March 2017 herald online

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Circulation: 4,000 copies Monthly

Atmospheric photograph of Thornton Reservoir

Mid-March 2017

Bopping for a good cause

Charity Family Disco at Markfield Community Centre FUNDRAISER extraordinaire Dianne Dowell is organising another of her very popular Charity Family Discos to raise money for Cancer Research. The event takes place on Saturday 29th April 2017 at Markfield Community Centre, starting at 7pm. Tickets cost £2.50 per person, and the entrance fee includes a buffet. There will be a raffle with some great prizes. For more information, contact Dianne on 07748 915829

Switch your lights off for Earth Hour DISTANT drumbeats of a Great-Spotted Woodpecker mingle with the dawn chorus. Fingers of golden sunrise point across the still waters to waken some of the still-sleeping residents while others have their mind on courtship, briefly disturbed by me as I pass. This is Thornton Reservoir gradually waking to a late-Winter morning with the promise of Spring’s new life just around the corner. Colin M Harris

Earth Hour 2017 will take place on Saturday 25 March at 8:30 p.m. local time. Around the globe, millions of people, businesses, and landmarks set aside an hour to host events, switch off their lights, and make noise for climate change action. Log on to to know more and read additional stories and individuals using the Earth Hour movement to shine a light on climate action.

Multi agency traffic operation at the Junction 22 M1 Services On Thursday 9 March, police from Hinckley and Blaby Neighbourhood Priority Team ran a multi-agency traffic operation from the services at Junction 22 M1, Markfield (Little Shaw Lane). The operation included representatives from the Environment Agency, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC), Leicestershire Trading Standards, and the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA). PC Gareth Smith, from Leicestershire Police said: “The aim of the operation was to target criminals using the road network specifically around the A50 and A511, along with raising the profile of the new mobile phone legislation.” The operation ran from 9.30am to 2pm, with officers stopping over 30 vehicles. The results of the stops were as follows: • 4 traffic offence reports issued for drivers using a mobile phone • 1 driver was dealt with for driving without insurance or a full driving licence • 1 vehicle was seized for having no insurance (Section 165 Road Traffic Act) • 3 traffic offence reports issued for drivers not wearing a seatbelt • 1 driver arrested on suspicion of driving whilst over the prescribed limit after providing a positive roadside breath test

The HMRC dipped 18 fuel tanks for red diesel, all of which were in order • The DVSA reported one company for failing to download tachograph information. Another was issued with a verbal warning regarding drivers’ hours. • The DVSA also dealt with one vehicle for not being road worthy, with a prohibition being issued until the fault was fixed • Trading standard gave words of advice to 3 drivers • The Environment Agency spoke to 18 driver of which three were of interest to them PC Smith added: “The operation was very successful and similar operations are planned throughout the year.”

NEXT ISSUE OUT: Saturday 15th April - Adverts & Articles Needed By 1st April


THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

NEWS FROM THE MARKFIELD & THORNTON THEATRE GROUP The year began for us with a romp through pantomime land. A jolly good time was had by all and the audiences who came to see “Goldie Locks and the Three Bears”, written and directed by Muriel Walker, were glowing in their praise. One of the cast members wrote.. Well I’ve spent the last six evenings... Being painted white, Wearing a cushion up my dress, Slapping a bear, Shaking a lollipop, Sniffing a Strong Man, Drinking water from a vase of flowers, Singing “cumma cumma” into a bottle, Conversing with a man wearing pigtails whilst dancing Rock ’n Roll, Drinking sherry, Falling on the floor, And repeating endless lines in sync with my partner in crime! All whilst trying to speak with an Italian accent!! That’s pretty much par for the course for any pantomime and maybe explains why we all seize the opportunity to leave reality behind for a while and just enjoy ourselves! Now we look forward to our group’s spring production which will run from Wednesday 5th to Saturday 8th April, 2017, at THORNTON COMMUNITY CENTRE at 7.30 pm nightly (Doors open at 7.00 p.m.) “MIXED NUTS” is a Comedy Thriller by Wayne Roberts. TICKETS (All £5) are available on 01455 822148 or from Thornton’s Corner Shop The various offspring of Agnes Hives are summoned to the Old Manor House, as darkness gathers, to hear the reading of her will. It is no surprise that not all will be pleased with the terms expressed in it! It seems that none of them knows the man who purports to be an “old and trusted family friend” who is, he says, the executor of the will. The skeleton staff at the house is hardly what one would expect. The people assembled cannot be described as a close family, as they have not seen each other for years. A more motley crew would be difficult to imagine. Each one may have something to hide, something to reveal ... something to gain ... or something to lose. As night deepens, strange happenings abound. Who will survive the night? We do hope that you will come along to see “Mixed Nuts” which has been specially written for MTTG by member Wayne Roberts. Wayne was last seen cavorting around the stage as the rather truculent Baby Bear in our annual pantomime. He is also a member of the Little Acorns Drama Group

Exploring the strange journeys that words take EVER WONDERED why we pass news on ‘through the grapevine’, or why it is a shock to ‘let the cat out of the bag’? The origin of hundreds of everyday words and phrases can be found in a vast and fascinating guide called ‘The Etymologicon’.

Members of the Markfield & Thornton Theatre Group in dress rehearsal for their next production: MIXED NUTS - a Comedy Thriller by Wayne Roberts in Hinckley, and of The New Theatre Players based at Hinckley’s Concordia Theatre, so you might say that he is an “am dram” enthusiast! This is the first full-length play that he has written, though he has previously written one-act plays. His play, “Job for Life” was nominated for “The Best Original Script” award at the All England One-Act Play Festival 2015. Rehearsals have begun in earnest and Wayne is enjoying seeing his characters brought to life. He says, “It is a pure delight to see life breathed into my characters. However it is slightly concerning to note how easily some of the cast members slip into the various odd personas!”

Why not join our group? We are always on the look-out for people to join our Group. We meet to rehearse on Wednesday nights at the Centre at 7.30 p.m. You are most welcome to come along to see how we work, to have a “cuppa” and chat with our members who will welcome you warmly. If you want more details of our Group, then ring Anne or Andy on 01530 469 714 or Muriel on 01455 822148. We also have an MTTG Facebook page where you can see lots of photo’s of our past productions to whet your appetite!

Muriel Walker

Here you can discover many of ‘the strange back alleys and extraordinary and ridiculous journeys that words take,’ to quote the compiler, Mark Forsyth. Hence, ‘through the grapevine’ began as the ‘grapevine telegraph’, a phrase used in the US Civil War, which described the unofficial, word-of-mouth network used by Confederate soldiers while drinking wine, or by slaves while picking grapes from vines. ‘Let the cat out of the bag’ dates back to medieval markets in Britain, where piglets were sold in bags (a pig in a poke). But a common con was to switch the valuable piglet for a worthless cat or dog: hence buyers were either ‘sold a pup’ or, when they discovered the ruse, ‘let the cat out of the bag’. To give someone the ‘cold shoulder’ came from the sort of mutton leftovers given to unwelcome house-guests. A ‘hoax’ grew from hocus-pocus, a Protestant taunt of the rite of consecration used in the Roman Mass: Hoc est corpus meum (This is my body). ‘Winging it’ comes from actors learning their lines in the wings; ‘in a nutshell’ comes from Pliny, the Roman writer who claimed there was a copy of The Iliad so small it could fit in a nutshell. ‘Average’ comes from an old French term avarie, meaning ‘damage done to a ship’. Vessels were often co-owned, and when repairs were done, the owners were expected to pay an equal share, or the average.

No, I don’t want to come to your cat’s birthday party ... you freak. My dog’s getting married that weekend.

THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:


A Grand Year of Harmony Ahead

Welcome to the New Year at Grand Central Chorus and watch out, it is coming to your area in April. Hope is high that this year will match the excitement and satisfaction of 2016. It started in April with a drive to Derby Theatre to celebrate the Chorus’s 25th anniversary. Silver medals in May were the next pulse racer when we hot footed it to Harrogate to come second in the National Barbershop Competition. It got even better with a cracker in Cork where we took the gold medal in the Irish International event. In between we entertained in the East Midlands including two outdoor events in Derby celebrating ‘Furthest from the Sea’. One hot (August) and one cold (Xmas). The mention of which brings us to Trent College and the Christmas Show which finished our year with a flourish. Preparations are now in hand for two huge events in the next few months. First a concert in Loughborough in April and then in May its Barbershop in Bournemouth where the Chorus will try to improve on the silver medals gained last year. Everything crossed, the competition is fierce! The Loughborough concert is in the College Arts Academy at 7pm on the 8th April. In addition to the Chorus it will feature three top class quartets, ‘The Locksmiths’, ‘Finest Hour’ and ‘4 On Demand’ plus one further guest act. Tickets £10 (£6 child). See the website at or contact us on If you want to see a rehearsal or try singing then visit Harrington School, Derby Road, Long Eaton, NG10 4BJ, any Wednesday evening from 7.15. pm. We are always looking for new recruits.

Watch batteries and straps fitted while you wait All brands Waterproof testing available

SYKES JEWELLERS Tel - 0116 236 2510 8 Bradgate Road, Anstey, LE7 7AA

Fundraising Charity Event for Cancer Research THERE WILL BE a fundraising charity event at Markfield Congregational Church Hall on Saturday 8th April between 1pm - 3pm. There will be Coffee and Cake, a Raffle and tombola.

I did a sponsored walk once. In the end I managed to raise so much money, I could afford a taxi.


THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

I read somewhere that 26 is too old to still live with your parents. It was on a note, in my room.

THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:


County Councillor’s Report from David Sprason Councils required to build thousands more new homes COUNCILS will be ordered to build thousands more homes, with an emphasis on high-rise blocks and citycentre developments, as part of the government’s housing strategy. Too few councils have plans to meet the unprecedented housing demand, the government will say, with 40% of local planning authorities lacking an adequate plan for building new homes to meet the projected growth in household numbers. New centralised standards will be set for local councils to project their future housing needs, with the expectation that the plans will be reviewed every five years. The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) did not say how cash-strapped councils would finance the projections to meet the new standards. The number of households who own their own homes has fallen by 200,000 since 2010, with the number of under-35s owning their homes falling by 344,000. Almost a million more households are now renting from private landlords since the Conservative-Lib Dem coalition came to power. Building more homes, close to city centres and transport hubs, is the only way to halt the decline in affordability. Key proposals in the white paper will include: • Requiring councils to publish “realistic” projections for future housing demands and review them every five years.

• A drive for developers to “build higher” where there is a shortage of land, especially in areas close to key public transport hubs. • Slashing the timescales for housebuilding, including requiring developers to start building within two years, rather than three. • Plans to force more transparency on developers, who will be required to show how quickly they will start new developments. New measures will also be considered to protect buyers from so-called “leasehold abuse” where punishing ground rent and service charges increase during the lease period, traded with leaseholders left powerless to influence the costs. Renters who cannot afford to save for a deposit must be given a wider choice, the white paper will say. The government plans to relax restrictions on funding for the affordable homes programme, originally designed for shared ownership building, so developers can build homes for rentals, including rent to buy schemes. Planning rules will be overhauled so councils can plan to build more long-term homes for rent and there will be measures to encourage landlords to offer more stable, longer-term tenancies. The white paper also outlines plans to break the dominance of some developers, in a marketplace where 10 companies build 60% of new homes. The £3bn homebuilding fund, previously announced by the minister at the Conservative party conference last year, would provide loans to small developers, custom

builders and offsite construction with the aim of diversifying the market, DCLG said.

