October 2011 Herald

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Thornton & Bagworth copies include a Questionnaire from the Rural Housing Enabler. Please complete and return it to him. Thanks!


GOLD Award for Markfield Community Centre!

Report from Ron Grantham of Markfield Community Association

I am really pleased to tell you that at an awards ceremony held at the Rothley Centre on the evening of Thursday 22nd September 2011, Markfield Community and Sports Centre was awarded the Col. John Heggs Community Hall Achievements GOLD Award 2011 for its achievements over the past five years.

Stanton News from Gail

October Concert A new programme with a Scottish Theme for our autumn concert, with the Stanton under Bardon Singers and Friends will be held on Friday 28th October 2011, in St Mary & All Saints Church, Stanton under Bardon, at 7.30p.m. Tickets available on the door £4.00 including refreshments. Look forward to seeing you all there.

Gail Massey

Sponsored by the Rural Community Council (Leicestershire and Rutland) the Col. John Heggs Achievement Award 2011 was open to all community and village halls across Leicestershire and Rutland. Way back in June we were subjected to a nerve racking inspection by three judges from the Rural Community Council who were looking for community and village halls that were exceptional to the norm and a model for others. The judges had a large “shopping list” of things that they were looking for including not only policies, health and safety and other procedures but also the extent and range of activities provided for all ages and backgrounds, disability access and facilities, cleanliness, environmental improvements, recycling and energy saving as well as a friendly and busy atmosphere. The judges were also looking at all of the other improvements we have made to the centre over the past five years. These included our new main hall extension, community office, public Internet café, increased storage, the Borough Council officer’s touch down base, improved security, other improvements and partnership working. We are proud and pleased to say that we “ticked all the above boxes” and, as a charitable and, voluntary body the Markfield Community Association is proud to have won this award. However, we could not have achieved all of this without the support and help from many other people and organisations including the Markfield Parish Council, Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council, Leicestershire County Council, the Rural Community Council, numerous and valued sponsors and of course our staff, volunteers, management committee members, Centre users, residents and well wishers. It is really nice to receive this award as it recognises the hard work that we have all put into making Markfield Community and Sports Centre a place that we can all be proud of and one that the village and surrounding rural areas can enjoy.

Come and Celebrate

Harvest Time

With a three course home made meal • Soup • Harvest Casserole • Harvest Pudding with Custard At Congregational Hall Main Street, On Thursday October 13th From 7pm for 7:30pm Tickets £6.00 each For tickets and more information Tel Brenda on 01530 242173

Applications needed by 21st October - don’t miss out!

Cash For Your Community Project!

Leicestershire County Council has made funds available to Markfield, Ratby and Groby Forum area. Your forum has £12,500 per year to spend on projects of your choice which meet the needs of the local communities. To be in with a chance of your project getting some cash you need to submit a proposal before 21st October 2011. All projects will

be posted on our website for comment. Projects will then be presented on 2nd November 2011 at a workshop for people to vote for the project of their choice. To find out more or get a proposal form visit www.leicestershireforums.org/cfb or give us a call on 0116 305 7034 or email: leicestershireforums@leics.gov.uk.

NEXT ISSUE OUT: Saturday 5th November - Advert & Articles Needed By 22nd October 2011

Tel: 0116 229 5913 or Mobile: 07979 594 169

28 Fairfield Crescent, Glenfield, Leicester LE3 8EH

Baby, Toddler, Dancing Tots, Football Tots, R.A.D Ballet, Tap, Funky Dance, Boys Street Dance and Fitness! Classes for age 2yrs+ Join now to take part in our next performance: Peter Pantomime Contact: Miss Keely-Anna Tel: 07500554736 Website: www.keelyanna.co.uk

In my day, a juvenile delinquent was a kid who owed tuppence on an overdue library book.

This issue of The Herald is being delivered over the weekend of 8th & 9th October 2011 by our team of dedicated deliverers, namely: Amy, Coral, Daisy, Matthew, Janet, Jack, Don, Sam, Maureen, John, Phoebe, Lauren, Gill, John, Helen, Jeanie, Jenny, Sarah, Susan, Thomas, Tracey, Alex, Ann, Rowan and John & Sue.

PLEASE NOTE: The Thornton & Bagworth delivery will take place on Wednesday 12th/ Thursday 13th October due to deliverers’ holiday.

The Herald PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT

Tel: 01530 244069 info@markfieldherald.co.uk www.markfieldherald.co.uk

The Herald is a monthly local magazine delivered free to approximately 4,000 homes and businesses in Markfield, Field Head, Stanton under Bardon, Thornton and Bagworth.

Contact Mike Wilkinson with your articles, news items or advertising enquiries. Printed by Norwood Press in Ellistown. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Herald Production Team. The inclusion of any group or organisation in this publication does not necessarily imply a recommendation of its aims, methods or policies. The Herald cannot be held responsible for the information disclosed by advertisements, all of which are accepted in good faith. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine, but no liability can be accepted for loss or inconvenience caused as a result of error or omission. The Herald reserves the right to amend, shorten or refuse to publish articles and/or advertisements submitted for publication. All contents © The Herald None of the articles or adverts contained in this magazine are to be reproduced in any way without first obtaining written consent from The Herald.

Next Issue (November)

Out on Weekend of 5th & 6th Nov. 2011. Adverts & articles required before 22nd October 2011.

A First for Markfield Medical Centre

Patients invited to shape future of GP practices

Leicestershire Health Informatics Service (LHIS) is working with local doctors to give patients a greater say in how GP practices are run, by providing online patient surveys for GP websites. LHIS is working with a number of GP practices across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, including Markfield Medical Centre, which is the first local practice to launch their patient survey. The centre’s survey has just gone live on their website and will be available online for their 6,800 patients to have their say until the end of December. Practice manager, Angela Patton, is excited about the potential the survey has to improve services for patients. She said: “We will be using the survey online and making a paper based version available at the practice, so that we can involve our patients in the decisions about how and what services we provide in the future. “We have received invaluable support from our colleagues in the Health Informatics Service who have helped set up the technology and been on hand to iron out any teething problems with the implementation.” This year the Department of Health (DH) has listed patient participation as one of the additional services that they will pay GPs to provide to patients. To meet the DH requirements GP practices must have a patient participation group (PPG), carry out a patient survey, consider and respond to the survey results in consultation with the PPG and finally publish a report about the process on their website. GP practices can gain a great deal from patient participation, which provides direct access to information on the needs and perspectives of their patients. Practices then have the opportunity to tailor services to their patient population making them more responsive and accessible. Sarah Ost, senior customer relationship manager at LHIS, who is leading on the patient participation project, noted some practical examples of how the survey could help GPs, patients and the community as a whole: “If a practice is considering whether to provide extended hours, a survey could suggest the hours that would be most used, or whether patients might have different priorities. Providing a route for patients’ opinions can also suggest changes that are important to patients but which the practice may not have thought about. “The community also benefits from the work of a good patient participation, which allows local people the chance to interact more effectively with the practice, making the services more responsive to the community. Patients can suggest simple innovations such as starting a practice newsletter or bulletin board, which can greatly improve communication between surgery staff and local people. Improved communication with the community can be particularly valuable in areas with a diverse population as there are likely to be more diverse healthcare needs which need to be addressed.” More online GP patient surveys will be going live over the next few weeks. Patients of Markfield Medical Centre can find the survey on their website at www.markfieldmedicalcentre.org.uk - SEE ADVERT ON PAGE 7

Herald Advertising Rates Ring 01530 244069 to book your advert or email: info@markfieldherald.co.uk Advert Size




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Avoid the flu! Flu clinics are available for patients from the beginning of October at Markfield Medical Centre. If you are aged 65 years and over, or are a registered carer and in receipt of a carer’s allowance, pregnant, or are aged over 6 months old and have certain long term conditions, you are eligible for a seasonal influenza vaccination. The surgery will not be sending individual letters so please call the surgery on 01530 242313 to book your appointment early.

I have gone to look for myself. If I should return before I get back, keep me here.

Thornton St.Peter’s Church Spot As I write this in the early days of September, when the Met Office has reminded us that we have experienced the driest summer since 1976, and the tail end of hurricane Katya has passed us by, it is perhaps opportune for us to take stock of our own position at St Peter’s. For many months we have been aware of the undulating nature of the tarmacadam path to the church, which has caused no little concern to the less sure-footed among us. I am happy to report that a contractor has been engaged to do the work of smoothing out the humps and bumps before the dark nights of Autumn are upon us. This damage is of course caused by the roots of the trees which line the path to the church. It concerns me also that, together with the effect of the dry summer months we have experienced, these same trees are responsible for some shrinkage of the ground under the tower, evidence of which can be seen within the building. It is hoped that Autumn rain and winter snow will redress the problem, but it does leave us with the question of the effect on the church of ever-growing trees. It saddens me also to report that ‘visitors’ - or more accurately ‘vandals’ - to the church have stripped the lightning conductor out of its clips, all the way from ground to battlements - an expensive repair job for us when so many other things have a claim on our resources. More happily I can report of a successful Heritage Weekend when the church opened its doors to visitors and Peter Leadbetter gave two most interesting and informative talks on the history of the village - we learned, for instance, of the many skirmishes that villagers had been involved in at the behest of their ‘lords’. Why did they always seem to be on the losing side? Harvest followed on the next weekend with the Area Dean Rev Canon John Sharpe preaching at our service. The church was beautifully decorated as usual and was filled with that characteristic smell of flowers, fruit and vegetables. The Notice Board at the bottom of the churchyard has been replaced and splendidly announces our presence, as it welcomes visitors to our doors - my thanks are due to our Ratby Church friends who gave us help and advice in this venture. Finally can I appeal once again for any ‘props’ you may have to lend us for the Murder Mystery at the Club on October 22nd. Offers please to Katherine on 01530 230372.

Martin Foster Churchwarden

Muldoon lived alone in the Irish countryside with only a pet dog for company. One day the dog died, and Muldoon went to the parish priest and asked, ‘Father, my dog is dead. Could ya’ be saying’ a mass for the poor creature?’ Father Patrick replied, ‘I’m afraid not; we cannot have services for an animal in the church. But there are some Baptists down the lane, and there’s no tellin’ what they believe. Maybe they’ll do something for the creature.’ Muldoon said, ‘I’ll go right away Father. Do ya’ think 5,000 euros is enough to donate to them for the service?’ Father Patrick exclaimed, ‘Sweet Mary! Why didn’t ya tell me the dog was Catholic?’

Drive carefully - we need every taxpayer we can get.

There are more frightening things than bishops out there ... The Rectory

Markfield Library Revised MARKFIELD Opening TimesLIBRARY from April MARKFIELD LIBRARY will operate with revised opening times from 2nd APRIL 2012.

