Anstey sisters take their place in Leicester History Anstey residents, Angela Lett and Sue Mortimer took part in a ceremony at the Town Hall to become Freemen of the City of Leicester, ending an 800year-old tradition.
Curry Night raises over £1,400 for Haiti charity Anstey folk certainly enjoy their curries! Anstey Nomads hosted a Charity Curry Night in February, organised by Kay of Village News. Kay has contacted Anstey Clarion to let us know that the magnificent total of £1,440 was raised for the Haiti Relief Fund. Kay would like to thank everyone who helped to make the event such a tremendous success. Particular thanks go to Mr. Divyesh Shah of Mattocks Chemists on Fosse Road North, Leicester who donated £100 to the cause. Thanks also to Leicester Bakers of East Park Road, Leicester, Pak Foods of Uppingham Road, Leicester and Leo’s Supermarket of Link Road, Anstey who all donated ingredients.
The ceremony on 23rd February was only the second held to include daughters of Freeman as previously sons only inherited the honour. The sisters and their brother, Phil Plummer took an oath in front of the Lord Mayor of Leicester and their families in the hourlong ceremony. All enjoyed tea & refreshment with the Lord Mayor after the event. The siblings inherited the title from their father Leslie who passed away eleven years ago so was unable to enjoy the momentous family occasion.
Can You Help? Wanted to Rent:
Smart Water will be coming to Anstey
Garage or secure off-street parking within reasonable walking distance of Pettifor Court, Bradgate Road, Anstey. Telephone: 0116 235 0061
Thank you to everyone who has contacted me, to register their interest in purchasing Smartwater. It isn’t too late for anyone else get in touch, you can find my details below. I will be in touch with you all, as soon as I know, how we are going to implement it. If anyone is interested in setting up a Neighbourhood Watch Group in their area, again please get in touch. • Don’t forget, DO NOT LET PEOPLE, YOU DON’T KNOW INTO YOUR HOME. • The Gas, Electricity, and Water Boards, are no longer in existence. Only let people into your home if they have an appointment to do so. • Don’t invite anybody in you don’t know and don’t give anybody any money without first asking for a written estimate. • DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY CASH and, on no account let them take you to a bank for it, or disclose your pin number to them. Always ask them for proof of their identity. If you have any doubt about them, phone the police on 0116 222 2222. • Do not let anybody in who asks to use the toilet. • Always lock your doors, even when you are IN. • Please do not be a victim. If you would like a NO COLD CALLING sign on your door, please let me know. I have a few to give away to vulnerable people.
Diane Tillotson, Anstey NHW Beat Co-ordinators Manager E-mail: or phone on 0116 2365745.
Next Issue Out On 17th April 2010
Article & Advert Deadline: 3rd April 2010
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT
Tel: 01530-244069 Email: Website: The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Anstey Clarion Production Team. The inclusion of any group or organisation in this publication does not necessarily imply a recommendation of its aims, methods or policies. Anstey Clarion cannot be held responsible for the information disclosed by advertisements, all of which are accepted in good faith. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine, but no liability can be accepted for loss or inconvenience caused as a result of error or omission. Anstey Clarion reserves the right to amend, shorten or refuse to publish articles and/or advertisements submitted for publication. All contents © Anstey Clarion None of the articles contained in this magazine are to be reproduced in any way without first obtaining written consent from Anstey Clarion. ANSTEY CLARION is printed in Ellistown by Norwood Press This issue delivered between 19th and 21st March 2010 by our dedicated team of deliverers.
Anstey Parish Council News from John Alexander (Clerk to the Council) Email: • Tel: 0116 236 2646 Website:
CCTV February has seen significant progress on getting CCTV in the Nook. We finally have agreement of the locations from all site owners. A few final things need doing before the installations proceed but they are not major and so should not hold up getting it soon.
Parish Meeting In April the Parish Council holds its parish meeting. You are all invited to come along. The main business of this meeting it to allow all residents the opportunity to put ideas and suggestions forward to the Chairman of your parish council. This is your main opportunity to tell us what you think, what should be added, changed or done differently, in the village. Given the recent problems with anti-social behaviour, the Parish Council has a small group looking into what can be done to deter these problems. It is planned that they will have something to report to the parish meeting. This also gives you the chance to ask about council finances. I need not remind you that you are the main source of the council’s income, through the council tax. We also hope to have details from the consultant’s report on sports and recreation facilities in Anstey and how the Parish Council might improve
them. This includes all sport and allotments plus other recreational activities. PLEASE COME ALONG AND LET US KNOW YOUR FEELINGS. The date and time will be on all Parish Council notice boards within the next two weeks.
Two final requests for all residents: 1.
Can all dog owners ensure that they clean up faeces from their dog as a number of residents are finding the jitties and alleys becoming littered. Also the Recreation Ground has suffered an increase in the past few weeks. 2. Will all residents take care to pick up any litter dropped, can we ask all associated with young people to remind them too? The Parish Council staff are spending 6 – 7 hours each week collecting litter on and around the playgrounds and recreation areas. This keeps them from other jobs such as cutting the large areas of grass and looking after the cemetery. Thanks to you all for your assistance. If you have questions about the parish council please contact a councillor (details listed on page 6) or the office.
John Alexander
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Be pleasant until ten o’clock in the morning and the rest of the day will take care of itself.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Try the Home Library Service! It’s great!
ST GEORGE’S DAY PARADE IN ANSTEY Sunday, 25 April, 10.30am This year, Charnwood District Scout Association will be holding their annual St George’s Day Parade in Anstey, and approximately 200-300 scouts from all over Charnwood District will be parading through Anstey, starting at the Jubilee Hall and finishing for a service at Martin High School. This will be a good chance for the people of Anstey to turn out to support all our young people in the St George’s Day Parade. Anstey will be well represented with Beavers, Cubs and Scouts all there and they will be very proud to parade through the village; we look forward to seeing you there.
Leader Wanted If you live in Leicestershire, love to read but find it difficult to get to the library, the Home Library Service is what you need! This FREE service can deliver books, CDs, DVDs (special interest only), and talking books to your home on a regular basis by registered volunteers. They will visit you to discuss your choice of books and deliver them to your home. Friends or relatives can also collect books and other items on your behalf. We have a good selection of books in large print for people who find ordinary print too small. We also stock a collection of talking books - often read by famous actors and celebrities, and in many languages. These are available on tape cassettes and CDs. Is this you or someone you know?.... • “I used to come to the library every week but since my stroke I don’t get out much.” • “Since my sight went, I can’t read so easily.” • “Large Print books are so heavy I can’t carry them home.” • “I would love to get to the library but I look after my wife full time so it’s difficult.” • “I’ve had an operation and it will be months before I can get out and about again. As I live on my own its really difficult.” • If the answer is YES, just contact the Home Library Service and start reading! For further information contact Anstey library on 0116 3053536
Our Scout section is still looking for an enthusiastic leader to take over the running of the group. Training and support will be given, so if anybody is interested in this please phone/email Andrew Caunt our acting skip on (0116) 2211937 or who would be delighted to speak to you. We have a full programme for this year and the boys are particularly looking forward to the two camps we have planned. Also the Anstey Scout AGM will take place on Tuesday, 20th April and we would like to see all parents of our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts attending where we shall be playing pub games on the night and refreshments will be served, all welcome.
Anstey Scouting
Don’t Forget to Send Us Your News!
Got an interesting snippet?
Let us publish it in next month’s issue!
Send items by post or email to: ANSTEY CLARION, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9ZT or email to
The day will happen whether or not you get up.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
NEXT ISSUE OUT 17th April Weekend
Deadline: 3rd April for Articles & Adverts Village news items, forthcoming events, and community group news & programmes are all included free-of-charge, and are very welcome. Display adverts start from £11.50 incl.VAT. See the full rate sheet on page 2. Advert Guidelines: visit
David Snartt reports... County Councillor for Anstey within the Bradgate Division
Winter Salting Routes I was interested to read last months contribution by Borough Councillor John Sutherington on the County Council’s response to the winter salting and gritting programme over the worst winter conditions for some time. Of course it would be good to see all the roads within the county treated, but due to financial pressures and a need to keep Council Tax down, certain criteria is in place on a priority list which includes all main roads. Therefore over 40% of our roads are salted when freezing conditions are predicted. Just for interest up to March 4th the County Council had used nearly 16,000 tonnes of salt and had completed 68 salting runs during the same period. I understand that there is an opportunity for local Parish Councils to work with the County Council on initiatives to improve the way we work together whilst responding to the severe weather conditions. This includes siting grit bins in areas where residents have experienced problems on roads that are not on the priority list. Also Parish Councils are invited to appoint a Snow Warden, one of their functions being to provide information to the County Council on the local situation during the period of severe weather. The County Council publish advice on winter driving which sets out plans and procedures for roads to be salted each year, also remember if you spot a problem
with roads, pavements or lighting during the year, call Roadline, Freephone 0800 626203.
