Anstey’s Monthly Community Magazine • Late-November 2010
Potential building development in Anstey Report from Councillor Paul Day, Chairman of Planning Committee, Charnwood Borough Council. On the 26th October there was a presentation given at the URC Church on Bradgate Road, Anstey. This presentation was given by a company called “Pegasus” who are design agents acting on behalf of Davidson Builders. This preview was to outline a potential building development on a large area of fields behind Burgin Road and extends as far as the “S” bend. This development would be for 250 houses which would include 30% affordable dwellings. This exhibition attracted a lot of interested residents who asked many questions with lots of concern about the overall effect it would have on Anstey. One of the main concerns was the volume of traffic that would be generated coming out onto an already over burdened narrow road. Visitors to this exhibition were invited to write to Pegasus to give their views, for or against, the development. It is important that as many people as possible make their observations known. This is a large development that will have a lasting effect on Anstey for good or bad. If you were unable to visit the exhibition and would like details you can contact the free community help line 0800 085 4867 or email Daniel.griffiths@ or the exhibition material can be viewed on the website, as formal plans have not yet been presented to Charnwood Borough Council or alternatively you can contact me on 0116 236 4376.
Paul Day
The location and extent of the potential development. Visit for more information.
Bradgate Twinners welcome French visitors On Monday, 1st November 45 French people including 9 children returned home to the Plateau-Est de Rouen in Normandy after spending a hectic four days with their host families in the Bradgate area. During their stay they enjoyed a group visit to Blists Hill Victorian Living Museum and Ironbridge, as well as spending time socialising and having fun with their host families, visiting local attractions, and of course for many, lots of shopping. Annette Saint-Aubin, the chair of the French organising committee said that she was delighted that twinning between Bradgate and the Plateau Est de Rouen was still strong after more than 30 years. Whilst speaking she said that the Rouen Twinning Associations were keen to extend the twinning links to include sports and cultural activities at all levels of age and ability. In reply, Anne Dutton, chair of Bradgate Twinning Association, welcomed the idea, and appealed to the host
Continued on page 2
Some of the French twinners with their hosts - just before leaving for home.
Next Issue Out 29th January 2011 • Deadline: 15th January 2011
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Anstey Gala Day committee present -
Anstey Christmas Gala at the Jubilee Hall and in all three churches.
Carols with the local U3A choir, a performance from the school children, stalls, refreshments and Father Christmas too!
Come and join us on Saturday 4th December 2010 from 4pm to 7pm
Anstey Clarion Call Mike or Susan on Tel: 01530-244069 Write to: PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT Email: Website: The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Anstey Clarion Production Team. The inclusion of any group or organisation in this publication does not necessarily imply a recommendation of its aims, methods or policies. Anstey Clarion cannot be held responsible for the information disclosed by advertisements, all of which are accepted in good faith. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine, but no liability can be accepted for loss or inconvenience caused as a result of error or omission. Anstey Clarion reserves the right to amend, shorten or refuse to publish articles and/or advertisements submitted for publication. All contents © Anstey Clarion None of the articles contained in this magazine are to be reproduced in any way without first obtaining written consent from Anstey Clarion. ANSTEY CLARION is printed in Ellistown by Norwood Press This issue delivered between 19th-21st November 2010 by our dedicated team of deliverers.
The large Christmas Tree on the Nook roundabout will be switched on at 4.30 pm Decorated Christmas trees in The Anstey Methodist church For stall enquiries or Christmas tree competition rules, please contact Kath on 2121309 – Anstey Gala Committee.
Forthcoming Police Surgeries at Jubilee Hall The local police are running POLICE SURGERIES at Jubilee Hall on the following dates in 2011. All residents are welcome to these surgeries. Times Are 7-30pm To 8-30pm • Thursday 17th March • Thursday 27th January • Thursday 28th April • Thursday 17th February
Why other people’s mobile phone conversations are so annoying You know the scenario: you are stuck somewhere, often on a train, minding your own business, and a person nearby starts a mobile conversation. As it goes on and on, you become more and more irritated. Well, the good news is that scientists at last know why. It seems that it takes more effort for your brain to understand only half a conversation, or a ‘halfalogue’, that it does to understand a full conversation. For one thing, you cannot predict what the person talking at your end is going to say next, because you have not heard the last words from the person on the mobile phone. And so your brain has to work twice as hard, as it automatically tries to fill in the ‘blanks’. So half a conversation takes more, not less, of your attention, and is much harder to shut out. The research was done at Cornell University in New York.
Remember how to play? This Christmas you have a great opportunity to relearn something you may have forgotten: how to simply play with your children. It seems that one in five parents has ‘forgotten’ how to play with their own children, according to recent research. Constant lack of time and a shortage of inspiration were given as the main reasons. But one in three parents admitted they found playtime ‘boring’. Sadly, more than half of the children surveyed said they would like to spend more time playing with their parents. The survey, commissioned by Disneyland Paris, concluded that play is in dangers of becoming a ‘lost art’ for British families. Prof Tanya Byron, a clinical psychologist and television presenter, stresses that play is crucial to a child’s development, and advises parents to hark back to simple games from their own childhoods such as dressing up, drawing, and ‘let’s pretend’.
TWINNING From page 1 families to encourage local groups to get in touch with her. After the French had left for home she reported that the visit had been very much enjoyed by all concerned. She was particularly pleased to see that the French children had got thoroughly involved with the gala party night preparations, and had dressed up and helped to produce splendid jack o’ lanterns. The organising committee was looking forward to a short break before getting down to the arrangements for the English return visit to Rouen in the Spring. Many happy returns! Bradgate twinning’s next social event is a Barn Dance on 15 January - look out for the posters. Why not come along and burn off some of these Christmas calories – no experience necessary! If you want to join in the fun, contact 0116 221 3786.
Martyn Wroe
I cheated the railway company the other day. I bought a return ticket and didn’t go back.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Anstey Parish Council News From John Alexander (Clerk to the Council) Jubilee Hall, Stadon Road, Anstey, Leics. LE7 7AY Email: • Tel: 0116 236 2646 Website:
Public Toilets in Anstey The parish council has been asked by Charnwood Borough Council to take over the responsibility for running and maintaining the public toilets in the car park off the Nook. These are the only public toilets in the village and so your parish council would like to consult you the residents of Anstey before taking any decision. Were the parish council to take these over it would be for 25 years starting in April 2011. The cost to the average household in Anstey would be £ 5.00 per year on your council tax 2011/2012. Currently the average parish council part of your council tax is £ 69.43 per household, per year. Charnwood Borough Council has already taken a decision to close the toilets unless the Parish Council takes them over. We, the parish council, will get a grant of up to £1,000 from Charnwood Borough Council towards the costs of running these toilets for the first year.
Do you agree with the parish council keeping them open and therefore an increase in your council tax of £5.00 for each household? Yes No Please let your parish council know, either by letter, note, e-mail.
Anstey Police Matters
Crime Update – October 2010 Burglary Dwelling
Burglary (non Dwelling) (Business Premises, Shed, Garage, Etc) - Broughtons, Forest Gate, Cropston Rd, Albion St (new build site), Long Close
Distraction Burglary (attempted) – Albion St
Theft of Motor Vehicle – Jelson’s Build Site Link Rd, Gorse Hill Build Site
Theft from Motor Vehicle – Nook Car Park, Albion St, Edward St
Damage to Motor Vehicle - Rosebery Rd, Link Rd x 2, Papermill Close.