Revised Opening Hours

The new hours are shown in the table below:

St. James the Least of All




10.00am – 12.30pm 2.00pm – 7.00pm

2.00pm – 7.00pm


2.00pm – 5.00pm

3.00pm – 5.00pm





2.00pm – 5.00pm

2.00pm – 5.00pm


10.00am – 12.30pm 2.00pm – 5.00pm

10.00am – 12 noon 2.00pm – 5.00pm


9.30am – 1.00pm 2.00pm – 5.00pm

10.00am – 1.00pm

My dear Nephew Darren You really should not worry about having reversed your car into the bishop’s gatepost, knocking it over and destroying his rose-beds; it gives him an opportunity to exercise Christian forgiveness. Your real mistake was scribbling a note of apology and pushing it through his letterbox. Far better would been to have sent an anonymous letter (and to have written it on lined notepaper in capital letters, preferably in green ink, to make it look truly authentic) saying you had just seen what the archdeacon had done, and then watched him drive off without stopping. That would have taken the minds of the senior clergy away from parish matters for quite some time. No, never worry about the wrath of bishops; dangers lurk much nearer home. For a start, never incur the displeasure of your flower arrangers. I only crossed their path once – and arrived in church the following Sunday, to see a ten foot high floral arrangement at the front of church. I assumed it was by way of making amends, until I discovered it had been placed in front of the pulpit. I was obliged to preach, hidden behind a large multicoloured hedge, while the congregation listened to what were apparently talking chrysanthemums. A colleague offended his own ladies and arrived to find that the contents of the safe had been removed and replaced with all those exotic pieces of equipment that seem to be indispensable for arranging flowers. He was obliged to administer Communion using a small vase until peace was reestablished and his chalice returned to him. Similarly, organists are a delicate breed. Congratulate him on the anthem, and if it happened to be unaccompanied, he will assume you were implying that the services were better without his playing. Offend your organist and you can be guaranteed that hymns will be played at either half or double speed, stopping one verse short and that the final piece of music as you process out will stop, leaving you and the choir stranded half way down the aisle. And finally, never, ever upset your verger. One forgotten Christmas present and you can be sure you will get half-way through a baptism to find he hasn’t put water in the font; at marriage services, the sheets for last week’s funeral will have been accidentally put out and when you sit in your stall you will discover where he now stores the mop and bucket. No, bishops are warm, fluffy bunnies; dangers lurk a lot nearer home. Your loving uncle,


Advertise in the Herald You know it makes sense! The Herald is delivered to 4,000 local homes and businesses in Markfield, Thornton, Bagworth, Stanton and Field Head 11 Times a Year (no July issue) If You’d Like To Advertise Your Business in The Herald, Contact Mike on 01530 244069. (Ad rates are on page 3)



As part of our aftercare service, we now offer a monthly Bereavement Aftercare & Support Group, which has been set up to provide a FREE support service, not just to our clients, but to ANY bereaved person, irrespective of their age, creed, religion and length of bereavement. The group meets on the 3rd Saturday of every month in the catering suite at Anstey & District Funeral Services between 10am and 12noon.

Next dates: Sat 17th September & Sat 15th October ARRAN BRUDENELL, Tel: 0116 234 0548

I’m an idealist: I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way.

New hours from 2nd April 2012


Re-introducing weekly collections here would Borough Councillor Matthew Lay writes in the Herald I often leave it late to pen my article for the Herald and this month was no different. Sat at home thinking about what to write, waiting for inspiration, I had the TV on. All of sudden I noticed that the Minister for Local Government, Eric Pickles, was talking about giving cash to local authorities to re-introduce weekly refuse collections. Cash which the same man had taken away from Councils last April. I think if I remember correctly he said that it was the “desire for every Englishman to put the remnants of their chicken tikka-masala in their bin without having to wait a fortnight for it to be collected”. This got me thinking about the subject at hand. When Hinckley and Bosworth went from weekly collections to one every two weeks, it was at the time, a controversial decision and not one I supported. The big driver for the change was the need to balance the costs between refuse collection and recycling and to limit the amount of domestic waste that was collected and going into landfill. On the back of this change the Council started to expand the kerbside collection to include a range of recyclable produce. This in turn led to the alternate week system whereby one week the

Council collects refuse and the next it collects recyclables and garden waste which is composted. Over the years since the move from weekly collections, which was around 2004, the Council have actually done remarkably well in providing a range of services while keeping expenditure to a minimum. Presently the Council is recycling over 50% of the domestic waste it collects and it does with one of the lowest costs per household in the UK (this despite it being a rural area which increases cost). To be honest, no political party can really claim credit for all this (although they will of course). The building blocks for this performance can be traced back to the LibDem/Labour administration of 1999-2003 who started to introduce the concept of kerbside recycling collections and moved to bring the refuse contracts back in house. It was carried on through the Conservative administration during 2003-2007 who introduced the move to fortnightly refuse collections and wheelie bins. This move was strongly opposed by the Lib-Dems at the time, who promised to re-introduce a weekly collection if they got back into power. They did get back and what did they do when they won in 2007, they carried on with the same policies as had gone before, and further expanded the collection of

recyclables as financial incentives became greater to do so (landfill tax and the value of recycled material like glass and metals which is so much higher today than 10 years ago). Now we have a situation in which further improvements are set to be delivered and these include the provision of a third wheelie bin for all recyclable produce except for green waste. This third bin has been available for a fee to householders, but from next April I am told it will be provided free to all households who want one. This bin would remove the need for the yellow and blue bags and the blue box, as the bin has a box that hangs inside. In effect the Council now collects almost all waste that can be recycled except for food waste which would require further investment but is being looked at. This development alone could take the Council to a recycling rate of over 60%. At present there is little disagreement amongst councillors on the Borough as to how the service is operated (although this will probably change following the Pickles announcement). The surveys the Council carries out all show that the public rates the refuse and recycling service very highly and thinks it does a good job (although mistakes happen). This high level of satisfaction is actually

interesting because it has been remarkably consistent throughout the 16 years I have been on the Council. When I look back we have come a long way. In 1995 the year I was first elected the Council ran a weekly back door collection of waste. We did not provide bins and people used there own or just used black bags etc. The only recycling the Council operated were the few glass bins that could be found dotted around (and still can) and the total waste recycled was negligible in volume terms. People back than used to love the system because the Council would collect whatever was put out and it was straight forward, no thought to separating waste into different containers, just get rid. I wonder though, was it really that great? In fact it cost us more per household to deliver that service in today’s prices and it just allowed people to produce as much waste as they chose without any thought to the consequences or to take some responsibility for their own actions. This can be seen in the amount of waste that no longer goes into landfill. The move from weekly to fortnightly collections was at the beginning unpopular but it changed things because it made us all change our habits and to be honest for the good of us all.

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It’s hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them.

seem strange In our household our black bin is now only as full as it was when there were just two of us, and yet our recycling is overflowing when collected. I take some some pride that as a Borough people have generally responded very positively to the changes over the years and we now recycle so much. Is it really so much to ask people to sort out what needs to recycled, to wash out the odd tin or milk bottle and yes the odd chicken tikka masala container? Not only does this positive behaviour save money but it makes us take more responsibility for the waste we produce and in the long run helps the environment by re-using materials and preventing more landfill sites being needed. Yes I am sure things could be improved with the service offered, but to re-introduce weekly collections here in the Borough would seem somewhat strange. We are told that we live in austere times and yet we are encouraged to spend £250 million to go back to weekly collections which in reality would cost taxpayers a great deal more than that (around


We Would Like To Hear From You!

double every year) and what of the consequences. Well it is no coincidence that the councils with the highest recycling rates tend to be those with alternate week collections. I was against the move to end weekly collections when the conservative controlled council introduced them. I look back and accept I was wrong, the world really wasn’t flat and the sun did not orbit the earth. Let us be proud of what everybody has achieved here in this Borough when it comes to recycling, let us take responsibility for our actions and lets stick to what works.

The Partners, Doctors and staff at your surgery are keen to ensure that patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services provided and, over time, commissioned by your practice. To enable the surgery to obtain your feedback, together with representatives from the patient participation group we have developed a survey which will be available for patients to complete until the end of December. Patients can either complete this survey through our website which is www.markfieldmedicalcentre.org.uk or paper based at the surgery. Please take this opportunity to let us know what you think about your surgery. If you would also like to know more about your patient participation group or would like to join please contact Angela Patton, Practice Manager on 01530 242313.



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People don’t grow up; they just learn how to act in public.

Council urged to oppose Bosworth boundary plans A motion has been tabled to the next meeting of Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council urging it to oppose Boundary Commission plans to carve up the constituency. The motion is being proposed by Cllr Michael Mullaney, Lib Dem parliamentary spokesman for Bosworth. It calls on the Council’s Chief Executive to write to the Boundary Commission informing them that the council opposes their proposals for Hinckley and Bosworth. A similar motion is being proposed at Burbage Parish Council by Borough Council Leader, Stuart Bray. Cllr Michael Mullaney said “We believe that there should be a parliamentary constituency covering the bulk of the borough of Hinckley and Bosworth. “What the Boundary Commission proposes for our area is a complete mess. The proposals would see Hinckley and Bosworth carved up and large bits of it parcelled off into three different constituencies. “Under the proposals Hinckley and Burbage, which are right next to each other and have extremely close ties, will be split into two different constituencies. Barwell and Earl Shilton which are very close will be divided too. Yet Ashby De La Zouch, which is miles away and has no real links with our Borough, is to be put in with Hinckley and Barwell. “I hope all parties on the council can come together and tell the Boundary Commission to rethink their plans for our area”

Art of the coalfields to be showcased at Snibston

Coal mining may not be synonymous with beautiful landscapes, but it has provided inspiration to many artists over the years. A new exhibition at Snibston Discovery Museum will showcase this art of the coalfields, showing landscapes from Leicestershire and other works relating to mining life. The display includes work by local artist Noel Brannan. Born in Northumberland in 1921, both his father and brother were keen artists. After studying at Lincoln and Leicester School of Art, he took a teaching job in Hinckley in 1952. He lived and sketched Leicestershire’s landscape until his death in 2001. He had a great love of industrial landscapes such as mines, tile works, chimneys, quarries, canals and areas of wasteland, which were his favourite sketching ground. He sketched and painted Nailstone Colliery prior to its demolition in 1991. The exhibition at Snibston Discovery Museum also includes works of art from Leicestershire County Council’s museum collection and works on loan from the National Coal Mining Museum of England. The exhibition also looks at the contribution of the Bevin Boys to the war effort during the Second World War, when men were conscripted not only to the armed forces but also to work in the coal mining industry. Whitwick Colliery was one of only 13 training sites in the country and the museum service would like to hear from people with any information or memories about it. If you think you can help, please get in touch and call Alison Clague on 0116 3053429 or email alison.clague@leics.gov.uk David Sprason, Leicestershire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Adults and Communities said: “This is a remarkable exhibition with some lovely pieces of artwork that give people an idea of what the mining industry was like in the county. If you have your own information and mining memories that you want to share with the rest of the community then please do get in touch.” The exhibition: Lost Landscapes: Noel Brannan and Art in the Coal Fields is on at Snibston Discovery Museum from Saturday 1st October until Saturday 31st December. For more information including details of admission prices and opening times, please contact Snibston on: 01530 278444 or visit: www.snibston.com

The second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day, you’re off it.

LEARN TO LOVE YOUR LEFTOVERS! Not sure what to cook for tea tonight? Want to improve your cooking skills and find out how to save up to ÂŁ50 a month? Our practical, fun and FREE cooking sessions can help you make the most of your food. t 1JDL VQ UBTUZ SFDJQF DBSET t 'JOE PVU IPX SFEVDJOH your food waste can save you money

t A free goodie bag packed with handy giveaways including spaghetti measure, meal planner and much more!