Anti-social Behaviour I have spoken to several residents since my report in the last edition of the Clarion. This was outlining how to report anti-social behaviour to the responsible agencies. Since then, I have attended a Parish Council meeting where this issue was discussed. I am grateful to the Parish Council for agreeing to set up a meeting with interested parties to ensure we all do everything possible to reduce the occurrences of anti-social behaviour within the village. I have also attended, along with the Anstey Parish Clerk, a training session by the Communities and Local Government Department on tackling anti-social behaviour, which included presentations on the tools and powers available and local case studies that have improved local areas within Leicestershire.
the school bus service from Thurcaston to Anstey Martin High School. After making representations on this I have now received information that due to the walking route between Anstey and Thurcaston being assessed as unsuitable, therefore, as a result of this, all children living in Thurcaston would be entitled to continuing statutory free home to school transport to the Martin High School. I have also had some e-mails about reductions in bus services during the evenings and weekends. I have passed this information on to the officer at County Hall and the lead member dealing with public transport issues.
Highway Issues
Leicestershire County Council Budget
I have been involved in finding out why a street lighting column has been removed on Dimmingsdale Close.
The final decision on the budget for 2010/11 was taken at the full council meeting on the 24th February.
I now understand that this was removed on the request of the
One area of concern has been the reduction of some bus services and school transport. I received concerns about
water company after a water leak nearby. Hopefully this will be reconnected as soon as possible. I also listened to residents concerns on a proposed development at the end of the Close. I was able to give details on the procedures involved with a planning application and I will check on the issues raised about highway safety especially the width of the road and the walkway leading to Link Road as this is used by many children attending the local school. I have had a progress report from officers about the proposed Ashton Green development by the City Council on the land close to Beaumont Leys. You may recall I had concerns that this may generate extra traffic through the nearby villages. I understand that a Transport Working Group has been set up to look at the traffic impact, to try and achieve a masterplan layout which will make the development site unattractive as a through route via Thurcaston Cropston and Anstey. It is anticipated that a planning application for the site will be submitted during April/May of this year. I will keep you informed when I have more information. I am having meetings to look at the options around the conditions placed on the new development on Gorse Hill. The proposal to close the central gap on the dual carriageway is, I believe, not supported by the majority of the residents living on Gorse Hill. I am hopeful that a solution can be found that satisfies the concerns around highway safety and the wishes of the residents.
If you need to contact me on any issues please write to: 10 Groby Lane, Newtown Linford, Leicester. LE60HH. email or telephone 01530 244804.
When you invite trouble, it’s usually quick to accept.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Anstey & District Funeral Service Independent Family-Run Funeral Directors
We take care of every detail, advise and help you every step of the way.
Bradgate U3A
Annual General Meeting It was a full house at the Jubilee Hall on Wednesday the 4th March when the important business of the Annual General Meeting was conducted. As this was the first Annual General Meeting we have held since our inauguration it was a chance for the membership to voice their opinions as to the direction they would like to see Bradgate U3A proceed. It would appear that all is well as no adverse comments were received from the floor during the proceedings. The new committee is broadly the same as last year with the addition a few new faces. Chairman. Brian Rowlinson Vice Chairman Jim Forrest Secretary Christine Forrest Treasurer David Tranmer Committee Members Beryl Boyes Barbara Bradshaw John Chapman Barbara Hayton Rita Longdon Sue Salzedo You will note that we now have a new Treasurer as John Henshaw, who had been on the committee since the first steering committee meeting, has had to stand down due to ill health and his sterling work will be sadly missed. However, after appealing to the membership, David Tranmer volunteered to take on the role and will be warmly welcomed as he takes over from John. The meeting was completed in a light hearted way with Barbara Bradshaw reading a short history she had prepared about her life in the form of a letter to her grandchildren. The start of the story was about living through the years of the Second World War with all its food rationing and the “make do and mend” mentality it was necessary to adopt at that time. How the family got by with a little extra due to her mother being a manager of a shop and had “the right connections”. After listening to Barbara’s experiences it reminds us that stories such as this are so easily lost if they are not written down for our younger generations to refer to. Our next meeting will be held on the 7th April at the Jubilee Hall, Stadon Road, Anstey starting at 2.30pm when Lyn Bell will be giving us advice on Will Writing, Estate Planning and Asset Protection.
Brian Rowlinson
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0116 234 0548 Talbott House, Leicester Road, Anstey, Leicester LE7 7AT
Website Design Course starting at Groby Community College on Wed 14th April 2010 7.00pm – 9.00 pm £84 for 12 weeks This course will help you to create a small website, set up a website folder structure, create links, include text and images and view your finished website. It will also help you to learn more about your hobby or leisure activity and gain industry standard skills to improve your career. Please telephone the Adult Learning Dept at Groby Community College on 0116 2874725 or the Freephone Enrolment line 0800 988 0308.
Make somebody happy today. Mind your own business.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
COUNCIL INFORMATION & CONTACT DETAILS Your 14 Parish Councillors are: Parish Council Chairman
Vice Chairman
Martin Broomhead 170 Bradgate Road Anstey Tel 0116 236 4228
Michael Parker 124 Cropston Road Anstey Tel 0116 236 3525
Nigel Aston 10 Fulmar Road Anstey Tel 0116 221 0979
Vicky Ball 91 Cropston Road Anstey Tel 0116 212 5315
Steve Farmer 36 Charnwood Road Anstey Tel 0116 210 3391
Ian Grogan 52 Edward Street Anstey Tel 0116 235 1762
Dave Parker 21 Cherrytree Close Anstey Tel 0116 236 7914
Roger Peat 262 Link Road Anstey Tel 016 236 4863
Rachael Phelps 58A Bradgate Road Anstey Tel 0116 233 2151
Mike Roe 37 Stadon Road Anstey Tel 0116 235 9815
Brian Rowlinson 187 Bradgate Road Anstey Tel 0116 236 7548
John Sutherington 43 George Street Anstey Tel 0116 220 4643
Sarah Taylor 39 Hazelhead Road Anstey Tel 0116 220 4770
Chris Tunaley 41 The Green Anstey Tel 0116 292 1604
Your Clerk to the Parish Council is: John Alexander Anstey Parish Council, Parish Office, Stadon Road, Anstey Tel 0116 236 2646 e-mail
Your Two Borough Councillors are: Paul Day, 251 Bradgate Road, Anstey Tel 0116 236 4376
John Sutherington, 43 George Street, Anstey Tel 0116 220 4643
Your County Councillor is: David Snartt, 10 Groby Lane, Newtown Linford Tel 01530 244804
Your Member of Parliament is: Rt Hon Stephen Dorrell MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA Contact Tel: 020 7219 4472 Contact Fax: 020 7219 5838 or email
Easter Wriggly Readers at Anstey Library Special Easter stories and rhymes for under 5’s with their parents and carers is held at Anstey library on Thursday 1st April from 2 – 2.45pm.
There will also be some colouring for toddlers and painting Easter eggs. Why not join us and have lots of fun! For further information call Anstey Library on 0116 305 3536.
Supporting Rainbows Hospice
An evening of Jazz, Harmonies and Songs from the Shows
One of the UK’s leading 4-part harmony groups, ‘The Grand Central Chorus’, based in our area but widely travelled and with an international reputation, is once again bringing together an evening of top quality musical entertainment at Emmanuel Church, Forest Road, Loughborough at 7.30pm on Sat. 24th April.
Repeating the highly successful format of its two previous sellout shows in 2006 and 2008, the chorus’s guests will be the new line-up of the Loughborough Endowed Schools’ ‘Big Band’, featuring its popular jazz and swing music. Also returning, to delight with its exuberant and varied performances of show songs, will be Shepshed’s ‘ACT One’ youth musical theatre group, which has just finished a successful run of its production of ‘Les Miserables’. Hosts for the evening, multi-award winning ‘The Grand Central Chorus’, and British Championship quartet semi-finalists ‘Retro’, will serve up a feast of songs in 4-part harmony. Under its talented director, Loughborough’s Zac Booles, ‘Grand Central’ draws its membership from across the East Midlands and beyond, with a fair sprinkling of men from in and around the Charnwood area. This evening’s show will be an excellent ‘dry run’ for its appearance at the British Chorus Championship competition, to be held in Harrogate at the end of May. The show will be compered by well known BBC Radio Leicester presenter Dave Andrews, a strong supporter and advocate of the Rainbows Children’s Hospice in Loughborough, which will benefit from proceeds of the evening. Tickets for what promises to be an outstanding evening of entertainment are £8, including interval refreshments. These, and further details about ‘Grand Central Chorus’, can be obtained from 01530 243912 or 01509 646506; On; or e-mail: peter@tovey8679. Ample parking will be available close by.