Criminal Damage Dwelling – Groby Rd, Cropston Rd, Bradgate Rd
Criminal Damage (non Dwelling) (Business Premises, Shed, Garage Etc)
Theft Person
Theft Store – Co-op x 2
Theft Cycle
Crime Prevention Advice As you can see from October’s crime figures above, the village has suffered an attempt Distraction Burglary. This was perpetrated by a lone male who claimed to be from the ‘Water Board’, with the premise that he was checking for leaks and requesting the unsuspecting householder to turn on taps etc.. Fortunately, whilst the male entered the house, nothing was actually taken but the whole incident has distressed the victim. Residents are reminded that there is now no such organisation that uses the phrase ‘Board’ – ‘Water Board, Electricity Board, Gas Board etc’ – so should a caller be at your door using this phrase then do not open the door and call 999 immediately. Most utility companies will not usually cold call, and a prior telephone appointment is made for any work to be done. ALWAYS CHECK IDENTIFICATION. In this run up to Christmas it is more important than ever that residents
check their security and report any suspicious activity to Police on 999 (if you believe a crime may be in progress) or 0116 2222222. Keep Christmas presents out of sight and do not leave any presents in vehicles. Whilst it is a tradition, we would strongly advise not to leave expensive presents under the Christmas tree and to carefully dispose of packaging securely once presents have been opened on Christmas Day – Don’t advertise what you’ve got.
Good News The power of Neighbourhood Watch! Link Rd Neighbourhood Watch, set up by John Dowling, recently sprang into action to great effect when suspicious persons were reported at the Jelson Homes building site on Link Rd. On 26 October a number of watch members reported to Police the possible theft of 2 JCB Diggers that were making there way along Link Rd. Police were immediately dispatched and one digger was abandoned nearby and the second digger was tracked to Cropston where, after a short foot chase, a male was arrested and is currently on bail for theft. Great work by Link Rd residents and a testimony to what Neighbourhood Watch is all about. Many thanks and keep it up!
We’d like to meet you The next Police Surgery will take place between 10am and 11am on Friday 24 December 2010, at the Jubilee Hall, Stadon Rd. Why not take the opportunity to come along and meet members of your local neighbourhood policing team and discuss any local policing issues you may have. Mince pies optional!
How to contact us You can contact your local neighbourhood policing team – PC 1841 Parker and PCSO 6662 Wright – by telephoning 0116 222 2222, selecting option 2 and when prompted, tap in identification numbers 1841 or 6662, to leave us a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also send us an email by logging onto the website at and clicking on the ‘Neighbourhood Policing’ icon, or you may also contact Crimestoppers, which is free and anonymous on 0800 555 111.
Notice on spiritualist’s door: ‘To avoid confusion, please use bell.’
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Speed Watch I am delighted to see the volunteers within the village operating the Community Speed Watch cameras. I am sure this will make a difference especially on the two roads where they are operating. I congratulate the Neighbourhood Watch team and all the volunteers for making this happen. In my view, it will make our roads safer. It was also good news to hear that the Christmas Day Lunch will once again take place in the Church Rooms. I am hopeful, after attending the latest Bradgate Forum, there will be some extra money available to help with the finances. I did see Dave Ford several times in hospital after last year’s lunch. I am so pleased he is able to continue this year. I know so many residents look forward to this, as in many cases they would be on their own on Christmas Day.
Proposed Development, Groby Road Since I attended an exhibition outlining the proposals for a residential development on Groby Road, I have had many residents, especially the ones who were unable to be at the exhibition on the 26th October, asking me for more information and details about the proposals. The purpose of the exhibition was to give details from the Developers, Davidsons, on their proposals, before submitting a planning application to Charnwood Borough Council. This gave an opportunity for residents to give the Developers their thoughts on the proposals at an early stage, so that they can carefully consider all comments received and revise their proposals where necessary.
Some details given out at the exhibition by the Developers: The proposed development site lies to the south of Anstey and extends to some nine hectares covering three fields to the north of Groby Road, existing housing off Burgin Road lies to the north of the site. Immediately to the south of the site is Anstey Cemetery, an existing public footpath links northward towards The Green and Sheet Hedges Wood. The proposal provides for a development of some 200 homes with areas of open space and landscaping to soften the impact of the proposal on the wider landscape. I understand a planning application will be submitted shortly, residents will then have an opportunity to make formal comments to Charnwood Borough Council. Although general information was given out at the exhibition, I share
David Snartt reports... County Councillor for Anstey within the Bradgate Division some of the concerns expressed so far by residents. Therefore I will be interested to see more detail, especially around the big concern of the extra traffic which will be generated by this proposal, which in my view will add significantly to the high vehicle movements that already exist within the village, especially at peak times.
Winter Gritting Further to the information I gave on highway winter maintenance in the last edition of the Clarion, the County Council has now issued more information to help residents whenever freezing conditions or snow are forecast. The County Council has a pre winter stock of 15,000 tonnes of salt located at 5 depots around the county. This is spread on the roads by a fleet of 23 gritters. Residents are asked to remember if a frost follows rain in the early hours insufficient time may be available to grit all routes before motorists travel to work. Therefore they must be vigilant at these times. During heavy snow the County Council has 54 snow ploughs which are fitted to the fleet of gritters and construction vehicles. These vehicles are supported by over 50 farmers who are provided with snow ploughs for their tractors. The target is to open all major routes within 24 hours of the end of heavy snow. The advice also states, in extreme conditions, is your journey essential, always ensure someone knows where you are going and when you expect to arrive, also make sure you take a shovel, torch, wellington boots, warm clothing, food and a hot drink.
Community Safety
David Snartt significant reduction over the year in domestic burglary, but I cannot stress enough how important it is for residents to lock doors and windows, also use your alarm if you have one and leave a light on when you go out in the evening. Once again as we come near to the festive season may I wish all residents a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. If you need to contact me on any issue please write to: 10 Groby Lane, Newtown Linford, Leicester. LE6 0HH. e-mail or telephone 01530 244804.
Anstey Football Round up Looking through the Sports section of the Leicester Mercury I see a number of our local teams in various football leagues. Anstey Nomads our most Senior side have already won more games this season under new manager Andy Miller than they did in the whole of last years campaign and are mid table in the East Midlands League, while both Anstey Town (now playing at Ellistown) and Anstey Crown are competing well in the North Leicestershire League Premier Division.The Crown reserves are currently 4th. in Division 4 of the same league, but the Nomads Reserves are floundering somewhat in the Leicestershire Football Combination. At very Junior Level (Under 9’s) Mutual League Division 8, Anstey Tornadoes are 4th. while in Division 11 Anstey Hurricanes are 6th. I wonder if these sides are Anstey Swifts in some kind of disguise?
John Sutherington
Coffee afternoon Anstey library invites you all to join in the seasonal festivity on Thursday 9th December 2 – 4.30pm. All proceeds will go towards a local charity. Enjoy a nice cup of tea, mince pies and cake. For more information contact Anstey library on 0116 305 3536.