Location: Markfield Community Centre, Mayflower Close, Markfield LE67 9ST 3 dates available: Tuesday 25th October, 2-5pm Tuesday 1st November, 2-5pm Tuesday 8th November, 2-5pm More classes across the county available soon visit www.lesswaste.org.uk or call 0116 305 7005 to find out more. To sign up for a class* or to find out about our future classes call 0116 305 7005 or email wasteprevention@leics.gov.uk Suitable for children aged 9 or over *Limited spaces available. Leicestershire residents only (excluding Leicester City).

The premiership of pet care

Politicians are people who, when they see the light at the end of the tunnel, go out and buy more tunnel.



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Interesting LOGO Trivia It’s surprising to discover how much thought goes into the design of company and organisational logos. Here are a few which are cleverer than they look at first glance ... Formula 1 At first, this logo might not make much sense. But if you look closely, you’ll see the number 1 in the negative space between the F and the red stripes. It’s good how this logo communicates a feeling of speed. Amazon This logo doesn’t seem to hide much at first sight, but it gives you a little insight in the philosophy behind the brand. First of all, the yellow swoosh looks like a smile: Amazon wants to have the best customer satisfaction. The swoosh also connects the letters a and z, meaning that this store has everything from a to z. Toblerone Toblerone is a chocolate-company from Bern, Switzerland. Bern is sometimes called ‘The City Of Bears’. They have incorporated this idea in the Toblerone logo, because if you look closely, you’ll see the silhouette of a bear. Sony Vaio

Can you help?

Volunteers are required for the 2011 Poppy Appeal. I have just taken over as Poppy Appeal Organiser for the Ratby/ Groby/Markfield area and do not have contact details for the previous volunteers who delivered and collected poppies and collection tins to local shops, schools and public houses. The area also includes Thornton, Bagworth and Stanton-under-Bardon. Poppies and tins are delivered to various premises by 29th October 2011 and collected after 11th November 2011. Please contact me if you can help.

Anita Holt Tel 01455 823202, Mobile 07514297457 email: aholt21@talktalk.net

Sony Vaio is a well known brand of laptops. But did you know that the name Vaio logo also had a hidden meaning? Well, the first two letters represent the basic analogue signal. The last two letters look like a 1 and 0, representing the digital signal. FedEx Do you see any arrows on FedEx’s logo? The clue is that the arrow is located in between the alphabet E and X, and the arrow is white, acting as a background. If you know any examples of cleverly designed logos, let us know and we’ll include them in a future issue.

Police were called to a day care centre where a three-year-old was resisting a rest.

11 Redgate Farm Animal Sanctuary

25th Anniversary Dog Show and Open Day raised £3,900 for Redgate A BIG thank you to everyone who supported the recent Redgate Dog Show and Open Day, and to all who helped in any way. We are pleased to report that 843 visitors, and about 100 dogs (excited but well-behaved), came to take part and a great time was had by all. The weather was very kind to us and it was a good, old-fashioned, traditional family day out with craft stalls, ice creams, home-made fudge, baked potatoes, tombola, cuddly toys and even a ‘Hook-aDuck’. Just the way to celebrate 25 years of rescuing, nursing and rehoming local animals in need. The Sanctuary took approximately £3,900 on the day – slightly up on last year, and a nice surprise bearing in mind the current recession. The show classes were great fun and raised £240 across 14 classes – the 15th being “Best in Show” which is, of course, free. Thank you to everyone who brought their dogs along. Please keep an eye on the Redgate website www. redgatefarmanimalsanctuary.co.uk (or our Facebook page) to see how our animals benefit from your continued support. Money raised is spent on such things as food, veterinary bills, heating, lighting, maintenance etc etc. This list goes on and on, and please remember the Sanctuary’s only income is from public donations and events. We need YOU!

Re-homing Report

During July and August, Redgate re-homed the following lucky residents to new families, to start a new life. As you can see, the range of animals for adoption is quite

varied: Cats (15), Kittens (14), Dogs (13), Guinea Pigs (10), Rabbits (3), Chickens (5), Ducks (2), Parrot (1), Turtle (1). We hope you enjoy looking at the photographs – but please do come along to see the work of the sanctuary for yourselves – it is open EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR EXCEPT CHRISTMAS DAY from 10:00 a.m. till 4:00p.m. And even if you are not in a position to re-home an animal, if you would consider becoming a Friend of Redgate, making a donation, fund-raising for us in your village/town, dog-walking, or visiting whenever you can, perhaps with some cat or dog food (sealed and well in date please) you would not regret it. To check, in advance of your visit, exactly what the sanctuary needs at that time, please telephone 01530 243 925. Thank you!

the night, outside the Redgate Farm main gate. They were distressed and almost escaped onto the main road. This is obviously unnecessary suffering and upsetting for all concerned. Most people won’t need reminding but please speak to us instead of just leaving animals outside the gates.

Groby, Markfield And Ratby Residents: Has Anyone Knowledge Of This Gentleman? Can anyone remember Reginald John Hales Hubbard who lived at 69 Church Lane, Ratby? He passed away in 1973; his partner was Kathleen Hubbard who died in 1987. The Granddaughter of Mr Hubbard is making enquiries about him, and would like to know more about her Granddad. Any one who can help would you please contact Merle Joyce at Ratby Parish Council Office. • Telephone 01162390167, • e-mail address is ratbypcouncil@ btconnect.com • postal address is 13, Station Road, Ratby. Leicester.

Kittens needing good homes

Five kittens were recently abandoned - left in a box, during

Coming up in next month’s issue: Redgate’s permanent residents: the animals who cannot be re-homed.

When I was young, I could remember anything, whether it happened or not.


Markfield WI News - from Fran Johnson Since our very successful contribution to the Open Gardens event the WI have continued to hold interesting monthly meetings over the summer and have also taken part in some extra social events.

Parish Council Surgeries The next Markfield Parish Council Surgery take place between 10.00am-11.30am at Markfield Community Centre on Friday October 28th.

I was out for a drink with the wife last night and I said, “I love you.” She asked me, “Is that you or the beer talking?” I said, “It’s me ... I’m talking to the beer”!

We have had speakers on the subject of Animals in Pastels, Egypt, Land of the Pharaohs and a very informative talk on the work of LOROS which has inspired us to use our culinary skills to support The Croft, the LOROS day centre – more of that in the future. A group of members and friends spent a very enjoyable evening at Kilworth House in June for the production of the Pirates of Penzance. We began with an outdoor picnic for which the weather was considerably kinder than we were expecting and we then moved into the theatre to see a superb performance of ‘Pirates’. We have now attended three of Kilworth’s summer productions and I think this was the best ever. In July four members joined Groby WI for Ladies Day at Newmarket Racecourse. Apart from a very heavy shower as we ate our picnic lunch the weather was again kind to us and a good day was had by all. I had never attended a race meeting before and found the whole thing fascinating, especially people watching! Two of our party seemed to have a great aptitude for the betting side of the experience and we came home in profit! We won’t go into the little matter of the confiscation of the wine by the stewards though, who’d have thought it of the WI!! Knit and Natter continues on the 1st Wednesday of the month, 7to 9pm, in the lounge bar of the Bulls Head. You don’t have to be a member of the WI to join us and the group is very lively. If you don’t knit or crochet there will be someone who is happy to get you started. No cost apart from the

The outdoor picnic at Kilworth House

Picnicking again - this time at the races expectation that you will support the landlord by buying a drink, coffee, soft drink or dare I say alcohol as well! By the time this article will have been published some of us will have been up to London to view Kate’s dress, do the tour of Buckingham Palace and have some fun. More of this next month.

We are holding another of our successful Quiz Nights at the Coach and Horses on Friday, 18th November and our annual birthday party meal at The Village, Newtown Linford also in November. Why not come along and join us at WI, 3rd Wednesday in the month 7.45pm at the Methodist Church.

In my next life, I’m going to have more memory installed.


Don’t Miss the Closing Date for School Places

Parents are being urged to look out for school place application packs which will be landing on doormats across Leicestershire.

Around 14,000 forms will be sent out to parents whose children will transfer to secondary, high or upper school in the autumn term, 2012 and the County Council is urging them to make sure they apply on time. Parents need to apply by 31st October, 2011. Transfer to the next school is not automatic so all parents need to apply - even for their child to attend the catchment area school for their home address. Late applicants may not be offered a place at any of their preferred schools, or even their catchment area school. Leicestershire County Council are encouraging more parents to apply online at: www.leics.gov.uk/admissions Doing so is easy and applicants will receive an email acknowledging receipt of their application and be able to view their decision online on 1st March, 2012. Parents can also apply by post if they wish. For more information or an application form, go to: www.leics.gov.uk/admissions or e-mail admissions@leics.gov.uk or call School Admissions on 0116 305 6684. Independent advice is also available through the Choice Advice Service on 0116 275 2097 or email: parent-partnership-service@leics.gov.uk

IDC Home Maintenance Painter Decorator and Property Maintenance NO JOB TOO SMALL From changing a light bulb to complete house re-decoration. For all the jobs you need to do but simply don’t have time.

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Full Tradesman Liability Insurance held

I had some words with my wife, and she had some paragraphs with me.


Lots going on at Markfield Jubilee Playing Fields • • •

Do you want to advertise your business? Do you want a memorial bench? Can you donate some time or equipment?

The committee at Jubilee Playing Fields, Altar Stones Lane have made significant progress at the Sports Pavilion in recent months, but still have lots of improvements in mind. Do you want to help? Jubilee Sports Pavilion can be hired for private functions, children’s parties and sports events. We are home to Markfield Cricket Club, Markfield Football Club and Markfield Rangers Football Club. A fully fitted kitchen, home and visitor changing rooms with shower facilities, main entertainment hall, disabled toilets and 2 large car parks. • Advertising Boards – advertise your business with a custom made board, costs include production of the board which will surround the football and cricket field. Work has commenced and the first sets of boards are due to be installed – pop up and take a look. • Memorial Bench – Purchase a bench with memorial plaque. • Volunteer or Donate – volunteer your time, donate equipment, cement, wood etc. If you are interested in advertising, hiring or helping please give the Committee Secrertary a call 07587 076333.

Bagworth & Thornton Neighbourhood Watch Update My name is Anita Beeby and I am the Neighbourhood Watch Development Officer for Bagworth & Thornton. My aim as Development Officer for the Parish is to help reduce the opportunity for local crime and increase a personal sense of security with neighbours looking out for each other and the general community. I need your help to do this! By setting up a NHW group with your neighbours, which only takes a few minutes of your time each week, we can work together as a community to reduce local crime and make our village a safe and more enjoyable place to live. How you can get involved: 1) You can become a co-ordinator which involves setting up a NHW group with your neighbours (the main task involved is forwarding a weekly crime update by email to your neighbours). Raising awareness of what criminal activity is taking place locally can benefit us all – we can be more vigilant to what is going on around us and we can report any suspicious activity. 2) You can join my neighbourhood watch group, which means you will receive weekly crime updates from the police as well as quarterly NHW newsletters which includes crime prevention information as well as general community news. Please contact me on the following information to get involved:

Anita Beeby

m: 07972 610886 e: nwdo@btinternet.com

Did you hear about the dyslexic man who walked into a bra?