You’ve got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was.
plumbing & heating
Central Heating Breakdowns and Repairs Boiler Installations / Replacements Free Quotes 30 Years Exp. Landlords Gas Safety Certificates No Callout Fee 10% Off for OAP’s System Power Flushing 0116 2879760 / 07925 802265 Servicing
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Charnwood Borough Councillor’s Report
Bradgate Twinning Association
From John Sutherington (limping!) company will be closing the old “Fisons” site in Loughborough over the next 18 months, with the loss of over 1200 jobs. The announcement is a huge blow and a major loss of employment in the Borough and in Loughborough in particular. CBC will be working with Astra Zeneca, EMDA, Prospect Leicestershire and all other interested parties to help deal with the effects of the loss of such a major, high profile employer, with a significant record of community involvement.
Oh for the joys of Spring which should be just round the corner by the time you receive this edition of the Anstey Clarion.
C.B.C. Budget This as now been set for this year and for a Band D property your contribution for Charnwood’s piece of the council tax will be just 3.9p per week. Overall it will be much more when taking in the Police, Fire and County Council but I believe our portion is not too much to bear. Borough Councillor allowance will remain the same, unlike our MP’s!
Anstey Motor Company
Latimer Street People who have read the notice at the derelict J.A. Ball site on Latimer Street will know the deadline for the company to clear and secure the site has now gone. Charnwood Borough Council legal team will shortly be taking the next steps… Meanwhile the fencing erected around the Mark Jarvis Racing car park also on this street, which was erected without permission may have to come down as Charnwood Borough Council planning committee recently deemed it to be unsuitable for this location and it was agreed that it should be dismantled within 28 days, subject to an appeal by the owners.
Anstey WMC (Community Centre?) This once thriving local club still stands empty after 6 months. I did put a proposal forward to Anstey Parish Council to look at purchasing the building as a possible community centre for Anstey, but the proposal was turned down because of the cost, lack of parking and the proximity of nearby residents. I have to say I was very disappointed with the decision, and the reasons given. I see in a few years time when our ever more popular village becomes even larger we shall be crying out for a community centre and the cost, if suitable land can be found will be much more than the purchase of the WMC would have been at this present time.
Astra Zeneca What a shock to all in Charnwood the proposed closure of the Borough’s second largest employer was, it was announced on Tuesday 2nd. March that the Pharmaceutical
Mel Thorpe and his wife Lynn will be celebrating their 5th. Anniversary at the Cropston Road site soon. AMC next to Langrop’s, sells a selection of good quality second hand cars reasonably priced, usually with at least a 3 month warranty. “It’s not been all plain sailing” said Mel, the former Daewoo Cars Manager, “It’s hard work but we are keeping our heads above water.” (The garage backs on to Anstey Brook!)
Glenfield’s New Chemist This new shop on Station Road Glenfield, although not in the village is only just inside Glenfield next to the Doctor’s Surgery. It is open until 9.45pm Saturday and Sunday, and until 10.30pm on weekdays. Open from 8am every day. Much more convenient than rushing off into Leicester, and free parking just outside.
The Podiatry This facility which was provided free of Charge within the village for many years and was due to reopen at the Doctor’s surgery a little time ago until a last minute hitch over a small rental charge meant it being relocated to Groby Community College, has now been closed at the college and moved once again to somewhere in Barrow. I shall be making enquiries as to why this as happened and let you know more when I do. I understand that room could still be found at Anstey Surgery but a rental charge would be required.
Rev. Simon Foster What a lovely send off, we gave Simon and his Family at his last service on February 28th. at St. Mary’s and after at the Church Rooms. It was standing room only and not much of that in the Church and the shared Lunch and
Report from Mike Brewer presentations after at the Church Rooms was also well attended. Good luck at your new ministry in Croydon Simon. I understand his train set is already unpacked!!
Pack Horse Bridge I appreciate that many people are concerned myself included at the delay to the bridge repairs on Packhorse Bridge. The Parish council placed the order back in December. Since then the repairer has not had decent weather and with lime mortar they need reasonably dry and not cold weather otherwise the mortar will not set and the stones get removed again. Hopefully something will be happening soon.
Questionaire Hiccup? (Ouch That Hurt!) Thank you to those who have filled in and took the trouble to send back the Questionnaire from the Lib Dem. Prospective Parliamentary Candidate Robin Webber Jones, I have delivered a number around the village but on Monday 8th March I had an argument with a kerb, lost badly and have broken a bone or 2 in my right foot and tore some ligaments. Deliveries will be curtailed somewhat but if you would like the chance to fill one in, in strictest confidence please get in touch. If you would like to deliver a Road or Street that would be even better.
Finally Shame on those who think throwing stones at the swans on Anstey Brook is fun.
I am available through the usual channels if you think I can help in any way. Yours well plastered. Cllr. John J. Sutherington. 43 George Street, Anstey. Leicester LE77DT. 0116 2204643. M 07939070603. Email: cllr.john. sutherington@charnwood. PS. I do know that Anstey Brook is really ROTHLEY RIVER, but its in our village. JJS.
It’s all right letting yourself go as long as you can let yourself back.
Last year we celebrated our 30th Anniversary in splendid style. We visited our French twins in Plateau Est de Rouen in May where we joined in with their other twinning partners from Burkina Faso, Poland and Germany in a week-end of eating, drinking, making merry and the inevitable speeches, mercifully not translated into three other languages, as has happened in the past. The French came to us at the end of October. On the Saturday we had arranged a magnificent concert given by the Newtown Linford Choral Society and attended by Roger Wilson, Chairman of Leicestershire County Council. At the break there were refreshments and exchange of presents, including an imposing shield from the French, which we are hoping to have hung up in the Jubilee Hall in Anstey. So now we are back to normal, organising the fundraising events, such as quizzes and barn dances, which enable us to give the French a good time when they visit. We have a very efficient and effective Committee and, believe it or not, have proved that fundraising can be fun. Our visit to France this year is already booked. Do you fancy joining us? You don’t have to speak French, just be reasonably good at body language. For further information please contact our Chairperson, Anne Dutton on 0116 2213 786.
COME TO OUR TRAMPS’ SUPPER and BEETLE DRIVE 10th April. 7.30 - 10.30
at St Mary’s Church Rooms. Church Lane, Anstey Adults £7.50 Accompanied Children £5.00
Bar • Raffle Tickets from 0116 2213786
Dress Appropriately!
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Canal festival calls for volunteers Organisers of this year’s Moira Canal Festival are looking for volunteers to help out at the weekend long event. The venue for the festival is Moira Furnace, on a recently restored 1.5 mile section of the Ashby Canal. The festival celebrates its 10th anniversary over the weekend of 22nd and 23rd May. Volunteers, whose main duties will be helping out on the gate or assisting in setting-up, will be entitled to free admission and a meal voucher. The festival will feature bands, a bar, boats, historic re-enactments, live steam, forest crafts, children’s entertainment, ‘Morris on Moira’, a wide range of refreshments, and more, including the first tightrope walk across the Ashby Canal. If you are interested in volunteering please email volunteer co-ordinator Roger Grimsley (roger.grimsley@ or call Leicestershire County Council’s Ashby Canal Officer on 01530 273956 or email For more details on the Ashby Canal restoration project, visit: www.leics.
Calligraphy Exhibition Donington le Heath Manor House, Manor Road, LE67 2FW is hosting an exhibition of the latest beautiful and evocative works from Leicestershire Calligraphers. The exhibition will run from Good Friday April 2nd until Wed 30th June. T: 01530 831 259.
Dry Stone Walling Learn the traditional skill of dry stone walling on this one day course that will teach you the basics of repairing a wall or starting a new one. The course takes place at Beacon Hill Country Park on Saturday 27th March from 10am to 4pm. The cost per place is £30 and pre-booking is ESSENTIAL. T: 0116 305 8790.
I used to believe that anything was better than nothing. Now I know that sometimes nothing is better.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Anti-Bell:Ruth Ewan Tuesday 23 March, 7pm Taylor’s Bell Foundry, Freehold Street, Loughborough, LE11 1AR FREE, limited places – booking essential.
Clues Across 1 Objects that refract lights (6) 7 In opposition to (7) 8 Customers (7) 9 Joined (5) 10 Unregistered (9) 12 Observe (3) 13 Organs (4) 15 Cowered (7) 17 Fabric (4) 19 Grow old (3) 21 Protected (9) 22 Intuition (5) 23 Small compartment (7) 24 Shortly (7) 25 Finishes (6)
Clues Down 1 Illustrations (8) 2 Flowers (6) 3 Huge animal (7) 4 In front (5) 5 Gaudy (6) 6 Collection of horses 7 Severity (11) 11 Part of body (4) 13 Rim (4) 14 Fighters 16 Edible (7) 18 Kind of pea (6) 20 Builds (6) 21 Ray of light (5) 22 Central parts of wheels (4)
Turn to page 19 for the solution.
