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The Glenfield Gardeners’ Association

compost. Thought was also given to different styles of bins. March would be a good month to start a new compost bin. Get building now out of old pallets or an old bin and it will be ready for the starting of the new growing season.


our A.G.M. in February. It is always a quick affair but still good to have a recap of year’s successes and failures (thankfully, not really any of them!) Chris Hutchinson, long standing committee members has stood down this year as treasurer. He has pivotal to the continuing success of the Glenfield Gardeners Association. He is always help set up with a friendly, welcoming face and is a very much valued member of committee. His advice, commonsense and practicality has made our monthly and our annual show run smoothly and with such great success. We’re delighted is still happy to be on hand to help and we thank him very much for his time as

WE HELD OUR A.G.M. in February. It is always a quick affair but still good to have a recap of the past year’s successes and failures (thankfully, not really any of them!).

PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT

Tel: 0116 287 3122 info@glenfieldgazette.com www.glenfieldgazette.com

The Glenfield Gazette is a monthly local magazine delivered free to approximately 5,000 homes and businesses in Glenfield.

Contact Mike Wilkinson with your articles, news items or advertising enquiries.

Printed by Norwood Press in Ellistown.

Chris Hutchinson, one of our long standing committee members has stood down this year as treasurer. He has been pivotal to the continuing success of the Glenfield Gardeners Association. He is always there to help set up with a friendly, welcoming face and is a very much valued member of our small committee. His advice, commonsense and practicality has made our monthly meetings and our annual show run smoothly and with such great success. We’re delighted that Chris is still happy to be on hand to help and we thank him very much for his time as treasurer.

Good advice was given on what was best to include and what to avoid and how to get the best use out of our homemade compost. Thought was also given to different styles of bins. March would be a good month to start a new compost bin. Get building now out of old pallets or an old bin and it will be ready for the starting of the new growing season.

Next month, Howard Drury will be speaking to us about ‘container gardening’ displays.

Weston also joined us at the AGM to explain the delights of compost making. Good was given on what was best to include and what to how to get the best use out of our homemade Thought was also given to different styles of bins. would be a good month to start a new compost bin. building now out of old pallets or an old bin and it will for the starting of the new growing season.

Roy Weston also joined us at the AGM to explain the delights of compost making.

All are welcome to come along have to be a member. We meet Tuesday of the month in St membership is just £16 or you can come for the evening for bargain and there is always tea and biscuits. Check out our facebook www.facebook.com/ggaglenfield/ or ring us on 07791488784/2313732

Next month, Howard Drury will be speaking to us about ‘container gardening’ and how to get the best displays.

All are welcome to come along to our meetings. You don’t have to be a member. We meet at 7.30pm on the fourth Tuesday of the month in St Peter’s Church Hall. Yearly membership is just £16 or you can come for the evening for £3, an absolute gardening bargain and there is always tea and biscuits. Check out our facebook page for more details at www.facebook. com/ggaglenfield/ or ring us on 07791 488784 or 0116 231 3732.

Next month, Howard Drury will be speaking to us about ‘container gardening’ and how to get the best displays.

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All are welcome to come along to our meetings. You don’t have to be a member. We meet at 7.30pm on the fourth Tuesday of the month in St Peter’s Church Hall. Yearly membership is just £16 or you can come for the evening for £3, an absolute gardening and there is always tea and biscuits. Check out our facebook page for more details www.facebook.com/ggaglenfield/ or ring us on 07791488784/2313732

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine, but no liability can be accepted for loss or inconvenience caused as a result of error or omission.

The Glenfield Gazette reserves the right to amend, shorten or refuse to publish articles and/ or advertisements submitted for publication.

All contents © The Glenfield Gazette. None of the articles or adverts contained in this magazine are to be reproduced in any way without first obtaining written consent from The Glenfield Gazette.

Difficult Times Responsible Local Leadership Is Essential

YOUR Conservative Councillors are YOUR neighbours in YOUR village looking after YOUR interests – every day of every week – we do not appear just at election time – we are committed to Glenfield.

• Cllr. Lee Breckon J.P. – 6 years County, 12 years District and spent 10 years on the Parish Council - lived In village since 1992

• Cllr. Nick Chapman – 2 years County, 4 years District and 7 years as a Parish Councillor - Born in Glenfield and has lived here over 40 years

• Cllr. Roy Denney A.C.I.B. – 8 years District and over 22 years as a Parish Councillor - lived in village since 1986

• Cllr. Graham Huss – 4 years Parish and spent 4 years on District Council - born in Glenfield and has lived here all his life.

We all seek to serve you at Parish, District and County levels. Joined up local Government fighting for your causes. We meet all levels of Government representing Glenfield.

We don’t play politics - We don’t just talk, we take action and get results.

We don’t just appear at election time, we work hard on your behalf, helping you fight your fights when no one else will. We attend our Parish, District and County Councils and represent Glenfield on your behalf. We will always help where we can , and tell you when we cannot and where possible signpost the problem to those that can help.

As per last month’s Glenfield Gazette, we will welcome the new Liberal candidate assisting in championing for no overdevelopment of Glenfield. The Parish Council, under Roy’s lead, and with Nick‘s help, led the work on the Glenfield Neighbourhood Plan, and after 3 years of hard work, it is now out for consultation through Blaby District Council.

How GREEN is green? We don’t just talk about it, we get on and do –we promote energy conservation and reducing our carbon footprint. We have organised the planting of over 5,000 trees and shrubs in reducing our carbon footprint. We are championing moving towards Net Zero across Glenfield, through our Parish, District and County Council work.

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