Why teenagers worry One teenager was talking to another, “I’m really concerned. My father slaves away at his job so I’ll never want for anything, and down the years has set aside thousands of pounds so that I can go to college. And my mother spends every day washing and ironing and cleaning up after me. She even takes care of me when I’m sick.” The other teenager said: “Sounds perfect – so what are you worried about?” The first teenager replied: “I’m afraid that one day they might try to escape.”
Recently we have had an attempted distraction burglary in the village. The man informed the elderly resident that he was from the waterboard, there was a problem with the water supply and he needed to check the taps. Please remember to always check the identity of any person who claims to represent an organisation, any genuine callers will not mind you doing this. The Charnwood Community Safety Partnership has recently completed a campaign with an advertising van to reduce further the number of burglaries within Charnwood. The van visited Anstey to remind residents with the slogan “lock it or lose it”. There has been a
I held a Festival of Peace and Meditation, but my neighbours complained about the quiet.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Newtown Linford Village Hall, Main Street. Saturday 27th November.
11am-12 = Santa’s Village Tour.
12 -4.30pm = Shopping Experience and Santa’s Grotto.
Traditional Christmas Fayre Santa Claus will be touring the village whilst the church bells ring, with sweets for all the children who greet him, he will then visit The Village Hall on Main Street, where his Grotto will be for children to meet him for Presents and Photo’s. This will also be a wonderful event for doing all your Christmas Shopping, whilst enjoying a Glass of Mulled Wine and a Mince Pie and listen to the local Choir singing Carols. The purchase of a Raffle Ticket is also a must, as the prizes are amazing, including: M&S Hamper (Donated by CasePak) The Crown, Anstey, Voucher Broughtons Interiors, Voucher Cooks Farm Shop, Vouchers Post Office Tea Rooms, Vouchers The Grey Lady, Voucher. The Village, Voucher Christmas Tree (Donated by Malc Brewin) Sykes Jewellers Stonehurst Farm Park ‘Land Scape’ £250 Mini Garden Makeover Conkers
Admission - 50p Contact Amanda on 07973 891399
All proceeds to Cancer Research. Santa Tour in Memory of Malcolm Gibbins. Thank-you to all Donators and Volunteers.
For all your legal requirements locally. We can help you with:
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Call Victoria or Kathryn on 01530 243 441 for free initial advice 181 Ulverscroft Lane, Markfield, LE67 9PL
Last week I replaced all the windows in my house. Then I discovered I had a crack in my glasses.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Only about 4 weeks to Christmas and even less to Anstey’s Christmas Gala and the switching on of the New Christmas lights on Saturday December 4th. Hopefully all of the village will turn out on the day and make it a big success. Plans for Additional Housing Big issue that suddenly came to light about the middle of October was the public exhibition by Davidson’s the builders. Their proposals are for around 200 houses to be built between Burgin Road and the Anstey Cemetery which, if granted, will mean the loss of yet more green fields. I was present for the whole of the 5 hours and the consensus of opinion was that further development in Anstey would dramatically affect current services, facilities and traffic. Can the already stretched village schools, doctor’s etc. cope with this extra amount of people? (The village has already grown by an extra 400 on the electoral role over the last 4 years!) I have tried to summarise some of the key concerns raised by Anstey residents below:• Can Groby Road, an unlit country lane with no public footpath after the cemetery, take this extra amount of traffic at peak times? • Extra traffic out of the village would be via the notoriously awkward Bradgate Road, “T” junction – already a known dangerous and difficult junction to egress. • Travelling back into the village from Leicester (without a long detour) would mean entering Anstey via Leicester Road and “The Nook,” yet another known hot spot for traffic congestion at peak times. • The alternative route out of the village from this proposal would be onto the main A50, again a very congested main road at peak times. • This proposal will take up more green space and will also increase the village population by around 9%. Local essential services are already stretched!! Nothing has been decided yet but I am led to believe that Davidson’s will be looking to put in a planning application by Christmas or the early New Year. The presentation suggested around 60 of the homes proposed would be affordable housing/ housing association homes. Should the development go ahead I have asked about the possibility of these being “ring fenced” with Anstey residents given first choice? If, when the time comes, you want to make your feelings known I have a leaflet detailing what you can and cannot object to in a planning application. You could find this
Charnwood Borough Councillor’s Report From John Sutherington useful. Just let me know and I will get one to you.
Lights On Bikes Following on from last month’s column I have been to see how much a cycle front and back light “kit” would cost at our local F & G Harris Hardware Store on Bradgate Road. For just £14.99 you can light up your bike and be seen at night. A safe investment? Good Stocking filler from Santa! I also discovered that they now give 10% discount on all goods for pensioners not just on a Wednesday (like a certain large store in Leicester) but EVERY DAY. The shop is under new management. Well worth a visit, and a perusal around this Aladdin’s cave!
Another Closure The corner Café in the “Nook” closed its doors rather abruptly recently and I’m told will be relocating to Loughborough. I am also led to believe the reason for leaving was that the rent was too high in Anstey. Could this be the reason why others have closed around this area recently? It is a worry because we need a thriving village centre. Owners/Agents of these closed premises: What are your plans? Let me know... I don’t bite.
Shop, Electrical Shop, Newsagents, Hairdressers and New Café to name but a few. It’s a good shop. But it’s not ALL at the Co-op! This will be the last “Anstey Clarion” until 2011 so may I take this opportunity to wish “Everyone” a Very Merry Christmas and, dare I say, Prosperous New Year. As always I am available at any reasonable hour by phone or call in for a chat. Also contactable by email and Royal Mail at any time. I can’t promise the world but I’ll do my best to help you out if at all possible. Whatever you do over the Christmas and New Year, do it in moderation…
And finally so, hopefully, this influx of cash for this lovely event will cause him a little less stress. Lack of sponsorship was a big problem right up to the very last minute in 2009 until a certain village entrepreneur came forward to help save this special day for many locals. Keep it Local! Please do your best to support our local businesses over the festive period and into the New Year. For new residents information we do have a renowned Family Butcher, Fruit and Vegetable Shop, Bread
But Re opening in the New Year? I have it on good authority that the old Conservative Club on Stadon Road, Anstey will be up and running early in 2011. (All being well) as a Members Club & Sports Bar. It is envisaged to be the “Anstey Home” of some of the Sports Clubs who presently have to play outside the village. The new owner was hoping to get things up and running before Christmas but there was more renovating to do than he originally thought. More details will be posted nearer the time…Watch this space.
Christmas Day Lunch: “YES” At the recent Bradgate Area Forum I was pleased to support an application from David Ford for a grant from the Forum to help with the running of this year’s (and hopefully next year’s) Christmas Day Lunch at the Church Rooms, Anstey. The money – which should be over £500 – is the last to come from the £20,000 community grant fund. Anstey Parish Council has also given an amount. David made himself poorly last year
I love mankind. It’s people I can’t stand.
My lad is currently serving in Afghanistan with the RHA. 7th. Paras. If you would like to send him Christmas Greetings or just want to write to him, please get in touch and I will pass any messages on. Yours Sincerely Cllr. John J. Sutherington. 43 George Street, Anstey, Leicester. LE7 7DT. Mob. 07939 070603. Email:- cllr.john.sutherington@
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Sykes Jewellers 8 Bradgate Road, Anstey, Leicester Tel: 0116 236 2510
She has her husband eating out of the palm of her hand - it saves on the washing up.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
A partial guide to your Christmas romance
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Do you think someone fancies you? Then next time they ring you, really LISTEN to them. If their voices are lower than usual – you are right! Recent research has found that men and women subconsciously lower their voices when trying to woo members of the opposite sex. So a husky voice on your phone or voicemail is a signal that the person calling is attracted to you. (Unless they have a cold, that is!) The research was carried out at Allbright College in Pennsylvania.