Anti-Bell is made up of two elements. A live event where you are invited to witness the destruction of an old bell, transforming it into a mass of metal, removing its functionality, and neutralising its symbolic potency, and to coincide with the live event an artist’s publication brings together archive material and text relating to Loughborough’s bell foundry and Carillon Towers War Memorial, referencing the wider social and historical role of bells. As the bell is melting in the furnace the audience will be led on a tour of Taylor’s Bell Foundry by Stephen Fletcher, former master bell tuner. The audience will then be invited to witness the pouring of the Anti-Bell from a viewing gallery within the foundry. This newly commissioned work by artist Ruth Ewan draws on Loughborough’s history as a site for bell production, and the significance of the bell as an instrument of social and political control. Bells have called people to worship, and warned of danger. So potent a symbol, bells were often removed, destroyed or melted down during times of conquest and war, sending a clear message from the victorious to the defeated. Ruth Ewan was born in Aberdeen 1980, she now lives and works in London. In 2002 she recived a BA in Fine Art, Drawing and Painting, from Edinburgh College of Art. Ewan has been commissioned by Artangel and performed in Tate Britain contributing to the recent Tate Triennial, ‘Altermodern’.
All The Latest Anstey WI News - from Sheila Timms David Bolton began his talk to Anstey WI by introducing his friend Arthur – Arthur leg. A cheery amputee, David regularly sails at Rutland water, but came to speak of his trip in 2002 on the tall ship Lord Nelson, courtesy of the Jubilee Sailing Trust. A group of disabled sailors and their buddies sailed from
Southampton to Zeebrugge, where they participated in the Tall Ships Festival. It was quite an adventure, with many trials and tribulations along the way. A clue was in David’s title, “Help, my leg fell off.” He kept everyone happily entertained, so it was no surprise to hear that David had raised £3,000 for the Jubilee Sailing Trust last year by telling groups about his trip.
Anstey WI would welcome new members. Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, except July, in the Jubilee Hall, Stadon Road, at 7.30pm. There are speakers on a wide variety of topics. You would be joining a national organisation, which has considerable influence at government level. There are national events, and the WI has its
own college in Oxfordshire where you can stay for a few days and follow a short course in one of your interests. In addition, we are part of the Leicestershire and Rutland Federation as well as the Bradgate Group of WIs, who provide events you might wish to attend. Why not give us a try? For further details, contact Sheila Timms on 2122443.
Be kind to one another, because most of us are fighting a hard battle.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Share your memories of Cox’s ice cream van
Snibston Discovery Museum is looking for people with memories of ‘Cocky’ Cox and his ice cream van to come forward and share their stories. Cox’s ice cream van was a popular sight around the streets of Leicester in days gone by. This photograph shows Cox’s van at New Parks Junior School Gala in 1960. Perhaps you were there and remember buying a wafer or lolly that day? If so, Snibston would love to hear from you. The museum is now home to Cox’s ice cream van which is on display in the Transport Gallery. The van is a battery electric vehicle made by Partridge Wilson & Co of Leicester in 1935. Mr Cox acquired the van in 1947 when it was modified for the ice cream business, and it was in use until the early 1970s. Whilst Snibston has information about the technical history of the vehicle, staff are keen to record personal memories about Cocky and his ice cream van. Tina Cox, one of Cocky’s two daughters, said: “We treasure this wonderful ice cream van because our parents worked hard to get it, and it represents some of our own family history – me and my sister, Roma, both learned to drive in it. The van is also important to people in Leicester, especially those in the New Parks estate. Lots of people will remember Cocky and his ice cream van, especially on those hot summer days.” All this additional information will help to improve the displays at Snibston, which include a recent renovation of the aircraft displays in the Transport Gallery. If you are one of the children in the photograph, or simply have some memories of Cox’s ice cream vans, please contact Alison Clague at Snibston on 0116 3053429 or email:
He who talks without thinking runs more risks than he who thinks without talking.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Don’t Miss The Open Day on Saturday 10th April
Try tennis for free at Gynsill Lawn Tennis Club Your local Gynsill Tennis Club, Gorse Hill Anstey is throwing its courts open on Saturday 10th April for FREE. The day is open to all existing and potential players from juniors 7-18yrs and adults alike. This is a great chance for all to come and sample some active tennis fun with us, including the use of a ball machine and service speed gun. Club Coaches will be running a number of fun, action-packed introductory sessions for all standards from beginner to advanced. There will be friendly competitions and give-aways, including a raffle draw with one player gaining 8 weeks coaching free of charge. Gynsill Head Coach Matt Clarridge said: “We want to show people that our tennis club is a welcoming and friendly place with a fantastic set-up for you to come and learn to play the game of tennis. Sessions will run in the following age groups. • 10.00am - 11.15am - (7yrs - 10yrs) • 11.15am - 12.30pm - (11yrs - 18yrs) • 12.30 - 1.45pm - (adults) We currently have a wide programme of coaching that you can become involved in. (Juniors and Adults). At the Open Day there will be lots of information for you to look at. For all those that are interested there will be the opportunity to sign up for coaching courses, memberships, team or social tennis play. If you would like to come and join us on the day please contact Matt Head Coach now at or 07708 686693 or Club Chairman John Chapman 0116 233 3893 for more details.
YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS: But he is! Matt Clarridge invites you to a FREE tennis taster event at Gynsill Lawn Tennis Club on 10th April
People’s Lottery Millions Up For Grabs For ITV Central Communities The People’s Millions 2010 competition opened its doors in March for projects in the ITV Central region to put in their bids to receive up to £50,000 from the Big Lottery Fund (BIG). It is the sixth year of The People’s Millions competition, allowing communities across ITV Central to improve facilities or get more enjoyment from their local area. Five bumper Big Lottery Fund grants are on offer in ITV Central, with a total of £250,000 to be awarded to community projects in the region. The People’s Millions, a partnership between the Big Lottery Fund (BIG) and ITV, aims to improve communities across the UK and gives the public the chance to vote on which local projects should receive lottery goodcause funding. Shortlisted projects will be showcased on local ITV evening news where they will have to convince the public why they need the cash. It will then be up to the public to vote for groups to win the funding. This year a new streamlined online entry form will mean that applying to the contest will be even simpler. Entry forms became available from 10 March at Entries need to be returned to the Big Lottery Fund by the deadline, 12 noon on Friday 14 May 2010.
Bradgate Drama Society
Love Begins at Fifty Bradgate Drama Society presents ‘Love Begins at Fifty’ by Raymond Hopkins on May 13th, 14th & 15th in the Village Hall, Main Street, Newtown Linford.
For 28 years Clive and Anita Debanks have tolerated their loveless marriage. Clive has never been unfaithful, but as his 50th birthday approaches he yearns for a final fling. He chooses three ladies from the ‘Lonely Hearts’ column in the local paper and arranges for them to come round whilst his wife is away. Unbeknown to him, his wife has entered them in a ‘Perfect Marriage’ competition in the same paper. A reporter arrives and takes photographs of the happy pair. And then Clive’s problems really begin…… Tickets £6, available from Gillian Bates on 01530 242375. Doors open 6.45pm, curtain up, 7.30pm.
As part of our aftercare service, we now offer a monthly Bereavement Aftercare & Support Group, which has been set up to provide a FREE support service, not just to our clients, but to ANY bereaved person, irrespective of their age, creed, religion and length of bereavement. The group meets on the 1st Saturday of every month (except at Bank Holidays) in the catering suite at Anstey & District Funeral Services between 10am and 12noon.
Next dates: Sat 10th April 2010 and Sat 8th May 2010 ARRAN BRUDENELL, Tel: 0116 234 0548
Heroes are people who rise to the occasion and slip quietly away.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Changing Face of Anstey
How The Oaks at Gorse Hill will look
The above layout plan shows how the new development at Gorse Hill - “The Oaks” - will look when complete. A total of ten detached houses are being built - several of which are occupied already - in a select, cul-de-sac arrangement. There is an Open Weekend on 20/21 March - see advert on page 7.
Beaumont Sports Complex Update As it is almost three months now since we announced that the project to develop Beaumont Park into a sports complex had been delayed, I felt that it was important to give people a further update of the situation. Following the granting of planning permission last autumn, we embarked upon the task of putting together a legal framework for the whole of the sports village and this has proved far more complicated than we first anticipated. As a result a considerable amount of time this winter has been spent locked in discussion with solicitors to define the details of the businesses and also negotiating the terms of the lease with Leicester City Council. In our view it is essential for the long term sustainability of the project that we get these negotiations right from the outset because we want to deliver a project that will outlive the current lease of 99 years. We are mindful of the fact that everyone is willing us to deliver a speedway stadium now but over eagerness to commence the development may jeopardise the long term future of Leicester Speedway. I can assure you that we are continuing to plan for this season and we remain committed to delivering the stadium this year and if at all possible seeing racing commence in Beaumont Leys sometime during 2010. We do really appreciate the patience supporters are showing us during this frustrating time and rest assured we are equally frustrated. However, it is the determination of Leicester Speedway Limited to ensure that the project is on sound footing for the long term that has delayed the development of the site for the time being.
