4 minute read

Lung Cancer Awareness

Come to our Lung Cancer Awareness Event on the 20 th of June at Morrison’s Car Park in Coalville for advice and health information

Early detection will give a better outcome


Markfield Congregational

MARKFIELD Congregational Community Church continues to meet regularly on Sundays for church services led by various ministers and speakers from 10-30 till 11-30.

Everyone is welcome.

Tuesday Brew About You continues to meet for refreshments and chats from 9-30 till 12-00. During the winter we offered a warm space and food until around 1-00pm. We have decided to stop the food for the time being and we will decide in October whether to offer this again.

We aim to offer an event each month .


On Saturday 6th May we joined together to watch the Coronation on the big screen with sandwiches, cakes, scones kindly made by Linda along with strawberries. Rev Rob made the posh sandwiches and homemade ice cream.

• Friday June 16th 7-00pm Bingo and Fish and Chips.




North West Leicestershire, which includes Markfield, has the highest rate of lung cancer in the county with the rates for men being 70.3% per 100,000 and women 34.2% per 100,000, which is why the above event is being held in our area.

There will be a wide range of professionals there to provide help information. There will also a walk-in covid vaccination facility for patients from 18+.

Alan (Chair of Markfield and the NW Locality PPG)

• Saturday July 22nd 6-30pm Barbecue and Beetle Drive. All events are advertised on our notice board.

On Saturday 16th September there will be a Coffee Morning supporting Christian Aid. This will be held at the Methodist Church organised by Churches Together in Markfield. We will be having a tombola stall for which we would be pleased to receive gifts for. No alcohol as it is not allowed in the Methodist Church.

For more information on any of the above please contact Angela Berry 07971 254165

SUMMER is a beautiful season round here…and if we enjoy gardening, it may be a time when we give the garden particular attention. Seeing a garden flourish, whether that’s flowers and shrubs, fruit and veg or a mix, can be very rewarding.

What aren’t so good are weedsand especially those known as “invasive species”- plants that shouldn’t normally grow here, but when they do take root, are very difficult to get rid of, and may crowd out other species that we do want. Japanese knotweed, and Himalayan balsam, are but two well-known examples. It strikes me that sometimes in family, community and church life, “invasive species” can also take root- ways of thinking and behaving that aren’t helpful and aren’t God’s best for us. Sometimes, tiredness and stress make us bad-tempered with each other. In small communities, rumours and gossip can take root. We may be tempted to put others down to big ourselves up. Life today can also be very difficult, and it’s easy to lose heart.

And yet… God has sown good seed in the gardens of our lives. I hope and pray that, this summer, we will with His help weed out any “invasive species”- and with Him delight in all new life and growth, letting it flourish.

Judith Lincoln

Minister, Trinity Methodist Church, Markfield www.markfieldmethodistchurch.org

FB Markfield Methodist Church

Local Elections

This is my first article since the recent local elections, and I would like to congratulate newly elected Councillors

Claire Harris (Con) and Chris Lambert (Lab) for their success.

Although I am a Conservative County Councillor, I have always enjoyed a constructive working relationship with Labour’s Matthew Lay over the years; and I am confident that Claire and I will enjoy a similar collaborative approach with Chris.

I was pleased to join Cllr Harris to HBBCs AGM following the recent local elections

Local Plan – Correction of a correction?

IN LAST MONTH’S Herald, HBBC’s press release was published in which it stated it was “setting the record straight” on its Local Plan (or rather the failure to have an up to date one!).

However, the article did not state that the Secretary of State, Michael Gove, had written to the authority in April threatening ‘special measures’ unless the performance of its planning department improved significantly! The cynic in me would argue that this was deliberate to hide this embarrassing situation from the public during an election. But I will let readers make their own minds up on that one…

Leicestershire Business Voice (LBV)

I recently attended the LBV annual dinner at Leicestershire Cricket Ground in Aylestone where I was able to discuss a range of issues with small and medium sized businesses across the area.

In particular the continued need for upskilling of the local workforce and pro-business investment from the local authorities and agencies. I also had the opportunity to speak with Richard Mitchell the relatively new CEO of UHL and was impressed with his focus on reforming the Trust after a turbulent couple of years.

Local Matters:

During the month I continued to work with Parish Councils, and others, on a range of issues including:

• With LCC Highways Officers on an MVAS unit for London Road, Markfield as part of the Members Highways Fund. Preliminary work has been undertaken and I expect this to be in place during the summer. This is in addition to the Ratby Lane and Leicester Road units; as well as an Ashby Road MVAS that I have also approved.

• Liaising with Dr Luke Evans MP on the Ashby Road, Markfield development.

• Liaising with the Markfield Court Residents Association about the proposed expan-sion of the Islamic Centre in the village. There are understandable concerns about the level of traffic and disruption to local residents. I have meetings scheduled with LCC Highways to ensure that these concerns are considered as part of the planning process.

• Attending a Q&A (providing the A’s!) of the Local Enterprise Partnership to discuss the status of any potential devolution deal for the East Midlands. Once I have a firm updated on the direction of travel, from Government, I will be able to update resi-dents.

If residents wish to raise any issues or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email: peter.bedford@leics.gov.uk or via telephone: 01455 824733 Best Wishes, Peter Bedford

County Councillor for Markfield, Desford and Thornton (incl. Botcheston, Bagworth & Stanton under Bardon) www.facebook.com/peterbedfordmdt www.twitter.com/PeterBedfordMDT

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