Beat the winter blues with over £11,000 of red hot prizes! Whilst it may be cold outside LOROS are turning up the heat with their Local Hospice Winter Warmer Raffle which will take place on Wednesday 21st December. How would you like £10,000 to see in the New Year? Just think of what you could do with a sum like that. Or imagine yourself behind the wheel of a sleek and stylish new Peugeot 207 Access – the choice between these fabulous prizes could really be yours. The LOROS Winter Warmer Raffle is a great way to raise funds and also a way for the hospice to say thank you for the support received through the year. In previous years the draw has been incredibly successful but this year LOROS fundraisers hope to raise more than ever to help people across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Nick Smith, whose 35 year old wife Jo received care from LOROS in so many ways, is supporting the campaign. He is encouraging everyone to help raise money for LOROS by buying tickets to help ensure that the support they received can continue. The LOROS hospice and home support services offer caring expertise to patients and families who may be spending their last days, even hours together. Every £1 ticket sold will help so to join in the fun just call the LOROS Lottery office on 0116 2318430 and it could be you having to make that decision between a £10,000 windfall or a brand new Peugeot 207 Access.

Shuttlewood Clarke Event

A Delightful Afternoon of Food and Entertainment to raise funds for Local Charity Based at Ulverscroft Grange Community Support and Wellbeing Centre the Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation is delighted to announce that it will be holding a ‘Taste Sensation’ Buffet prepared by Chef Anna Garnier on Friday 18th November, between 1.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Peter Welton, Emeritus Professor of Fine Art at De Montfort University, will be on hand to enthral with tales about his life and work as an artist; whilst Jazz Pianist Stephen Hancock will provide delightful background entertainment. Alan Norman, Chief Executive of the Foundation said “this is a unique opportunity to experience Anna’s ‘Taste Sensation’ Buffet. We are very grateful for the support from Anna, Peter and Stephen for this event.” Tickets for this wonderful event are £20.00 each and are available from the Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation. For more information please contact the Admin Team on 01530 244914 or via admin@shuttlewood-clarke.org. Ulverscroft Grange, Whitwick Road, Ulverscroft, Leicestershire, LE67 9QB

I don’t eat snails. I prefer fast food.


What’s been happening at Markfield Community Centre Report fromRon Grantham - Markfield Community Association Relaunch of Youth Club Mainly due to clashes with other activities in the village the numbers attending our old Wednesday evening junior youth club have dwindled of late. So, in response to popular demand, we have moved the Youth Club to Tuesday evenings from 7pm to 8.30pm and as a bonus reduced the entry to just 75p per session. Children and young people of any age can come along, however children under eight years must be accompanied by an adult. So, for just 75p you can come along and enjoy indoor and outdoor games, have fun with your mates and of course explore the delights of our tuck shop. Spookily the new youth club is being re-launched well in time for our infamous Youth Club Halloween Party later in the month.

A Scottish Ceilidh on 8th October I am hoping that it isn’t too late to mention that on Saturday 8th October 7.30pm to 11.30pm the Centre will be hosting a Scottish Ceilidh on behalf of Christian Aid and St.Wilfred’s Development fund. You will enjoy an evening of traditional Scottish music and dancing to The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. The evening also includes a Piper and a buffet all for only £8. So, get your kilt on and come along and enjoy and evening of lively entertainment all in a good cause. For more information and to book your tickets please contact either Gwen on 01530 813422 or Anne on 01530 243079

New Yoga Classes After many years John Tully has finally rolled up his Yoga mat and retired as our Yoga teacher and mentor. Maria Dowson has now kindly taken over John’s mantle and will be taking classes from now on. Classes are held on Wednesdays from 7.15pm to 8.45pm and on Fridays from 1.30pm to 3pm. Beginners are welcome. Did you know that Yoga is a great way to develop a healthy body and mind. The benefits of practicing yoga are: It creates a toned, flexible and strong body. Improves respiration, energy and vitality. Helps to maintain metabolism and promotes cardiac and cirulatory health It helps you relax and handle stressful situations more easily. Teaches you how to quiet the mind so you can focus your energy where you want it to go. It also builds awareness of your body, your feelings, the world around you and the needs of others. If you want further information please contact Maria on 07792 101221 or email her on mdowson59@gmail.com Finally many thanks to John for all the years of Yoga teaching and we all hope you have a happy and relaxing retirement.

New Junior Karate and Self Defence A new karate and self defence class specifically for up to ten year olds has been started at the Centre. The class takes place on Wednesdays starting at 5pm. For further information contact 07702 809288

Knife Defence Training Course Just a quick reminder that we are holding a four hour seminar on Sunday 19th October on what to do if you are confronted or attacked by a person wielding a knife. The seminar is from 10am to 2pm and you can book your place by contacting Jim on 07843 120774. You must be over 16 years of age to attend and you will learn real life knife defence skills and how to react in such a situation.

Boxercise4health This is a new and exciting form of exercise for mums and tots starting at the centre on Monday mornings from 11am to 12md. Boxercise will give you a fun and effective work out that will get your fitness back on track. Also your babies will learn with you copying movements in a fun and friendly environment. The cost is only £1 per session. If you want to learn more about this new activity please contact Kelton on 0797670585 or the Centre

Litter – Skate Park May I take this opportunity to respond to a letter in last month’s edition of the Herald entitled “Untidy Skaters” sent in by a nearby neighbour to the Centre. I can assure readers that both the Parish Council and the Centre take a dim view of rubbish being left of the site despite the fact that there are ample litter and dog fouling bins being readily available. We have often remonstrated with some young people on the site about littering and have even closed the skate park until they have got off their backsides and tidied

up. Unfortunately it is only the odd one or two who ignore our warnings that their untidy behaviour could cause a permanent or long term closure. The majority of young people have taken this on board and are trying to self police the site as we cannot be there 24/7. Things have hopefully improved but we will continue to keep an eye on the situation and take action if individuals persist in ignoring common decency. But, I do have to say that it is not just young people who are littering as older people who should know better and set an example are also littering the site and even worse letting their dogs foul the public areas. We would also ask them to set an example and clear up their mess as well.

Annual General Meeting No apologies but I must once again mention that the Centre’s Annual General meeting will take place at the Centre at 7.30pm on Thursday 27th October. This is your chance to see what we having been doing over the last year and what we are planning for the future. Although, as mentioned earlier in this article, we were awarded a GOLD award from the Rural Community Council for our achievements we cannot do this on our own and need people on our management committee who are prepared to help out or support us in the development of the Centre. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO HAVE YOUR SAY AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. All you have to do is turn up at the meeting and have your say - you will be most welcome

Diamond Jubilee - June 2012 Things are moving along with the planning of a village celebration event to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Sunday 3rd June has been earmarked and we have already booked the evening family fun disco, rides and some displays. We are hoping to secure an RAF Memorial Flight fly past as well as an evening celebration firework display. We would like some volunteers to organise a Royal Fancy Dress parade, Village Queen and perhaps a village tug of war competition so, don’t be shy, step up to the plate and give us your support.

Some Dates For Your Diary • • •

8th October - Charity Evening 29th October - Halloween Dance 4th December - Christmas Craft Fair

Don’t forget you can view all the Centre of the news and activities on our website at www.markfieldcommunitycentre.com For booking and enquiries please contact Markfield Community and Sports Centre, Mayflower Close, Markfield LE67 9ST or ring 01530 242240 www.markfieldcommunitycentre.com

Succeed in spite of management. Aim low; Reach your goals; Avoid disappointment.


SPIRITATPLAY SPIRITATPLAY is committed to compassionate horsemanship and is opening a new Saturday club for young people eager to learn how to care for horses and how to understand them a little. Because the horses are all rescues there is no riding but this club is the perfect opening into the world of the horse and a great opportunity to learn about the horse and to understand them more before getting on to ride. The activities include: • Learning how to care for horses • Learning how to care for horses • Unmounted games and competitions • Learning how to work as a team to deliver care to horses The activities are spread over two hours of fun and enjoyment in the company of the beautiful horses of Birchaven. The club will run every Saturday and everyone is welcome. All proceeds will go the SPIRITATPLAY to help people who need out help. If you are interested please contact Judith on 07904053899 or email spiritatliberty@aol.com Spiritatplay is based at Birchhaven Equestrian Assisted Learning Centre, Priory Lane, Markfield.

Painting exhibition was a great success During the month of August, a painting exhibition was held in the 92.2FM Radio Station coffee lounge, in Coalville, in support of the charity NSPCC, aided by John and Jan Sketchley, Susie Hudson and Elena Garcia. Considering the continuing need for us all to be careful about our spending, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to the people of Coalville and surrounding villages for the support they gave to this exhibition and the NSPCC. A full £112 of paintings were sold.

Deidre Ann Cook

Watercolour Artist

Anstey & District Funeral Service Independent Family-Run Funeral Directors

We take care of every detail, advise and help you every step of the way. • •

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Traditional hearse & fleet Horse drawn carriages, motorcycle hearse & alternatives available Memorial showroom Extensive car parking Private catering suite Private chapels of rest Funeral arrangements can be made in the comfort of your own home if preferred

0116 234 0548 Talbott House, Leicester Road, Anstey, Leicester LE7 7AT


When you are arguing with an idiot, make sure the other person isn’t doing the same thing.



X-FACTOR WORDSEARCH Christmas Shoebox find the 16 X-FACTOR FINALISTS in the Wordsearch puzzle below, and you could win yourself a nice prize. This month we are offering a first prize of:

A Main Course for Two plus A Bottle of House Wine at The Field Head Hotel and a SECOND PRIZE of:

A pair of Adult Tickets to see a film at the REEL CINEMA in Loughborough To go into the draw for the prizes, all you have to do is find - and mark a line through - the 16 acts which have made it through to the live stages of X-Factor. These can run vertically, horizontally or diagonally (and backwards!). Send your entry to: X-FACTOR, The Herald, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT to arrive by Wednesday 26th October 2011. Remember to include your name and address. The first all-correct entry drawn Search Puzzle out of the Editor’s Trilby will win the Meal for Two (see ad on page 26), and the second will win the Cinema Tickets. Good luck!















Cross Hills Baptist Church will be taking part for the 7th year and we are happy to again be collecting gift-filled shoeboxes for this appeal.

What is the Shoebox appeal? Operation Christmas Child is the world’s largest Christmas project, which has been bringing joy into the lives of underprivileged children since 1990. Last year, nearly 1.2 million shoeboxes were packed with gifts and goodies and sent from the UK to children who need them most in some of the toughest parts of the world, including Haiti (the front cover of this year’s leaflet shows a little girl in Haiti receiving her shoebox)

How do you get involved? You will need a leaflet for each box – this shows you how to wrap it (lid and box separately for checking and customs clearance), it has labels for the outside (depending on whether your box is for a boy or a girl and the age group) and is full of ideas of what to put in your box such as small toys, educational supplies, hats, scarves, gloves, sweets (no chocolate and sell by dates must be at least March 2012) and a list of some restricted items. Sports items have been added to the lists this year to celebrate the 2012 Olympics being held in London. Also, part of the leaflet is an envelope for the suggested donation of £2.50 which covers UK transportation, shipping, distribution, etc to make sure that the shoeboxes reach the children they are intended for. If you can’t manage to fill a box yourself, why not get together with your family, neighbours and friends to do one between you.