The Nativity on BBC 1 this Christmas Look out for The Nativity on the BBC this autumn. The script has been written by Tony Jordan, hailed as the top television scriptwriter in Britain. His work includes Boon, Minder, Eldorado, Holby Blue, and Hustle, not to mention 250 episodes of EastEnders. This time he is telling the story of the Nativity, over four half-hour episodes on BBC1 on the run-up to Christmas. Jordan says: “I want this film of the nativity to be accessible, all right? I want it to be watched by the people who watch EastEnders, Hustle, everything I do. I want them to watch it, believe it and sob like a child. “I do have a faith....I believe Jesus Christ was the Son of God and that he came to take away our sins. So, I have written a version of the nativity that I can believe. The people who watch it who aren’t already sold, they can watch it and see that it’s truthful and they can say, ‘That’s really cool.’ “It’s really helped me, writing it. It’s helped me to make sense of the story. It’s made sense of the birth of somebody that I believed in. Before, I had nagging doubts. Now, I don’t have any doubts.”
What to buy for the single person Are you buying a Christmas present for a single person this year? If so, consider the latest trend: sales of kitchenware designed for single servings are rising to cater for the record numbers of us who now live alone. So – why not consider a frying pan big enough for a single egg, small plates, and teapots that hold one cup? These items have been best-sellers at Debenhams in recent weeks.
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St James the Least of All
The Rev Dr Gary Bowness continues his tongue-in-cheek letters from ‘Uncle Eustace’…
A big thank you to all those pupils and parents who have returned their sponsor sheet and monies.
On the perils of brides in churches The Rectory, St. James the Least of All
My dear Nephew Darren Our final wedding of the year was perhaps a little more memorable than any of us had anticipated. It was a charming scene, with everywhere covered in snow – although a good job the bride had a bouquet of red roses, otherwise no one would have been able to find her. As the photographer, bridesmaids and I stood at the lych gate, the bridal car arrived, braked – and carried on, sliding down the lane sideways and into the neighbouring farmyard. Fortunately, Mr Jones was there to use his tractor to pull it out of the mud. Our verger, having attended the diocesan verger’s guild Christmas party the night before, arrived late and did not have time to clear the church path. The path, being on an incline and bridal pumps not being equal to the task, the bride made a dramatic entrance into church backwards and on her bottom, demolishing the flower pedestal by the door in the process. Fortunately the petals stuck to the large patch of mud on her behind, making the congregation speculate throughout the service why she had a large floral cushion attached to her dress. Our organist did not please the bride’s mother by changing the wedding march to the skater’s waltz as her daughter reeled up the aisle. He is still under a cloud from last week’s funeral for our local butcher, when he played at the end of the service Bach’s: “Sheep may safely graze”. At St James the Least, the best man stands over a large heating grid. The poor soul, unaccustomed to our ecclesiastical arctic climate, was shivering so violently, he dropped the rings down the grid. There had to be a halfhour pause while the grating was removed and the groom, holding the best man’s legs, lowered him into the hole to fish for them, lost among choirmen’s peppermints and the organ tuner’s cigarette ends. In future, I have decided that wedding rehearsals should be full dress rehearsals. The bride, in a hooped dress, was 4 feet wide; the vestry door is 3 feet wide. Getting in to sign the registers was fairly easy, as the bride, a game girl, took a run up along the chancel and so built up enough momentum. Her exit was more difficult, but with the combined pushing of groom and bridesmaids, she re-emerged into church like a cork out of a bottle – and demolishing the second pedestal of flowers in the chancel. Married life, they say, is not always a bed of roses, but hers has certainly begun that way. Your loving uncle,
Free Health Check at Anstey Library Come along to Anstey library and book a FREE HEALTH CHECK SESSION with an expert. Free checks take place on Tuesday 14th December 2 – 4.30pm. They cover : body fat %, weight, body water %, and visceral fat, muscle mass/bone mass, basal metabolic rate and blood pressure. Booking is required. You can either come in person to Anstey library or book over the phone on 0116 305 3536.
Bowline Walk
To date we have collected £5,339.47 which will fund the work of the Student Council. Their focus this year is to improve and develop the school grounds so as to make lunchtime a more pleasurable experience for all pupils. They also want to develop the woodland area as a learning area. There are a number pupils who have not as yet returned their forms. It is hoped to make £8,000 in all this year. A prize draw for all those returning their sponsor forms will be held in late November. Things going on:• Friday 10th December • School Christmas Disco • Thursday 17th December • School Pantomime • Monday 20th December • School Pantomime • Tuesday 21st December • Christmas Fair • School Closes on Tuesday 21st December • School Opens on Thursday 6th January 2011. You can contact the school by email:-
John J. Sutherington Governor.
Sure Prognosis “Doctor,” said the worried woman, “I’d like you to evaluate my 13 yearold son.” “OK. He’s suffering from a transient psychosis with intermittent rage disorder, punctuated by episodic radical mood swings, but his prognosis is excellent for a full recovery.” “How can you say all that without even meeting him?” “I thought you said he’s 13?”
