months – Police Matters. As we write this article, CCTV cameras are being erected around the Nook area with the ability to cover not only the Nook but also Leicester Rd, Cropston Rd, Stadon Rd, Latimer St and Bradgate Rd. By the time you read this they should be fully operational and assisting us greatly with the prevention and detection of crime. We would like to use this month’s article to congratulate your Neighbourhood Watch Beat Cascade Manager; Diane Tillotson (pictured) who was recently nominated to attend the 2010 Neighbourhood Watch Awards. This involves groups or individuals who have been active in supporting their local officers and communities through initiatives that assist in raising confidence within the community to reduce and prevent both crime and the fear of crime. I am pleased to announce that Diane received a commendation for all her hard work in the community. Diane applied to be a Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) Co-ordinator in November 2007 and set up her scheme for Longhade Furlong and Wooldale Close in February 2008. She followed setting up the NHW scheme by setting up a No Cold Calling Zone in July 2008, to prevent the residents being bothered by the numerous unwanted door to door salesmen. In April 2009 Diane agreed to take over the role of the Beat Cascade Manager for the whole of Anstey, which involves being in regular contact with all the co-ordinators for the village and being the person responsible for NHW in the village. She holds regular meetings and encourages the co-ordinators to participate and to take a more active role in promoting NHW in the locality. She has an excellent working relationship with Police, often attending our monthly Beat Surgeries to give any support possible, whilst also promoting NHW. Diane was asked if she would represent the Charnwood Local Policing Unit on the Leicestershire North NHW Association Executive Committee, which she has undertaken with keenness and enjoys sharing the ideas in the North area. She has a good working relationship with the Anstey Clarion, for which she writes regular articles on the Anstey Neighbourhood Watch. Diane is quiet and unassuming, whilst still having the personality and is prepared to work hard for the scheme, which in itself encourages participation from others, in the voluntary and business communities, including the Leicestershire Constabulary. Neighbourhood Watch in Anstey has certainly improved and been rejuvenated in the two years

MAY Crime Figures Description of Crime



Burglary Dwelling


Long Close Millfield Close

Burglary (Non-Dwelling) Shed, garage, etc.


Albion Street

Burglary by Distraction


Theft of Motor Vehicle


Theft From Motor Vehicle


Damage to Motor Vehicle


Criminal Damage Dwelling


Criminal Damage (NonDwelling) Shed, garage, etc.


Domestic Incident


Theft Person


Theft Cycle


Albion Street

Theft Store


Co-Op Store on Cropston Road

Theft Property




since Diane became a member and we would like thank her and offer our congratulations on a well deserved award – Well done Diane! If any other resident would like a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and a No Cold Calling Scheme in their area, please contact either Pc 1841 Stu Parker or PCSO 6662 Phil Wright on 0116 222 2222 – you can leave a message on our Voice Mail if we are not on duty. These schemes are not difficult to set up – they probably take a few hours initially, then most of the messages can be sent by e mail. Having these schemes in your locality makes the area a safer place in which to reside, encourages law abiding residents to have confidence to improve the area and builds the community spirit. As always we would ask you to call CRIMESTOPPERS if you have any information at all about any crime. Your call will always be free, we won’t ask your name and you may even receive a cash reward. Just call – 0800 555 111

PC 1841 Parker / PCSO 6662 Wright Anstey Neighbourhood Beat Team Charnwood Local Policing Unit

Bonsai Show in June The East Midlands Bonsai Society are holding a view and buy Show at Sevenoaks Garden Centre, Groby Lane, Newtown Linford LE6 0HG on the weekend of 26th/27th June. Entry is free and there is an on site Tea Room/ Restaurant. Sevenoaks Garden Centre is situated between Groby and Newtown Linford, close to Groby Pool.

Edward Street Nook Car Park Schoolhouse Close

Charles Drive

I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally.


ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

Major exercise tests local flood plans An ambitious exercise is testing how councils, emergency services and other public bodies would protect residents during a flood. Flooding is one of the highest risks to local communities and the increasing threat of climate change means that extreme weather is happening more frequently. June’s event, co-ordinated by the County Council, will test newly-agreed plans put in place to deal with floods caused by burst rivers, reservoirs or surface water. Involving ten agencies, it is the biggest exercise ever staged locally and also one of the first plans in the country to be tested in this way. To protect homes and businesses, 10,000 new-style sandbags have recently been bought which are gel-filled and self-inflate by absorbing flood water. There are now over 100 specially-trained community wardens across the county who, in the event of a flood, would make sure that people receive warnings and know where to go for help. They also help communities to people prepare for floods, identify vulnerable people and report blocked drains and ditches. David Parsons, Leader of Leicestershire County Council, said: “With flooding instances becoming more frequent across the country over the past few years, it’s important to work together to ensure we’re prepared. “Ultimately this is about protecting residents and by putting our plans to the test in a controlled environment, we can hone our response and be better prepared to deal with a real flood, should one occur.”