County Council increase Council Tax by 4% When your council tax bill is delivered through your letter box you will see that the County Council element has increased by another 4% this is on top of last years 4% increase. This increase of 8% over two years is well above inflation adding extra costs to your housing costs. It is also forecast that this increase will continue over the next 4 years increasing council tax by 16%. The County Council budget also sees a number of service cuts, so in effect you will all be paying a lot more in council tax for reducing services. I have long argued that the current council system is broken and needs reforming for the sake of local tax payers and service users. In my view it is wrong that people are asked to pay more while elected members continue to receive the same. To cut the cost of democracy should be the first thing on the agenda it is wrong to keep a bloated cabinet system, reducing the number of cabinet members would save £110,000 a year equivalent to 7,487 hours of home care. The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats employ political assistants, I prefer to call them political spin doctors, at a cost to the taxpayer of £82,667. This is an unnecessary expense that is equivalent to 5,635 hours of home care. This is just the tip of the

Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation

SCF Friendship Circle - A new welcoming Monthly meetup THE SHUTTLEWOOD Clarke Foundation is seeking members to join its new Friendship Circle which takes place on the third Friday of the month at fantastic Ulverscroft Activity Centre, Priory Lane, Ulverscroft, Leicestershire, LE67 9PH from 1.00pm – 2.30pm. Sessions will take place in 2017 on the following dates:- 17th March, 21st April, 19th May, 16th June, 21st July, 18th August, 15th September, 20th October, 17th November, 15th December There is no admission charge and self- serve complimentary refreshments will be available. Helen Baxter, Activities Coordinator at the Foundation said: ‘We are currently seeking members to join our new friendship group. Drop in to our friendly afternoon meetup an opportunity to make new friends and enjoy music, art, friendship, laughter, games and more.’ She added ‘We are an inclusive and friendly setting and pride ourselves on making it easy for people to find a sense of belonging and enjoy time out in beautiful surroundings.’ If you would like to learn more about the activities and services that the Foundation has to offer then drop in to one of the sessions or call Helen Baxter, Activities Coordinator on 01530 244914 or email

iceberg do not believe that options for budget savings are limited. As an elected politician I argue we should take responsibility and reduce our costs before cutting services and increasing the cost of housing on hard working families.

Field Head weight restrictions. Following a further request to review HGV weight restrictions on the old Ratby Lane, Charnwood Drive & Jacqueline Road at Field Head. The director for highways has agreed that previous reviews had failed to identify these roads and has agreed to remedy the situation. Having had a meeting with Highways officers they have at long last agreed to bring in restrictions and consult on these within the next 3 months. I know residents will be delighted to hear that this is at long last going to be addressed and resolved. I am pleased that the director actually was aware of the issue by knowing the roads and not relying on a desk top exercise. We all have witnessed when the A50 is busy and congested drivers using these roads as rat runs. As the A50 becomes even more congested the situation will not reduce, hopefully with enforcement the restrictions will help reduce some of the problem.

Happiness is warm feet in bed IF YOU have never discovered the cosy bliss of wearing socks in bed, you are in for a real treat. According to experts from the Global Council on Brain Health, wearing socks in bed helps ensure uninterrupted slumber. In a recent report, the Global Council was stressing the importance of getting sound sleep in order to stay sharp in later life. And so it offers various tips to the over-50s. They include: keep pets out of your bedroom, avoid late-night rows with your family; allow 15 minutes of ‘settle time’ before you switch off the light; avoid food, alcohol and drink for three hours before bed; keep your smartphone and tablet in another room; have a warm bath; and swap white or blue lights for warmer, restful colours. Sleep well!

Did you hear about the woman who got fired from a hot dog stand for putting her hair in a bun?


THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

Sell Your Stuff! Herald Small Ads • Staples DESK - as new. Price: £60.00 • Epson All-in-One INKJET PRINTER XP 322 - Cost £58.00. As new. Price: £30.00 • EXTENDING TABLE & 4 CHAIRS - as new - Price: £75.00 Tel: 01530 244546 • Quingo Plus MOBILITY SCOOTER - little used. Price: £1,200 o.n.o. • Wheel Chair POWER PACK little used. Price: £500.00 o.n.o. Tel: 0116 235 4492 or 07523 834248. • Bradgate PORCH AWNING blue and grey, used once. Price: £150.00 o.n.o. Tel: 01530 244681 or 01530 451040. • Little Tikes COZY COUPE Price: £20.00 • Black/white SMART TRIKE with handle. Price: £20.00 • Blue Bike STAR SCOOTER (not stunt) Price: £20.00. • Whizzer BALANCE BIKE Price: £15.00 • Pair black Bauer Turbo ROLLER SKATES, size 8. Price: £40.00 All good condition. Tel: 01530 243810 • Gianni Versace grey silk STRAPPY SANDALS, size 6½, boxed, worn once, cost £170. Price: £75.00 • Gianni Versace gold leather STRAPPY SANDALS, size 6, boxed, worn once, cost £270, Price: £75.00. • Belstaff beige ladies KNEE HIGH BOOTS, size 7, like new, cost £225. Price: £100.00. Tel: 01530 245929. SEND your Small Ads in writing to: SMALL ADS, The Herald, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT or email to: info@markfieldherald. (please include your address - not for publication).

t to e g for our t ’ Don d us y anks! sen s! Th new

Groby Wine Circle GROBY WINE CIRCLE is a very sociable group which usually meets on the third Monday of the month at Groby Community College. Speakers are invited to give talks on a variety of interesting topics after which there is a chance to catch up socially over a drink with a cheese and French bread. Throughout the year we organise fun nights out such as skittles, quiz nights, meals out and visits, etc. Our February meeting, Monday the 20th, was, as usual, well attended. The Guest Speaker was Colin Reynolds who gave us a most interesting talk about the background of the Leicester Company “Gents” and how they won a major contract in 1907 to build, deliver and install the largest (25 feet in diameter) multi-dial electrical pulsed clock for the Liver Building in Liverpool at a cost of less than £2,000. Cutting edge and innovative technology was needed for those days. The clock was commissioned in 1911 on the same day as the coronation of King George the V (22 June 2011). Electrically generated chimes were added later. It is still in working order although, after 107 years, the clock is in need of a major overhaul. Gents are now part of the Honeywell Empire. Future guest talks include: • Monday 23 March – Lost Canals • Monday 24 April - Bits and Bobs (a fun night with things from our past). There is a skittles night (including supper) on 7 April, at the Red Lion, Huncote. Starts at 7PM (please reserve your tickets in advance). If you feel you would be interested in coming along or would like more information about our Wine Circle please contact either: Dave Cooper (0116 2392844) or Robbie Grundy (0116 2393853).

800,000 shoeboxes for children in need of Christmas love

Markfield HomeMakers MARKFIELD HomeMakers meet in the Congregational Hall, Main Street, Markfield, on the second Wednesday of the month at 8pm. April 12th ~ Douglas Maas ~ Dementia Friends May 10th ~ Talk Ian Retson ~ The Woodlands Trust June 14th ~ Pauline Fitchett ~ Mining, memorabilia and afternoon tea. Aug 9th ~ Skittles ~ 7.15 for 7.30pm ~ At Little Markfield Farm Sep 13th ~ George Hook ~ Mother of Pearl. Oct 11 th ~ Talk ~ Roberts Travel For more information, call: Brenda on 01530 242173 or Iris on 01530 242436.

News from Bardon Park Chapel

OPERATION Christmas Child last winter collected over 880,000 shoeboxes to send to children in need around the world, thanks to the support of individuals, organisations and churches across the UK. Operating for 24 years, the project sees volunteers pack a shoebox with gifts. Ranging from school supplies and hygiene items, through to a unique WOW item, they are given to children in need regardless of race, religion, gender or any other characteristic.

FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE: Come and worship the Lord with us on Sunday mornings at 10.30 am. Our gatherings are fairly informal. SUNDAY 16TH, APRIL: EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE THURSDAY ART CLASS: Between 7pm and 9.00pm. THE MONTHLY PRAISE MEETING: 1st Saturday in each month at 3.00pm. Enjoy a lively time of singing, encouragement, fellowship, testimonies and uplifting messages. Bardon Park Chapel, Shaw Lane, Bardon, Coalville LE67 1TD There is a large car park at the back. For more details on any of the above please contact: Richard Norburn on Tel: 01530 242526

I have no problem with genetically modified food. I had a lovely leg of salmon the other day.

THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

Markfield WI Programme for 2017 19th April: Restoration of Old Buildings: Dr Jonathan Castleman 17th May: Resolutions evening & A Getting to Know You Quiz 21st June: Changes in Women’s Lives: Mike Kennedy 19th July: Watching with Mother: Kath Reynolds 16th Aug: Gardening for Wildlife: Chris Edwards 20th Sept: Wigs: Tim Hogarth-Jones 18th Oct: AGM 19th Nov: All Things Chrismassy with Tina Bax 20th Dec: Decadent Easy Desserts: Gail Woolliscroft Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7.45pm at the Methodist Church, Main St Markfield. Further information from Fran Johnson 01530 243350 or Jane Barrington 01530 243285.

rt o p up ers s e as vertis e l P ad n! a c r ou f you i

Powerful new play tours Leicestershire schools • Aim is to educate young people about extremism and radicalisation More than 17,000 teenagers from around 60 schools will watch the 40 minute performance of ‘Going to Extremes’ over the next seven weeks. The play has been commissioned by Leicestershire County Council, working with district council partners and the police, and it follows the successful ‘Chelsea’s Choice’ which toured county schools, raising awareness of child sexual exploitation. Jane Moore, the county council’s assistant director for education and early help said: “The production has a number of aims which include raising awareness of how radicalisation can happen, the different aims of various organisations involved in radicalisation and extremism, and how to challenge radical and extremist narratives and discuss them openly. It also educates on key skills such as internet safety and raises awareness of where to get help about any of the issues it raises.” The play, which was developed by the council along with the Northampton-based AlterEgo Theatre Company, contributes to the Government’s agenda of safeguarding people and communities against the threat of terrorism. Bill Knopp, prevent manager at Leicestershire Police, said: “Leicestershire Police congratulates Alter Ego and Leicestershire County Council for this innovative project. There are two persistent myths with the Prevent Strategy, the first is that it’s police led and the second that Prevent stifles debate. “‘Going to Extremes’ demonstrates local authorities’ key role in the strategy. The play will raise awareness of the risks with young people and promote the discussion of difficult themes in an accessible and original way.” The production launches at De Lisle College in Loughborough on Monday (March 13). Chris Davies, head teacher at De Lisle, said: ‘Going to Extremes’ proves itself to be an engaging, yet challenging opportunity for schools and their students. This new production will enable thousands of young people to explore the Prevent Strategy in open, realistic and thought-provoking ways.” The play is set to be rolled out to even more schools, and will also be performed in community venues across the county. The play consists of three characters’ narratives – two which focus on religious extremism and outline how two young people are enticed to join, or nearly join, radical groups in Syria, and one which explores how a young person got involved in far-right political extremism.

A 70-year-old millionaire had just married a beautiful 20-year-old. ‘You crafty old codger,’ said his friend. ‘How did you get such a lovely young wife?’ ‘Easy,’ the millionaire replied. ‘I told her I was 95.’

Bookings Now Being Taken for

Easter Sunday

Shortly after arriving in prison, an inmate had to have three teeth extracted. Later he had a finger cut off in a kitchen brawl. When his appendix was removed, one of the wardens confided to a colleague: ‘Better keep an eye on that chap, I think he’s trying to escape bit by bit.’

The Bricklayer’s Arms 213 Main Main Street, Street, Thornton Thornton Tel: Tel: 01530 01530 230808 230808 213

Wednesday is

“STEAK NIGHT” 2 Steaks, With Hand-Cut Chips, Peas, Tomato, Mushrooms & Two Glasses of House Wine - £18.95

Traditional Sunday Lunch 1 Course - £9.00 2 Courses - £11.00 3 Courses - £13.00

With personal service to your table

Home-Made Pie Night - Tuesdays - £5.95 Lunches & Snacks: Tues-Sun Eves (Tues-Sat): ‘A La Carte’ or Snacks • Weekend Specials A Welcoming Homely Atmosphere, Garden & Great Food!

My dog always barks when there’s someone at the front door. I don’t know why - it’s never for him.



THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

Some overlooked Redgate cats who need a special home Ebony and Purdy

Two sleek, jet-black young sisters, now aged about 2 years, found wandering for weeks around the Redgate sanctuary, (probably dumped), in a bad state and very thin, they had been rifling through bins to find food, one had even ended up with her little head stuck in a tin. But finally they built up enough trust in the staff to let us take them in, back in March last year. Both sisters were timid little felines, who had been fending for themselves for some time during the winter months. They truly love each other, do everything together and are very inquisitive, they love their toys and love to chase their toy mice. They are now becoming very friendly and getting to like people more and more. Ebony and Purdy would need to be rehomed together.

Millie Millie, a puff-ball of black and white fur, arrived at Redgate Farm several months ago. Sadly, her elderly lady owner passed away leaving Millie homeless and uncertain of her future. The family couldn’t keep her and brought her to the sanctuary. Millie has been overlooked for many reasons, but primarily because she doesn’t quite trust many people yet, although we’re delighted to witness that treats and toys are now helping her to find reassurance and confidence. And she is also being overlooked quite literally, as she loves to hide and snuggle up under blankets and bedding, as this helps her feel secure, but people may not even notice this pretty young feline hiding away. A quiet adult home with no other cats, and patient understanding, are what will help Millie to find happiness. She will definitely blossom into a lovely (lady-like) pal for someone. We can just imagine her sitting on a sofa with you, watching ‘Doctors’ in the afternoon!