I tried some of that new revitalising shampoo. My hair was awake all night.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Wine improves with age - the older you get, the more you like it.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Bradgate U3A (University of the third age)
Medals to Animals & A Victoria Cross It was two for the price of one as George Gamble spoke to us on two separate topics that were very closely related to each other. George explained that he became a collector of British medals after he inherited his father’s medals relating to the First World War. His brother, who had fought in the second world war and had been evacuated from the beaches of Dunkirk, did not, like a lot of service personnel back from the horrors of war, request his medals after the cessation of hostilities. However George obtained his permission to send for the medals which where to become, with those of his father’s, the start of George’s Collection of Medals. George began with a story of another medal in his collection, a medal that was issued to a dog for conspicuous gallantry. This was a Purple Heart awarded by the American Government to “Chips” the dog. Chips was with a patrol that was pinned down by a machine gun bunker when he charged the bunker and although wounded, attacked the occupants keeping them away from the guns long enough for his comrades to take the bunker. When they got inside the bunker they found Chips holding one of the occupants by the throat. Chips went on to fight in further campaigns in both France and Germany. General Eisenhower presented his medal to him but because the General was not wearing uniform at the time, Chips bit him, not recognising a military man and he had no respect for a civilian. Britain’s medal for animal gallantry is the Dickin Medal, which has been awarded no less than 57 times. The recipients are 21 Dogs, 3 Horses, 1 Cat and 32 Pigeons. George told us of “Sheila” who assisted in the rescue of 4 airmen
Chips the medal winning War Dog after their plane had crashed in the Cheviot Hills in a blizzard; “Bob” who was parachuted into North Africa and Italy no less than 20 times; “Judy”, a Pointer who was in a Japanese prisoner of war camp and helped keep up the morale of all the prisoners; and “Gander” who carried away a grenade from his section and was awarded his medal posthumously. We were then told of all the animals that fought in the First World War who did not receive any recognition. Horses, the most betrayed of all - eight million died during the conflict, most in the mud of Flanders. Also twenty thousand sold in Egypt after the “Laurence of Arabia” campaign instead of bringing them home, not the best time and place to be a horse! In the second part of the talk, George told us about the medals of Sergeant Harold Jackson VC which form part of his collection. After purchasing the medals, George did extensive research into the life of this extraordinary man, which he related to us. Harold Jackson was born in Allandales, Lincolnshire, one of four brothers. Before the war Harold worked as a bricklayer on the railway and was a very good amateur boxer. In 1914 he joined the East Yorkshire Regiment, which was part of the 50th Brigade, 17th Northern Division. On the 1st July
Anstey Women’s Institute NEWS
1915, he was part of the Verdun Offensive when the German Forces tried to break the line between the British and French armies. In this battle Harold was lightly wounded before being more seriously wounded three days later. He was taken back to England at this stage to recover. After a brief stay in hospital and an even shorter convalescence he was sent back to France to rejoin his regiment. On the 22nd of March 1918, being in the front line yet again, he made a sortie across “no mans land” and through the enemy line, taking notes and compass bearings of their defensive positions. On his way back, he bombed two enemy strong points and with the information he had obtained, artillery was able to destroy others. During the ensuing battle, with all the officers of his unit either killed or wounded, Harold led his small force in a retreat back to his lines and then later ventured out to bring in a number of his wounded comrades. For this act of conspicuous gallantry Harold Jackson was awarded the Victoria Cross. However, even a holder of this top military honour does not make a man immortal and Harold Jackson was killed in action on the 24th August 1918. He was buried where he fell. At the end of the conflict his grave was reopened to lay the body in one of the many war grave cemeteries only to find that no body was in the marked grave. It was not until the 23 March 1927 that with a group of 12 others, the body of Harold Jackson was found and subsequently reburied at the war graves cemetery, Flers, France. Our next meeting will be held on the 1st December at the Jubilee Hall, Stadon Road, Anstey starting at 2.30 pm when Elizabeth Ryder will talk to us about Christmas in Manger Square, Bethlehem.
At their annual meeting, Anstey WI President Jackie Dawson reported that although membership is down, it had been a good year.
Brian Rowlinson
Sheila Timms
Members had enjoyed participating in lots of activities at local, federation and national level. Fundraising had been successful, with the result that the Institute is back in surplus. Secretary Kath Sleigh relinquished her place, which will be taken by Sheila Timms, who was also presented with the competition cup. Runner up was Jackie Dawson There followed a light-hearted quiz, and members admired each other’s collections. These were very varied, ranging from menus and invitations to fossils, trinket boxes and fans to holiday souvenirs from all around the world.
• It was all good news at
Anstey WI in October. The stall at the Anstey Gala had raised a record sum thanks largely to the generosity of members in donating goods to sell. The skittles team had a thoroughly enjoyable evening playing a pleasant, friendly team from Birstall, and won through to the final of the Bradgate group contest. A visit from Richard Adams, with his wonderful slide shows set to atmospheric music, is always welcome, and he certainly did not disappoint. Members enjoyed colourful tours of Marrakesh, and a display of steam vehicles raised smiles. Scenes of this winter’s snow proved a particularly telling showpiece for Richard’s considerable photographic skills. It was a joy.
I saw a cafe serving an all-day breakfast, but I didn’t really have that much time.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
The Coach & Horses The Nook, ANSTEY Tel: 0116 236 5816
Sat 4 Dec: SOUL/MOTOWN Sat 18 Dec: KICKING HABITS DISCOS Xmas Eve & N.Y’s Eve EVERY Tues: KARAOKE EVERY Thurs: QUIZ (Music & General) EVERY Sun: FOLK/Acoustic
Stadon Sports & Social Club 62a Bradgate Road, ANSTEY Tel: 0116 236 4542 New Members Welcome. Sat 20 Nov: LAUREN ROSE (Brilliant singer only 16!) Xmas Eve : PAUL RAVEL Boxing Night: LEE’s QUIZ (8.30pm Start/Free Supper) N.Y’s Eve: CARL STEVENS BINGO/Every Tues/9pm Start. QUIZ 9pm Alternate Thurs: Should be Nov 25th, Dec 9 & 23 (With Free Supper)
The Crown INN Bradgate Road, ANSTEY T: 0116 235 0505 Sat 27 Nov: CAMILLA & PETE Sat 11 Dec: SKA AMANGA Sat 18 Dec: Live Music TBA N.Y’s Eve: HAZARD
Groby Ex-Servicemen’s Club Leicester Road, GROBY Tel: 0116 287 1809 NOTICE TO MEMBERS New Members Welcome Sat 20 Nov: WOODVILLE Trio Sun 21 Nov: Super Sunday ‘50’ Fri 26 Nov: AXIS DUO Sat 27 Nov: ALAN TURNER Sun 28 Nov: Super Sunday ‘50’ Fri 3 Dec: GABBY JORDAN Sat 4 Dec: TOTAL ECLIPSE Sun 5 Dec: Super Sunday ‘50’ Fri 10 Dec: MIKE TYLER Sat 11 Dec: NIGHTSHIFT Sun 12 Dec: Super Sunday ‘50’
The Field Head Hotel Markfield Lane, Markfield Tel: 01530 245454
TRIBUTE Nights/£2 after 7pm Fri 26 Nov: TINA TURNER Fri 3 Dec: FREDDIE MERCURY Sat 4 Dec: ELVIS & Neil Diamond
The Stamford Arms Leicester Road, Groby Tel: 0116 287 5616.
Every SUN 3 ~ 6pm:‘GOOD TIME SUNDAY’* Sat 20 Nov: TEENAGE KICKS *Sun 21 Nov: Fine Shape Sat 27 Nov: ANDREW RANDELL *Sun 28 Nov: Time Out Sat 4 Dec: SOULED OUT *Sun 5 Dec: The Acemen KARAOKE ~ Every Wed OPEN MIC ~Every Thurs
Old Thatched Inn Stanton - under - Bardon T:01530 242 460
Every WED: - QUIZ Night & ‘PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT’ 8.30pm.Cash prizes 50p per Entry. Pool Table.
The Nag’s Head Station Road, Glenfield T: 0116 287 2794
Every THURS – QUIZ General Knowledge ~ Free to Enter. Win Beer. SKY SPORTS
Bagworth WMC Station Road, Bagworth T: 01530 230 205
Sat 18 Dec**: TICK TOCK ROCK ** Please check date/usually Fridays (£3 on the door) Dance 8 till Late. Every Wed: Tea Dance 2-4pm £1 Incl.Tea & Biscuits.
I bought some travel sweets but they were useless. I ate the whole packet. Didn’t go anywhere.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
It may be Christmas, but does it meet Health and Safety….?! While Shepherds Watched
We Three Kings
While shepherds watched Their flocks by night All seated on the ground The angel of the Lord came down And glory shone around
We three kings of Orient are Bearing gifts we traverse afar Field and fountain, moor and mountain Following yonder star
The Union of Shepherds has complained that it breaches health and safety regulations to insist that shepherds watch their flocks without appropriate seating arrangements being provided. Therefore benches, stools and orthopaedic chairs are now available. Please note, the angel of the lord is reminded that before shining his / her glory all around she / he must ascertain that all shepherds have been issued with glasses capable of filtering out the harmful effects of UVA, UVB and Glory.