BRADGATE LIONS CLUB NEWS From Roger Gamble We held our annual presentation night on May 24th 2010 when we gave contributions to various local charities and other deserving causes. Altogether 12 cheques were presented ranging from £60 to £450 equalling £3,300 on the night. This, together with other donations we had made during the current year made a grand total of over £7,400. This money had been raised at various functions and collections we have made from July 2009 to the present date. At the end of June my term as President of our club comes to an end ,and I will be handing over my badge of office to a local lady, Janice Jones from Markfield, who will be guiding us though the next twelve months, carrying on the good work to raise funds to help local, national and international causes. Besides fund raising, we like to do work in the community, such as volunteering at Glenfield Hospital, and we should be pleased to hear from anyone who may be in need of our help, we will always endeavour to assist. If you would like further information about Bradgate Lions Club, or received a copy of our newsletter, please contact me on (01530) 242912.

An Evening in Sherwood Forest Classics at Donington le Heath Manor House are holding an evening of Medieval food, song and laughter on Sat 26th June at 7.30pm at a cost of £30 per person. Booking essential ~ Tel: 01530 817214. Join Robin, Marion and their Merry Men! (Also ‘String & Strawberries’ Sat 10th July £30)

Lots of people know a good thing the minute the other fellow sees it first.


ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

Two Prizes This Month! Win a £20 Red Lion Voucher Word Search Puzzle OR a Cream Tea for Two at Little Acorns Tea Rooms S L O O T R U O Y N A E L C C T
















Name: ................................................................................................................

 CLEANYOURTOOLS DIVIDESOMEBULBS Address: ............................................................................................................. MOWTHELAWN PICKSOMEFLOWERS ............................................................................Postcode: ............................. PRUNEASHRUB PULLSOMEWEEDS If RAKESOMELEAVES you can find 12 GARDENING ACTIVITIES in the SMELLTHEROSES Wordsearch grid above, you could win a £20 Meal Voucher to SPREADSOMEMULCH spend at The Red Lion in Rothley (First Prize) or a Cream TeaTRAINAVINE for Two at Little Acorns Tea Rooms, Inside Sevenoaks TRIMTHEHEDGE Garden Centre, Newtown Linford. AllTURNTHECOMPOST you have to do to go into the prize draw is find - and mark a line through - the names of 12 THINGS YOU MIGHT DO IN THE GARDEN. These can run vertically, horizontally or diagonally (and backwards!).  Send your marked entry forms to: GREEN FINGERS, Anstey Clarion, POBox 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT to arrive by Friday 9th July 2010. Please remember to fill in your name and address. The sender of the first correct entry drawn out of the hat will win the £20 Red Lion Voucher (see advert opposite). The sender of the second correct entry drawn out of the hat will win the Little Acorns Cream Tea. Good luck! Here are the 12 GARDENING ACTIVITIES you have to find:


Is our cricket club in crisis?

Not yet - but at our meeting in early June, Richard French our Secretary, Treasurer, Grounds man announced that he would be stepping down from his commitments to the club at the end of this season, along with his wife Amanda (Minute Secretary.) A number of reasons were given for their departure, but the main one was because of increased family commitments. Both will be sadly missed. It will be a major blow to this thriving club and the gaps left will be difficult to fill, especially that of grounds man, for the Gynsill Lane pitch. Through Richard’s hard work it as become one of the best in the Leicestershire Senior league. We shall be pursuing different avenues to fill the vacancies, but if you good people out there could spare sometime to help in any way please get in touch with me. On the playing side the Saturday 1st.X1 are doing well in Division 1 and are handily placed in the top half of the table after 5 games. Mark Nelson, Mick Tyrer and David Allen have all clocked up half centuries, while veteran left arm bowler Andrew Sutherington knocked back 5 wickets against Thornton. The 2nd X1 are battling but struggling due to lack of a settled side and key players. Captain Charlie Wilkes, Asmok Patel and Alex Gregory have all passed 50’s but we are unable to bowl sides out, no one as yet taken 5 or more wickets in a game this campaign. The 2 Thursday X1’s are not really working and it’s very difficult to maintain 2 teams at night, so this could be our one and only season with 2 sides in this league. Our juniors sides are progressing well especially the Under 11’s who have played 3 won 3. They are soon to be entering a cup competition with the final being held at Grace Road. Home of Leicestershire CCC. If you can help the club at this time in any way please get in touch with me, NOW!