Where do you get your leaflets? Please contact Glynis or David Straw as soon as possible on 01530 230272 or call at 110 Main Street, Thornton.



Appeal 2011



Name: ...................................................................................................

AMELIALILY Address: ................................................................................................

When does your box need to be ready? By early November to allow time for them to be taken to the drop-off point at The Hall School in Glenfield. So, please either bring your completed box to a Sunday Service at Cross Hills Church or take it to 110, 108 or 106 Main Street, Thornton no later than 13th November. You will find a lovely short film online telling the full story of the journey of a shoebox, right from its beginning to reaching its destination, at www. operationchristmaschild.org.uk

BOOKSHELF Naked Eggs & Flying Potatoes:

Unforgettable Experiments That Make Science Fun By Steve Spangler Author, celebrity teacher and science guy Steve Spangler teaches you how to transform the ordinary into the amazing as you make everyday items ooze, bubble, fizz, pop. Make people wonder . . . How did you do that? From Flying Toilet Paper to Bin Smoke Rings, Erupting Soda to Exploding Sandwich Bags, the experiments in this book will spark imaginations and totally impress your friends. Learn how to astound kids and kids at heart with easy and inexpensive experiments like: Bubbling Lava Bottle; The Incredible Can Crusher; Eating Nails for Breakfast; The Amazing Folding Egg; Kitchen Chemistry Quicksand Goo; The Screaming Balloon; Burning Money Surprise; Flying Tea Bag Rocket. This is not your ordinary book of science experiments. This is a geek chic look at Spangler’s latest collection of tricks and try-it-at-home activities that reveal the secrets of science in unexpected ways. Over 200 colour photographs accompany the step-by-step instructions, and simple explanations uncover the how-to and why for each activity. Make potatoes fly, bowling balls float, and soda explode on command. But don’t try these experiments at home . . . try them at a friend’s home!

CRAIGCOLTON FRANKIECOCOZZA .............................................. Postcode: ................................................ JAMESMICHAEL JANETDEVLIN Last issue’s Wordsearch winners! JOHNNYROBINSON The first correct entry drawn out of the hat last month came from: JONJOKERR MRS MERLE MORAN of Ratby Lane Markfield Congratulations! Your Meal & Wine Voucher to spend at the Field Head Hotel will be KITTYBRUCKNELL sent to you in the next 21 days. The second correct entry drawn out came from MARCUSCOLLINS MRS GLENIS MEADOWS of Huntsman Close, Markfield. MISHABRYAN Congratulations! Your Pair of Adult Tickets to see a film at The Reel Cinema in NUVIBE Loughborough will be sent to you in the next 21 days. RHYTHMIX Just because you’re not paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you. SAMIBROOKES ..............................................................................................................


Markfield Community & Sports Centre

Mayflower Close, Markfield (Off Oakfield Avenue), LE67 9ST

Tel: 01530 242240

For all bookings and enquiries (24-hour answering machine)


Markfield Community and Sports Centre – Regular Clubs and Classes 2011/2012

Regular Clubs & Classes For All Ages

Monday: Keep Fit Art Club Boxercise Friendship Club Kick Boxing Aerobics Slimming World Feathers Badminton Club Tuesday: Parents and Toddlers Fun4Dogs Pilates Legs, Bums and Tums Keep Fit Football Tots Royal Academy – Baby Ballet Royal Academy – Primary Ballet Royal Academy – Junior Ballet Royal Academy – Private Tuition Tae Kwon Do Circuit Training and Toning Karate Mixed Sports Club Youth Club Wednesday: Brownies Zumba Karate / Self Defence Yoga Thursday: Parents and Toddlers Surestart Line Dancing

Time: 10.00 – 11.00 10.00 – 12.00 11.00 – 12.00 14.00 – 16.00 19.00 – 20.30 19.00 – 20.00 19.00 – 20.30 20.00 – 21.30

Booking: N/A N/A Via Centre N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

09.30 – 11.30 09.30 – 11.00 12.15 – 13.15 13.15 – 14.15 14.00 – 15.00 14.15 – 15.00 15.00 – 15.45 15.45 – 16.30 16.30 – 17.15 17.15 – 18.00 18.00 – 19.00 18.00 – 19.00 18.00 – 20.30 19.00 – 20.30 19.00 – 20.30

N/A Via Centre 07500 554736 07500 554736 N/A 07500 554736 07500 554736 07500 554736 07500 554736 07500 554736 07902 800451 N/A 07702 809288 N/A N/A

18.00 – 19.30 18.00 – 19.00 17.00 – 19.00 19.15 – 20.45

Waiting List N/A 07702 809288 N/A

09.00 – 11.30 09.30 – 12.00 12.30 – 13.45


Special Offer Extended! As a way of rewarding our customers we are offering FREE bar function booking hire of the Centre from January to March 2011.

This means that you can have a family celebration without the cost of the normal room and bar hire costs. For terms and conditions please contact the Centre Manager.

Hire The Centre for Your Event! The Two Large Halls, Small Hall, Lounge, Changing Rooms and Multi-Use Games Area are available for private hire, functions, children’s parties, at all times other than those shown above. Telephone 01530 242240 for hiring rates or visit www.markfieldcommunitycentre.com

Thursday: Over 50’s Health Boost Line Dancing Mini Tappers Primary Tap Junior Tap Senior Tap Junior Tae Kwon Do Karate / Self Defence Tae Kwon Do Zumba Circuit Training Zumba Friday: Baby Bops Toddly Bops Yoga Dancing Tots Funky Kidz Boys Street Dance Funky Teens Royal Academy – Senior Ballet Bingo (Over 18’s Only) Saturday: Gracedieu – Grade 2 to 6 Ballet Gracedieu – Grade 1/2 Tap Dance Gracedieu – Grade 1 ballet Gracedieu – Street Jazz Gracedieu – Singing Gracedieu – Stage Class Sunday: Gracedieu Academy of Dance Halls available for private hire 7 days per week!

Time: 13.00 – 14.30 14.00 – 15.15 14.30 – 15.15 15.15 – 16.00 16.00 – 16.45 16.45 – 17.45 17.00 – 18.00 17.30 – 20.45 18.00 – 19.00 18.00 – 19.00 19.00 – 20.00 19.15 – 20.15

Booking: 07500 554736 N/A 07500 554736 07500 554736 07500 554736 07500 554736 07902 800451 07702 809288 07902 800451 N/A N/A N/A

10.15 – 11.00 11.15 – 12.00 13.30 – 15.00 15.45 – 16.30 16.30 – 17.15 17.15 – 18.00 18.00 – 19.00 19.00 – 20.00 19.15 – 21.00

07500 554736 07500 554736 N/A 07500 554736 07500 554736 07500 554736 07500 554736 07500 554736 N/A

10.00 – 11.30 11.30 – 12.15 12.15 – 13.00 13.00 – 13.45 13.45 – 14.45 14.45 – 16.30

07702 465412 07702 465412 07702 465412 07702 465412 07702 465412 07702 465412


07702 465412


01530 242240

Excellent Facilities The Centre offers a wide range of facilities to suit every occasion: • Two fully licensed bars. • Extensions to Licensing Hours can be applied for on request. • Kitchen. • Serving hatches to two halls. • Two toilets for the disabled. • A ramp for access to the building. • Two large sports halls. • Indoor line markings for badminton, basketball and five-a-side football. • One additional smaller hall. • Football pitch.

• Changing rooms and showers. • Multi Use Games Area with floodlights. • Outdoor basketball court. • Outdoor skatepark. • Childrens play area on site. • Access to on-line services from Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council. • Free car parking. • Night time outside lighting. • 24 hour C.C.T.V. coverage.

Your Centre’s Getting Better and Better!

He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot, but don’t let that fool you. He really is an idiot.?


Cross Hills Baptist Church Serving the villages of Thornton & Bagworth plus the surrounding area

20 years celebration! On Saturday 17th September, members and friends of Cross Hills held a celebration tea to mark the 20th anniversary of faithful Ministry of our Pastor, Garry Kelly. Our Regional Minister, Dianne Tidball, spoke at the short and happy service of celebration that was held in the church before the tea. Garry was presented with a gift of appreciation for his hard work during the past 20 years, having seen major changes during that time, not least a completely new church building then 12 years later, the new hall and an increase in the congregation to some 30 to 40 people at our Sunday morning services, with a Sunday Club for the children, and a children’s Holiday Bible Club each Summer! Garry’s wife Lynda, who is now our Church Secretary, was presented with a basket of flowers for her support. A “good Baptist tea”, for which we are well-known in this area, followed, all beautifully laid out in the hall. The photographs on display from the last 20 years caused some amusement and it was a lovely time of friendship and fellowship together. We look forward to Garry’s continuing ministry in the years to come.

Emmaus: The Way of Faith Anyone is welcome to this friendly and informal course, which takes place monthly on a Saturday morning, whether you attend Cross Hills, another church or just want to find out more about the Christian faith. Please contact Garry on the number below for further details if you wish to join us.


Markfield student reaches final of Leicestershire Cookery Competition Coralie Featherstone of Markfield has reached the final of a competition to find Leicestershire’s signature dish. Coralie found out that she was in the final four on Friday 23rd September. She was then invited to the live Cook Off on Tuesday 4th October at St Martin’s House, where a professional team of chefs will cook her dish - plus those of the other three finalists - for the audience and panel of judges. Coralie’s dish is: Stuffed Pork Tenderloin wrapped in Bacon with a Honey Mustard Sauce. The overall winner will receive a prize worth £1,000, which includes kitchen equipment from John Lewis and Fenwick, and vouchers from Highcross Leicester. The three runners-up won’t go away empty handed either, receiving a place on a cookery workshop courtesy of Hotel Maiyango.

More murdering at Groby Village Hall! Tickets are selling now for Groby Players production of ‘Murder in Rehearsal’ by Angela Lanyon. The dates are November 10/11/12 in Groby Village Hall. The play is set in the rehearsal room of a village hall where the characters are rehearsing ‘Romeo & Juliet’. Little work is done as minor disaster follows minor disaster ending with the murder of one of the cast. The seating will be ‘cafe style’ to enable the audience to talk to each other at the interval to try to guess the murderer! This is not compulsory and you may just like to enjoy the performance. No questions can be asked of the cast, and they will disappear during the interval to allow the audience to ‘eat, drink and be merry’ whilst guessing.( please bring your own nibbles,supper and drink) There will be a prize!! Tickets, priced £6.00 are on sale in October, in Groby Village Hall, every Saturday, between 10am-12md,or from Tel/Text 07790 861033 or 0116 2877373, or email, dot@dhollins.freeserve.co.uk .

Major changes, which are not yet finalised, are happening with this mums and tots group, so please contact Bekki on 01530 231901 or at r.holmes.314@btinternet.com for further information about the changes before coming along.

Samaritan’s Purse 2011 Shoebox Appeal Cross Hills will be collecting gift-filled shoeboxes for this appeal again this year – for details of how to take part please see the separate article on page 18.