Whilst the gift of gold is still considered acceptable - as it may be redeemed at a later date through such organisations as ‘cash for gold’ etc, gifts of frankincense and myrrh are not appropriate due to the potential risk of oils and fragrances causing allergic reactions. A suggested gift alternative would be to make a donation to a worthy cause in the recipients name or perhaps give a gift voucher. We would not advise that the traversing kings rely on navigation by stars in order to reach their destinations and suggest the use of RAC routefinder or satellite navigation, which will provide the quickest route and advice regarding fuel consumption.
Little Donkey Little donkey, little donkey on the dusty road Got to keep on plodding onwards with your precious load The RSPCA have issued strict guidelines with regard to how heavy a load that a donkey of small stature is permitted to carry, also included in the guidelines is guidance regarding how often to feed the donkey and how many rest breaks are required over a four hour plodding period. The donkey has expressed his discomfort at being labelled ‘little’ and would prefer just to be simply referred to as Mr. Donkey. To comment upon his height or lack thereof may be considered an infringement of his equine rights.
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose. And if you ever saw him, you would even say it glows. You are advised that under the Equal Opportunities for All policy, it is inappropriate for persons to make comment with regard to the ruddiness of any part of Mr. R. Reindeer.
Maps, Books & Gifts for the Outdoor Enthusiast 0116 2874440
Tight lines!
Awards night for local fishermen The Stadon Angling Club presentation was held on 23rd October at the Stadon Club.
The Fur and Feather was won by Dave Shipton, The Stadon Shield was won by Mark Young,The Archie Le Good shield was won by Dean Dorsett.The Pete Dorsett pairs was won by Bryan Armstrong and Ray Tunks. Malc Spring won the knock out cup, the Quitto shield and once again the Dave Hawkins Club Champion. A very enjoyable evening was had by all. Many thanks to Polly and the staff for all their hard work.
Mick Hutchings Club secretary
As part of our aftercare service, we now offer a monthly Bereavement Aftercare & Support Group, which has been set up to provide a FREE support service, not just to our clients, but to ANY bereaved person, irrespective of their age, creed, religion and length of bereavement. The group now meets on the 3rd Saturday of every month in the catering suite at Anstey & District Funeral Services between 10am and 12noon.
Next dates: Sat 20th Nov, Sat 18th Dec & Sat 15th Jan ARRAN BRUDENELL, Tel: 0116 234 0548
If you’re not living life on the edge, you’re taking up too much space.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Councillors’ Contact Details Parish Council Chairman Michael Parker, 124 Cropston Road, Anstey Tel 0116 236 3525
Parish Councillors Nigel Aston, 10 Fulmar Road, Anstey Tel 0116 221 0979 Vicky Ball, 91 Cropston Road, Anstey Tel 0116 212 5315 Martin Broomhead, 170 Bradgate Road, Anstey Tel 0116 236 4228 Steve Farmer, 36 Charnwood Road, Anstey Tel 0116 210 3391 Donald Crighton, 28 Broughton Close, Anstey Tel 0116 236 2903 Ian Grogan, 52 Edward Street, Anstey Tel 0116 235 1762 Dave Parker, 21 Cherrytree Close, Anstey Tel 0116 236 7914 Roger Peat, 262 Link Road, Anstey Tel 016 236 4863 Mike Roe, 37 Stadon Road, Anstey Tel 0116 235 9815 Brian Rowlinson, 187 Bradgate Road, Anstey Tel 0116 236 7548 John Sutherington, 43 George Street, Anstey Tel 0116 220 4643 Sarah Taylor, 39 Hazelhead Road, Anstey Tel 0116 220 4770 Chris Tunaley, 41 The Green, Anstey Tel 0116 292 1604
Clerk to the Parish Council:
Anstey & District Funeral Service
John Alexander, Anstey Parish Council, Parish Office, Stadon Road, Anstey Tel 0116 236 2646 • e-mail
Charnwood Borough Councillors: Paul Day, 251 Bradgate Road, Anstey, Tel 0116 236 4376 John Sutherington, 43 George Street, Anstey Tel 0116 220 4643
Leicestershire County Councillor:
Independent Family-Run Funeral Directors
David Snartt, 10 Groby Lane, Newtown Linford Tel 01530 244804
I am writing on behalf of Woolden Hill PTA who are having a Christmas Bazaar on 1st December to raise funds for our school. The following local retailers have donated prizes for our raffle, and we’d like to say a big ‘Thank you’ to them all for supporting our school so generously in these difficult economic times. The sponsors are: Coach & Horses Public House, Hare & Hounds Public House, The Crown, Midlands Co-Op, Broughtons, Anstey Post Office, Roots and Fruits, Anstey Shoe Repair, Maple Mollys, Forget Me Knot, Keith Smith, Passage to India, Vojon, Checkers, Londis - Forest Gate, Mr Barry Whiteman - William Bonnington
Mrs Suzannah Stewart (Woolden Hill PTA)
When responding to adverts in Anstey Clarion, please tell advertisers where you saw their advert. Thank you!
We take care of every detail, advise and help you every step of the way. • •
• • • •
Traditional hearse & fleet Horse drawn carriages, motorcycle hearse & alternatives available Memorial showroom Extensive car parking Private catering suite Private chapels of rest Funeral arrangements can be made in the comfort of your own home if preferred
0116 234 0548 Talbott House, Leicester Road, Anstey, Leicester LE7 7AT
Work is a fine thing if it doesn’t take up too much of your spare time.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Anstey Christmas Day Lunch The 5th Annual Christmas Day Lunch will be held again on December 25th at St Mary’s Church Rooms, Anstey. Organiser Dave Ford has already been contacted by many people wanting to either be helpers or guests on the day. The Lunch is arranged for local residents that would normally be on their own at this special time of year and the day would not be a success without the kind financial generosity of local Anstey residents, groups and businesses. To book your place, offer financial support or be a helper then please contact A.S.A.P. Dave on 0116 2368811. Financial donations/cheques made payable to Dave Ford can be sent to Dave Ford, 69 Bradgate Road, Anstey, Leicester LE7 7AB
Anstey RFC move into 2nd after good wins
Mid October and a trip to Market Harborough with a small squad after injuries had taken their toll earlier in the month. Anstey led 3-0 at half time, but really got underway in the second half scoring three tries courtesy of Matt Belcher, Jay Afflick and Rich Field. Final score, a 20-5 win. On 23rd October, a trip to Hinckley for what was potentially one of our toughest league encounters.This was a game that went down to the wire and in all honesty could have gone either way. From the off Anstey had the upper hand in the forwards but in the backs Hinckley’s youngsters had advantage and looked dangerous all game. At Half Time, Hinckley led 5-0. In the second half chances went begging until ten minutes from the end when fast ball from a ruck was well used and centre Shane White scored a fine try. He then improved his effort by kicking the conversion. 5-7 was the final winning score for Anstey. The last Saturday in October and another Away League game, this time at Market Bosworth. Anstey travelled to Bosworth with a side eager to play good rugby and continue their good start to the league campaign. Again a number of changes had to be made due to people being unavailable. From the start Anstey’s forwards had the upper hand and continually drove their hosts backwards providing lots of ball for the backs. A lot of it was dropped or wasted due to over-elaborating moves or simply not knowing them however Anstey simply had too much for their hosts all round. 6 tries by Jothan Hibben 2, Paul Harrison, Dave Hobbs, Ollie Stokes and skipper Belcher and 3 conversions by Hibben made the final score 36-8. The first Saturday in November was due to be County Cup action against Leicester Forest, but due to the non-appearance of the society referee, it was played as a friendly, with the Forest side winning with ease. Home games coming up before Christmas against Birstall and Syston and away at Aylestone Athletic and Ashby. Anstey RFC are pleased acknowledge the financial help from our sponsors Words & Graphics with MyOwnPhotos
Chris Apperley, Chairman Anstey RFC Visit for more information
There are only two things a child will share willingly - communicable diseases and his mother’s age.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Looking forward to the Winter solstice Whether you live in the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere, look out for the 21st of December. That day a ‘solstice’ occurs, where the sun is at its greatest distance from the equator. The name ‘solstice’ comes from the two Latin words ‘sol’ meaning sun, and ‘sistere’, to cause to stand still. Solstices occur twice a year, and the winter solstice, also called ‘yule’, marks the first day of the season of winter. On this day the sun reaches its southernmost latitude and therefore appears at its lowest in the sky at noon. The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year. In the days that follow, the sun follows a higher and higher path through the sky each day - until it is in the sky for exactly 12 hours – that will occur on the Spring equinox, 20th March, 2011.