John J. Sutherington Created by Puzzlemaker at DiscoveryEducation.com


Chairman. Anstey & Glenfield Cricket Club. 43 George Street, Anstey. Leicester. LE7 7DT. 0116 2204643. M 07939070603. Email: john.sutherington@ ntlworld.com


Last issue’s TWO winners The winner of the Broughtons Lunch Voucher was: HELEN FIELD of Ashfield Drive, Anstey. The Little Acorns Voucher was won by ELIZABETH ROBINSON of Wooldale Close, Anstey. Congratulations! Your vouchers will be with you within 21 days.

Insight Thru Number

It is a little-known fact that Numbers play an important role in our lives. A personal Numerology Chart is made up from your Birth Date and your Full Name that appears on your Birth Certificate. A sample can be seen on www.joannalynne.co.uk together with more information. Chart (Only) Cost is £20 Chart with Phone Consultation after you’ve received and read your Chart is £30. T: 0775 192 5247

It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them.


ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

John Biggs was much loved - but who was he? You may have passed by this statue of John Biggs in Welford Place in Leicester and wondered who he was. John Biggs was born in Leicester on 11th April 1801. He became very active in the political field, serving as a councillor, mayor (three times) and a Liberal Member of Parliament between 1856 and 1862. He was also a successful businessman and philantrhopist who did much for the development of the hosiery trade in Leicester. John Biggs died unmarried on 4th June 1871, aged 70, and was buried at Welford Road Cemetery. A statue, carved in Sicilian marble, was unveiled on 15 April 1873 by the sculptor George Anderson Lawson. By 1928, the original statue had decayed, and was replaced in 1930 by the bronze version which we see today.

Councillors’ Contact Details Parish Council Chairman Michael Parker, 124 Cropston Road, Anstey Tel 0116 236 3525

Parish Councillors Nigel Aston, 10 Fulmar Road, Anstey Tel 0116 221 0979 Vicky Ball, 91 Cropston Road, Anstey Tel 0116 212 5315 Martin Broomhead, 170 Bradgate Road, Anstey Tel 0116 236 4228 Steve Farmer, 36 Charnwood Road, Anstey Tel 0116 210 3391 Ian Grogan, 52 Edward Street, Anstey Tel 0116 235 1762 Dave Parker, 21 Cherrytree Close, Anstey Tel 0116 236 7914 Roger Peat, 262 Link Road, Anstey Tel 016 236 4863 Mike Roe, 37 Stadon Road, Anstey Tel 0116 235 9815 Brian Rowlinson, 187 Bradgate Road, Anstey Tel 0116 236 7548 John Sutherington, 43 George Street, Anstey Tel 0116 220 4643 Sarah Taylor, 39 Hazelhead Road, Anstey Tel 0116 220 4770 Chris Tunaley, 41 The Green, Anstey Tel 0116 292 1604 New Councillor: Mr Donald Crighton

Clerk to the Parish Council: John Alexander, Anstey Parish Council, Parish Office, Stadon Road, Anstey Tel 0116 236 2646 • e-mail ansteypc@btconnect.com

Charnwood Borough Councillors: Paul Day, 251 Bradgate Road, Anstey, Tel 0116 236 4376

When children write to their minister ... “Dear Mr Minister... • • • •

• • •

I know God loves everybody but then he never met my sister. Yours sincerely, Arnold. Age 8. Please say in your sermon that Peter Peterson has been a good boy all week. I am Peter Peterson. Sincerely, Pete. Age 9. My father should be a minister too. Every day he gives me a sermon about something. Robert Anderson, age 11. I’m sorry I can’t leave more money in the plate, but my father didn’t give me a raise in my pocket money. Could you have a sermon about a raise in my allowance? Love, Patty. Age 10. My mother is very religious. She goes to play bingo at church every week even if she has a cold. Yours truly, Annette. Age 9. I would like to go to heaven someday because I know my brother won’t be there. Stephen. Age 8. I think a lot more people would come to your church if you moved it to Disneyland. Loreen. Age 9.