David Hemsley, Leicester Speedway Limited
It’s just like magic: When you live by yourself, all of your annoying habits are gone.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Churches Together in Anstey CALENDAR St. Mary’s Parish Church
Bradgate Road, Anstey Fridays
9..30 - 11am Coffee morning & second hand book sale
23rd March Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday -United Service followed by Easter Egg Run. Chocolate and real eggs can be donated & LEICS. Christian Motor Cyclists Association. Members will gather in the Nook Car Park at 11.30am with their bikes. Do come and have a look…
1st April Maundy Thursday
The Last Hour of the Cross - quiet service
2nd April Good Friday
2 - 3pm
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Parish Communion
4th April Easter Day Easter Wednesday 7th April
City defender meets Masters Champion in aid of NSPCC
No service
The Methodist Church
Cropston Road, Anstey
10am - 12 noon
Coffee mornings
20th March Saturday
Nicholas Martin Organ concert
23rd March Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday CtiA service is at St. Mary’s
31st March Wednesday
Passover Meal (CtiA event) tickets available.
2nd April Good Friday
Evening Service
Easter Service
Easter Service
Coffee morning for Samaritan Milos Orphanage Romania
4th April Easter Day 24th April Saturday 24th April Saturday
Sausage & Mash supper & entertainment
8th May Saturday
Spring Fair
15th May Saturday
Christian Aid Coffee morning
15th May Saturday
Christian Aid Quiz
22nd May Saturday
Sponsored 20 mile walk & bike ride for Orphanage in Romania.
United Reformed Church
Bradgate Road, Anstey First Saturday of each month
10am - 12 noon
21st March Sunday
27th March Saturday
Coffee Morning
Induction of the new Minister - Rev. Meda Stamper (Palm Sunday CtiA service will be held at St. Mary’s church)
28th March Palm Sunday 2nd April Good Friday
You are invited for Hot Cross Buns & coffee before the service which begins at 11am
4th April Easter Day
Service of Holy Communion
Easter breakfast
Easter Day Service
St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church Beaumont Leys Lane, Leicester
20th March Saturday 27th March Saturday
6.30 pm Vigil Mass
6.30 pm
Vigil Mass and Blessing of palms
8.30 am
Mass & Blessing of palms
10.30 am
Mass and Blessing of palms
Ecumenical Procession from St Luke’s to St Patrick’s with Palm Sunday Service
30th March Tuesday
Reconciliation Service
1st April Holy Thursday
Mass of the Lord’s Supper followed by Prayerful Watching until Midnight
2nd April Good Friday
Liturgy of the Passion of Christ
Stations of the Cross
3rd April Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil Mass
Easter Mass
Easter Mass
28th March Palm Sunday
4th April Easter Sunday
Leicester City FC defender Jack Hobbs had the chance to pick up some snooker tips from Masters Snooker Champion Mark Selby on Thursday 4 March after placing the winning bid in the NSPCC’s Dream Auction 2. The online auction, which ran for 12 days last December, saw a host of celebrities donate lots to help raise funds for the NSPCC’s Child’s Voice Appeal. Mark offered the meet and greet after visiting one of the ChildLine bases. He said: “It’s heartbreaking to think that if a young person plucks up the courage to contact ChildLine that their cry for help might not be answered because of a lack of funds. “I’m really pleased that by offering a lot in the Dream Auction 2 I was able to help raise money to support vulnerable children, and I’d like to thank Jack for his support.” Winning bidder Jack Hobbs said: “I’m an avid snooker player so when I saw Mark had donated a lot in the NSPCC Dream Auction 2 I jumped at the chance to bid. “It was fantastic to have the opportunity to play some snooker with Mark, whilst supporting the NSPCC, and I hope the money raised will go a long way to helping vulnerable children.” Jack’s snooker partner Gemma McSweeney also had the chance to play against Mark. She said: “It was brilliant. Neither of us has had any coaching before so were both really excited about meeting Mark and getting some snooker tips.” All money raised from the Dream Auction 2 has gone towards the NSPCC’s Child’s Voice Appeal which aims to raise £50 million to maintain and grow its two helpline services – ChildLine (0800 1111, www.childline. the free, confidential telephone and online counselling service for children and young people, and the NSPCC Helpline (0808 800 5000) for adults with concerns about a child.
Leicester Christian Fellowship (Anstey House Group)
Please contact Mr Steve Saulsbury telephone no. 0116 2218576, for details of meetings & services. 27th March Saturday
All Day
Ascend Worship Conference - see website for details
30th March Tuesday
Prayer for Leicester event - ANC
29th May Saturday
All Day
Big Church Day Out - see website for details and booking
Parenthood is the art of bringing up children without putting them down.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
POLICE MATTERS Anti-Social Behaviour - Update Further to last month’s article regarding Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) around the village, we would like to update you on the actions we have already taken. We have directed extra policing to the area on Friday & Saturday evenings, including extra foot patrols and the utilisation of the ASB van which is a dedicated mobile resource manned by a number of officers to tackle large groups of youths causing nuisance to neighbourhoods. We have already sent out 10 ASB warning letters to parents / carers of youths stop checked in areas where ASB had been reported. We have taken names and addresses of a significant number of youths stop checked in the areas of Stadon Road and Forest Gate, which has borne the brunt of ASB over the last few weeks. A quantity of alcohol has also been seized from youths entering the village from other villages, and a number of youths were dispersed from the village with the condition that they should not return for 24hrs or face arrest. We are also in communication with the Anstey Parish Council regarding further joint measures to reduce ASB in the village. The beat team will continue with these efforts to put a stop to these youths, most of whom are visitors to the village, causing nuisance and damage and affecting the lives of Anstey residents.
False Identification – A Warning! Still on the ASB theme, it has come to our attention that some of the alcohol that is finding its way into the hands of underage youths in the village is being bought using false/fake identification. This includes those who are underage using older brother’s or sister’s identification and other forms of crude identification obtained via the internet. Be warned that all shopkeepers have been given instruction to check identification thoroughly, and any identification that does not satisfy requirements will be withheld by the shopkeeper and passed onto Police. We will then be paying the owner of the withheld identification a visit. BE WARNED.
As always we would ask you to call CRIMESTOPPERS if you have any information at all about any crime. Your call will always be free, we won’t ask your name and you may even receive a cash reward. Just call – 0800 555 111
Description of Crime
Burglary Dwelling
Burglary (Non-Dwelling) Shed, garage, etc.
Burglary by Distraction
Theft of Motor Vehicle
Theft From Motor Vehicle
Damage to Motor Vehicle
Criminal Damage Dwelling
Criminal Damage (NonDwelling) Shed, garage, etc.
Domestic Incident
Theft Person
Theft Cycle
Theft Store
Theft Property
Leicester Road, Forest Gate (2), Bradgate Road
Bradgate Road, Link Road Cropston Road
Cropston Road, Burgin Road
PC 1841 Stu Parker PCSO 6662 Phil Wright Anstey Neighbourhood Beat Team Charnwood Local Policing Unit
0116 2879715 / 07814224630
The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Two Prizes This Month! Humans are being
manipulated from
Win a £20 Red Lion Voucher the Moon - claims OR a Cream Tea for Two at David Icke in latest book Icke marks his 20th year of Little Acorns Tea Rooms David uncovering astounding secrets and suppressed information with the publication of his most amazing book yet.
He takes the manipulation of the human race and the nature of reality to still new levels of understanding and he calls for humanity to rise from its knees and take back the world from the sinister network of families and non-human entities that covertly control us from cradle to grave. David has moved the global cutting edge so many times since his incredible ‘awakening’ in 1990 and here he does it again - and then some.
The Moon is a gigantic ‘spacecraft’
Name: ................................................................................................................ Address: ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................Postcode: .............................
If you can find 12 Characters from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy in the Wordsearch grid above, you could win a £20 Meal Voucher to spend at The Red Lion in Rothley (First Prize) or a Cream Tea for Two at Little Acorns Tea Rooms, Inside Sevenoaks Garden Centre, Newtown Linford. All you have to do to go into the prize draw is find - and mark a line through - the names of 12 characters from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy books. These can run vertically, horizontally or diagonally (and backwards!). Send your marked entry forms to: DON’T PANIC!, Anstey Clarion, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT to arrive by Wednesday 7th April 2010. Please remember to fill in your name and address. The sender of the first correct entry drawn out of the hat will win the £20 Red Lion Meal Voucher (see advert opposite). The sender of the second correct entry drawn out of the hat will win the Little Acorns Cream Tea. Good luck! Here are the 12 H2G2 CHARACTERS you have to find:
Last issue’s TWO winners The winner of the Red Lion Voucher was: Mrs. Colleen Dowse of Coronet Close, Anstey. The Little Acorns Voucher was won by Betty Allen of Bradgate Road, Anstey. Congratulations! Your vouchers will be with you within 21 days.