Active Together gears up for new activities after cash boost
A SUCCESSFUL project which is helping boost health and fitness of residents throughout Charnwood has secured funding to continue its work. Charnwood Borough Council’s Active Together team has increased physical activity opportunities and attendance throughout the Borough by almost 50 per cent in the last six months. The team has now been told it will receive £47,000 from the Leicestershire County Sports Partnership to build on that success over the next six months and is preparing a new series of exciting activities. Councillor Peter Lewis, Charnwood Borough Council’s cabinet member for leisure and culture, said: “Our Active Together team has worked tremendously hard to achieve their success so far and I’m delighted that we have been able to secure more money to keep this project going. “No matter what your sporting interest, Active Together has something for everyone from dance classes to fencing, and running to boxercise! “Help us help you by grabbing an Active Together brochure to find out what’s happening near you.” New projects starting up over the next six months include a variety of dance sessions as part of Active Together’s Step Into Dance scheme, boxercise, fencing, rowing and beginners running sessions. Less strenuous sessions include seated exercise and new age kurling. Parents are also catered for with buggy walks and parent and toddler dance and swim sessions. In addition to these new projects a number of existing sessions will continue, including: beginners running, no-strings badminton, beginners tennis and Tai Chi. The team also aims to continue working with local workplaces, offering exercise sessions, guided walks, free health checks, and pedometer challenges to local workplaces. Active Together aims to increase physical activity levels of all residents and employees across the Borough over the age of 16 and is now into its fourth year. For more information or to get your copy of Charnwood Borough Council’s Active Together brochure, call the team on (01509) 632535, or via email Regular updates on local activities can also be found on our Facebook or twitter pages or at
Helpful Sandra was out driving and while stopped at a red light, the car just died. It was a busy intersection, and the traffic behind her starting growing. The man in the car directly behind her started beeping his horn continuously as Sandra struggled to get her car going again. Finally Sandra got out of her car and approached the man in the car behind her. “I can’t get my car started,” she said smiling. “Would you be so kind as to see if you can do it? While you try, I’ll stay here in your car and beep your horn for you.”
Work is a fine thing if it doesn’t take up too much of your spare time.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Cricket AGM
Help garden birds to survive
Anstey and Glenfield Cricket Club is far from dozing off during the close season. The pitch has had all its repairs done, ready for 2011 season. Some new officers have been found to take the club forward next season and beyond and a number of behind-the-scenes meetings will be taking place shortly to try and improve the playing staff for the 2011 season. We do have one of the best pitches in the Leicestershire senior league so why not try to attract some new blood to the club? If we can do this and our youngsters progress into the senior cricket league sides – like some are already doing – things should start to look up for the club (which, since winning the Premier league title in 2002, has gone a little downhill….) Due to the uncertainty at our Old Hare and Hounds headquarters, this year’s AGM will take place at The Crown Inn, Bradgate Road, Anstey on Monday 29th November 2010. 8pm start. All are welcome, but you must be a current fully paid up member of the club to vote on any changes. I attended a meeting of Glenfield Parish Council property committee recently, and advised them that if the rental charges for our pitch go any higher there will be a grave danger that Anstey and Glenfield Cricket Club would have to look elsewhere to play or be priced out of the market. It would be sad if my comments went unheeded by the council, but you can only charge people so much before they to say “it’s just too much” and move on to other sides. To join the Club – which, hopefully, will be going for many years to come – please ring John Sutherington 0116 2204643 or Colin Bennett 0116 2363939. We have sides from Under 11s to Under 17s, 4 Senior sides, 6 qualified coaches to help with Juniors and oodles of enthusiasm. Come and join us etc…Hallelujah! Indoor nets and coaching at Soar Valley Centre, Mountsorrel start in February 2011. Happy Christmas to you all.
John J. Sutherington
Advice on feeding the birds ... from the RSPB The ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS (RSPB) are advising bird lovers as to what food they can leave out for birds and how to keep their feeding stations hygenic and pest free. Feeding garden birds is a popular activity which over half of adults in the UK enjoy. That’s a lot of help for the birds. Providing birds with supplementary food will bring them closer to you and reward them for sharing their lives with us. Feeding birds is also an ideal way to enthuse children about wildlife. Supplementary feeding can’t provide all the natural proteins and vitamins that adult and young birds need. So it is important to create and manage your garden to provide a source of natural foods as well with lawns, shrubs and flower beds. If you provide both natural and supplementary food, your garden will be visited year round by a host of different birds. It is important to feed your birds responsibly and safely by following a few simple guidelines. You can play a valuable role in helping your local birds overcome periods of natural food shortage, survive periods of severe Winter weather and come into good breeding condition in the Spring. Although Winter feeding benefits birds most, food shortages can occur at any time of the year. By feeding year round, you’ll give birds a better chance to survive. When a large number of birds are attracted into an area to feed the danger of disease increases, so make sure that your bird table and feeders are cleaned regularly. There are bird safe cleaning liquids available but if you are not sure contact the RSPB for advice.
The RSPB has free monthly e-newsletter which over 200,000 people currently enjoy . Why not sign up? Go to
Ladies Mobile Therapist Reflexology or Reiki Healing ‘in the comfort of your own home’ Cost: £27 Joanna T: 0775 192 5247 Last week, I forgot how to ride a bicycle.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Kiss of Life by Morag Saunders AMAZON PRICE: £15.29 (Hardcover) Even as a young girl, Alexandra Brandon dreamed of being a doctor like her famous father, despite the fact that the British Establishment in the postwar years was far from welcoming of women in the professions. Fighting prejudice on the one hand and the danger of favouritism on the other, Alex undertakes her medical training and, once qualified, aspires to the highest levels of the medical hierarchy. Fate and Cupid, however, have other ideas. In this convincing and meticulously drawn saga of life in the 1950s and 60s, Morag Saunders draws on her own extensive medical experience to chart the life and loves of a ‘new woman’, torn between the desire for domestic contentment and a burning ambition to succeed in her chosen career.