John Sutherington, 43 George Street, Anstey Tel 0116 220 4643

Leicestershire County Councillor: David Snartt, 10 Groby Lane, Newtown Linford Tel 01530 244804

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Maybe I’m lucky to be going so slowly, because I may be going in the wrong direction.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

LIVE Entertainment What’s On At Local Pubs & Clubs

There’s always lots happening at the local pubs and clubs - take a look at what’s on offer this month! The Plough Inn Bradgate Road, ANSTEY T: 0751 795 8122 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT (Emma & Austin) Fridays: KARAOKE/8pm Sundays: FREE POOL The Old Hare & Hounds 34 Bradgate Road, ANSTEY T: 0116 236 2496 EVERY Thurs: QUIZ (Free to Enter-various prizes) EVERY Day: WII Games The Coach & Horses The Nook, ANSTEY Tel: 0116 236 5816 Sat 3 July: SOUL/MOTOWN Sat 24 July: THE MARTINS Sat 7 Aug: SOUL/MOTOWN EVERY Tues: KARAOKE EVERY Thurs: QUIZ (Music & General) EVERY Sun: FOLK/Acoustic

The Stamford Arms Leicester Road, GROBY Tel: 0116 287 5616. Sats Entertainment in JUNE on hold~World Cup Sat 10 July: FRIDAY STREET Sat 24 July: FINGERS&FUMBS Sat 31 July: SPECIAL EVENT (Ticketed – MOTOWN) Sat 7 Aug: LOADED KARAOKE ~ Every Wed OPEN MIC ~Every Thurs JAZZ ~ Every Sun 3-6pm QUIZ – General Knowledge + Find the Joker~EVERY Sun QUIZ – Music~EVERY Tues The Brant Inn Leicester Road, GROBY LE6 0DU T: 0116 287 2703 Fri 18 June: KARAOKE (Tim) Fri 25 June: KARAOKE (Classic) Fri 16 July: KARAOKE (Tim) Fri 23 July: KARAOKE (Classic)

Stadon Sports & Social Club 62a Bradgate Road, ANSTEY Tel: 0116 236 4542 New Members Welcome. Room for Hire/Catering if Reqd. BINGO ~ EVERY Tuesday ~ 9pm Start. Sat 19 June: MARTYN GOODSON Alternate Thurs: QUIZ 9pm June 24th etc. (With Free Supper) The Crown INN Bradgate Road, ANSTEY T: 0116 235 0505 www.crowninnanstey.com Sat 10 July: LIQUID JAZZ Every SUN: QUIZ Night/8.30pm Groby Ex-Servicemen’s Club Leicester Road, GROBY Tel: 0116 287 1809 www.grobyclub.co.uk NOTICE TO MEMBERS New Members Welcome Sat 19 June: RIKKI DANIELS Sun 20 June: Super Sunday ‘50’ Fri 25 June: WOODVILLE Trio Sat 26 June: CHRIS FORD Sun 27 June: Super Sunday ‘50’ Fri 2 July: Dave MANHATTAN Sat 3 July: TIMELESS Sun 4 July: Super Sunday ‘50’ Fri 9 July: Graham BERRINGTON Sat 10 July: LAURA ELSON Sun 11 July: Super Sunday ‘50’ Fri 16 July: SEAN LANEY Sat 17 July: JASON COMFORT Sun 18 July: Super Sunday ‘50’ Fri 23 July: INVISIBLE TOUCH Sat 24 July: LIMITED EDITION Sun 25 July: Super Sunday ‘50’ Fri 30 July: PAULA SWANN Sat 31 July: PAUL RAVELL Sun 1 Aug: Super Sunday ‘50’ Fri 6 Aug: ALIVE+KICKING Sat 7 Aug: RANDELL Sun 8 Aug: Super Sunday ‘50’

The Plough Burroughs Road RATBY T: 0116 2392103 www.ploughinnratby.co.uk EVERY Tues ~ QUIZ Wed 21 July&18 Aug:American Custom & Classic Car Show Sat/Sun 14/15 Aug:-Charity Riders Custom Bike Show. The Field Head Hotel Markfield Lane, Markfield Tel: 01530 245454 TRIBUTE Nights All £2 Entry after 7pm. Fri 25 June: TINA TURNER Fri 9 July: BLUES BROTHERS Fri 23 July: KYLIE MINOGUE Every Mon: POKER Nite Every 2nd Tues: QUIZ Nite The Coach & Horses Leicester Rd, FIELD Head Tel: 01530 242 312 KARAOKE Night:- Sat: 26 June (’King of the Road’) Sundays: QUIZ Night Skittle Alley/Room for Hire The Charnwood Arms Bardon. T: 01530 813644 Every MON Night:POKER TOURNAMENT FREE ~ Starts 7pm. TRIBUTE NIGHTS £10 a Ticket Includes Supper & Disco Fri 25 June: PETER KAY Fri 30 July: TAKE THAT Forest Hill Golf & Country Club Markfield Lane, Botcheston Tel: 01455 824 800 Thurs 24 June: QUIZ Night £6 per head: Incl. Supper & Entry. Supper from 6.30pm Quiz starts 7.30pm. Tickets from the Bar Cash Prizes. Max 6 p.team

All Information correct at time of going to press




As part of our aftercare service, we now offer a monthly Bereavement Aftercare & Support Group, which has been set up to provide a FREE support service, not just to our clients, but to ANY bereaved person, irrespective of their age, creed, religion and length of bereavement. The group meets on the 1st Saturday of every month (except at Bank Holidays) in the catering suite at Anstey & District Funeral Services between 10am and 12noon.