Milly Milly found herself as a stray taken in by an elderly lady who had a passion to look after, and take in, homeless cats. But the lady took on too many cats, and soon she couldn’t cope. She found herself needing Redgate help to find permanent lifelong homes for most of her much loved brood. So Milly arrived at the Sanctuary with 8 other feline friends, back in December. Milly is the last of those 9 cats to as yet find herself her new start in her life. Milly is a chunky and cuddly cat – and only slightly nervous. In her forever home she would, like most cats, blossom into a well-loved pet.

Smudge and Jet No photos available yet as they are in ‘intensive care’ until mid-March. Two young brothers, Smudge (creamy/beige tabby) and Jet (pure black), found themselves in a sorry state when their owner became too ill to look after them both. They came to Redgate Farm via social services. Smudge and Jet are still underweight and need time to recuperate back to their prime, so as yet, they are not quite up for rehoming, but they have been neutered and are receiving vaccinations and plenty of TLC (and four small meals a day) at present, and are egerly awaiting the new start in life they desperately deserve. We are pleased to report they are already starting to play properly. In the evenings they are starting to play football and drag cushions and blankets about! These two will be the most wonderful companions once they have fully regained their strength. They have grown up together and need to find a quiet home together, with no other pets or young children. Call 01530 243925 or 01530 230455 for more information.

Latimer Players

Murder in the Memorial Hall! THE LATIMER Players are having fun in rehearsal for their forthcoming production ‘Secondary Cause of Death’ which is the sequel to the comedy thriller ‘Murdered to Death’ written by Peter Gordon. The action takes place in 1939, as the “storm clouds are gathering over Europe”. Again we meet the inept, aptly named, Inspector Pratt, who delivers grim news to Colonel Craddock, the owner of a country house hotel This is just the beginning of our story - Who is the strange Polish Count? Is Henrietta really an army captain? And where does the flamboyant thespian Cardew Longfellow fit into the picture? When Cynthia Maple, sister of amateur sleuth Joan Maple, arrives to stage a murder mystery evening, it is not long before Inspector Pratt’s visit turns into a chaotic nightmare as the bodies pile higher than ever! The production takes place in The Memorial Hall, Anstey Lane, Thurcaston on 27th, 28th and 29th April. Tickets cost £7 each and are available from Christine Deavin, Telephone 0116 237 6855 Email christinedeavin@

Online help to stay healthy and independent

Information hub provides access point for immediate support A NEW online information hub is helping Leicestershire residents to stay fit, healthy and independent, and provides an access point for immediate support. The county council-run First Contact Plus enables people to search from their own home through a broad range of wellbeing information which is all in one place. The support is available by visiting, by emailing or calling 0116 305 4286 (Mon-Thurs 8.30am to 5pm and Fri 8.30am to 4.30pm). The service includes information and links to organisations which provide support around such topics as health, falls, feeling safe, living independently, debts and benefits, work, learning and volunteering, and families and relationships. The council is working in partnership with GPs, the police, health organisations, voluntary groups and district and borough councils to deliver the project. Councillor Ernie White, county council cabinet member for health said: “We want our residents to get support as quickly as possible when they need it and First Contact Plus helps them to do exactly that. By working closely with partners, we can help people with multiple issues and, by bringing information into one place, it will make life easier for them as well. We also hope that by bringing together health and social care, we can help to prevent issues becoming more serious in later life.” First Contact Plus also signposts people to community groups, national charities and public health services. Residents who are in need of extra help can use the ‘self referral’ button to arrange for an adviser to call them to discuss their specific needs and put them in touch with the right people for support.

My girlfriend came round last night. I didn’t even know she’d been in a coma.

THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

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THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

‘Safer driver’ event highlights mobile phone dangers VISITORS to a ‘safer driver’ event held in Hinckley last week (Wednesday 1 March) had a chance to try out the latest and most advanced car crash simulator in the UK.

At the ‘safer driver’ event are (left to right): Sharon Stacey (HBBC Director of Community Services), Cllr The VF4 simulator was just one of several Chris Boothby, Insp Dan Eveleigh (Neighbourhood interactive aids that proved to be very popular Police Area Commander) and Paul Mortimer (Hinckley at the event, which was staged to coincide with Fire Station Manager). the introduction of tough new penalties for those who use a mobile phone whilst driving. It was organised by the Blaby and Hinckley and Bosworth Community Safety Partnership and focused on the four main causes of death or serious injury on the roads, which are: driving whilst using a mobile phone, driving whilst under the influence of alcohol and drugs, speeding and not wearing a seatbelt. In addition to the VF4, there was a chance to test response times on the BATAK machine, which helps people to understand how much slower their responses are after alcohol by completing the challenge with and without beer googles on. Another extremely popular experience on the day was the VF4 360, which provided a virtual reality experience of a real-life crash from the passenger’s perspective using the latest technology. Users were given viewing headsets and earphones to provide a realistic, immersive experience of a car accident. Professionals were also at the event to raise awareness of the impact of smoking and substance misuse on driving ability. Meanwhile, the police speed van gave people an insight into police enforcement and the chance to have a go with the cameras that they use. Various agencies, including the Borough Council, Leicestershire Police and police volunteers, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service and Leicestershire County Council, were on hand throughout the event to offer awareness and prevention advice to those who went along. Paul Mortimer, the Station Manager at Hinckley Fire Station, said: “This was a great opportunity to address road safety in a collaborative way with our partners and we were delighted with the excellent attendance on the day. This awareness work is important so that we can continue to work towards reducing the number of road traffic collisions and fatalities on the roads.” Councillor Chris Boothby, Chair of the Blaby and Hinckley and Bosworth Community Safety Partnership, added: “we were delighted to host this event at the Hinckley Hub. The event managed to get across some really key messages to attendees in a really interactive way. “We welcome the new harsher penalties for driving whilst using a mobile phone and this event managed to highlight the devastating results using a mobile phone whilst driving can have. We all have a part to play in shifting attitudes and making sure that using mobile phones whilst driving becomes socially unacceptable.”

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THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

The Herald PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT

Tel: 01530 244069

The Herald is a monthly local magazine delivered free to approximately 4,000 homes and businesses in Markfield, Field Head, Stanton under Bardon, Thornton and Bagworth.

Contact Mike Wilkinson with your articles, news items or advertising enquiries. Printed by Norwood Press in Ellistown. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Herald Production Team. The inclusion of any group or organisation in this publication does not necessarily imply a recommendation of its aims, methods or policies. The Herald cannot be held responsible for the information disclosed by advertisements, all of which are accepted in good faith. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine, but no liability can be accepted for loss or inconvenience caused as a result of error or omission. The Herald reserves the right to amend, shorten or refuse to publish articles and/or advertisements submitted for publication. All contents © The Herald None of the articles or adverts contained in this magazine are to be reproduced in any way without first obtaining written consent from The Herald. This issue of The Herald is being delivered by The Herald’s team of dedicated deliverers, namely: Sarah Jane, Maureen, John, Lyn, Lily, Ian, Ann, Gill, Selina, Sandra, Jeanie, Jenny, Calum, Lisa, Yvonne, Margaret, Daniel, Jessie, Stacey, Maisie, Jessica, Charlotte, Mike and Rowan

NEXT ISSUE OUT ON 15th April DEADLINE: 1st April

Tea for tea, or maybe one for coffee THE MEMBERS of the Bagworth Community Centre Trust (BCCT) are very pleased that the Whistle Stop coffee shop at the Centre is now open every weekday. This is staffed by Forever Savvy (French verb ‘savoir’ – to know). This is a not for profit social enterprise providing vocational training within a positive risk environment to young adults with learning difficulties. Their motto is ‘making life meaningful, piece by piece’. The team leader is the delightful Lydia and she is ably assisted by Naomi on Mondays, Katie and Frankie on Tuesdays, Ben on Thursdays and Ben and Frankie on Fridays. Both Ben and Frankie have passed their NCASS Health and Hygiene Level One certificate. Katie is working towards this and Naomi, as the new addition to the team, is about to start. Ben and Frankie have both been selected to take part in the Special Olympics in Sheffield in August. Together they all make up ‘Café Savvy’. They will learn: • front of house duties, including keeping the area clean and learning how to handle money • kitchen skills, • cooking and baking skills, including making cakes and preparing sandwiches • to work safely • to be part of a team. The coffee shop is open Monday to Friday from 10 am to 2 pm. The menu includes homemade soup served with a buttered roll - £2. Jacket potatoes with a choice of toppings from butter, cheese and beans - £2 to £2.50. Cheese and ham sandwiches or toasties, all served with a side salad - £1.50. Tuna mayo sandwiches served with a side salad - £1.80. Beans on toast - £2. Please note this is the winter menu and will change as the weather gets warmer. The staff are also trained to make posh coffees on the coffee machine, including lattes, cappuccinos, expressos and hot chocolate with all of the extras. . Food can be eaten either inside or out. Food can also be pre-booked, a service of which Pre-school parents are taking advantage. Why not come in and check out the lovely food on offer and enjoy the friendly and welcoming atmosphere. For more information on Forever Savvy:


Do You Need Help at Home? I AM a private carer in Markfield. I have 25 years experience. I do most calls: • Shower calls • Breakfast calls • Lunch calls • Shopping calls • Medication calls • Bed calls • All calls considered Affordable hourly rate. References & qualifications to view on request Direct payment accepted Willing to travel to neighbouring villages All enquiries to Helen 07789 201910 or 01530 245204

TO PLACE AN ADVERT IN THE HERALD .. IS VERY EASY! Contact Mike Wilkinson on 01530 244069 or email: My wife decided on an underwater birth. The leisure centre manager was furious.


THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:



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I failed my driving test. The examiner asked: ‘What do you do at a red light?’ I said: ‘I usually check my emails.’

THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:


Borough Council carries out survey into burial grounds across the borough Borough Councillor Matthew Lay writes in the Herald WHEN WE discuss future housing needs and housing developments across the Borough, we often raise concerns about the drain on public services such as schools, GP’s etc and the local infrastructure like roads. Whether a planning application for housing development is sustainable or not, is a key concern for planning authorities and they should seek to plan ahead effectively reaching agreements with developers within agreed frameworks set by Government. Many would say - and I include myself in the number - that the resources that follow new housing development are often inadequate and this is a contributory reason why communities often react negatively to such proposals. One area however that is often overlooked and rarely raised as an objection by residents is the provision of burial grounds and facilities for dealing with the deceased. While most would not put this service at the top of the list in terms of priorities, it is worth remembering that many people have a desire to be laid to rest in the community they have lived in and not being able to deliver this can be both problematic and at times distressing. In the Borough of Hinckley and Bosworth if we use a typical recent year, some 1051 people will die. This represent a mortality rate of about 1%. Of that number some 75% (788) will be cremated and 25% (263) buried. None of those cremated will be done so in the Borough as no such facility exists. This is despite significant demand and pressure on those crematoriums that operate to serve local residents, like Loughborough and Gilroes. The demand for cremation has increased over recent times and has undoubtedly alleviated pressure on burial grounds. In ancient times cremation was the normal practice for dealing with the dead and sometimes had heroic interpretations such as with the Viking practice of cremations of war heroes on the water. The spread of Christianity however led to a preference for burials and over time cremations disappeared altogether until later in the Victorian age. The consequences of urbanisation post

the industrial revolution, led many to consider new more hygienic methods of managing the deceased. At the same time new cremation chambers were invented allowing crematoriums to be developed and built, hence support for this method grew with notable benefactors such as Queen Victoria’s own surgeon a key advocate. The development of more and more crematoriums took place over time and in many places. It soon became culturally acceptable and in 1963 the Pope himself lifted the ban on Catholics being cremated. Finally in 1968 more citizens of the UK were cremated than were buried for the first time in modern history. Burial grounds exist in many communities throughout the Borough but not every one has one which is still functioning . A good many burial grounds are no longer used and these often sit in the grounds of the many parish churches that for centuries were the traditional place to be laid to rest. When the church burial ground reached full capacity or stopped taking anymore burials, it became what is known as a ‘closed cemetery’. Today very few churchyards are still in operation for burial purposes. Of the burial grounds in operation today most are operated by the local Borough or Parish council. There is actually no legal statutory duty for a local council to provide burial space but many do so and those that do are subject to legislation in the form of the Local Authorities Cemeteries Order 1977. They are largely self funding operations with burial fees covering many associated costs. As many of the burial grounds in Hinckley and Bosworth are run

by Parish Councils, the Borough Council decided to survey these local councils to better understand what was happening. The Borough Council rightly felt it needed to be better informed on current demand and supply of burial plots in respective communities so it could plan more effectively. This survey has recently been completed and its finding were reported to the Council’s Scrutiny Commission which is a body I chair. The end result was that at present levels sufficient capacity exists to meet current demand for the near future. However as we move forward more capacity will be needed in certain local areas and planning for this should be carried out as part of the local authority’s local planning process. For the record the survey suggested that Markfield Cemetery had more than 30 years of supply available on current demand levels for burial plots. It is of course worth noting that many cemeteries have in addition gardens of remembrance, which

allow those who have been cremated to be laid to rest in a more formal spot but one not as formal as a burial plot. Th Scrutiny Commission made recommendations to the Borough Council to re-visit plans it had back in the early 90s to consider the building of a Crematorium on land that it owns. It was felt that such a facility would be well used and a cost effective use of Council resources. We will wait to see if the Council takes this any further. In addition it was agreed to monitor the situation periodically. A cremation or burial in a civic cemetery aren’t these days the only choice available to local people. Natural burials are becoming more popular and recently a natural burial ground was created on Markfield Lane, designed to meet the growing demand for natural burials. The Markfield Natural Burial Ground is a welcome development in meeting peoples needs alongside the other established provisions that exist. I am sure it will be a success. The key to all of this is to ensure that not only can future demand always be met but that it can be done in ways which work for local people in a sensitive and practical way. It is often overlooked but the Council have a clear picture going forward and should be able to use this to ensure any future issues are addressed.