Clarion bookshelf Rain and Fire: A Guide to the Last Dragon Chronicles by Jay & Chris d’Lacey AMAZON PRICE: £4.99 (Paperback) This intriguing and entertaining guide will not only appeal to all fans of best-selling series The Last Dragon Chronicles, but will also appeal to everyone with an interest in dragons! In a collaborative work between Chris and his wife Jay, the book features character profiles, information on backgrounds and settings in the series, and explores relevant themes such as climate change. It includes stunning illustrations and photographs and is a book that everyone can enjoy, dip into, and indulge their passion for dragons! This is Jay d’Lacey’s first book, written in collaboration with her partner, and the author of The Last Dragon Chronicles, Chris d’Lacey. Jay and Chris live by the sea in Devon.
The Silent Land By Graham Joyce AMAZON PRICE: £6.99 (Paperback) A young couple are caught in an avalanche during a ski-ing holiday in the French Alps. They struggle back to the village and find it deserted. As the days go by they wait for rescue, then try to leave. But each time they find themselves back in the village. And, increasingly, they are plagued by visions and dreams and the realization that perhaps no-one could have survived the avalanche. THE SILENT LAND is a brooding and tender look at love and whether it can survive the greatest challenge we will ever face.
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Wordsearch Win a £20 Red Lion Voucher Word Search Puzzle OR Soup & Bap for Two at Little Acorns Tea Rooms T R E B M E M A C E O R R A E
Name: ................................................................................................................
CAERPHILLY Address: ............................................................................................................. CAMEMBERT CHEDDAR CHESHIRE ............................................................................Postcode: ............................. EMMENTAL If GORGONZOLA you can find 12 VARIETIES OF CHEESE in the Wordsearch GRUYERE grid above, you could win a £20 Dining Voucher to spend at The Red Lion Inn, Rothley (First Prize) LEERDAMMER orLIMBURGER a Soup & Bap Meal for Two at Little Acorns Tea Rooms, Inside Sevenoaks Garden Centre, Newtown Linford. MOZZARELLA All you have to do to go into the prize draw is find - and mark a line REDLEICESTER through - the names of 12 CHEESES. These can run vertically, horizontally WENSLEYDALE or diagonally (and backwards!). Send your marked entry forms to: CHEESE PLEASE LOUISE, Anstey Clarion, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT to arrive by Saturday 11th December 2010. Please remember to fill in your name and address. sender of the first correct entry drawn out of the hat will win the £20 The Red Lion Voucher. The sender of the second correct entry drawn out of the hat will win the Little Acorns Soup & Bap for Two. Good luck!
Anstey Neighbourhood Watch News First of all a very BIG thank you, to everyone who has been taking part in the Community Speed Watch on Bradgate and Cropston Road’s with the Speed Guns. It has been a big success. Special thanks to David Farmer and Dave Ford for all their help in the past two weeks. The speed limit in the village is 30 so I hope everyone will keep to it now. The Community Speed Watch will be repeated again next year, so if you didn’t volunteer this time, you can join in next year. There is now a vacancy for a NHW co-ordinator for Princes Close. Both Fay and John have decided to retire from NHW. Fay for personal reasons and John through ill health. There is no work required as both John and Fay have already set up and registered your scheme. The only commitment required, is to be the contact for the close, in case of any incidents, and to attend the co-ordinators meetings every two to three months. If you have a bit of spare time and would like to volunteer, or would like further information, then please get in touch with me. I would love to hear from you. My details are at the bottom of this article. I would like to take this opportunity to thank both Fay and John for all their help and work in setting up their NHW scheme and Cold Calling Zone. Please don’t let all their hard work count for nothing. I would like to welcome the residents of three new schemes which have been set up this month, Broadway Furlong, Fairhaven Road and Sutherington Way. I hope you are all displaying your NHW stickers. If anyone else in these streets would like to join then please come round and see me or just contact me via phone or e-mail. If anyone else would like to set up a scheme, please get in touch, or speak to us at the Anstey Christmas Gala. Age Concern soon to be ‘Age UK Leicester & Leicestershire’ has launched a unique business directory that aims to put a stop to rogue traders and cowboys taking advantage of the elderly. The online service allows anyone to search through local, reputable businesses that have been checked by Age Concern staff. From electricians to gardeners, cleaners to mobility products and plumbers to dog walkers the Directory is an exciting new service that now features over 300 member companies in the East Midlands alone. Don’t be a victim. Log on today at or call freephone number on 0800 011 4643. My contact details e-mail: dianetillotson@tiscali. or phone no: 0116 2365745.
Created by Puzzlemaker at
Diane Tillotson Anstey NHW Beat Manager
Last issue’s TWO winners The winner of the Red Lion Voucher was: JACQUI DOODY of Hazelhead Road, Anstey. The Little Acorns Voucher was won by MRS.LYNDA MOORE of Hollow Road, Anstey. Congratulations! Your vouchers will be with you within 21 days.
Support your local Search and Rescue Unit. Get lost.
ANSTEY CLARION • Issue 24 • Late-NOVEMBER 2010 • Tel: 01530 244069
Churches Together in Anstey Calendar St. Mary’s Parish Church, Bradgate Road Anstey Fridays
9..30 - 11am
Coffee morning & second hand book sale
4th December - Saturday
St Mary’s Christmas Market & lunches in Church Rooms.
Anstey Christmas Gala in Jubilee hall & all church rooms organised by Anstey Gala Committee.
12th December - Sunday
9 Lessons and Carols by Candlelight
19th December - Sunday
Christingle Service
24th December - Friday
Midnight Communion Service
The Methodist Church, Cropston Road, Anstey Saturdays
9.30am 12.00 noon
Coffee Mornings
4th December - Saturday
4pm - 7pm
Anstey Christmas Gala in Jubilee Hall & all church rooms organised by Anstey Gala Committee. Christmas Tree competition at the Methodist church
11th December - Saturday
Evening of Carols
18th December - Saturday
Carol Singing in The Nook
19th December - Sunday
Carol Service by Candlelight
15th January 2011 - Saturday
Beetle Drive
United Reformed Church, Bradgate Road, Anstey 27th Nov. - Saturday
URC Christmas Fair
4th December - Saturday
4 - 7 pm
Anstey Christmas Gala in Jubilee hall & all church rooms organised by gala committee.
5th December - Sunday
Anstey Toy Sale
19th December - Sunday
Service of Lessons and Carols
St Patrick’s RC Church, Beaumont Leys Lane, Leicester
28th Nov. - Advent Sunday
United Taize Advent service
20th December - Monday
Reconciliation Service
24th December - Christmas Eve
Family Mass
Carols and Readings
Midnight Mass
Christmas Mass
Christmas Mass
26th December - Feast of the Holy Family
Sunday Mass
Sunday Mass
31st December - New Year’s Eve
Mass for World Peace followed by celebration in Parish centre
1st January 2011 - New Year’s Day
Mass for feast of Mary Mother of God
25th December - Christmas Day
Leicester Christian Fellowship (Anstey House Group) Please contact Mr Steve Saulsbury telephone no. 0116 2218576, for details of meetings & services.
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