His most staggering revelation is that the Earth and the collective human mind is manipulated from the Moon, which, he says, is not a ‘heavenly body’, but an artificial construct – a gigantic ‘spacecraft’ (probably a hollowed-out ‘planetoid’) – which is home to the extraterrestrial group that has been manipulating humanity for aeons. He describes what he calls the ‘Moon Matrix’, a fake reality broadcast from the Moon which is decoded by the human body/mind in much the same way as portrayed in the Matrix movie trilogy. The Moon Matrix has ‘hacked’ into the human ‘body-computer’ system, he says, and it is feeding us a manipulated sense of self and the world 24/7. We live in extraordinary times. On one side we are seeing the imposition of a global Orwellian State of total surveillance and control by those who serve the Moon Matrix, and on the other a fantastic energetic transformation is taking place – what David calls the ‘Truth Vibrations’, a phenomenon he first predicted in 1990 and used as the title of his first book after his ‘eyes opened’. The Truth Vibrations are awakening vast numbers of people to remember who they really are – infinite, eternal Consciousness. Humanity is at a fork in the road and it is time to make a choice. Are we going to awaken to our true genius and potential as Infinite Consciousness? Or are we going to remain entrapped in body/mind and the manufactured illusions of the Moon Matrix? One choice will give us freedom and potential on a scale we could not have thought possible, while the other will condemn us and our children to a global fascist/communist dictatorship on a scale that would make George Orwell wince. You cannot read Human Race Get Off Your Knees and be the same person you were when you picked it up. It is life-changing, reality-changing and its information, if acted upon, will set us free. Now available for pre-order to ensure a copy from the first print run. Nearly 700 pages, 355,000 words, 325 illustrations and 32 pages of original colour art by Neil Hague. Priced at £20. Visit The book is estimated to be ready for shipping at the end of April/early May.
The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Minister meets the first lady of business The Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Stephen Timms, met Hilary Devey – the presenter of Five’s troubleshooting series “The Business Inspector” - today for a one-to-one conversation about the secrets behind running a successful business. The Business Inspector is a fourpart series that aims to highlight the benefits of keeping good records when creating a successful business. It is broadcast on Five at 8pm. Stephen Timms said: “Successful businesspeople know that good record keeping is essential, and can save them a lot of time and money. “We want to ensure that growing businesses are not held back by the need to play catch up with their tax affairs down the line. The Business Inspector will bring this to life and highlight the importance of having good systems in place from day one. I’m looking forward to watching the first episode next week.” Hilary Devey said: “I am inspired and delighted that HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) decided to sponsor the Business Inspector. It is the kind of programme many small to medium-sized businesses will relate to. I am sure they will recognise many of the scenarios portrayed in their own businesses. It is entertaining, and in some cases hilarious, yet it delivers a very strong message. “I am an avid believer that good book-keeping makes for good business and is essential for growth. I believe that the programme will get HMRC’s message across in an easily understood manner without having to delve into the small print. I applaud HMRC for finding this method of reaching the public.” The series has been sponsored by HMRC and will raise awareness among small businesses that they need to keep good records. Keeping good records makes good business sense as it gives small businesses the information they need to manage their business and help it grow. It also makes filling in tax returns easier and helps small and medium-sized enterprises pay the right amount of tax.
Businesslink’s top tips for keeping good records • • • • • •
Set up a reliable system for keeping full and accurate records of your income and expenses from the outset. Keep records throughout the year – update your records regularly, rather than letting the paperwork pile up. Keep your records for a minimum of six years. Keep records to show what you have bought or sold relating to your business. This should include details of all cash transactions as well as invoices and receipts. If you are an employer you must keep records of wages paid and details of tax and National Insurance that you have deducted and paid to HMRC. Keep bank statements and building society books – this is particularly important if you don’t have a separate business account. You should be able to show clearly what you have spent personally and on the business.
How Hotblack Desiato got his name ... In Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Hotblack Desiato is the keyboard player of the rock group Disaster Area, claimed to be the loudest band in the universe, and in fact the loudest sound of any kind, anywhere. So loud is this band that the audience usually listens from the safe distance of thirty seven miles away in a well-built concrete bunker. The character is named after an estate agency based in Islington, with branches throughout North London. Author Douglas Adams said he was struggling to find a name for the character and, spotting a Hotblack Desiato sign, liked the name so much he “nearly crashed the car” and eventually telephoned to ask permission to use the firm’s name for a character. Apparently, the firm’s staff later received phone calls telling them they had a nerve naming their company after Adams’s character.
Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
Did You Know?
Our THREE village magazines are delivered through every letterbox in ANSTEY • GROBY • MARKFIELD STANTON-U-BARDON • THORNTON BAGWORTH
That’s 10,400 copies every month! Interested in advertising? Tel: 01530 244069
I love club sandwiches, but I never joined the club. I don’t know how I keep getting away with it.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
LIVE Entertainment What’s On At Local Pubs & Clubs
The Old Hare & Hounds 34 Bradgate Road, ANSTEY T: 0116 236 2496 EVERY Thurs: QUIZ (Free to Enter-various prizes) EVERY Day: WII Games
The Coach & Horses The Nook, ANSTEY Tel: 0116 236 5816
Sat 3 April: SOUL & MOTOWN (Every 1st Sat) EVERY Tues: KARAOKE EVERY Thurs: QUIZ (Music & General) EVERY Sun: FOLK (Acoustic)
Stadon Sports & Social Club 62a Bradgate Road, ANSTEY Tel: 0116 236 4542
New Members Welcome. Room for Hire/Catering if Reqd. NEW * BINGO ~ First One:Tues 23 March ~ 9pm Start. Sat 10 April: LEE RICHARDS Alternate Thurs: QUIZ 9pm April 1st & 15th (With Free Supper)
The Crown INN Bradgate Road, ANSTEY T: 0116 235 0505 EVERY SUN: QUIZ Night 8.30pm Start.
Groby Ex-Servicemen’s Club Leicester Road, GROBY Tel: 0116 287 1809 NOTICE TO MEMBERS New Members Welcome Fri 19 Mar: BILLY MAXWELL Sat 20 Mar: ROB MARTIN Sun 21 Mar: Super Sunday ‘50’ Fri 26 Mar: GABBY JORDON Sat 27 Mar: D.V.8 Sun 28 Mar: Super Sunday ‘50’ Fri 2 April: PETE BERRY Sat 3 April: DOUBLE TROUBLE Sun 4 April: SHAUN & JAMIE + EASTER BONNET PARADE Fri 9 April: NEIL TIMOTHY Sat 10 April: ECHO 12 Sun 11 April: Super Sunday ‘50’
The Stamford Arms Leicester Road, GROBY Tel: 0116 287 5616. Sat 27 Mar: WELLARD WILLY Sat 10 April: VINYL Throwbacks KARAOKE ~ Every Wed OPEN MIC ~Every Thurs JAZZ ~ Every Sun 3-6pm QUIZ – General Knowledge + Find the Joker~EVERY Sun QUIZ – Music~EVERY Tues
The Brant Inn Leicester Road, GROBY LE6 0DU T: 0116 287 2703
Fri 26 Mar: KARAOKE (King of the Road) Fri 2 April: ALAN JONES Fri 9 April: KARAOKE (Classic) The Plough Burroughs Road RATBY T: 0116 2392103 Sat 20 Mar: IRISH FOLK Sat 3 April: 70’s DISCO EVERY Tues: QUIZ ~ 8pm. £1 p.p. Max 6 in Team Cash prize + ‘Open the Box’ The Field Head Hotel Markfield Lane, Markfield Tel: 01530 245454 TRIBUTE Nights All £2 Entry after 7pm. Fri 19 Mar: ELTON JOHN Fri 2 April: GLAMMA MIA Fri 16 April: BRYAN ADAMS Every 2nd Tues: QUIZ Nite The Coach & Horses Leicester Rd, FIELD Head Tel: 01530 242 312 KARAOKE Nights:Sat 20 Mar (’King of the Road’) Sundays: QUIZ Night Skittle Alley/Room for Hire Old Thatched Inn, Stanton. T: 01530 242460 Fri 26 Mar: PSYCHIC Eve 7.30pm Onwards. 2 International Readers £15 for Individual Readings Easter Mon 5th April:TREASURE HUNT – Weather Permitting. The Charnwood Arms Bardon. T: 01530 813644 Every MON Night:POKER TOURNAMENT FREE ~ Starts 7pm. TRIBUTE NIGHT £10 a Ticket Includes Supper & Disco Fri 26 Mar: BEATLES Sun 28 Mar: WEDDING FAYRE 11am – 3pm. Free Admission.