Christian Praise Some Cross Hills members and friends will again be going to this annual event which is held at the DeMontfort Hall in Leicester. At the time of writing, dates of the 2 evenings (usually late October) and details of the speakers are not available but if you wish to join us, contact Glynis on the number below or go to the Christian Praise website www.christianpraise. co.uk for further information. Details of our Services are in the Church Service Information section in this magazine if you wish to join us on any Sunday. We serve tea and coffee after our services and always make anyone who is visiting for the first time feel welcome. We look forward to seeing you.

Contact Numbers Pastor - Secretary - Treasurer - Parish Nurse -

Garry Kelly: 07816 616189 Lynda Kelly: 07903 774491 Glynis Straw: 01530 230272 Vera Harding: 01530 230557

Glynis Straw

Treasurer - on behalf of the Cross Hills Church family

Markfield Homemakers Programme Markfield HomeMakers meet in the Congregational Hall, Main Street, Markfield, on the second Wednesday of the month at 8.00pm. Contact No’s: Brenda on 01530 242173 or Iris on 01530 242436 • Oct 12th ~ Alf ~ Sausage Making Demonstration & Tasting • Nov 9th ~Malcolm Warner ~ Christmas in words and music • Dec 14th ~ Christmas Party • Jan 11th 2012~ Dinner

When you do not know what you’re doing, do it neatly.


The Sunday Revolution Begins!

The first month of the season for the Markfield Rangers has already been and gone with both the 1st Team and newly formed Reserves enjoying good starts to the new campaign.

The 1st Team came flying out of the traps, winning 3 out of their first 4 games and only conceding 2 goals in the process. The team had started without a recognised striker before Byron Quilter answered the call and scored twice in a convincing 4-0 win against Loughborough Academicals. A hard fought win away to Riverside, thanks to a Jack Stafford 2 yard screamer, was followed by another 4 goal haul against Loughborough Saints Reserves (Quilter, Brown, James and Richardson sharing the goals). The team couldn’t keep their 100% record however after a disappointing 1-1 draw away to Mountsorrel. Despite a difficult start, the Reserves found their feet towards the end of the month, finishing with two wins and two clean sheets to go with them. The season had started slowly with a 5-3 defeat away to AFC The Vic before a 1-1 draw against FC Hob Reserves in week 2. The team picked up their first win of the season against Ashby Rovers Reserves with a 2-0 victory and followed that with some revenge against AFC The Vic. The Reserves routed their conquerors of week 1 with a 4-0 victory thanks to goals from Ryland, Baker and Quilter. Want to get involved? Well now you can! Have your company name grace the new sponsor boards at Altar Stones for an entire year. Interested? Email markfieldrangers@hotmail.co.uk You can also follow the team at www.clubwebsite.co.uk/markfieldrangers

Tom Flowitt Chairman


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Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.


Markfield Neighbourhood Watch Monthly Update from Alex Ritchie

Feed Your Brain, Lose Your Belly: A Brain Surgeon Reveals The Weight-Loss Secrets Of The Brain-Belly Connection By Larry McCleary, MD This book offers a breath of fresh air for diet-weary people. The book reveals how to choose heartand brain-healthy foods to make you thin. The former acting Chief of Paediatric Neurosurgery at Denver Children’s Hospital, Dr Larry McCleary became fascinated by the paradox of the fattening of America and the brain starvation being seen in ageing brains. His research led to this innovative conclusion: Calories we are consuming bypass our brains and end up being stored in fat cells. He outlines the Brain-Belly connection that describes how sticky fat cells send mixed messages to the brain, causing us to experience persistent hunger, to overeat, and to get fat as a result. His book offers a unique approach that enables us to get in touch with the signals our bodies generate so that we work with, not against, our innate metabolic machinery. This makes weight loss easy and keeps hunger at bay while providing our brains with high-octane fuel that keeps us mentally sharp. By breaking down how different styles of eating - “cruise-ship” diets, starvation diets, among others -- affect us, the author reveals a novel perspective on the counterintuitive benefits of brain-healthy fat consumption. Dr McCleary’s Feed Your Brain Lose Your Belly Diet and Activity program was clinically tested with a group that called themselves the “Biggest Losers”, and the results were amazing. The firsthand accounts of their heartache and despair and how they overcame these feelings and successfully lost weight are inspirational. This book pairs its advice with 7 days’ worth of helpful meal plans and plenty of delicious recipes. Learning to choose foods that prevent the production of sticky fat cells, rather than forcing ourselves to eat less, is the best way to feed our hungry brain cells and stay thin.

The old adage “No News is Good News” certainly applies, I believe, to our current situation as we seem to have settled down to a pretty satisfactory routine. This consist of regular Police updates from local Sergeant Matt Trott plus additional items of information and/or advice from Police Headquarters. Additionally, our communication relationship at street level with our local officers remains first class. This was clearly demonstrated by the attendance at our recent Annual General Meeting, in her own off duty time, of Police Officer Harlock who actively participated in discussions of various items of interest.

Our Committee Unsurprisingly, our committee was unanimously re-elected en bloc and this consists of – Chairman - Peter Dorans, Vice Chairman - Michael Gamble, Secretary - Louise Martin, Treasurer - Peter McGlennon, Committee – Susan Sprason, Alan Chapman and, yours truly, Alex Ritchie who also continues as Area Coordinator.

Current Items of Interest Although having just spent just over £270 for some new modern “Smartwater” and “Neighbourhood Watch” street signs which will shortly be in place and help to underline our active local presence we still have a few pounds in our well documented and closely monitored kitty. However, plans to augment that sum for further local use are in hand and a Coffee Morning will be taking place on Saturday the 5th of December, 10Am – 12 Noon at our usual venue, Main Street Congregational Church Hall. Donation of prizes for a raffle will be gratefully accepted by Evelyn or any committee member before that date but, in any case, please come along and demonstrate your support. Don’t forget you are all members and, as such, entitled to insurance discount for building and contents.

Next Quarterly Meeting This is due to be held at the same venue on the preceding Monday, the 5th December commencing at 7pm. and the same warm welcome to attend again applies. Of course tea or coffee with a biscuit or two will also be available thanks again to our delightful duo Margaret and Sheila. In the meantime if you have any subject you wish to be discussed or matter to be dealt with please do not hesitate to ring or email and committee member and if you need, but do not know their direct contact detail call me at 01530 245908 or email loadstar@supanet.com

Coming to Groby ... Exercise on Referral! ‘Exercise to Enjoy Life’ starts on November 3rd, between 10am-11am at Groby Village Hall, under the guidance of a qualified exercise professional in a friendly environment! It offers individuals who are inactive, or who have a condition that could benefit from physical activity, the opportunity to participate in exercise at a reduced rate, which is subsidised by Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council. People need encouragement and support to help them to take the first steps to becoming more active on a regular basis. Regular exercise will help you to perform every day activities more easily. People can be referred by their GP onto the scheme, or they can self refer. So if this is you, please get in touch on 0116 287 9272 or mobile 07817 303018. I look forward to meeting you.


Every time I close the door on reality, it comes in through the window.



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NEW WOODLAND FOR THORNTON A new woodland has been planted in Thornton along the side of the reservoir.

St. Michael’s Church

November Fayre Saturday 12th November 10 am till 12 noon

The one hectare site called ‘Charlotte’s Wood’ has been planted in memory of Charlotte Coates who died from a rare cancer called Nuroblastoma in 2006. Charlotte’s grandparents own the field and have planted the woodland in conjunction with the National forest freewoods scheme. This grant scheme funds the creation of small areas of woodland within the National Forest area. The woodland consists of a shelter belt of broad leaved trees and shrubs which will provide a haven for wildlife and a link from Brown’s Wood to the copse of woodland adjacent to the reservoir weir. The 20 parkland trees consists of native trees all of which are beginning to grow well. Emma Barnes from Native Forestry, who planted the woodland, said “The trees and hedges planted will provide a number of habitats for wildlife. The parkland trees will need to be protected in the early days from the deer who are moving into the area”. Charlotte’s grandparents Brian and Meg Ashby also run a charity in Charlotte’s name called ‘Charlotte’s Smiles’. Charlotte’s Smiles organises fun activities and parties for children with cancer. Unfortunately not all the children reach adult hood and the parkland trees will be dedicated as memorial trees for the children registered with the charity who have unfortunately passed away since the charity began in 2007.

Congregational Church Hall Raffle, Gifts, Cakes / Groceries, Household Goods, Bric-a-brac, Refreshments All welcome Offers of help & contributions appreciated

Charity Dance raised £216 The recent Charity Dance at Bagworth Working Men’s Club raised the impressive total of £216 for Breast Cancer Research, It was a great night, and everyone enjoyed it.

Mrs. Glenda Hill Bagworth

TOTS Previously Quackers on a Friday morning has now moved to Thursdays at 1.30pm – 3.00pm

N�E�W�! Designed�by�international�psychic

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An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but an onion a day keeps everyone away.

A Lo


County Councillor’s Report from David Sprason Reforming Adult Social Care The fact that more and more people are living longer in old age or with a disability is something we should all celebrate. The reality that those additional years can often feel more of a burden than a joy is something we can help rectify. The reform of adult social care presents huge challenges but the current alignment of conditions for lasting positive change creates a real opportunity. The Government’s ‘Vision for adult social care: capable communities and active citizens’ has attained wide spread consensus. We also have through the work of the Law Commission an outlook of consolidated legislation and a simpler legal framework. With the recommendations of the Dilnott Commission, we have realistic options for future funding of care and support albeit in a uniquely challenging financial climate. The recent announcement of an engagement exercise on the future of adult social care together with the work of the NHS Future Forum 2 on integration maintains the momentum for reform. It is important that Leicestershire County Council is actively engaged in this process and that it aligns with the exciting work we are undertaking with NHS organisations to deliver the aspirations of the Health and Social Care Bill.

Older People’s Listening Month: September Older People are a real asset to our society and September is the month that we celebrate their achievements. A huge number of events have taken place right across the County in a real partnership between many organisations and thousands of older people themselves. This shows the tremendous energy that older people have and their willingness to contribute to achieving better health for all and fulfilling the aspirations behind this year’s theme of independence,

wellbeing and community. It also coincides with the launch of Age UK’s (Age Concern) ‘Pride of Place’ campaign. The campaign is calling for better neighborhoods for everyone in later life and building on the asset of older people being active and contributing to their local community. Age UK has invited councilors to become Pride of Place advocates to work with them. As Leicestershire’s older persons champion I have already registered as an advocate.

‘Touching Minds’ In Leicestershire we currently have 8,000 people who suffer from dementia this will double by 2030. So I was privileged to attend an event on the 22 September 2011 at Ulverscroft Grange to launch a new resource created by artists to support adults with dementia, people with learning disabilities and children with additional needs. Contributions were made by David Parsons CBE, Leader of the County Council and the Right Honorable Stephen Dorrell MP. Both of them recognised the great value of the creative arts to engage people with disabilities. Touching Minds grew out of a partnership between Heritage and Arts, Adult Social Care, the artistic community and academic institutions. We should be rightly proud of this sort of innovation in Leicestershire. I was pleasantly surprised and delighted to hear for the first time the government have recognised the need to invest in memory services and announced £10 million additional funding. This will give Leicestershire & Leicester an extra £160,000 to invest in this type of initiative.

