5 minute read
Groby Parish Neighbourhood Plan Stakeholder Workshop
Plan Steering Group was delighted to meet some of the key stakeholders for a workshop in early February at Brookvale Groby Learning Campus. The main aims of the workshop were to raise awareness of the plan and to outline progress and perhaps more importantly, to identify opportunities and constraints related to the future development and delivery of services, facilities and infrastructure in Groby Parish. Many statutory authorities were invited as well as landowners and representatives of neighbouring parishes and local groups. Such is the nature of these consultations that few attended but this was made up by those that did attend – Leicestershire County Council (LCC), Leicestershire Police, Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council (HBBC), Groby Surgery, Groby Scout Group, and Groby Juniors Football Club. We were very encouraged by the endorsement of our approach by both LCC and HBBC and appreciative of the comments and advice received from all. Informal feedback also suggests that the attendees found the workshop equally useful.
Help Shape the Future of Groby Parish
To have your say, find out more and see how you can help, visit us online at http://www.groby.com or write to Groby Council Offices, Village Hall, Groby, Leicester LE6 0DQ or call 0116 287 6985 for further information.
Groby Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
Twice the fun as Groby Players present two one-act comedies
OUR NEXT PRODUCTION on March 23rd/24/25th, in the Village Hall, Groby, consists of TWO one-act, comedy plays.
The first is about a group of women, waiting for a bus, who indulge in gossip to pass the time, revealing their differing views on life.
The second is about the ‘The Little Grimley Amateur Dramatic Society’ who are in trouble, and need to sell tickets fast, and the only thing that will sell tickets, argues Gordon, the Chairman, is ‘Sex’!!
It’s café style seating , so bring your own refreshments for the interval, and enjoy an evening of local entertainment. Doors open at 7pm. Curtain up at 7.30pm. Tickets, priced at £8, are available from grobyplayers@yahoo.com, or tel/text 07790 861033, or message on our Facebook page.
Dot Hollins
HELP FOR HEROES: Almost £3,000 raised by Rose
MY MUM, Rose Blayney, has almost reached the £3000 mark of fundraising for Help for Heroes. She is continuing to make jams, marmalade and various pickles.
If anyone should like to purchase homemade goods please feel free to either visit her during the afternoons at 30 Lawnwood Road in the village - or call in to Bradgate Stores where a small collection of jars are available. (For which we are grateful for them stocking jars).
Thank you to everyone for the continued support.
Wendy Lemmon (Daughter)
Groby Parish Council reply to letter in last month’s issue
IN ANSWER to the question submitted in the Spotlight regarding the Christmas Lights being left on all the time, the reason is that it is still more cost effective.
As all the lights in the display are LED lights and so use very little power, the electricity that they consume is still far less than the cost of purchasing and fitting timers to every light. I hope that this answers the reader’s query.
I’D JUST LIKE to tell you about an amazing twoepisode series called, Inside Our Autistic minds, presented by Chris Packham (Known for Spring/ Autumn watch and The Really Wild Show).
At the Movies
REMINDER: Groby Sings is back in action on Wednesdays. The trees and shrubs are springing into life and the days are starting to lengthen so we should all be in the mood to enjoy singing together again ‘At the Movies’.
WHERE? The Groby Club, Leicester Road, Groby, Leicester LE6 0DJ (ramps and disabled facilities available)
WHEN? Wednesdays, term time only.
• 1.30pm – 3.00pm: Adult singers (pre-school children welcome in the care of their adult with a crèche area available)
• 3.40pm - 4.40pm: Youth and Children’s Choir (7 years and over)
• 7.30pm – 9.00pm: Adult singers
It’s a fascinating insight into how people with autism experience the world and how they communicate. My son Mark was chosen to appear on this program to represent non-verbal young people who have autism and complex learning difficulties. Mark is a sweet-natured, giggly, fun-loving boy who likes strings of beads, Lego men, sensory lights, visiting restaurants and most of all going to his local pub.
Every person with autism is different, but there are certain difficulties experienced by all, these are, in varying degrees, communication, social interaction, imagination, and sensory issues.
Some historical figures who were thought to have autism are, Albert Einstein (Scientist and Mathematician), Charles Darwin (Naturalist and biologist), Bobby Fischer (Chess Grandmaster), Isaac Newton (Astronomer), Leonardo Da Vinci (Artist)and many more, including Alan Turing, who helped break the Enigma code, a pivotal point which led to the end of the Second World War. He also designed the first all-purpose digital computer and was the founding father of artificial intelligence, his Turing test is used today as a criterion to gauge whether a computer is really thinking.
Notable people from recent history who are on the spectrum are, Chris Packham (Naturalist and T.V. presenter), Anthony Hopkins (Actor), Elon Musk (Entrepreneur), Susan Boyle (singer) and Dan Aykroyd (Actor, Ghostbusters!).
You may have spotted there’s more men in my list than women, it was once thought there were four times more men on the Autistic Spectrum than women, but that has now been proven to be incorrect. Recent studies say due to women’s ability to ‘mask’ their autism, many go undiagnosed, the number is thought to be nearer one female to every two males. Around one in every hundred people are on the Autistic Spectrum, so it’s highly likely every person who reads this will know someone whose brain works in a unique and fascinating way.
If you missed the series of ‘Our Autistic Minds’, it’s available on BBC iPlayer.
April 2nd is world Autism Day. If you’d like help or information about Autism, you can connect on Facebook with the Leicester Autistic Society or with me via the Leicestershire and Rutland Charity, Miracles-To-Believe-In (website: www.mtbi.co.uk) which provides outings and events for families with children and young adults (0-35yrs) on the Autistic Spectrum. There’s also a support group for parents and carers which runs on the last Friday of each month (term time) at Kirby Muxloe Free Church 10-12. Coffee/tea, biscuits, and confidential chat.
Find us on Face book, Kirby Muxloe Autism support group.
Roxanne Dinsdale
Adult singers are welcome at either or both sessions so feel free to vary attendance each week as the same programme of singing will be covered by our Musical Director, Simon Lubkowski.
Remember, Groby Sings welcomes everyone and this season we are actively encouraging people who have been diagnosed with memory loss or dementia, as well as their friends and carers, to come along and experience the enjoyment of singing together. Home bakers are also especially welcome as we like to enjoy a drink and a cake during a short break in the singing. If you would like to contribute by occasionally supplying a few baked goodies, there will be an opportunity to sign up for a future session.
Enquiries via our website www.grobysings.org.
Groby Sings is a Registered Charity no. 1180490
HBBC Council Tax charge to go up
HINCKLEY & BOSWORTH Borough Council is to increase its council tax charge for 2023/24 by £5 following a decision of the full council at its budgetsetting meeting on 22 February 2023.
This means the average Band D council tax (including the Special Expense Area) for Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council will increase to a charge of £149.87 for the 2023/24 financial year, the lowest in Leicestershire and anticipated to be the 15th lowest in England, and certainly within the lowest quartile.
This figure will be supplemented by the charges levied by Leicestershire County Council (£1,525.46), the Police and Crime Commissioner (£273.23) and the Fire Authority (£79.29).