The other night I ate at a real family restaurant. Every table had an argument going.


THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

Markfield Community Centre News Words and pictures from Ron Grantham

Mini Bikers – Red Nose Appeal

Mini Bikers - “Take A Nose At What They Are Doing”! WHY DON’T you pop down to the Centre during the afternoon of Sunday 19th March where you will delight in seeing young tots trying to see how many laps of the hall they can do to raise funds for RED NOSE DAY. Markfield Mini Bikers will be doing sponsored laps from 2pm to 4pm. Cakes and refreshments will be on sale as well as a raffle to help boost the fund raising. If you cannot make it you can still sponsor a child by ringing Yasin on 07584 044027 or Kelly on 07880 728169or you can pop into the Centre and ask for a sponsorship form.

Reminder - Dog Microchipping Service IF YOU haven’t had your dog micro chipped please remember that the Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council’s Dog Warden Service will be holding a dog micro chipping event at the Community Centre from 2pm to 4pm on Wednesday 22nd March. It is NOW a LEGAL REQUIREMENT for ALL dogs to be micro chipped. The procedure is a simple implant under the skin that causes little discomfort but ensures that you comply with the law and gives you the added reassurance that pet is more likely to be returned if lost or stolen. It only costs £10 per dog. Just turn up with your dog on the day. If you require further information please contact the Dog Warden Service on 01455 255946

Heidi’s 21st Birthday Party ON FRIDAY 10th February villager Heidi Wilkinson celebrated her 21st Birthday. Heidi was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome when she was only two years old. Rett syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects girls almost exclusively that severely hampers children’s development. The celebration was organised by Heidi’s parents David and Tina and was attended by family, friends, neighbours and carers. Heidi loves people acting silly and it was clear to see the delight in her eyes and the smiles she gave everyone especially a Belly Dancing act put on by family friend Rosie. Happy 21st Birthday Heidi from everyone at the Community Centre.

Celebration Party On Saturday 25th February Richard and Kim Tubby celebrated a number of family events including Richard’s 60th Birthday, Kim and Richard’s 38th Wedding Anniversary as well as the recent arrival of their granddaughter Matilda.

What a celebration they had as the hall was packed with family, friends and work colleagues as well as their daughters Hayley and Hannah. Entertainment was provided by a marvelous live singing duo as well as a disco. At one stage the DJ got the audience up to do a hilarious bout of Country and Western line dancing. I understand that Richard and Kim met at a party in Newtown Linford and, according to Kim who was just sweet sixteen at the time, “It was love at first sight” and they stuck together ever since. Well done and many congratulations to you all.

Reminder – Book Your Place For Our Annual Family Trips To The Seaside I CAN now confirm that we have booked coaches for our annual seaside trips as follows: Llandudno in North Wales on 26th July cost £15 per person and Skeggy on 23rd August at just £12 per person. You will agree that these are very good prices and that is probably why places are rapidly being booked on both trips. Simply contact the Centre to book your place. Remember places are strictly limited so, don’t leave it too late. We are also looking at providing coach trips to both Drayton Manor Theme Park and Scarborough during the school summer holidays so, if you are interested please contact us at the Centre.

Cancer Research Fund Raising Event DIANNE Dowell’s Cancer Research Fund Raising event on the evening of Saturday 29th April will take the form of a family disco together with a wonderful raffle and other fund raising items. As usual the event is proving to be very popular and tickets are going fast. Tickets are restricted so make sure you get your ticket by contacting Dianne on 07748 915829.

Mayflower Club’s Updates WELL, DESPITE the recent poor weather both the Monday Afternoon Friendship Club and the Wednesday Afternoon Mayflower Club have started 2017 in full swing both with an ever growing numbers of members. On the 8th February with the help of AGE UK members had a go at making Valentines Card and other novelties. On the 22nd February we had a look at the origins of surnames. This is a really fascinating subject and it is quite surprising how surnames/family

I’ve developed a taste for fabric conditioner. My doctor says it’s just comfort eating.

THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:


Here are some of our events being planned for the next few months: 15th March Love Food Hate Waste 22nd March Leicestershire in the 1940’s and 50’s 29th March Beetle Drive/Play Your cards Right 5th April Pub Style Quiz with Faggots and Peas 12th April Easter Bonnet Parade 19th April Indoor Games 26th April Social TBC 3rd May Mr Leicester – Memory Stories 10th May Last Orders Project 17th May Arts4Health (TBC) 24th May Life and Times of George Formby 28th June Metal Detection Dogs 26th July Trip to Llandudno 23rd August Trip to Skegness So, if you would like to join in just turn up at the Centre on Monday afternoons to enjoy the Friendship Club and Wednesday afternoons for the Mayflower Club. Both clubs meet from 2pm to 4pm and it only costs £1 per session and that includes a “cuppa” and biscuits. You don’t even have to live in the village as members from other villages are also most welcome.

Dates For Your Diary • • • • •

names originated and evolved. We had a look at the surnames of the 802 people living in Markfield at the time of the 1881 Census many of which family names are still present today. Many members also got a surprise when the possible origins of their own surnames were revealed. At the 1st March club session we celebrated TWO events: firstly St. David’s Day with a bowl of hot home-made leek and potato soup then Pancake Day. The pancake day celebration was hilarious and I had tears in my eyes from so much laughing. Members had to see how many times they could toss a pancake in 30 seconds. There were pancakes literally flying everywhere and pancake debris galore. The overall winner was Christine Willett who managed to toss the pancake a very impressive 44 times in 30 seconds.

Matt Elliott School Holidays Soccer Schools: 30th May to 1st June. Thursday 4th May: County Council Elections Friday 21st July: Jay Brothers Charity Concert Wednesday 26th July: Family trip to llandudno Wednesday 23rd August: Family trip to Skegness

Do Something Amazing: Give Blood THE NATIONAL Blood Service is so pleased about the amount of blood donations it is receiving from our residents it has increased the number of dates that they will attend the Centre next year. Below are dates in early 2017 when you can “Do something amazing” and donate blood: • 17th March • 24th May

Money Saving Special Offer DON’T FORGET that if you are planning a special family event, party or function with a bar we only charge a modest hire fee of £10 per room. This hire fee is very competitive to other venues in the area and will save you money. For bookings and enquiries please contact Markfield Centre and Sports,Mayflower Close, Markfield LE67 9ST on 01530 242240 or email or you can visit our website www.markfield to view our facilities, latest news, photo gallery and information about the Centre.

My identical twin was run over by a steamroller last year. He’s not been the same since.


THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

The following is the annual Budget Report presented to Council on 23rd February 2017 by the Leader of the Council , Cllr Mike Hall. FINAL BUDGET SETTLEMENT. As Leader of H&BBC and Lead Member for Finance it gives me great pleasure to deliver this budget for the financial year 2017/2018. One year ago Council approved a Conservative budget that took this Council from a position where financial warnings and challenges had been ignored, to one where we have a balanced budget and an MTFS that shows a sound position for its lifetime. We are still addressing some of the issues caused by the previous administrations decisions, but our Medium Term Financial Strategy is working and tonight I ask members to build on this by accepting all of the recommendations in this budget. Today we are implementing another stage of better financial management for this Council, and once more I am presenting a balanced budget but also addressing the risks to the future stability of our finances. This budget and updated MTFS will enable the Council to deliver its new four-year Corporate Plan. For years this Council has maintained a policy of keeping a balance of 10% of its nett general fund budget as protection against fluctuations in service costs and unforeseen expenditure. The future financing position of Councils is changing, with the possibility of increased business rates retention, further changes to new homes bonus, and limits to what we can fairly collect from Council Tax. As we become more dependent on growth in local businesses we also become more exposed to fluctuations in the economy, and whilst the position looks positive at the moment we need to consider that this may not always be the case. I am therefore seeking Councils approval for a policy change to strengthen our financial resilience through an increase in the minimum balance position to 15% averaged over the lifetime of the MTFS. Today we can take the first step in achieving this. The General Fund Budget presented to you tonight is supported by a detailed budget book, which has had a huge volume of work to present it in a way that now aligns to our new corporate structure. I would like to thank Ashley, Ilyas and the whole finance team for the work that they have put into this budget preparation. Members may have noticed within the pages of the book that officers have summarised all of the corporate central (Admin) charges. These

Borough Councillors’ Report Chris Boothby & Ozzy O’Shea

Cllr Chris Boothby Tel: 0116 2388301 or 07880 711222 Email

Cllr Ozzy O’shea Tel 0116 2394336 or 07808585825 Email

central overhead costs are recharged across our core services, and you will see they amount to over £7million. I know that members and officers would like to be reassured that these costs are subject to the same scrutiny and requirements to deliver efficiencies as other areas of the council’s operations. This summary will enable the Council to undertake a full review of the costs and their allocation. Officers will work in the coming weeks and months to reduce these costs where possible, and to review how they are apportioned to services. As part of the general fund budget we also include the budget for the Special Expenses area. This budget, and the proportion of the Council Tax charge for the Area, are calculated through historical allocations which need to be updated. There are a number of issues that need to be resolved before I can recommend these changes to Council, and having discussed with officers and other members I have concluded that changes here can wait until we have greater clarity. There will in the next few months be a full Scrutiny review of the role of the HAC which I hope will recommend changes to responsibilities and how that HAC can have greater power to determine its own funding requirements. All options will be reviewed and considered to ensure whatever is done complies with legal requirements and best practice. Councils Hinckley Area Committee should have a substantial input to this work, to develop a clearer understanding of what is included in its budget and wether it can have more control over the costs of those services for Hinckley residents. Should that Committee be able to recommend fees and charges to

Council which affect the income it receives, should it be able to set the service levels required in Hinckley’s parks and cemetery, and determine acceptable costs for those services. Should the Committee be able to develop a capital programme, access Borough Council funding for infrastructure projects under the same conditions as Parishes will be able to through the Developing Communities Fund, and recommend a precept for the Special Expenses Area. There is one change however that will be implemented in this budget, and that is to remove the contribution made by the SEA towards discounted car parking in Hinckley. This charge effectively subsidises economic improvement of the Borough and I believe should fall upon the general fund budget as a whole. This view was supported by the Hinckley area committee and the change will help to increase reserves and balances, by £25k, in the Special Expenses Area budget so that the people of Hinckley can benefit from additional services. As part of Councils work to update its constitution, and subject to any legal requirements in calculating Council Tax, we shall look to implement recommendations as soon as possible.. Council holds earmarked reserves, some are used to build up funds for planned future expenditure, others for possible future expenditure if certain risks are realised. This year I have undertaken a review of these reserves and members will note that whilst the overall level is increasing slightly there are some shifts in reserves as we remove some that are no longer required. We are significantly increasing others where there is a risk that future costs could be higher. These include the reserves for successful challenges to business rates payments, a building maintenance

I eat cake because it’s someone’s birthday somewhere.