Handyperson Scheme We have launched a new handyperson scheme in Leicestershire which older people are already benefiting from. Small tasks such as door and window repairs, plumbing and fitting hand rails are among the services on offer. The County Council is supporting the service using £300,000 of Government

funding given to ensure disabled and older people can continue to live independently in their own homes. This is a great service offering reliable repairs from a skilled team. We see many stories of rouge traders this service takes the risk out of hiring a tradesman you don’t know, which gives peace of mind for older people. All of the contractors have passed CRB checks.

Multi Access Centres (MACs) MACs are a partnership project run by Leicestershire’s Library Services and Adult Learning Services. MACs are currently funded through the East Midlands Development Agency. The MAC project provides a pathway to employment through information advice and guidance and learning, as well as providing access to a range of other services such as support into voluntary work. MACs target people who are long term unemployed and vulnerable people. The service is delivered through the County’s 54 Libraries and its original target was to support 400 unemployed people per year on their journey to work. Since its launch in July 2010, the MAC project has supported over 1,600 unemployed people with over 600 people being referred to the Adult Learning Service for training. Over a quarter of people supported come from recognised areas of deprivation. The project proportionately reaches more people from ethnic minority communities than the County average, and over half of those who have a declared disability have either a learning disability or mental ill health.

Again we achieved a record attendance that delivered a superb day out. The event brought back Leicestershire mining history and memories to everybody who attended. I would like to thank all members of staff and volunteers who contributed to the success of these events which enhances the reputation of our heritage attractions in the County.

There were these two cows, chatting over the fence between their fields. The first cow said, “I tell you, this mad-cow-disease is really pretty scary. They say it is spreading fast; I heard it hit some cows down on the Johnson Farm.” The other cow replies, “I ain’t worried, it don’t affect us ducks.”

Heritage Events I attended the recent reenactment at Bosworth Battlefield over the weekend of the 20/21 August 2011. Once again, we achieved a record turn out and delivered a fantastic spectacle for all those who came along. I also attended the Miners Gala at Snibston Discovery museum on Saturday 17 September 2011.

After hearing two eyewitness accounts of the same accident, you begin to wonder about history.


The Bulls Head Forest Road, Markfield T: 01530 242541 Sat 8th Oct: ALL NEW ROCK & ROLL SHOW with GEE ‘N’ US Garden & Pub Games etc. The Queen’s Head Ashby Road, Markfield. T: 01530 242 496 Sat 8th Oct: KARAOKE with Mark ALL SKY SPORTS & ESPN The Bricklayers Arms 213 Main Street Thornton T: 01530 230 808 QUIZ Nite: Thursdays BEER & SAUSAGE Festival 12th to 16th Oct, Starts with: Meet the Brewer www.bricklayersarms.net (See Advert on opposite page) The Club, Thornton Main Street. T: 01530 230251 Open to Non-Members 8th Oct: SOS Band 15th Oct: WAXIES GARGOYLE 22nd Oct: Friends of St Peter’s MURDER MYSTERY NIGHT www.myspace.com/ thorntonclub The Steam Trumpet 286 Main Street, Thornton T: 01530 231 258 www.steamin-billy.co.uk

Bagworth Working Men’s Club, Station Road, Bagworth. Tel. 01530 230205

New members welcome. Live entertainment – last Saturday of the month Last Friday of the month – Andy’s Charity Quiz £1.50 each Sequence dances Sunday Nights. £1.00 admission 8 o’clock. Tea Dance Wednesday afternoon 2 – 4 pm. £1 admission. Saturday night dances 22nd October and 5th November. Starts 8 o’clock - £1 on the door. Contact: Glenda 01530 230467

The Field Head Hotel Markfield Lane, Markfield Tel: 01530 245454 Tribute Nights/£2 Entry after 7pm. Fri 7th Oct: TINA TURNER Fri 28th Oct: MEATLOAF Fri 11th Nov: ROCK & ROLL Quiz Nite: 2nd Tues of Month Wedding Fayre: 6th November (See Advert on Right) The Coach & Horses Leicester Road, Field Head Tel: 01530 242 312 KARAOKE Nights:Sats 8th Oct AND 22nd Oct (’King of the Road’) Sat 15th Oct: KRISIS Sat 29th Oct: LYNN (See Advert Page 20)

Send details of your LOCAL pub and club entertainments and we’ll include them in this column FREE! Tremendous!

Kirby Players’ Next Production: Bone Chiller’ It’s SHOW time again for the Kirby Muxloe Players and from Wednesday 12th to Saturday 15th October we will be putting on the play ‘Bone Chiller’. Bone Chiller is a comedy thriller written by Monk Ferris and directed by our own Michael Blasdale. Set in present day New York, we find ourselves in the Travers family residence for the reading of Uncle Josiah’s Will. A seemingly straightforward event however, things are always what they seem. “Thirteen people gather on Friday 13th for the reading of a baffling Will. It offers the estate to anyone who can solve it, but is all as it appears to be? Murder, revelations, surprise and laughter ensure.” This comedic modern day murder mystery will have you chuckling in your seats and shaking in your boots and will keep you guessing until the bitter end. Bone Chiller is on at the Village Hall, Station Road, Kirby Muxloe from Wednesday 12th till Saturday 15th October at 7.30pm. Tickets £6 Box Office: 07804 435 235

The most technologicallyadvanced guitar ever conceived

Gibson Introduces The Firebird X - A Limited Edition All-In-One Guitar System On Friday September 30th 2011 Gibson Guitar Corp took guitar engineering to new heights with the introduction of the Gibson Firebird X (www. gibson.com/ firebirdx). An evolution of the 1960s classic Gibson Firebird model, the Firebird X is loaded with ground-breaking technologies like fourth-generation Robot tuners for automatic tuning, onboard effects based on computer plug-in technology, and wireless Bluetooth pedals for unsurpassed usability on stage and in the studio. In addition, the Gibson Firebird X is designed for compatibility with hardware and applications developed by third party companies—an industry first. Gibson’s “Pure-Analog™” Engine makes this possible in conjunction with an authorized App store, where vendors can sell Gibsoncompliant applications. Limited to 1,800 models in two unique finishes—Redolution and Bluevolution—the Gibson Firebird X will retail for $5,570.

The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be.


Newly Refurbished

Record number of visitors at this year’s Miners’ Gala! A record number of visitors attended this year’s Miners’ Gala at Snibston Discovery Museum to celebrate Leicestershire’s mining heyday. This was the fourth year the Gala had been re-created and with more than 4,200 gala goers joining in with the fun and activities on Saturday, it was largest turn out the event had ever seen! This year as a mark of respect and remembrance for the four miners who sadly lost their lives last week in South Wales, gala goers observed a minute’s silence led by the Chairman of Leicestershire County Council, Jackie Dickinson. Visitors also took the opportunity to sign the book of condolence which will be delivered to the communities affected by the Gleision Colliery disaster. The day continued with a fantastic line-up including folk singing, dancing, colliery tours and even a dog show. Keen gardeners had a chance to show off some of their green fingered skills at the Old Leicestershire Miners’ Horticultural Show with rewards for entrants’ finest home-grown fruit, vegetables and flowers and there was a category for children. Jackie Dickinson, Chairman of the County Council, was at the Gala and she said: “It was wonderful to see such a huge turn out at Snibston’s Miners’ Gala. The day was a fantastic celebration of Leicestershire’s mining heritage and provided a great fun day out for everyone. “I was pleased to see so many young people at the event. Mining has been an important part of the county’s history for centuries and it is important that younger people are given the opportunity to appreciate the industry that was the once the backbone of this area.” The Miners’ Gala is a traditional community event organised by Leicestershire County Council, and sponsored by Leicestershire Area NUM and Leicestershire Miners Trust Fund. This was the fourth year it had been re-created since the original celebrations ceased in the 1980s. Next year’s Miners’ Gala at Snibston will be held again in September 2012. For general enquiries regarding the gala or to book a trade stand, please call 01530 278 444. For more information about Snibston please log onto our website: www.snibston.com

The Bricklayer’s Arms 213 Main Street, Thornton Tel: 01530 230808 www.bricklayersarms.net

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Christian Aid collection raised £820.89 We are delighted to inform you all that the Christian Aid House to House collection in Markfield in May this year raised £820.89. The Ratby Band Concert, held in the Community Centre for Christian Aid, raised £485. The combined total raised was £1,305.89. Of this amount, £471.38 was gift aided which should generate a further £117.85 for the charity. Christian Aid and Churches Together in Markfield (CTIM) are very grateful for all the donations, and for all the hard work and effort by those involved.

Anne Hughes Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation.


Local Church Service Information

Without Walls Christian Fellowship, 135 Main St Stanton Under Bardon Sunday 9th Oct- no meeting at the building as the church is away on a family holiday. Sunday 16th Oct- Church meeting at 10am Sunday 23rd Oct-Church meeting at 10am, breaking bread.

Sunday 30th Oct- No Church meeting at Building, Church joining with another fellowship for family time. Monday 31st October- GLOW IN THE DARK PARTY for children, everybody welcome, fun, games, prizes, fancy dress! 5.30-7pm November 6th, November 13th, November 20th, November 27th Family meeting at 10am, children involved

Markfield Congregational Church Sunday 9th October 10.15am Morning Worship followed by Communion Sunday 16th October 10.00am Churches Together in Markfield United Service at St Wilfrid’s Roman Catholic Church, Coalville Sunday 23rd October 10.15am Morning Worship Sunday 30th October 3.00pm Praise Service at Markfield Court Sunday 6th November 10.15am Morning Worship

Cross Hills Baptist Church, between Bagworth & Thornton Sunday 9th October 10.30am Morning Service with The Lord’s Supper Sunday 16th October 10.30am Morning Service

Trinity Methodist Church, Markfield

Sunday 9th October 10.30 am Morning Service 4.00 pm Café Church Worship Sunday 16th October 10.00 am United Churches Together Service at St Wilfrid’s Catholic Church, Coalville 6.00 pm Evening Communion Service Sunday 23rd October 10.30 am Morning Service 4.00 pm Circuit Service at Ratby Methodist Church Sunday 30th October 10.30 am Morning Service 6.00 pm Taizé Style Service Sunday 6th November 10.30 am Morning Communion Service 6.00 pm Evening Service

Sunday 30th October 10.30am Morning Service Sunday 6th November 10.30am Morning Service 5.00pm United Praise Service Sunday 13th November Remembrance Service 10.45am Morning Service with The Lord’s Supper Please note the later start time There is a Sunday Club in our hall for children & young people during the Morning Service. For further details, our contact list is in the Cross Hills News section in this magazine.