Next date: Sat 3rd July 2010 & Sat 7th August 2010 ARRAN BRUDENELL Tel: 0116 234 0548

Letter from Uncle Eustace Beware the spell-checker on your special service sheets! From: The Rectory St. James the Least My dear Nephew Darren As you discovered at your Sunday School Anniversary Service last week, special service sheets can be a mixed blessing. It was unfortunate that the front page welcomed your diocesan “Nishop” (although perhaps a good thing you hadn’t been welcoming a neighbouring “Vicar”) and it was a shame that one of the hymns contained one verse fewer on the sheets than the book the organist was playing to, obliging your congregation to sing the last verse twice – although since in your tradition you seem to repeat choruses endlessly, probably no one noticed anyway. But the regrettable misprint which meant that ranks of primary school children sweetly lisped an obscenity really was too much. Having said that, computer spell-checkers can cause their own problems. We once let our own system check a Christmas carol sheet and on the night found ourselves obliged to sing “away in a manager”, mangers apparently being unknown to our machine. If you use special sheets regularly, it seems a law of nature – as with metal coat hangers - that they all intermingle while no one is watching. Thus on Easter Day, half the congregation will have been issued with sheets for Harvest, which will only become obvious once the service begins. The first hymn will be entirely lost while sidesmen scuttle about looking for replacements only to find that there won’t be enough of them anyway and then the second hymn will be lost while others helpfully wander about church donating their sheets to those looking helpless and then trying to find someone to share with. Never, ever, print on them “Do not take home” as this will only ensure everyone does so. I have sometimes wondered if the instruction “Take this sheet home for reference” would ensure that they stayed neatly arranged in the pews after the service. And if it is a service where babies are likely to be present, be assured that many of the copies will be returned half chewed and coated with bits of whatever the infant had for breakfast. There must be a market for paper treated with a child-repellent flavour for such occasions. Anyone who thinks we are an unimaginative nation should visit a church after a special service to see how many places members of congregations can invent to hide the booklets: under kneelers, neatly folded and hidden inside hymn books, among flower arrangements and behind heating pipes so that no one can quite reach them. They then lurk there reproachfully for the next ten years until mice resolve the problem. No, stick to large, hard bound books. They are resistant to teeth and are too substantial to be hidden in pockets. Their only drawback is that they tend to fall victim to the pull of gravity at the quietest moments. Your loving uncle,


Don’t miss the Woolfest at Beacon Hill!

On Sunday 4th July between 10am and 3pm there will be a celebration of all things sheep! Spinning, weaving, knitting and crocheting demonstrations with a chance to have a go at these ‘back in vogue’ crafts for yourself. Childrens activities. Tree Dressing. Meet our sheep and alpacas. Event FREE (Car park £1.50) Enquiries T: 0116 305 8790.

Prediction is extremely difficult. Especially about the future.


ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

Bradgate Twinning Association News

Our first Bradgate Twinning trip to Rouen

Give something that means everything this year.

It was early on a dull bank holiday morning when the coach stopped to pick us up in Anstey. We had already met others at the pickup point, and were welcomed aboard by a few people from the earlier pick up. Quite an adventure lay ahead – off to France to stay with real French people – we knew their names, where they lived but not much else. Most of the others were regulars, having been year after year to stay with the same families. “You’ll be fine”, the organisers had said with confidence, we hoped that they would be right, and indeed they were. Three days later we were being dropped off at the same place in Anstey looking forward to a good rest. What a time – in fact no time for a dull moment. As you may have gathered, we have been twinning. Ok why twinning? Well for me it was a chance to meet real French people and practice my French – but what a surprise to find that many on our coach spoke very little French, and some none at all – how on earth did they manage? And how do they get on – surely the French hate the English, and speak French? Image our apprehension when our coach pulled up at the village hall in Belbeuf, high up on the eastern plateau overlooking Rouen – our hosts all waiting to greet us and whisk us away to their homes and families. What a shock to hear them all greeting us in English! How can this be? Over the course of two very busy days we were amazed to meet French people who could make proper tea – the English way - and drink it! Not only that, they liked English food. Our predecessors had obviously been doing a very good job over the years. Our hosts spoke very good English, even 14 year old Lauriane, but were kind enough to agree to our request to speak French so long as they could understand us. Apparently my French is noticeably better at the end of the trip, and in such a short time we have made very good friends – we can’t wait to see them later in the year when hopefully they will come and stay with us. Not only that, we have been in the

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redletterdays.co.uk Simply proceed to checkout and enter your exclusive code to knock 10% off. Offer ends July 31st 2010. Red Letter Days Terms & Conditions apply.