Thurcaston & Cropston Horticultural Society Unfortunately the speaker who was coming from the West Midlands cancelled our January meeting at the last minute because of the snow and bad weather conditions. It was very disappointing but understandable as he had a long way to travel. We managed to let as many members as we could know that the meeting was cancelled but if we were unable to contact anyone we do apologise. At the February meeting we held the AGM, which should have taken place at the January meeting. All existing Officers were returned unopposed. This was followed by a most interesting talk and slide show about how to grow vegetables in confined spaces by Graham Wagstaff from Measham. Graham explained how to grow a vast variety of vegetables to last a small family for at least nine months of the year in a garden area of 100sq ft. Graham had wonderful slides to show how he had actually put this into practice. All meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7.45pm at the Thurcaston Memorial Hall. Visitors are welcome.
Wrong events list submitted... Apologies to all members regarding the list of future events sent to the Clarion last month. As you will have noticed this was last year’s diary and I attach now the future events for this year. April 14th:
Venessa Parkinson – Herbs in Tudor Times
May 12th:
Richard Adams – Pictures with Music
June 9th:
Evening Garden visit to Gaddesby
Vegetable Show
October 13th:
Steve Biggins – Gardens of Calke Abbey
Nov 10th:
David Tideswell – Gardens in Autumn and Winter
December 8th: Christmas Party
Paul Day, Chairman
All Information correct at time of going to press
SOLUTION to Quick Crossword on page 10 Across: 1 Prisms 7 Athwart 8 Clients 9 Added 10 Unentered 12 See 13 Eyes 15 Cringed 17 Silk 19 Age 21 Sheltered 22 Hunch 23 Cubicle 24 Briefly 25 Ceases Down: 1 Pictures 2 Irises 3 Monster 4 Ahead 5 Tawdry 6 Stud 7 Astringency 11 Neck 13 Edge 14 Soldiers 16 Eatable 18 Lentil 20 Erects 21 Shaft 22 Hubs
It wasn’t until quite late in life that I discovered how easy it was to say, “I don’t know.”
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Anstey couple caught in flood Fed up with the Winter weather, Anstey couple Ken and Su Schofield looked through the holiday brochures for somewhere warm and sunny. They opted for Madeira. When they landed at the capital, Funchal, it was sunny and warm, just the job. Su envisaged relaxing by the hotel pool and Ken looked forward to some sightseeing. Rainy weather set in for the next few days and, on a tour of the Eastern part of the island on the Friday, it became apparent that the situation was deteriorating rapidly. Groups of workmen were clearing mud, rocks and vegetation from the sides of the roads and some roads higher up the mountain had become impassable. There were heavy downpours during the night but Su and Ken had planned to do some shopping in Funchal on the Saturday before flying home on the following Monday. Their hotel, some 15km from Funchal, provided a courtesy mini bus ride into the capital and dropped the Schofields off at around 9:30 am. When they arrived, it was raining quite heavily and Su bought an umbrella. About a quarter of an hour later they heard a loud roar, which Ken thought was a low flying aircraft, and they hurried to the entrance of the market to find that a crowd of people was gathering. Ken and Su were amazed to see a huge wall of brown, foaming water cascading down one of the major drainage channels. The terrible floods at Boscastle instantly came to mind. They managed to cross to the other side of the road by using a raised strip and were able tip toe onto a bridge over the raging torrent. Ken later thinking of the
risk, thought of the tragic death of the police officer in the Cumbria floods. By this time our intrepid two were soaked and Su suggested they find a cafe. Everywhere was closed on the seafront, except ... McDonalds! They managed to reach the safety of the restaurant and while drinking their coffees the manager told them that two people had been killed in area by the market hall. Su tried to contact the hotel to see if they could send the mini bus to transport them back but the phone lines were down. Meanwhile the promenade was becoming a swirling mass of water. Drivers were abandoning their vehicles and the water was advancing towards their sanctuary. Su and Ken were then joined by a couple staying at their hotel and the foursome decided to join forces and move to higher ground. They made it to a hotel and asked the reception for help. Unable to contact the holidaymakers’ hotel they kindly phoned for a taxi, which arrived amazingly - within 20 minutes. On the way back to Santa Cruz they discovered that the road was blocked which left them no option but to walk the last part of the journey to their hotel. Later that day, relaxing in their room, they saw reports on the BBC World News which showed a massive wave in one of the areas Ken and Su had been in that morning. They reflected that had they not left the area when they did they may well have been stranded and unable to get back to Santa Cruz ... or even worse. Next morning Ken and Su walked into the nearby village and saw that the beautiful streets and surroundings were covered in mud and strewn with debris while cafe and shopkeepers were mopping out their premises. The water
surging down the channel through Santa Cruz, not as savage as the Funchal one, had nevertheless ripped out the side of a walkway by their seafront hotel and the hotel underground car park was flooded. On the Sunday, as there was no transport into Funchal, Su at last got her chance to relax in the sun by the pool. On the following day of their departure there was a beautiful clear blue sky and the weather was perfect for lolling by
The Funchal Flood, which took place in February a pool side. However their plane was delayed, due to icing up at Stansted, and in arriving late back in England Su and Ken found that they had missed their coach back to Leicester by ten minutes. Su says they are going to Norfolk the next time they go away!
Ken Schofield
ENJOY DRUM LESSONS • Full Ebony/Gold Plated Premier Signia Kit Provided • All Grades (Trinity Guildhall-Rock School)/All Ages/All Areas • • • •
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Cricket: Indoor nets practice Anstey & Glenfield Cricket Club are continuing with their indoor nets over the Winter and Spring until Easter at Soar Valley Community Centre Mountsorrel, Sunday evening 6-7pm Under 11’s to Under 17’s. Seniors 7-8pm. For just £1. All Junior nets have a qualified Coach helping. If you’re interested, give me a ring 0116 220 4643, or call Welfare Officer Colin Bennett 0116 236 3939. You don’t have to be a Kevin Peterson or Stuart Broad - just have a keenness to listen and learn. ALL equipment including helmet but excluding protective box is provided for Juniors. All welcome. The 2010 season starts at the end of April after football finally finishes...
John J. Sutherington Chairman A & G CC.
Self-discipline is when you tell yourself to do something and you don’t talk back.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Blast from the Past!
Anstey Quiz Team: 1995
Try out these UNO variations! Everyone knows that UNO is the greatest family card game in the Universe, and now you can play it in a variety of new ways.
Pictured above is Anstey’s Quiz Team which came second in the Grand Final of BBC Radio Leicester’s County Questions Competition on 14th March 1995. The Final was a three-cornered match between Anstey, Houghtonon-the-Hill and Peatling Magna. Anstey and Houghton had both won the competition before and were bidding to join the elite group of teams to have won the competition more than once. Peatling Magna qualified for the final as highest-scoring losers. Despite a valiant late charge, Anstey were pipped by Houghton-onthe-Hill, with Peatling Magna third. The Anstey team, (pictured above), was: (l-r) Glyn McAllister, Dave Worrall, Jean Carswell and Brad Peake. Quizmaster Dave Kirkwood and John Sutherington look on.
Old Telly PUBLIC EYE Although almost forgotten today, Public Eye was highly popular between January 1965 to April 1975. The central character was Frank Marker (Alfred Burke) - a world-weary, ageing private enquiry agent. Marker operated in the gap between the forces of law and order on one side, and the potentially violent elements of the underworld on the other. Like all great series, Public Eye created a believable world, in which all of the characters, and the situations felt real. It had a real shadowy, seedy atmosphere. It ran for 87 episodes (28 black and white, 59 in colour) of 60 minute duration. ABC/Thames TV 1965-75. Many of the early episodes have been lost forever, but several series are available now from AMAZON on DVD.
Here are the basic rules of UNO: The deck consists of cards of 4 colours: red, green, blue, and yellow. The ranks in each colour are 0-9. There are 3 “action” cards in each colour, labelled “skip”, “draw two”, and “reverse”. There are also special black action cards, “wild” and “wild draw four”. There are two copies of each coloured regular and action card, except for the zero card, which only have one per suit. There are four “wild” and “wild draw four” cards each, producing a total of 108 cards. Seven cards are dealt to each player. At each turn, a player may play a card from their hand that matches either the colour or rank (or both) of the top exposed card, or play a wild or wild draw four. If a player has no legal card to play, that player draws the top card of the stock, and may either play it or place it in their hand. If a player decides not to place a card and draws instead there is no penalty. After playing a single card or drawing, the next player clockwise takes a turn, or counter-clockwise when a reverse is in effect. If the stock is emptied, the discard pile is shuffled and turned over to replenish the stock. When a player plays down to only one card, that player is required to say “UNO” to warn other players. The hand is over when one player has discarded all of their cards. Our family plays UNO every Tuesday evening, and we have added slight variations to the rules to make the game more interesting. But we recently came across an interesting website ( invented/uno_vars.html) which lists a whole host of alternative versions of UNO which we’ve been trying out since. These include: • • • • • • • •
Ascending Rules Uno Birthday Suit Uno Chukchi Sea UNO Cut-Throat Uno Deadly Uno Elimination Uno Enhanced Uno Hold’em Uno
• • • • • • •
Hot Death Uno Solitaire Uno Speed Uno Team Uno Uno from Hell Uno the Gathering Uno with slapping, sliding and blank cards
If you’re a fan of UNO, why not try some of these other versions. UNO is available from Geoff ’s Toys in Coalville (opposite Coalville Library) - priced at £2.99.
