1 minute read

Letter Sport for all? Sport in Markfield and the Jubilee Playing Fields?

MANAGING any local resources in times of financial constraint can be challenging - not least when that resource is relatively remote and underutilised.


This perhaps describes the Jubilee Playing Fields - a local resource for Markfield and environs for sporting endeavours. Yet, despite a severe lack of accessible/free sporting facilities in our area, I understand this place is in the process of being privatised as the parish council looks to transfer the lease to a local sporting limited company. The unintended consequence is the increased restrictions that local residents will face when using the space. Indeed, any or all users will have to pay for the privilege.

My sons have used the space for years for their own exercise – something which it is intended for. They have caused no damage or inconvenience to anyone. My wife picks litter there. Yet increasing heavy-handed tactics with statements, ‘this is private’ and ‘you can’t be on here’ highlight the potential problems to come for dog walkers and those exercising alike. Privatisation of public spaces rarely benefits communities but instead places restrictions, limits, and costs. I appreciate everything must be within reason. Yet still, when individuals with no legal delegated authority, approach children and ask them to leave - or even photograph them - it makes me wonder about sport for who? Who benefits? Where are children and young people supposed to go?

Sadly, it isn’t just young people; a second incident was relayed to me. An elderly resident wanted to sit on a bench and look at the scenery near the cricket pitch. Given her disability, she used the adjacent car park only to be told by a ‘committee member’ that she had to leave, which she did in tears. Who benefits ?

I have written previously in the Herald about the litter, drug paraphernalia, alcohol bottles at Altar Stones and the problems this creates for our community. Yet equally insidious is the ‘you have no rights’ approach to something once funded by and for the community for so long. Did we vote for this? Who agreed to this? Sport for who ?

John Goodwin

Put it in your diary

Holistic & Mystic Event at Groby Community Centre

JANET LOWE is organising

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