reserve due to the need to maintain some of our building assets, possible costs associated with The Hub rent reviews, and costs to update our local plan. When I became Leader of this Council I said that I would be fair to all Residents of Hinckley and Bosworth, and all groups within our community. This year we have had some unplanned challenges. Buying the former co-op site has added costs to our general fund budget, a post-brexit slow down in lettings means we still have vacant units in The Crescent. Slower than anticipated disposal of some of our surplus sites has also affected our capital receipts. However we have restructured our organisation, made additional one-off and long term savings, and increased income from some services. The overall result of these differences is that we can push forward with our commitment to invest in our communities, this council, and local businesses. Council Officers continue to find savings in running our services, but with anticipated pay awards, some of those officers are not on target to be paid the £9/hr living wage target in 2020/21. Regional and national discussions are currently taking place about the impact of the living wage increase, and we will await the outcome of those discussions, but I have therefore asked officers to look at accelerating pay increases for those who would be affected and I hope to be able to bring to Council a recommendation that will increase the pay for our lowest paid staff more rapidly than would currently be the case. The most vulnerable people in our community require our support more than others, and there is plenty in this budget for them. Last year we increased funding for programmes of work delivered through our voluntary and community sector. The programmes, delivered at relatively low cost, continue to support some of the most vulnerable people in our borough. By supporting those at risk of poor mental and physical health and wellbeing, preventing loneliness, and dealing with the impacts of anti-social behaviour, we are building stronger communities. This year we are providing a further increase in these funds and we shall review the priorities for support so that even more organisations supporting even more people can deliver benefit to our community, details of this years scheme will be brought to Council in due course. We have frozen council tax discount at 88% for over 5000 of our most vulnerable families, including over 3000 pensioners on low incomes. Last year our residents were asked to support the introduction of a small collection charge for garden waste and they did so in very large numbers with over 70% choosing to

THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: take up the service. This was much higher than was anticipated and as a result we will freeze the price for all residents who use this service for the next two years, not just those who pay by direct debit. Last year we expanded the Snapdragon events to enable more activity days for young children to be run across our borough. This was a great success and we shall build on that further with more events in more locations this year. Our Town Centre events in Hinckley are well known to bring in the crowds, but with additional funding to expand our town Centres management teams and more events funding we will be able to bring similar crowds to our other towns across the borough. Supporting local businesses and giving residents and visitors a great day out. We have increased funding available to Parishes for small projects, through our PCIF scheme, to £125k. Subject to finding savings in other areas, we shall look to increase future funding still further, to make sure that every Parish is able to benefit from this funding. Our Developing Communities Fund is being established with many initial expressions of interest from Parishes across the borough and we are increasing the funding available for these community infrastructure projects. If savings allow we will increase this fund further in future years, and subject to changes in the running of the Hinckley Area Committee, to allow them to match fund projects, we shall make the same level of funding available within the Special Expenses Area as we do to our Parish’s. It will be for the Hinckley Area Committee to decide on which projects are required. We have created some stability in financing by presenting an efficiency plan to Government which has resulted in a known four year government settlement. Officers have delivered and continue to find further cost savings. Businesses, including some of our Boroughs largest employers are expanding, creating more jobs and business rates growth. As a result of our decisions last year and the measures I am presenting to Council this evening we are better placed to withstand future pressures and I ask Council to support the General fund budget. The Council Tax charged by this Council remains amongst the lowest of all 203 district councils in England, and it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, even with the small planned increases that are included in our MTFS. Put into the context of the costs of Council services the money that residents pay to this Council in Council Tax is only enough to fund our waste collection,

recycling, and part of environmental health services. Everything else that we do as a council uses either Government funding or income from our services. The £5 increase this year will contribute towards a more secure financial future, more investment across the borough, and better services for residents. It will deliver funding to build stronger communities in every corner of the Borough. Caring for people, making places better, and delivering prosperity that everyone can share in. Our HRA budget is presented in the context of uncertainty about government announcements on high value voids which have yet to be confirmed, and the approaching need to repay some of the services £67million debt. Officers are presently working on a new business plan which will aim to ensure our debts can be repaid, whilst also changing the shape of our housing service to support peoples aspirations for home ownership, or long term secure rental. Council housing is too often seen as the only step on the housing ladder when it should be seen as one step. As part of our business plan we will look to establish new pathways which will support tenants who want to exercise their right to buy, or those who want to move to other tenure types, and we will continue to provide high quality council housing to those in most housing need. So whilst we present a budget tonight for the year ahead it will be subject to change following the publication of our updated business plan and any necessary consultation. The Capital Programme is coming to the end of its cycle, and therefore has little new expenditure, with most of the growths identified to support essential services. During the coming months a new capital programme will be created for the years ahead. The majority of fees and charges have been Increased in line with inflation and members are asked to support these recommendations. The final document is our annual Treasury Management report and strategy and I’m sure our finance team will be pleased to answer members questions. This budget shows that the measures we took last year to move us from the deficit position that we inherited to a balanced position, have worked. This year we do not need to make as many tough decisions and we can now start work to improve our Borough for all of the Residents of Hinckley and Bosworth. Best Wishes

Chris & Ozzy working for you.


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Looking for a job ? THE NEXT time your application for a job is rejected fill this letter out and send it back. Dear [Interviewer’s Name]: Thank you for your letter of [Date of Interview]. After careful consideration I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept your refusal to offer me employment with your firm. This year I have had been particularly fortunate in receiving an unusually large number of rejection letters. With such a varied and promising field of candidates it is impossible for me to accept all refusals. Despite [Firm’s Name]’s outstanding qualifications and previous experience in rejecting applicants, I find that your rejection does not meet with my needs at this time. Therefore, I will initiate employment with your firm immediately following graduation. I look forward to seeing you then. Best of luck in rejecting future candidates. Sincerely, [Your Name]

It doesn’t take much to make a woman happy. However, it takes even less to make her mad.


THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

Extracts from the Unapproved Minutes of the Markfield Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 7th February 2017 at 8.00pm at the Methodist Chapel, Markfield. (May be subject to alteration or correction.)

• Illegally parked vehicles on Forest Road - The Borough Council parking wardens had been attending and there had been some improvement but the matter hadn’t been resolved altogether. A member of the public attended to complain about this matter and also the high speeds along that stretch of highway. The Parish Council would look into the possibility of purchasing a mobile vehicle activated signs in partnership with Stanton Under Bardon Parish Council. • County Council budget consultation - Mr D Sprason stated Budget proposals of an Council Tax increase of 4% (including Care Tax of 2%). • Cuts in Highways Budget – Some services might be handed out to Parish Councils. There were also proposals under consideration to remove the roundabout adjacent to the Flying Horse and replace with traffic lights and to install traffic lights on Field Head roundabout along A511. • Arriva – The company had implemented the new time table; the 29X bus service had been removed. • Developing Communities Fund: - The Parish Council had expressed an interest in making a £300,000 application. A working group would need to be set up for this, consisting of Mr T Lockley, Mr M Lay, Mr D Sprason and Mr K Senkpiehl. • Parish and Community Initiative Fund closing date 3rd February 2017: The Parish Council didn’t make an application. • The Community Library report: - The Trustees report for the year ending 31st March 2017 was circulated prior to the meeting.

Resolved, the accounts and report were accepted. Mrs M Bowler stated that the group were presently going into an 18 month review with the County Council. • COMMUNITY CENTRE AND MAYFLOWER CLOSE RECREATION GROUND: Mrs D Grantham had provided a Manager’s Report dated 16th January 2017 and a copy of the Minutes of the MCA Extraordinary meeting held on 19th January 2017. • SHIRE Grant application for further lighting improvements: We are waiting to hear a start date from the contractor • JUBILEE PLAYING FIELDS REPORT: Report on the Jubilee Playing Field Committee – Mr T Lockley had written the following report and circulated it to the members prior to the meeting: Jubilee Playing Field Report 30th January 2017 Grounds maintenance Two comparative grounds maintenance quotations are being sought. As well as pricing against the current grounds maintenance specification, I’ve also asked them to price against a higher quality specification. Richard Johnson has substantially completed the specified tree works. Pavilion maintenance Three quotations have been received for rebuilding the two pavilion access ramps. Since they were received, the main ramp has also been vandalised. It is thus very important to proceed as soon as possible with the rebuilding. Markfield Colts At its January meeting the JPF Committee gave detailed consideration the email from Mr

Lockwood about the Colts use of the site. It was agreed a joint reply, from the respective chairs of the JPF Committee and parish council, should be sent to him. It has now gone. The JPF Committee would be happy to meet Mr Lockwood to discuss how best they could assist the Colts. Use of the car park Discussions with BTE have yet to take place. Developing the JPF Having undertaken some Football Association training on business plan development, the JPF secretary is keen prepare one for the site. This action was fully supported by the committee. • NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING REPORT: - Mr T Lockley had written the following report and circulated it to the members prior to the meeting: Neighbourhood Planning Update 5th February 2017 Submission to Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council As agreed at the December PC meeting, the draft plan boundary and supporting document was submitted to the borough council. When acknowledging their receipt the borough council asked that MPC provide the following information: • Confirmation that Groby PC is happy for Field Head to be incorporated within proposed NP boundary • Confirmation that Newtown Linford PC is happy for the finger of land, between Leicester Road/Whitwick Road and the A50, be incorporated within the proposed NP boundary • Confirmation that Charnwood Borough Council is happy for the above-mentioned finger of land being incorporated into the MPC NP. I emailed both Newtown Linford and Groby Parish Councils to seek their approval of the proposed boundary. Newtown Linford replied to say they

didn’t want that part of their parish including. We will thus amend our draft plan accordingly. I have notified Charnwood Borough Council of that change and thanked them for their support. I met the Groby PC chair and the new parish clerk last Thursday. We had a productive discussion. They are looking to arrange a presentation on Neighbourhood Planning from the LRCC (just as Markfield had last year). Thereafter the council will discuss how it wants to proceed on this matter. Thus, for the time being, they aren’t in a position to provide the confirmation, we’re seeking concerning the inclusion of Field Head within the Markfield Neighbourhood Plan boundary. Resolved, revise the Parish Council’s draft boundary to that of Markfield Parish only and to inform H&BC of the amendment, so they could then advertise it. • Cemetery Chapel: Mrs M Bowler agreed, in conjunction with other Local History Group members, to revisit the village archive, which was currently held at Ulverscroft Grange, to see if it could be accommodated in the chapel. Ongoing. • Winter programme of tree works - Stepping Stones Grant: Resolved, a quotation from Johnson Tree Care was accepted. • QUESTIONS TO THE CHAIR: - Mr B Gannon stated the underpass under the M1, Leics Round footpath was still a terrible condition. – Circus Tyanna was a small family circus and would like to include Markfield as part of 2017 tour for a week in June/July. Resolved, the Circus could use Mayflower Close recreation ground but there would be a clause in the agreement to ensure the grass was protected.

“Still Friday” 2017 Each evening will include simple reflective worship songs, silence, prayer, readings and responses and last up to an hour. All are welcome. Come along and enjoy the peace. 17th February

17th March

No “Still Friday” in April

19th May

16th June

21st July

15th September

20th October

18th August

17th November

No “Still Friday” in December

Fridays 8.00 pm at St. Michael & All Angels’ Church

My wife said she waned something black and lacy for her birthday,so I bought her a pair of football boots.

THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

Markfield Medical Centre Patient Participation Group (PPG) PART OF our role as a PPG is to keep abreast of the latest initiatives within the NHS. Members attend meetings with representatives of the West Leicestershire Clinical Commissioning Group where they learn about the latest ideas and proposals. Recently there have been opportunities for patients to hear about the future of health services in Leicestershire at a series of public meetings. In case you have missed these and would still like to attend, the next meeting will be held on Thursday, 30 March at The Lyric Rooms, Lower Church Street, Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire, LE65 1AB It will commence at 6pm and light refreshments will be available beforehand. The meeting will address the changes in the delivery of services that are being proposed by the NHS across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The aim of the changes is to allow people to stay in their own homes, or in what the patients consider to be their home setting, which may be a residential home for instance, for as long as possible and, in order to do so, enabling them to access services, including those for urgent care, quickly and easily. The hope is that this will reduce the amount of time that people need to spend in acute hospitals and allow the NHS to deliver more planned procedures in community settings locally. You are all most welcome to attend this event and see what this change will mean in our local area of North West Leicestershire. You will be able to ask questions of senior health and social care staff about the proposals and feed back on the areas discussed. Differences in services in the future might include having more care provided in the community, thinking “Home First” and offering more urgent care services locally. There will also be discussion about the community hospital provision in the area. These events have been extremely popular so please register in advance if you intend to attend, to ensure that you have a place. You can sign up for this event, in a number of ways. On line - visit By email: By telephone 0116 295 4183.

It’s not my fault that I never learned to accept responsibility.



THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

Cabinet to consider speed camera trials

Sunday 19th March at 3.30pm

Market Bosworth unveils special tribute to Richard III A SPECIALLY-COMMISSIONED artwork to commemorate the final journey of King Richard III is to be unveiled in Market Bosworth later this month. The unveiling of a commemorative stone will take place on Sunday 19 March, close to the place in the Market Place where the mortal remains of the king rested on their journey between Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre and Leicester Cathedral two years ago. The project has been led by Market Bosworth Parish Council, which commissioned artist Damian Witty of Loughborough to carve the stone. Damian has been working on the project from his studio in Coleorton since last year. Fund-raising from the sale of the “Bosworth Rose” and other community activities back in 2015 have contributed to the costs of the work, as has a financial donation from Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council. The unveiling will take place in the Market Place at 3.30pm and the dedication of the artwork will be accompanied by singing from the community choir and children from St Peters Academy. During the afternoon, from 1pm until 5pm, there will also be a host of community activities taking place - including falconry, a group of reenactors, medieval musicians and a mobile cinema. Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre and Market Bosworth Society will also have stalls. John Wasteney, Chairman of Market Bosworth Parish Council, said: “For me, 22 March 2015 was a memorable day here in Market Bosworth, as it was for many people, and it is pleasing to be able to commemorate that historic event with the unveiling of this special artwork for local people and visitors to our village to see”. Councillor Stan Rooney, the Borough Council’s Heritage Champion, said: “We are proud of the heritage of our Borough and delighted to be part of this special event dedicated to Richard III in Market Bosworth. We value the history of the area and are pleased to support ways to recognise this for our residents and tourists alike ”.

Village Writers THE VILLAGE Writers regularly meet 7.30 – 9.30pm: 1st & 3rd Weds. of the month: Kirby Muxloe Free Church, in the rooms located on Church Road.

We all share a common interest in writing, whether it be recording memoirs, creating poetic verse, inventing short stories or writing articles covering any subject. Our aim is support and encourage members and the evening is always filled with lively discussion and interesting feedback. Each meeting we offer a themed subject to work on but this is entirely optional. During the meeting on the third Wednesday of February we discussed contributions brought to the table on the theme of ‘a school trip’. We welcome new membership, whatever level of writing you indulge in. If you have an interest in putting pen to paper, or finger to keyboard, make Spring the time to come along for a visit to meet us. You can bring something to read out at our table, or simply sit in and listen whilst drinking a cup of coffee. We look forward to meeting you! Contact Derek by email: or call David 07552 107 461 or Gail 07929 729544.

PROPOSALS to trial speed cameras in seven locations across the county have been discussed by Leicestershire County Council. The county council’s ruling cabinet will consider the introduction of average speed cameras in four villages and on three key main and rural routes which have various issues and concerns around speeding and safety, says a report. “We’re very aware there are communities whose lives are being blighted by the daily effects of speeding motorists,” said Council leader, Councillor Nick Rushton. “We believe average speed cameras could be a digital solution towards addressing these concerns. However, testing their effectiveness in various situations is vital and these trials will help us with some exploratory work we’re doing around the wider use of cameras.” The areas chosen for the trials are: • The villages of Sharnford, Woodhouse Eaves, Measham and Walcote, which have long-standing community concerns over speeding; • The B676 Melton to its county boundary with Lincolnshire, which has a higher accident rate than the national average for the type of road; • The A6 Harborough Road at Oadby; • The A50 Field Head to its boundary with the city of Leicester. The report says the A6 and A50 are key routes with high numbers of speeding vehicles. Subject to cabinet approval, the trials will start in the autumn and will cost in the region of £500,000 to introduce, with the funding coming from underspends. The findings will then be reported back to a later meeting of the cabinet. The authority would then be looking to potentially widen out the camera programme, should the proposed approach receive Government support. The council has asked the Government to consider allowing cameras to be funded through driver education workshops and speeding fines - income which is currently retained in full by the Department of Transport.

Dancing on the ceiling IF DANCING on the ceiling is for you, then the social dances at The Club, Bagworth are not the places to be. There the dancing takes place fairly and squarely on the floor. The next social dance is on Saturday 18th March at 8 pm followed by another on 15th April at the same time. Admission is £2.There will be a charity dance on Friday 12th May at 8 pm. Look out for more details about this nearer the date, including the charity which will benefit. Admission will be £2.50. Both dances will include a short session of bingo and a raffle, allowing dancers to get their breath back. Don’t forget that tea dances take place at the same venue on Wednesdays between 2pm and 4 pm. Admission is £1. You can be assured of a warm and friendly welcome to any of these events. At all of these events, music will be provided by Ken’s cds.

No seconds at supper Here’s one good way of helping your children keep off extra weight: don’t offer ‘seconds’ at mealtime. Dr Clare Llewellyn of University College London says that most youngsters become obese by eating as little as 61 extra calories per meal. This may be unnoticeable to parents, but it adds 5,500 calories a month, and results in weight being gained up to seven per cent quicker.

A house is just a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff.

THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:


I saw that show: 50 Things To Do Before You Die. I would have thought the obvious one was ‘Shout for help’.


THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

Markfield Congregational Church 01530 242142 Sunday 26th March 10.30am Mothering Sunday Joint Service with the Anglicans in St Michael’s Parish Church Sunday 2nd April 10.15am Morning Worship followed by Communion Sunday 9th April Palm Sunday United Service in Trinity Methodist Church starting at 10.30 at the same time a Village Walk will be in progress starting and finishing at Trinity Methodist Chuirch. 14th April 7.00pm A Meditation for Good Friday 16th April 10.15am Easter Day Morning Worship 23rd April 10.15am Morning Worship

Cross Hills Baptist Church, between Bagworth & Thornton Sunday 19th March 10.30am Morning Service with The Lord’s Supper Sunday 26th March Mothering Sunday 10.30am Morning Service Mothering Sunday activities in the Sunday Club Sunday 2nd April 10.30am Morning Service Sunday 9th April (Palm Sunday) 10.30am Morning Service Easter activities in the Sunday Club Sunday 16th April (Easter Sunday) 10.30am Family Service There is a Sunday Club in our hall for children & young people during the Morning Service. For further details, our contact list is in the Cross Hills News section of this magazine.

Trinity Methodist Church, Markfield Sunday 19 March (Lent 3) 10.30am United Service at Congregational Church 6.00pm Evening Communion Service Thursday 23 March 2.00pm - 4.00pm Music Café Sunday 26 March (Mothering Sunday) 10.30am Morning Service 6.00pm No Evening Service Sunday 2 April (Passion Sunday) 10.30am Morning Service 6.00pm Evening Taizé Service Sunday 9 April (Palm Sunday) 10.30am Morning United Service at

Methodist Church 6.00pm Special Evening Easter Service Thursday 13 April 2.00pm - 4.00pm Music Café Sunday 16 April (Easter Sunday) 9.00am Easter Morning Breakfast 10.30am Morning Communion Service 6.00pm No Evening Service Sunday 23 April 10.30am Morning Service 6.00pm Evening Service Thursday 27 April 2.00pm - 4.00pm Music Café Sunday 30 April 10.30am Morning Service 6.00pm No Evening Service

St Michael and All Angels’ Church, Markfield Sunday 19th March 10.30 am Churches Together in Markfield at Markfield Congregational Church 6.00 pm Evening Prayer

Sunday 26th March 10.30 am “Something Different” Mothering Sunday Service Sunday 2nd April 10.30 am Morning Service

Sunday 2nd April 9.00 am Holy Communion

St Peter’s Church, Copt Oak

Sunday 9th April 10.30 am Holy Communion

Sunday 19th March 9.15 am Holy Communion (said service)

Thursday 13th April 6.30 pm Fish and Chip Supper with Holy Communion for Maundy Thursday

Sunday 26th March 6.00 pm Evening Prayer

Friday 14th April 7.30 pm Good Friday Meditation Easter Sunday 16th April 10.30 am Holy Communion Sunday 23rd April 10.30 am “Something Different” Service

Sunday 2nd April 6.00 pm Holy Communion Sunday 9th April 3.00 pm Praise Service Tuesday 11th April 7.30 pm Tenebrae Service Easter Sunday 16th April

9.15 am Holy Communion “Still Friday” 2017 (said service) St Peter’s Church,

Thornton Sunday 23rdworship April Each evening will include simple reflective songs, silence, Sunday 19th March 6.00last pm up Evening prayer, readings and responses and to anPrayer hour. 10.30 Communion Allam areHoly welcome. Come along and enjoy the peace.

Friday 17th March 8.00 pm “Still Friday”

Catholic Church Wednesday 22nd Friday” March No “Still in April 19th May 16th of June St Wilfrid of York 10.00 am Midweek Communion and 21st July 18th August 15th September Coffee 53 London Road,

Sunday 26th March 8.00 am Holy Communion 10.30am All Age Mothering Sunday Service 6.00 pm Evening Service

Sunday 2nd April 10.30 am Morning Service

20th October

17th November

No “Still Friday” in December

Coalville, LE67 3JB Sunday 26th March Fridays 8.00Sunday pm at St. Michael & All Angels’ Church 10.30 am All Age Mothering Sunday Mass Service Saturday Vigil: 6 pm

Sunday: 10 am See Newsletter on the website for details of weekday Mass times, Sunday 2nd April Sunday 9th April Benediction & Confessions. 10.30 am Holy Communion 9.00 am Holy Communion Parish Priest: Fr Tom Breslin –Together 01530 Churches 832098, in Markfield Sunday 9th April Friday 14th April Parish Website: www.stwilfscoalville. initiative 10.30 am Churches Together in 10.00 am Good Friday Family ‘Stations Markfield Palm Sunday of the Cross’ St Clare’s R C Primary School, Coalville: Walk and Service at Markfield Methodist 837747, Church Easter Creative Sunday 16th April suggestions for reading,01530 thinking exploring prayer, 6.00 pm Holy Communion sch.ukjust to be. 10.30 am Holy Communion with time and space De Lisle RC College, Loughborough: Friday 14th April Sunday 23rd April Congregational Church Hall www.delisle./ - 6-7pm 01509 268739, 2.00 pm ‘Hour at the Cross’ Good 10.30 am All Age Service Markfield Masses - in the Thursdays 23rd March, 27th April, 22nd June Friday Meditation Congregational Church Hall, Main St, Holy Rood Come Church, for as long as you wishbeside and leave whenTakeaway you want. the Chinese Sunday 16th April Bagworth Refreshments available. All are 21 welcome. Wednesday June 2017 at 7pm 5.55 am Easter Sunrise Service at Hill Wednesday 20 September 2017 at 7pm Hole Please note: Services will be at Easter Day Bagworth Community Centre Wednesday 15 November 2017 at 7pm 10.30 am All Age Holy Communion for Easter 6.00 pm Evening Prayer Sunday 23rd April 8.00 am Holy Communion 6.00 pm Evening Service

St Mary and All Saints’ Church, Stanton under Bardon Sunday 19th March 10.30 am Morning Service

Table Top Sale

to include Bric a Brac, Cakes, Crafts Refreshments & Raffle

Saturday 25th March 10.00am till 1.00pm Copt Oak Memorial Hall

LE67 9QB, next to the Copt Oak Pub

Stalls £10 – booking essential Entrance 50p – children free Further details contact 0116 2674746 or 01530 244229 Ample free parking Proceeds in aid of St. Peter’s Church Copt Oak.

‘Always leave them wanting more’ is my standard approach to paying bills.

THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

Letter from Uncle Eustace

On the perils of letting the laity read the lessons The Rectory St James the Least of All My dear Nephew Darren It was good to see you last Sunday morning on your own home ground. The Service was interesting – although I have yet to recover from that period of frightful liturgical debauchery you call ‘passing the peace’. Why should I welcome total strangers grabbing my hand and smiling deep into my eyes? One lady would simply not let go – I had to shake her off. As for the reading of the lessons, I was astonished that you allow members of the congregation (in shirtsleeves, too) to bring their own Bible to the front. It lacks any degree of solemnity and decorum. There should be a lectern Bible, preferably about four feet square in dimensions. And where was a suitable lectern? I admit that having a substantial brass eagle in your church would be like placing Nelson’s Column in a Scout tent, but surely something suitable in wood could be found. We have quite gone with the fashion here at St James the Least of All, and now have members of the laity – even women! – taking our Bible readings. The decision may have been a mistake. Our lectern stands at 6 feet; Miss Peckham stands at five feet. When she is reading, as far as the congregation can see, we have God’s Word being proclaimed by a straw hat bearing imitation fruit. The Major’s reading at last Sunday’s Evensong was Numbers 22, and his adoption of different voices for the narrator, Balaam and Balak was acceptable, if a little theatrical. But his use of a fourth voice for the ass turned the occasion into pantomime – a point picked up by our choirboys. When the ass asked: ‘was I ever wont to do so unto thee’, the boys chorused ‘Oh yes you did’. (Surely it should have been “Oh yes thou didst’). Mrs Smeed’s rendition of the genealogy at the start of Saint Matthew’s gospel clearly takes her back to the schoolroom. She sounded as if she is holding a roll call – and if Shealtiel were by any chance missing, she would demand a good explanation. Your loving uncle,


Wilbur & Orville Wright: the first men to control flight WILBUR WRIGHT, the American aviation pioneer, was born 150 years ago next month, on 16th April 1867. Together with his brother Orville, he achieved the first powered, sustained and controlled plane flight on 14 December 1903. They could have made the flight the previous day, when conditions were good, but declined because it was a Sunday. Their interest in flying had originally been sparked when their father, a bishop in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, brought home a toy ‘helicopter’, based on a French invention, for his two younger sons. They played with it until it broke, and then built their own. Wilbur, who was perhaps the driving force of the two, never married because “he did not have time for a wife and an airplane”. He died early, in 1912, worn out by business exertions, mainly surrounding patent controversies. The Wright brothers, who started out as bicycle builders, were among several people in different countries trying to invent aeroplanes. Their first flight took place near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Their fundamental breakthrough was the invention of a unique method of control which enabled the pilot to steer the aircraft effectively and to maintain its balance. This method remains standard on fixed-wing aircraft of all kinds and justifies the Wright brothers’ claim to have made powered flight possible.


Did you know it takes 40 pigs to make 4,000 sausages. Isn’t it amazing waht you can teach them?


THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

“Still Friday” 2017 Each evening will include simple reflective worship songs, silence, prayer, readings and responses and last up to an hour. All are welcome. Come along and enjoy the peace. No “Still Friday” in April

19th May

16th June

21st July

18th August

15th September

20th October

17th November

No “Still Friday” in December

Fridays 8.00 pm at St. Michael & All Angels’ Church

Churches Together in Markfield initiative

Creative suggestions for reading, thinking and exploring prayer, with time and space just to be.

Congregational Church Hall - 6-7pm Thursdays 23rd March, 27th April, 22nd June Come for as long as you wish and leave when you want. Refreshments available. All are welcome.

Table Top Sale

to include Bric a Brac, Cakes, Crafts Refreshments & Raffle

Saturday 25th March 10.00am till 1.00pm Copt Oak Memorial Hall

LE67 9QB, next to the Copt Oak Pub

Stalls £10 – booking essential Entrance 50p – children free Further details contact 0116 2674746 or 01530 244229 Ample free parking Proceeds in aid of St. Peter’s Church Copt Oak.

I was a man trapped in a woman’s body. Then I was born.


THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

News from Cross Hills Baptist Church Serving the villages of Thornton & Bagworth plus the surrounding area Lent – “Comparable Parables” FOLLOWING an initiative by the Revd David Butcher, over the Lent period we will be looking at the parables in both our Sunday services and a weekly home group. Parables were taught by Jesus to illustrate a particular idea and promote a response. Each of Jesus’ parables illustrates a single truth, and so it is helpful to compare one parable with another to try and find the whole truth, hence our theme title “Comparable Parables”. The themes for each week are: • Week 1 - 5th March - Parables of Growth • Week 2 - 12th March - Losingand-finding Parables • Week 3 - 19th March Parables of Service (the Good Samaritan) • Week 4 - 26th March (Mother’s Day) Parables of Womanhood • Week 5 - 2nd April - Parables of the Future The home groups each week during Lent will be meeting together in various homes where we will be talking through the implications of the parables and trying to tease out together the message and implications of the parables preached about on the previous Sunday. If anyone wishes to join us for our services in Lent, these start at 10.30am each Sunday at Cross Hills and if you would like to also join us for the follow up home groups please ask us after the service or get in touch on any of the contact numbers below to find out where they are being held each week.

Mothering Sunday 26th March Mothering Sunday is a very important day so at our special service our Sunday Club children and young people enjoy presenting a small gift from the church to each of the mothers at

“Still Friday” 2017 Each evening will include simple reflective worship songs, silence, prayer, readings and responses and last up to an hour. All are welcome. Come along and enjoy the peace. No “Still Friday” in April

19th May

16th June

21st July

18th August

15th September

20th October

17th November

No “Still Friday” in December

Fridays 8.00 pm at St. Michael & All Angels’ Church

Live & Local the end of the service, which they have made or crafted in their Sunday Club class. We also don’t forget those who have sadly lost their mothers or don’t know the pleasure of being a mum.

Easter Sunday ON EASTER Sunday, a very special day for us, we have a family service, often with puppets – come and find out more on April 16th at 10.30am. If the next issue of The Herald is out before that date, there will be more information about this in our ‘News from Cross Hills’. We will be decorating the large cross again with colourful fresh flowers during our Easter service which will then be placed outside the church for a while as a symbol of the joy of the Resurrection of Jesus on that special day over 2,000 years ago. Every Sunday, tea, coffee and biscuits are served in our hall which gives everyone the chance to spend a little time together before going home or on to enjoy the rest of the day. You’ll find we are a very friendly church and we’ll make you welcome whether you come alone or with friends or family.

Contact Numbers

Pastor - Garry Kelly: 01455 457802 / 07816 616189 Secretary - Lynda Kelly: 01455 457802/07910 440243 Treasurer - Glynis Straw: 01530 230272

Glynis Straw Treasurer - on behalf of the Cross Hills Church family

If you enjoy reading The Herald, please pass it on to a friend or relative after you’ve finished with it. Thanks!

What’s On at Local Pubs &Churches Clubs Together

Groby Ex-Servicemen’s Club Leicester Road, Groby Tel: 0116 287 1809

Thursdays Line Dancing With Jeff in Markfield From 8 pm on Last Friday Of Each initiative Month

Andy’s Quiz Night. Every Saturday Friday 24th March: - ‘Big’ Dave Bingo In and Lounge With Free Supper Creative suggestions for reading, thinking exploring prayer, Bopper - Fantastic Male Vocalist Forjust All Players with time and space to be. From 8 pm. Saturday 25th March: - Laura Alice Every Hall Sunday-Dancing To Organist Church 6-7pm Very GoodCongregational Female Solo From 8 pm. £2-00 Entry On Door April, With Raffle/Four Friday 31st March: 23rd - Craig Seeney Thursdays March, 27th 22nd Houses June Bingo(Optional) Energetic Male Solo

Come for as long as you wish and leave when you want.

Dance On Saturday 18th Refreshments All Social are welcome. Saturday 1st April - Chris Robin -available.Next March From 8 pm. £2-00 Entry On Back Again To Charm Us With His Door Vocals Friday 7th April: - Dave Johnson Brilliant Solo

Also AgainOn Saturday 15th April At 8 pm. Dancing To Ken’s CDs.

Saturday 8th April - Demi Hobbs Outstanding Vocalist

All Enquiries To 01530 230205.

to April: include Bric Brac, Cakes, Friday 14th - Mr P-a Excellent Refreshments & Raffle Solo


Table Top SaleAlso Room Hire Available For Any Occasion.

The Club Thornton, Main LE67 1Ah Saturday 15th April25 - Leonie Voss Saturday March 10.00amSt, till Thornton 1.00pm 01530 230251 - Stunning Female Vocalist (Also A th

Copt Oak Memorial Hall

Rihanna Tribute) Do Not Miss This LE67 9QB, Covers Show!

Non next to Members the Copt Welcome Oak Pub- Free

Concert Room Hire - Sky & Bt Sports-

Stalls £10 – booking essential Bingo On Tuesdays The Club Bagworth, Station Entrance 50p – children free Sat 1st April: The Swingfires - Six Road, Bagworth LE67 1Bz Piece Local Band 244229 Further contact 0116 2674746 or 01530 01530details 230205. Ample free parking Sat 15th April: The Bemuzos - Local Every Monday From 8 pm, Dominoes Church Copt Covers Band WithOak. A Difference With SupperProceeds £1 -50. in aid of St. Peter’s Every Tuesday From 8 pm Target Shooting With Rifle And Pellets Plus Tuition If Required£2-00.

Sat 22nd April: Finding Georgia Local American Themed Country Rock Covers Band

Wednesday Afternoon From 2-4 pm Tea Dance £1-00 With Tea/Biscuits.

Sun 23rd April: Children’s Easter Party With DJ Chic

Wednesday Evenings: Bingo From 8 pm. With Members Jackpot Also Raffle.

Send Us Your Local Entertainments News And We’ll Publicise It Free In Live & Local. How Sensational is That!

Newbold Verdon Jazz Club THE MARCH jazz event at the club saw The Sopranos entertaining a large audience of traditional jazz fans, including a lot of new faces which was great to see.

Next month sees a return of The Wabash Jazzmen who are always very popular. Do come along to Newbold Verdon Social Club on Friday April 7th at 8.00pm and join us. Admission £9.00 with drinks and rolls at club prices. For more details contact Kelvin on 01455 822824 or Pauline on 01162 863496 or see the clubs website:

I’ve just plucked my eyebrows. I think they’re out of tune.


THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

Easter In The Library Wednesday April 12th 2.00pm to 4.00pm JOIN US again this year for our Easter Eggstravaganza. We will have an Easter Egg Hunt in the Library gardens - weather permitting - or inside the library. We will also have an Easter treasure hunt with chocolate eggs as prizes. There’ll also be lots of crafts and activities to take part in including decorating your own egg, making chicks from chocolate, as well as decorating your own glass jar where you can put all the eggs you have won or found. Meanwhile, Carol, our art teacher, will help you paint an Easter themed painting. Entry is free so come along anytime from 2.00pm to 4.00pm and have some fun

All the latest news from

Easter Opening Hours WE WILL be open as usual during Easter but closed only on Good Friday and Easter Monday, otherwise our hours will be the same as normal.

Spring Book Swap With Coffee And Cakes Friday April 21st At 3.00pm If you love the written word chances are you’ll have a stash of books and probably quite an eclectic mix including - biographies, thrillers, history, poetry etc. You may have favourite books you probably won’t ever read again but are not happy to just donate to a charity, it might be you would like to meet the next owner of the book and tell them why you enjoyed it so much. Well a book swap is the perfect place to share your books with others over a cuppa and cake. We are holding a book swap in the Library on Friday April 21st 3.00pm where you can bring up to 3 of your own books and swap them for someone else’s. We will provide refreshments and cake, perhaps with a Royal theme as it will be The Queen’s 91st birthday, all you have to do is bring your books. Admission is just £2 to include refreshments and cake and you get to take home some new-to-you books too!

Horrid Henry Holiday Hullabaloo Event

World Book Day - butterflies galore WE REALLY do have some very talented children locally! On March 2nd, world book day, we took part in a national competition to design, colour and decorate butterflies in order to win £100 worth of Jacqueline Wilson books. The competition was organised to celebrate the brand new story by Jacqueline Wilson, Butterfly Beach, published specially for World Book Day. Glitter everywhere, but the butterflies were fabulous and we have put together an exhibition in the library for everyone to enjoy. We won’t know until April whether we might have won the £100 worth of books, so please keep your fingers crossed!

Gabriella knits over 200 Easter Chicks!

OVER February half term we had a Holiday Hullabaloo inspired by Horrid Henry. During the week children came into the library and took part in a Treasure Hunt as well as other quizzes and activities based around Horrid Henry and to round the week off we had a Horrid Henry morning. Over 30 children came with their parents and grandparents to watch the Horrid Henry the Movie followed by lots of activities. We made a Purple Hand Gang den, where children were read to by one of our volunteers. We made Purple Hand Gang door hangers, and learnt how to draw Horrid Henry - we had quizzes and activity sheets and every child went home with a Purple Hand Gang Flag. While the children were kept busy watching the film and taking part in the activities, the grown-ups had a chance to get together over coffee. It was so successful we are planning to hold similar events during the Summer Holidays, so please keep an eye out.

WE NOT only have some talented youngsters but we also have some very talented volunteers too. Gabriella, one of our long standing volunteers has produced over 200 knitted chicks, each complete with a chocolate egg. She has been selling these to raise funds for the library at just £1 each and at the time of writing has raised over £200. The chicks are available in the library until Easter. She has also made dinosaurs and other beautiful knitted creatures in all sorts of different coloured wool, so please take a look next time you are in the library, they would make a lovely little Easter present.

The worst part about sharing a name with someone famous is I’m always telling people, no, I’m not THAT Batman.

THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

Fancy joining our Knitting Group?

Awards Season NOW ALL the Film and Television awards are out of the way for this year, take a look at just a few books which are being made into movies during 2017 - ready in time for next years awards.

YOU MAY have read in last month’s Herald an article about The Big Knit and that Age UK are asking people to create little hats to adorn Innocent smoothie bottles which will be sold in stores from November. For each be-hatted smoothie that is sold Innocent with donate 25p to Age UK to help them fund winter projects. Well, our fabulous knitting group have been really busy over the past few months making little hats to put on the smoothies and one of our regular knitters, Sylvia Wyatt, has so far knitted over 100 hats …. so thank you ladies, I am sure Age UK will be really grateful. If you would like to join our knitting group, just pop along any Thursday from 1.00pm to 3.00pm, you will be made most welcome.

Arts And Crafts Exhibition WE KNOW there are some extremely talented people in the area and we would like to give them a chance to share their crafts and hobbies with others. We are planning to hold an arts and crafts exhibition in the Library sometime soon. So if you have a craft or hobby you would like to share with others, please get in touch. You will get an opportunity to demonstrate your skill, perhaps with some hands-on sessions as well as a chance to sell any of your goods, if you wish. Call into the library to register your interest or email and we will get in touch with you.

Quiz Night is nearly here DON’T forget our quiz night, Thursday March 30th at 7.30pm. Come along on your own and teams will be made up on the night and bring a bottle if you wish. £1 entry per person. The theme will be Easter related, so gen up on all things Easter and be in with a chance of winning.

Why not read a movie and watch a book! • The Circle by Dave Eggers - a story about the World’s most powerful internet company, starring Tom Hanks and Emma Watson • The Dinner by Herman Koch - a darkly suspenseful tale of two families deciding what’s to be done about their 15 year old sons who have carried out an horrific criminal act starring Richard Gere and Laura Linney • Live by Night by Dennis Lehane the making and unmaking of a gangster in the Prohibition era starring Ben Afflick and Sienna Miller • My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier - a young Englishman plots revenge against his cousin thinking she murdered his guardian. Starring Rachel Weisz and Sam Claflin • The Mountain Between Us by Charles Martin - a pair survive a plane crash in the mountains and are forced to trust each other and find safety starring Kate Winslet and Idris Elba • Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie - the most astounding case of Hercule Poirot’s career. Starring Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz For more information about what’s happening in the library or for details about how to join or volunteer please visit our website www. or email markfieldcommunitylibraryevents@mail. com

Our opening hours are: Monday

9.00am to 10.00am 1.00pm to 3.00pm 6.00pm to 7.00pm


9.00am to 10.00am 1.00pm to 3.00pm 6.00pm to 7.00pm

Wednesday 9.00am to 10.00am Closed



9.00am to 10.00am 1.00pm to 3.00pm 6.00pm to 7.00pm


9.00am to 10.00am 1.00pm to 3.00pm Closed


10.00am to 12 noon Closed


Sunday Closed

My mother was so overprotective we were only allowed to play Rock, Paper.



THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

Chocolate and the divine go back a long way... One of the more earthly pleasures of celebrating Easter is the sheer amount of chocolate around. But chocolate was part of other religions long before Christianity. According to ancient Mayan legend, some 3,000 years ago, cacao, or the cocoa tree, which grows in the tropical rainforests of South America, was a bridge between heaven and earth. The Mayan used the beans for a drink called xocolatl, which means ‘bitter juice’ which means it wasn’t hot chocolate as we know it. Even so, by 400 BC they had exported the beans to Costa Rica. The Aztecs in Central America agreed that cacao must have had a divine origin. They believed that their god Quetzalcoatl had come down from heaven on the beam of the morning star, bearing a cacao tree as a gift for human beings, and that whoever drank the hot foaming drink was given divine wisdom. Aztec priests were given cacao beans at children’s coming-of-age ceremonies. When Aztec couples married, they exchanged cacao beans instead of rings. Christopher Columbus arrived in the New World in the 15th century, to find that a slave could be bought for 100 beans. But Columbus never really ‘got it’ about cacao beans, and when he returned to Portugal, he threw them away as useless. Meanwhile, back in Central America, the Aztec emperor Montezuma drank chocolate from a cup of solid gold before retiring to his harem. Chocolate was thought to have aphrodisiac properties. It was also considered good for various ailments. The Spanish explorer Hernan Cortes called it ‘a drink that builds up resistance and fights fatigue’. A Spanish missionary in Peru in the late 15th century recommended it as ‘good for the stomach’. Finally, the Spanish began to pay attention. Spanish monks brewed up a drink from the beans that was far more acceptable to European taste, sweetening it with sugar, and adding cinnamon and nutmeg. Spain and Europe began to fall in love with the cacao bean. In 1624 the Spanish monks were warned that chocolate was an ‘inflamer of passions’, and certainly the legendary lover Casanova praised it as very useful in his seductions. Congregations even began drinking it during church services. When the Bishop of Chiapas threatened to excommunicate his flock for doing so, the entire congregation simply moved down the road to another church, where the friars also liked chocolate. Chocolate became a favoured drink at fashionable occasions in Britain. In 1630, the day after the coronation of Charles II, Samuel Pepys wrote in his diary that as he had celebrated the event with too much wine, so he had taken some chocolate the following morning, ‘to settle my stomach’. By the 18th century chocolate was so popular in Europe that the Swedish naturalist Linnaeus renamed the cocoa plant Theobroma – food of the gods. Although chocolate was originally only for the wealthy, devout Quakers such as Joseph Fry, Joseph Terry, Isaac Rowntree and John Cadbury had a dream that chocolate could replace gin as a drink for the working classes. Their determination to make this possible was driven by their Christian zeal, and they in part succeeded. Then in the middle of the 19th century it was discovered that chocolate could be made into solid bars! With this discovery, Easter eggs were on the way. Both Fry’s and Cadbury’s launched them in the 1870s, and the rest is history. These days, Fair Trade chocolate is the thing to look out for – it guarantees a fair price to the cocoa farmers who make it possible for us to go on enjoying this heavenly stuff.

Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing.

THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:


Coalville & District Photographic Society


Comic Relief

Friday 24th March 2017 7pm Start Includes Disco

3 Course Set Menu £16 Eating Challenges £5

Per Person

Each Challenge

Advance Booking Advised

01530 249 666 123 Main Street MarkÞeld Leicester LE67 9UW


@IndianFusionLeics For more information

COALVILLE and District Photographic Society recently entered the Fosse camera Club’s Inter-cities competition for 2017. Entries from the club, judged by Peter Cheetham APAGB were chosen as the best entries from 16 other photographic clubs which was quite an honour for a small local club. An image titled “Solitude” by committee member Bill Allsopp of the Victorian shelter by the boating lake on Sheringham sea-front, was judged to be the best individual image in the Inter-cities competition 2017. The club meets every other Monday at Marlene Reid Centre, 85 Belvoir Road, Coalville. LE67 3PH If you are interested in joining the society pop along to one of the meetings, free of charge. Future meetings are; •

March 6th Talk from Brian Negus

March 20th Talk by Bill Allsopp - Light is everything

April 3rd Talk by Brian Davis ( prints and DPIs [Theme - “Blue”] to be handed in to Alan for the 3rd Quarterly Comp)

April 24th 4th Quarterly Comp judge Dave Goacher

May 8th Club Night - “Take 4”

May 22nd AGM (prints and DPIs to be handed to Alan for the Club Championship)

June 5th Club Championship judge Sue Hutton

Bill Allsopp Tel 01530 260065


THE HERALD encourages readers to submit letters for publication. Writers are asked to please bear in mind that the inclusion of letters is at the discretion of the Editor, and that submissions may be edited for length depending on the amount of space available in the magazine. The Herald will not publish anonymous letters. Please ensure that you include your name and address. If you prefer your details not to be published, please make this clear when sending in your letter. Thank you!

Mike Wilkinson My divorce came as a complete surprise. That’s what happens when you haven’t been home in 18 years.



THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:

Word Search Puzzle

M*A*S*H Wordsearch

Forgot username or password? Passcode/Create New

FIND 12 CHARACTERSFROM THE BRILLIANT TV SERIES M*A*S*H in this month’s Wordsearch puzzle and you couldSolutions for Districts win yourself a meal and a drink. This month we are offering Free Resources a tasty prize of: A Main Course for Two, plus A Bottle of House Wine at The FieldHead Hotel.

What We Offer

Who We Are



To go into the draw, all you have to do is find - and mark a line through - the names of 12 characters from the popular US tv series M*A*S*H. These can run vertically, horizontally or diagonally (and backwards!). Send your entry to: INCOMING WOUNDED, The Herald, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT to arrive by C J Y Q G W V Z F D S Y N H G D M Saturday 1st April 2017. Remember to include your name and address. O H K H X V U Y Y E L Q Z E O R A The first all-correct entry drawn out of the hat will win the Meal for Two I U A W A H P M J L G O O N P E R at The Field Head Hotel. Good luck!


DATE FOR YOUR DIARY Visit a farm on Open Farm Sunday and discover the story behind our food.

Find the following 12 CHARACTERS FROM M*A*S*H:

BJ HUNNICUTT • CHARLES WINCHESTER • FRANK BURNS DONALD PENOBSCOTT • FATHER MULCAHY • HENRY BLAKE HAWKEYE PIERCE • MARGARET HOULIHAN • MAX KLINGER RADAR O’REILLY • SHERMAN POTTER • SPARKY Name: ................................................................................................... Address: ................................................................................................ .............................................................................................................. .......................................................... Postcode: .............................

Last Month’s Competition Winner The winner of last issue’s Wordsearch Competition was: GLENIS MEADOWS of Everard Crescent, Stanton-u-Bardon Congratulations! Your voucher will be sent to you soon.


Markfield Local History Group

Activities: Come and see sheep being sheared, wool being spun, Cows, Sheep, Pigs and Chickens with their babies; feed the lambs! Farm walks, Cookery Demonstrations by 2 professional chefs Starting at 11am, Hot dogs & Beef Burgers using farm produce, Bakanalia Border Morris Leicester, Beer, Meet Pen the Red-Tail Hawk Fosse & Watling Land Rover Club Display, Modern & Vintage Farm Machinery, Over 30 Crafts & Food stalls, Mr Softee Ice Cream, Sausage Making with the Sausage Master Alf, A Civil War Re-enactment, £1 entry fee per Adult Children under 16 Free We will be raising money for St Michaels and All Angels Church Markfield, Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation & Gems Charity.



A talk about the history of Stoneywell Cottage Garden Forest Road, Markfield, Leicester, LE67 9UN. By Time: 10.30am to 5.00pm Created by Puzzlemaker at Contact: Brenda 01530 243252 or 07774047571 Roy Mitchell Tuesday 21st March 2017 at 7.30 pm at The Methodist Church Hall, Main Street, Markfield Non-members £3

Another World’s Oldest Man has died. This is beginning to look suspicious.

THE HERALD • MID-MARCH 2017 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email:






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£1,350* Fitted * Plus V.A.T. Terms & cond


itions apply.


WEEK Installer

GREAT VALUE & NO SURPRISES from your local heating company since 1994 Drop in to see us: 13 Leicester Road, Groby, LE6 0DQ

0116 287 8000 Dementia Friends Coffee Morning at The Old Thatched Inn, Stanton ALMOST 2 MILLION people in the UK are Dementia Friends. They are just nice ordinary people like us - all ages. They have simply taken the time to attend a one-hour Information Session to learn a little about dementia and how it affects individuals and their families and friends. The idea is that the more people who understand a little - the more dementiafriendly our communities can become. That’s really important and valuable. This big Alzheimer’s Society’s initiative has been running for a few years now and wants to achieve 4 million Dementia Friends by 2020. Douglas Maas will give a presentation about Dementia Friends at a Coffee Morning event at The Old Thatched Inn, Main Street Stanton-under-Bardon on Wednesday 29th March - 10am start.

PART-TIME BAR STAFF REQUIRED at The Bricklayers Arms, Main Street, Thornton No experience necessary - Full training will be given Weekend work involved Contact Jan or Ben on 01530 230808

The recipe said ‘Set the oven to 180 degrees’, so I did, but now I can’t open it because the door faces the wall.

Coalville Furniture Superstore





Come and see our exciting new displays of beds and bedroom furniture

Coalville Furniture Superstore, 79 - 81 Belvoir Road, Coalville LE67 3PH (former Co-op department store) Tel: 01530 833311 Opening hours: Monday to Saturday 9.30am to 5pm, Sunday closed. Car park at rear.

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