There is nothing so horrible in nature as to see a beautiful theory murdered by an ugly gang of facts.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Advertiser Index Need help to find an advertiser in this month’s issue of Anstey Clarion? Fear not! We have listed them all below in alphabetical order of the trade or service they offer. How helpful can we be!
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Aerials (Digivision) P. 13 Accountants (Henstocks) P. 2 Bereavement Support (Anstey Funerals) P. 12 Building Work (Wayne Loveridge) P.13 Care Services (Bosworth Home Care) P. 13 Cleaning (Molly Maid) P. 18 Cleaning (Clean Eaves) P. 9 Computer Repairs (Anstey Computers) P. 2 Computer Repairs (I.C.N. Computer Services) P. 21 Decorating (Alan Cox) P. 123 Decorating (IDC) P.11 Decorating (Stanley Dunne) P. 20 Decorating (David Greenhow) P. 7 Decorating (Paul W. Yeomans) P. 5 Dentures (Dentures at Home) P. 3 Double Glazing (A1 Leicester Windows) P. 15 Double Glazing Repairs (Window Services) P. 9 Driving Lessons (Alliance Academy) P. 19 Drum Lessons P. 20 Electricians (Control Electrics) P. 16 Fencing (Shooter Fencing) P.15 Framing ( Just Frames) P. 11 Funerals (Anstey & District Funeral Service) P. 5 & 24 Garage Services (Richard E. Smith) P. 7 Garden Centre (Brookside) P.24 Garden Centre (Sevenoaks) P.18 Hairdressing (Snips) P. 7 Hairdressing (True Colours) P. 18 Handyman (Vernon Spencer) P. 5 Homes ~ New ~ (Williams) P. 7 Jewellers, Gold Wanted (Sykes) P. 14 Joinery (Stanley Dunne) P. 20 Landscape Supplies (Sunningdale Supplies) P. 11 Man & Van (Steve) P. 12 Meat (Little Markfield Farm) P. 20 M.O.T. Testing ( Cropston Garage) P. 23 Plastering (Andy Merrall) P. 21 Plastering (R & B Day) P. 23 Plumbing (AP Plumbing) P. 11 Plumbing ( Lowes) P. 7 Plumbing (MRM) P. 9 Plumbing (Neil Clapham) P. 18 Pub Food (The Plough Inn, Ratby) P. 7 Pub Food (Red Lion Inn, Rothley) P. 17 Solicitors (Dodds) P. 24 Therapy (Cognitive Behaviour) P. 9 Tree Surgeon (Martin Page) P. 18 Tyres & Brakes P. 7 Upholstery (Simon Shuttlewood) P. 4 Veterinary Services (M.Leggett) P. 13 Wigs & Hairpieces (VH Wigs) P. 18
Ancient Wisdom Seminar “2012 Venus/Earth Alignment” Speaker: Chris Kasparis
Sun 9th May 2010 11am – 5.30pm Markfield Cost: £20 Booking Essential (Can Pay on the Day) Text: 0771 931 6241
It makes you think! Someone asked me the other day, “What was your favourite ‘fast food’ when you were growing up?”
‘We didn’t have fast food when I was growing up,’ I informed him. ‘All the food was slow.’ ‘C’mon, seriously. Where did you eat?’ ‘It was a place called home,’’ I explained. ‘My Mam cooked every day and when Dad got home from work, we sat down together at the dining room table, and if I didn’t like what she put on my plate, I was allowed to sit there until I did like it.’ By this time, the lad was laughing so hard I was afraid he was going to fall over, so I didn’t tell him the part about how I had to have permission to leave the table. Yes, those were the days!
John J. Sutherington
Join us for the
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Amateurs wait for inspiration. The rest of us just get up and go to work.
Meet Roger and his Penny Farthing on the day
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 17 • Late-MARCH 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Experience La Bohème at Hinckley Concordia AFTER A WAIT OF 29 YEARS tickets are now available for Stanley Opera’s brand new production of Puccini’s great tearjerker, LA BOHÈME, one of opera’s all-time favourites. The show, at the Hinckley Concordia Theatre for four nights in April, promises to be an event not to be missed, with orchestra, full Stanley Opera chorus and a great cast featuring some of most talented principal singers from across the Midlands and beyond. Leading the cast in the role of Mimi are two sopranos of proven talent and quality. Rachel-Louise Stonehouse has performed professionally with Welsh National Opera and at the Wexford Festival Opera in Ireland and is a regular cast member of the renowned Christmas Spectacular staged annually in Thursford in Norfolk. She will perform the role of Mimi on Wednesday 21st and Friday 23rd April. Kirsty Anderson recently won Open Mic UK 2009, beating 8,000 applicants in the national competition designed to launch the performing careers of talented young people, and has already performed to over 20,000 people for Leicester City FC at the Walkers Stadium. She is now preparing to perform Mimi, her first great operatic role, on Thursday 22nd and Saturday 24th April. As Mimi’s lover Rodolfo, Stanley Opera are delighted to welcome back tenor Alexander Anderson-Hall (pictured here as Ferrando in Così fan tutte last year). Joining him will be several established Stanley principals, including favourites Nicola Bingham as Musetta and Chris Marlow as Marcello. LA BOHÈME will be directed by Lynda Smart, more often seen on stage herself or reviewing theatre productions across the Midlands in her role as Leicester Mercury theatre critic. The opera will be conducted by Janet Ward, the company’s resident musical director, and designed by Rick Scrine, whose settings in recent years have been highly acclaimed. You can book tickets online at or by calling Chris Sturgess on 01455 848194. With ‘Pop Star To Opera Star’ running recently on TV, 2010 really is the year to tune into opera. If you want to take advantage of quality opera at an affordable price, you will quickly realise, if you haven’t already, that Stanley Opera are really worth seeing. Please note that paper hankies will be available at this event.
Anstey Rugby
February into March – a narrow win, a narrow loss, a big loss, a big win Following our exit from the County Cup early last month we sent a mixed team over to Oadby Wyggs for an exiting encounter where the through the entire game every time we scored points it was matched by our hosts, looking like a draw was on the way, but constant effort to the final whistle with an Anstey speciality pushover try, saw your village team triumph 24 points to 23. The next week was a catch up league game at Loughborough, postponed in January due to the weather. Starting from where we left off the previous week the first score was a pushover try from Anstey. This was matched by our hosts with in minutes with a speedy winger taking the scores level to 7-7. From this point on Anstey ruled the roost and scored 3 more tries 2 from winger Rana and a try from Ian P giving at half time lead 29-7 to Anstey. The change after halftime is the story of Anstey season. Brilliant one minute, but hopeless the next. The end result was that Anstey fell apart in the second period and never troubled the scorer. Loughborough didn’t play that well but in the end deserved their 35-29 win. Into March and more league action, this time away to Market Harborough. On paper we were travelling with a healthy squad of 20, looking forward to having five replacements. Come 3pm Saturday and Captain for the day Ray Apperley had just 14 players. This week the opposition were first to score, but were matched very quickly with a try from prop Lee Hopewell making the score 5-5, where it stayed for a while until Harborough made use of our player short in the backs. The halftime score was 29-5 to the hosts. A further two tries were scored against the weakened Anstey side. Final score 39-5 which was a bit harsh given the effort our 14 put in. Saturday 13th March and a Comprehensive home win versus Aylestone Athletic Over the next few weeks we have some Leagues games to catch up on, a Semi Final in the President’s Cup as well as a Tour to Bristol, President’s Day on 2nd May and the Dinners Presentation Night at Tigers on 15th May Anstey RFC are pleased acknowledge the financial help from our sponsors Ulverscroft Books and Words & Graphics.
Chris Apperley, Chairman Anstey RFC
Visit: for more information
Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it.
Discretion is putting two and two together and keeping your mouth shut
Funeral plan prices are rising by up to £350 in April. Anstey & District Funeral Service Ltd will tailor a plan to your wishes at a price to suit your circumstances. • Guaranteed peace of mind • Choose a plan to suit you • Best value and service • Independent trust fund guarantees financial security • No more to pay for our services – no matter how high prices rise
• Our plan prices must rise in April – save as much as £350 if you buy by 31st March • Easy ways to pay – up to 120 months - deposit £155 Golden Charter’s Traditional Way plan currently costs £2,549. It will rise to £2,899 in April – beat the increase and contact us now. If you’d like to discuss a funeral plan in confidence, we’ll gladly go through all the details with you. Please call us on:
(0116) 234 0548 or call in and see us at:
Anstey & District Funeral Service Ltd, Talbott House Leicester Road, Anstey, LEICESTER LE7 7AT MEMBER OF THE