St Mary and All Saints’ Church, Stanton under Bardon Sunday 9th October 10.30 am Morning Service Sunday 16th October 10.30 am “Something Different” Sunday 23rd October 10.30 am Holy Communion Sunday 30th October 10.30 am Single Service Holy Communion

Sunday 23rd October 8.00 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Open Church 6.00 pm Evening Service

Sunday 6th November 9.00 am Holy Communion

Sunday 6th November 10.30 am Morning Service

Sunday 23rd October 6.00 pm Holy Communion

Sunday 13th November 10.30 am Remembrance Service

Sunday 30th October 6.00 pm Joint Service at St Michael’s, Markfield

St Peter’s Church, Thornton

Sunday 16th October 10.00 am Churches Together in Markfield at St Wilfrid’s RC Church, Coalville. 6.00pm Evening Prayer

Please note: Services will be at Bagworth Community Centre.

Sunday 16th October 3.00 pm Praise Service

St Michael and All Angels’ Church, Markfield

Sunday 9th October 10.30 am All Age Service 6.00 pm Holy Communion

Holy Rood Church, Bagworth

Sunday 9th October 9.15 am Holy Communion

Sunday 20th November 10.30 am “Something Different”

10:15-11.30am Sunday Club for Children in the Congregational Hall on the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays, term time. All Age Service in Church on the 2nd Sunday each month.

Sunday 27th November 10.30 am Family Service

St Peter’s Church, Copt Oak

Remembrance Sunday 13th November 10.30 am Morning Service 4.00 pm Café Church Worship 6.00 pm United Churches Together Service at St Michael’s Parish Church

Sunday 27th November 10.30 am Holy Communion

Sunday 6th November 6.00 pm Evening Prayer Sunday 13th November 6.00 pm Remembrance Service Sunday 20th November 3.00 pm Praise Service

Sunday 9th October 10.30 am Holy Communion Sunday 16th October am Morning Service


Sunday 23rd October am Family Service


Sunday 27th November 6.00 pm Holy Communion

Sunday 30th October 10.30 am Single Service Holy Communion at St Mary’s, Stanton under Bardon Sunday 6th November 3.00 pm Bereavement Service remembering those we love, but see no longer Sunday 13th November 10.30 am Remembrance Service Sunday 20th November 9.00 am Holy Communion

Sunday 30th October 6.00 am Joint Evening Service Sunday 6th November 10.30 am Holy Communion 6.00pm Bereavement Service remembering those we love, but see no longer

Sunday 23rd October 10.30am Morning Service

10.30 am Churches Together in Markfield at Trinity Methodist Church 6.00 pm Evening Service

Sunday 13th November 10.30 am All Age Remembrance Parade Service Remembrance Sunday 6.00 pm Churches Together in Markfield Remembrance Service Friday 18th November 8.00 pm Taizé Style Service Sunday 20th November 10.30 am Open Church 6.00pm Evening Prayer Sunday 27th November 8.00 am Holy Communion



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It’s hard to face the problem, when the problem is your face.


Herald Film Review from Tom Flowitt

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) Starring: Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Tom Hardy and John Hurt

127 minutes The Cold War is back and better than ever but this remake of John le Carre’s novel won’t be to everyone’s liking. The plot follows the British secret service as they try to oust a mole within their ranks. The question is; who can you trust? The tone throughout is perfect and has a great look and feel to it. The pacing however will be too slow for some as the plot seems to unfold at a rate that is close to reverse. There is no real action to speak of either as the film relies on atmosphere and tension to entertain, something which it does very well and I have to admit I didn’t really miss the action. It has a really claustrophobic feel to it which for most films would be a negative but in this case adds to the tension and draws you in. You can’t help but be absorbed into the story as it goes along, that is however if you haven’t been turned off in the first twenty minutes. The plot is often difficult to follow and isn’t helped by the constant flashbacks that aren’t always that clear to the audience. The majority look and real just the same as the events that are currently unfolding and it is often only part way through a flash back that you realise you’re in one. The cast list is simply incredible with established stars such as John Hurt, Gary Oldman and Colin Firth as well as up and comers Tom Hardy and Benedict Cumberbatch. Together it is a perfect balance of new and old and each performance oozes class throughout. Gary Oldman is the stand out performer and is surely going to get an Oscar nod come next year where I expect this film to do very well indeed. Overall: If you can survive the first twenty minutes, and I advise you to do so, and keep patience with the slow pacing, you will be rewarded with what is possibly the smartest and classiest film in years. 4 Stars

Art In Ratby Ratby’s Fifth Annual Art Exhibition and Craft Fair takes place in the Church Rooms, Church Lane, Ratby on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th November from 10am to 3pm both days with unusual and unique crafts, Christmas gifts, and paintings. In addition, the Parish Church will open (Sat. only) 10am to 3pm with crafts including planted baskets, and artists Julia Kent and Peter Griffin will be demonstrating their work. Guided tours of the church (Sat. only) at 11 am and 2pm, by Ratby Local History Group with donations to church funds.

When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water.


Markfield Local History Group News Markfield Local History Group held its first meeting after a summer break on Tuesday, 20th September and were entertained by Pete Johnson with a lively and informative talk on the History of Morris Dancing. Pete began by asking us what Morris dancing was for – to welcome the Summer and he then took us back to the earliest known written reference of the Morris on 19th May, 1448. He continued with a ‘dance through history’ with many other references to the Morris. We learnt of the church’s opposition to the Morris and its sponsorship, of Henry V11 and Henry V111’s royal patronage, references in Shakespeare’s plays and about Will Kemp, a member of Shakespeare’s company, who fell out with the company and danced from Norwich to London. This was a public stunt with bets being laid and people joining in along the way. Kemp published a pamphlet afterwards and was known as the 9 Days Wonder. We were told about Boxing Day, 1889 when Cecil Sharp saw Headington Quarry men dance the Morris and from then on collected the tunes. Sharpe produced The Morris Book, five volumes of it,

in 1905 and this together with Mary Neal, who ran a girl’s club in London and William Kimber who taught the girls to dance brought about a revival of Morris Dancing which was dying out due to the Industrial Revolution. We were all glad to hear that despite recent fears for the future the Morris is experiencing something of a revival, especially for Leicester Morrismen who have a number of men under thirty and appear to be thriving. Pete told us some of the history of the Leicester side which was formed in 1953 and has a considerable archive of photographs and other memorabilia which we had the opportunity to browse through over our coffee. Following the talk some business was discussed. The War Memorial Project is on going and there was discussion around the siting of the memorial and the form it will be taken. This is to be reported back to the Parish Council. The group’s considerable archive of photographs, articles, books, maps and other artefacts is now complete, thanks to Margaret Bowler, and will be stored at Ulverscroft Manor. The Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation have kindly found us some space to store all our material safely and it can be made

Ratby Village Society Meetings are held in the Village Hall, Main Street, Ratby at 8pm on the third Tuesday of each month except July and December when there are no meetings.

available to anyone who would find the material useful for research purposes. Anyone wishing to use this facility please contact Barrie Gannon on 242318. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, Nov 15th, 7.30pm at the Methodist Church, speaker to be arranged. Please come along and join us. There will also be a guided walk around Markfield, led by Pete Johnson on Sunday, 9th Oct, meet at the Parish Church at 2.30pm

Fran Johnson

Admission: members £1.60, casual guests £2.50 including refreshments. Everyone welcome. Tuesday 18th October - Virginia Wright gives a talk with slides on notorious local murders up to 1920, including James Cook and the ‘Green Bicycle Murder’. Tuesday 15th November - Arthur Beyless delivers his talk entitled “How the Hokey Pokey Men came to Leicester”. This features the Italian people who travelled to Leicester from the late 1800’s to the early 1950’s. Little Charlotte was at her first wedding and was enthralled by the entire ceremony. When it was over, she asked her mother, “Why did the lady change her mind?” Her mother asked, “What do you mean?” “Well, she went down the aisle with one man, and came back with another one.”

Look What’s On At The Palace, Ibstock 57 High Street, Ibstock, Leics. LE67 6LH • Tel: 01530 267303

~ Forthcoming Events ~ Saturday, 8th October – ‘40 Years On’ - A concert featuring The Leicestershire Co-op (Snibston) Band (2011 Midland regional champions) with special guest David Thornton, Principle euphonium, Brighouse and Rastrick Band. Doors, Box Office and Licensed Bar open at 7.00pm. Concert starts at 7.30pm. Tickets: £6.00 from Halls, High Street, Ibstock, Tel: 01530 260460 or from Joan Ball on Tel: 01530 831446. Sunday, 9th October - The Palace Indoor Car Boot Sale - Calling all bargain hunters! Doors open at 9.00am ‘til 3.00pm. For more details call Maureen on Tel: 01530 452028. Friday, 14th October - Film Night – ‘Burke and Hare’ (15) A black comedy about two 19th century grave robbers who find a lucrative business providing cadavers for an Edinburgh medical school. Highly entertaining, very funny and starring the cream of British comedy actors. Doors, Box Office and Licensed Bar open at 7.00pm. Film starts at 7.30pm. Tickets: £4.00/£3.00 from Halls, High Street, Ibstock, Tel: 01530 260460. Saturday, 15th October – The Palace’s 5th Birthday Party. Can you believe it! The Palace Community

Centre is 5 years old! To help us celebrate, ‘The Party Popperz’ are back with yet more glam-tastic fun! A glittering night’s entertainment is guaranteed as lead vocalist Chris Fielding accurately impersonates the most colourful icons of pop from the 70’s and 80’s. The action is nonstop as Prince, David Bowie, Freddie Mercury, Showaddywaddy, Bay City Rollers, Sweet, Donny Osmond and many more appear in fully authentic costumes!! Plus a fabulous disco to keep you dancing all night. A party night not to be missed! Doors, Box Office and Licensed Bar open at 7.30pm. Party starts at 8.00pm. Tickets: £7.00 from Halls, High Street, Ibstock, Tel: 01530 260460. 21st , 22nd, 23rd, October - Ibstock’s First Beer Festival Friday 21st October til Sunday 23rd October. Venue’s include The Palace Community Centre, Wagon & Horses pub, The Ram Inn and The Boot Inn. Live entertainment on Friday and Saturday night at the Palace. Over 21 beers plus ciders, perrys and wine. Hot food available at selected venues. Come and enjoy real ale at its best! For further details contact Tel: 01530 267303.

Worrying works! 90% of the things I worry about never happen.


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No problem is so big and complicated that it can’t be ran away from.

Proud New Owners at The Queen’s Head - Belton Exciting changes are taking place, having taken over in April 2011, Amanda & Simon are ready to take things at The Queen’s Head to a whole new level. With a new team of chefs under Executive Chef Simon’s expert guidance, & a new team serving Front of House, Amanda & Simon aim to make your visit to The Queen’s Head a culinary experience with life long memories, you’re sure to want to repeat again & again. With their recently awarded AA Rosette & 4 Stars The Queens Head are proud to be Seasonal, local and homemade produce from sustainable sources wherever possible

Rare breed Dexter Beef reared for exclusive use at The Queen’s Head

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Open for Breakfast Mon—Fri 7.30am - 9.30am Saturdays 8.30am - 9.30am Sundays 9.00am - 10.30am Non Residents** Welcome for Breakfast. Open for drinks from Breakfast through to 11.00pm (10.00pm Sundays).

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The Intimate Dining & Celebration Specialists

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Tel: 01530 Awarded July 2011

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AA Rosette Awarded July 2011

* - Limited to Table d’Hote Sunday Evenings ** - Breakfast may not be available to Non-residents if no Residents on site.

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