Some Amusing Observations •

• company of so many other friendly people, both French and English. We have seen parts of France, and eaten real French food that we would not have experienced on a tourist visit. So what of the detail that helped to make such a success? Firstly the organisation – very well planned and prepared – lots of “nice little touches”, not forgetting the little bits of Gallic charm and the odd confusion. The day with our hosts, their family, friends and some other twinners – several long meals together. What a surprise to find several French not drinking alcohol, and those that do in moderation – good wines sipped slowly. The guided tour of Rouen with our host, with lots of information and interesting places. A day out to Le Havre – now a UNESCO World Heritage Site - 80 per cent re-built since 1945. A boat trip around the busy port on a fine sunny day. It was interesting to learn that Le Havre is the second biggest port in France– we even

saw the eggs in a seagull’s nest. All this followed by a splendid lunch overlooking the sea, and a visit to a Napoleonic fort – now botanical gardens. The most important was the friendliness of the people and the real joy they had in looking after us and sharing their lives and homes with us. We have experienced first-hand how much twinning contributes to breaking down barriers and creating understanding and friendships across different cultures. We are really sorry that we didn’t discover twinning years ago – we have missed so much. We highly recommend it and will certainly be back for more! Why not come and join us. The Chair of Bradgate Twinning Association is Anne Dutton who can be contacted on 0116 2213786. Oh, I nearly forgot! - there are many social activities between the visits which are good fun too.

Martyn Wroe

• •

• • •

Moving in the right circles is not the same as making progress. Egotist: a person who suffers from too much vitamin I. Duty: what you expect from other people. Oscar Wilde Discretion: when a husband is sure he is right and then asks his wife. Desk: a waste-paperbasket with drawers Woman’s ambition: to be weighed and found wanting The trouble with these ‘Do You Want Money?’ adverts is that when your read them you always discover that you either have to work for it or mortgage something to get it. ‘Just think,’ exclaimed the enthusiastic young husband coming home from the July sales, ‘By the time we get all this furniture paid for, we’ll have genuine antiques!’ Summertime: when you don’t pay your bills, and your creditors think you’re on holiday. The greatest consolation for many holiday-makers is that they have found where NOT to go next time.

People don’t grow up; they just learn how to act in public.

ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069


Don’t miss the Family Fun Day! Saturday 3rd July 2010 12 noon to 3pm Come and enjoy some local fun on the campus of Groby Community College.

Traditional family games including the egg and spoon race, tug of war and wheelbarrow racing will take place alongside the opportunity to have a FREE taster of one or more of the many sports available locally, including tennis, basketball, hockey and rugby. Learn how to mend your own bike ready for the summer, try your stunts on the bmx ramps, test your aim at the coconut shy or improve your strike at the football speed challenge. The HBBC Active Together Team will also be available with instructors demonstrating alternative activities for adults. It’s your opportunity to influence the development of additional physical activities for adults locally. The Adult Learning Service will also be available to promote their new courses starting in September. If all of this sounds too energetic, there is the opportunity to watch performances by our partner Dance School- Dance Sensation and our own Youth Theatre, in the drama studio. There will be a wide range of craft stalls to browse amongst whilst enjoying a cup of tea, a burger/hot dog from our BBQ or an ice cream. Tickets are available through the College Community Office at a price of £5.00 per family (2 adults and upto 4 children) or £2.00 per adult/£1.00 for children and concessions. Tickets will also be available on the gate. If the weather is wet provision has been made to move attractions and activities in doors where possible, so need to miss out. Any profits made from this event will go towards the building of a purpose built dance studio on the College campus that will benefit our local community.

Summer Holiday Activities Don’t let your children get bored this summer. We have 4 weeks of sports and performing arts available for children aged 5 to 12 taking place from w/c 26th July 2010. For teenagers there is an opportunity for them to achieve their sports leaders award in a week, a babysitting course, a sports week and new this year are 2 roller skating sessions for families and young people. These will take place on Thursday 29th July and Thursday 12th August 2010. Sessions will be available from 2-4pm (11-14 year olds) 4.45pm to 6.45pm (parent and child sessions) and 7.30 to 9.30 for 14 years plus. In addition there will also be a chance for sixth formers to get themselves prepared for life at university by enrolling on a new course –cooking on a budget –this will take place during the school holidays. Visit the college web site www.grobycoll.leics.sch.uk/community for more information on how to book onto any of these activities or to obtain your tickets for skating. Or call 0116 281 7017

He’s so lazy. I’ve seen him step into a revolving door and wait.



ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069

Advert Finder • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Aerials (Digivision) P.13 Accountants (Henstocks) P.5 Bereavement Support (Anstey) P.19 Bouncy Castles (Kidz) P.12 Building/Roofing (MT) P.13 Bums, Tums & Conditioning (Vicki) P.3 Care Services (Bosworth Home) P.11 Cleaning (Molly Maid) P.7 Cleaning (Clean Eaves) P.11 Computer Repairs (Anstey C.) P.11 Computer Repairs (Groby C.) P.8 Computer Repairs (I.C.N.) P.21 Decorating (Alan Cox) P.8 Decorating (Stanley Dunne) P.15 Decorating (IDC) P.5 Decorating (Paul W. Yeomans) P.16 Dentures (Dentures at Home) P.21 Double Glazing (A1 Leic. Windows) P.3 Double Glazing Repairs (Window S.) P.9 Driving Lessons (Alliance Academy) P.5 Driving Lessons (Kats Eyes) P.7 Drum (Lessons) P.8 Electricians (Control Electrics) P.2 Electricians (P. Glover) P.23 Electricians (Paul Rumble) P.5 Fencing (Shooter) P.23 Framing ( Just Frames) P.23 Funerals (Anstey & District) P.13 Garage Services (Richard E. Smith) P.7 Garden Centre (Brookside) P.18 Garden Centre (Sevenoaks) P.7 Green Cones (L.C.C.) P.2 Hairdressing (Snips) P.18 Handyman (Vernon Spencer) P.21 Homes for Sale (Williams) P.1 Jewellers (Sykes) P.10 Joinery (Stanley Dunne) P.15 Landscape Supplies (Sunningdale) P.3 Meat (Little Markfield Farm) P.21 M.O.T. ( Cropston Garage) P.14 Parrots & Pets (Midland) P.9 Plastering (R A Day) P.8 Plastering (Mark Hoyland) P.15 Plastering (Andy Merrall) P.5 Plumbing (Neil Clapham) P.18 Plumbing ( Lowes) P.7 Plumbing (MRM) P.15 Pub Food (The Plough Inn) P.7 Pub Food (The Red Lion) P.17 Solicitors (Dodds) P.18 Tools (Trade Tools) P.22 Tree Surgeon (Martin Page) P.18 Upholstery (Simon Shuttlewood) P.13 Veterinary (Maggie Leggett) P.4

“Your call is being recorded ...” I received a phone call the other day from someone trying to sell me insurance. After introducing himself, the caller announced: “Before I go any further, I’m obliged to inform you that this call is being recorded for training and quality assurance purposes.” If I’d been a bit more alert, I’d have said, “Well hang on a second while I switch on MY recorder at this end too.” But I heard myself saying “That’s OK” and I imagine most people say the same thing. If you think about it, it’s very cheeky to ring people up and record what they say. It would be nicer if these callers said “Do you mind if we record the call?” and offer an alternative. I don’t want strangers laughing at me stumbling over my words or making a complete idiot of myself. And if the call is being used as raw material for training purposes, surely you are entitled to be paid for your input. I reckon a flat rate of £20 per call would be about right. After all, Harry Hill pays £250 for a You’ve Been Framed video. I did a bit of research on this topic and according to one source, around 40 million calls a day are captured worldwide in this way. Specialist scanning software can spot key words or phrases such as ‘cancel my order’ or the names of competitors. And when sales conversations can be analysed as easily as a spreadsheet, they represent a potential gold mine of information about why customers buy (or why not), which competitors are stealing customers, and so on. So, next time you hear those familiar words during a phone call - simply explain that you charge for this information, and ask the caller for their credit card details so that you can get paid before proceeding further. You never know - it might create a significant second income for you!


IS FRED RIGHT? Should we be paid for this valuable marketing information that companies are harvesting from us free of charge? Or is the recording of calls simply a way of ‘improving the customer experience’? TELL US WHAT YOU THINK by writing to GOT IT TAPED, Anstey Clarion, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT or send an email to: info@ansteyclarion.co.uk

Businesses: Did You Know? We also publish Groby Spotlight and The Herald

Our THREE village magazines are delivered through every letterbox in ANSTEY • GROBY • MARKFIELD • FIELD HEAD STANTON-U-BARDON • THORNTON BAGWORTH

That’s a total circulation of 10,400 copies. Interested in advertising? Tel: 01530 244069

I tried sniffing Coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.


ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 20 • Late-JUNE 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069






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Midnight Miles for Rainbows’ Mums Women are invited to gather at midnight on Saturday, July 17, for a six-mile walk round Loughborough supporting mums of children and young people at Rainbows Hospice. The Miles for Mums Midnight Walk begins and ends at Loughborough Town Hall and is open to all women over the age of 16. The lovely Miss Loughborough, Abi Hill, pictured, has already put her name down to undertake the circular sponsored walk. She’ll be joined by several mums of the children at Rainbows. She said: “I am proud to walk six miles at midnight to support children, young people and families who use the wonderful Rainbows Hospice.” Rainbows provides care for children and young people with life limiting illnesses and life threatening conditions as well as support for their whole families. One mum, Lucy Smith, whose son Harry has a degenerative condition said: “Rainbows is a life saver for Harry, and for me and my husband too. Harry gets fabulous one-to-one care, and we have huge support from the family support team.” It costs £10 per person to register, and every penny raised in sponsorship goes directly to benefit Rainbows Hospice. Once registered, walkers will receive information and fundraising packs with exclusive Miles for Mums t-shirts. On the night will be goody bags and to spur people on to complete – a medal and light breakfast awaits after the walk. For more information and to register visit www. rainbows.co.uk/mumsmidnightwalk or contact Rainbows on 0800 952 1133 or e-mail fundraising@rainbows.co.uk

Bonkers Idea of the Month Have you noticed how lorry drivers leave their trailer doors open when parked up?

Apparently, it’s because lorry hijacking is on the increase. If the lorry hasn’t got a valuable load or a load worth stealing then the driver leaves the back door open to show the would be thief that there is nothing worth taking. If the doors are locked then a thief would cause damage to the lorry either by breaking open the doors or slicing through the side curtain just to see that the lorry isn’t carrying anything worth stealing. That’s all very well for lorry drivers with nothing valuable on board, but surely it helps the thieves by enabling them to focus on lorries with their doors CLOSED.

Miss Loughborough with Donovan Elson and the Rainbows Bear

NEW ACTIVITY SESSIONS Charnwood Borough Council’s Active Together Team and Shepshed Extended Services are organising physical activity sessions for adults at Hind Leys Community College in Shepshed. There are fitness and dance sessions on offer: Latino Dance sessions will take place on Fridays 6pm-7pm from 11 June-13 August • Legs, Bums and Tums will take place on Wednesdays 8pm-9pm from 9 June-11 August • The sessions will run for 10 weeks and each session will cost £2.50. Councillor Peter Lewis, Lead Member for Culture and Leisure for Charnwood Borough Council, said: “These sessions provide an opportunity to get fit and have fun at the same time. There are various other physical activity sessions taking place across the borough to improve the fitness levels of people and help them to stay fit and active.” For more information about these sessions or other physical initiatives for adults aged 16+ in Charnwood, please contact the Active Together Team on 01509 634673 or email active.together@charnwood.gov.uk


Why don’t the haulage companies fit a lorry-width roller blind to the rear doors, with a 3-D image of the inside of an empty trailer painted onto it? Then, when parking up, even if the lorry was full of valuable gear, the driver would simply pull down the blind over the locked rear doors. The thieves would see the picture of the empty trailer and drive straight past. It couldn’t cost more than a few hundred quid, and it could save the companies thousands. Tremendous!


She had a boyfriend with a wooden leg, but she broke it off.

Leicestershire residents have cut down on their bin congestion and reduced their carbon footprint by making use of their leftover food. More than 1400 Green Cones have been sold in Leicestershire and residents are excited about how using the Green Cone is reducing the amount of rubbish they put out for collection.

Kath Platts, Charnwood Borough has noticed that

Amanda Halliday, Hinckley & Bosworth Borough said,

“I’d wanted one for ages, but I couldn’t justify the price... once the council subsidised the units then it was affordable. Our main aim was to get rid of the black bin, or just put it out once a year.”





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“by putting leftover food into the caddy you see how much you waste. We’ve reduced what we buy, so there are long-term savings.” As you can put meat, bones, fish, vegetable scraps, dairy products and leftover plate scrapings into the Green Cone there is virtually no leftover food waste. These are transformed into nutrients and dispersed into the surrounding soil,

“there are immediate benefits in the surrounding area, I’ve seen a big difference in surrounding plants, they’re very lush.”

Buying couldn’t be easier, residents can call the freephone order line 0800 019 2061 or visit the website www.greencone.com. The price of £7.50 includes professional installation, saves digging that big hole yourself. If you would like more information on the Food Waste Digesters and composting units that Leicestershire Waste Partnership are offering, call 0116 305 7005 visit www.leics.gov.uk/waste or take the advice of Mrs Jones from Blaby “I believe

everyone should have one”, and order yours today.

Offer only available to Leicestershire residents - excludes Leicester City residents.

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