the lantern vol. 10 no. 2 | autumn 2021
a publication of
the builders of the adytum
the temple of the Holy Qabalah and the Sacred Tarot, los angeles, usa.
contents 3
Reflections from the Lantern
Key 1: The Transformer
The Connection Between Key 21 and 15
Builders of the Adytum – History and Purpose
The Mystery of Time A poem by Reverend Ann Davies cover photo: damavand, iran. photo: Fabian Gysel [istockphoto: 1248411974] additional photo credits: page 6: istockphoto: 184698354 | page 12: istockphoto: 1267497795 page 19: istockphoto: 1282125191 | page 19: istockphoto: 474110360
THE LANTERN © 2021 Builders of the Adytum 5101 North Figueroa Street | Los Angeles, CA 90042
limitation and transformation of children, and even adults, respond to the word “No”.
As students of an outer vehicle for the Inner School, we come to realize, in ever greater measure, that the One Teacher is at work in all the circumstances of our lives. Class is always in session.
The current pandemic has imposed numerous Saturnian restrictions – great, global “No”s. Yet, despite this proverbial dam, the River of Life continues to flow. Likewise, as pressures build, Life finds new ways to move forward. Sometimes it takes paths previously rejected. Sometimes, it finds unexpected and unconsidered channels. And, at other times, it even breaks down the very barriers that once held it back.
This instruction not only impacts our conscious awareness, it conditions every aspect of our personalities: our emotional/desire natures, our intellects, our automatic habit patterns, and our physical bodies. As our beloved Reverend Marion Hills used to frequently say, “Life will grow you up!” This growing maturity is evidenced in how we respond to the circumstances we encounter each day. For most of us, situations of restriction, limitation, confinement, blockage, and apparent opposition are particularly challenging. Consider how the majority
It is said that necessity is the mother of invention. Limitation inspires creative adaptation. The boundaries set by Saturn are always transcended and transmuted by Uranus. Saturday becomes Sunday,
wisdom, beauty, and love from all around the planet. One of our online meditation meetings includes members from 35 countries and 39 states in the US.
the beginning of a fresh new week of possibilities. The forces of temptation, limitation, and travail become the very substance of liberation and transmutation. Life is ever victorious. We can see this in the adoption, development, and proliferation of various forms of online B.O.T.A. meetings. They arose as a direct result of our necessity for confinement. In the midst of restriction, a way was found for group work to carry on, so that service might be rendered to the world. These virtual convergences have led to extraordinary exchanges of
The two articles included in this issue of The Lantern are products of this new outpouring from the timeless spiritual stream working through the Builders of the Adytum. They affirm that the One Teacher has much to say if we have ears to hear. Hear, oh Israel. Class is in session.
In L.V.X. The editors of The Lantern Comments about the lantern may be sent to:
Builders of the Adytum is a modern Mystery School. Adytum is derived from a Greek word that means Inner Shrine or Holy of Holies. Like Jesus, who many believe was trained in Qabalah, members of the Order aspire to build the Inner Temple, to construct the Holy of Holies within. People of all faiths are welcome to study the teachings of this Order. B.O.T.A. recognizes Qabalah as the root of Judaism and Christianity. Its ultimate purpose is to hasten the true Brotherhood of mankind and to make manifest the truth that love is the only real power in the universe.
key 1
the transformer by a soror from the usa
he Sephirah of Hod and those Tarot Keys that flow into and out of Hod can help us understand and cope with transition. Hod offers us another map for understanding transformation and change on the practical level. For those of you who are new to B.O.T.A. or have not yet started studying the Tree of Life, the Tree of Life is a map of Consciousness and it can show us how to get from one state of consciousness to another. Each Sephirah is a level of individual consciousness and universal consciousness.
meaning to arrange or measure. This suggests that the magical implements on the table and used by the Magician help us to cultivate nature from one state of being into a more satisfying or beautiful state of being through arrangement of our conscious thoughts and discrimination on what we allow into our consciousness. This process is reflected in the Magician’s garden and the flowers he has grown. measurement and the philosopher’s stone. plate 21 from atalanta fugiens by michael maier.
Hod is the seat of the Intellect in man and the sphere of the activity of Mercury. Mercury is symbolized by Tarot Key 1 and illustrates a Magician drawing power from above and applying it to planes below. This is the power of human self-consciousness as it works through the intellect of man. The human self-conscious level of life is the mediator between the superconscious and the subconscious levels of life. Man is the transformer of his environment, and the force he uses is the secret fire shown in Key 1 as the wand held aloft by the Magician. The sphere of Hod is called the Perfect Intelligence and the concept of the Perfect Intelligence is developed from a root word
In the news of the day, this process and working of self-consciousness is reflected by the scientists who are working as fast as possible to develop a vaccine and treatment for COVID-19. All advancements in civilizations are made in this manner. All magical practices partake of this knowledge of how to discriminate and arrange our personal thought processes so as to improve our states of being. A true Magician does not attempt to force circumstances, nor does he impose non-existent personal will on people or circumstance. The focus of the Magician is on making clear mental patterns of our objectives. This is called the Magic of Light. As we progress in our practices of the Magic of Light, we come to understand that the clear patterns are shown to us from the higher levels of the Tree of Life. These clear patterns relate to the principles of Ageless Wisdom.
recurrent phenomena. These concepts rely on what is visible as the cause of events. This is what is happening with COVID-19 and the economic collapse. The mass consciousness of humankind at this time is filled with fear and anxiety.
If we are stuck in our consciousness on how to identify and receive these clear patterns, we can seek help from Tarot Key 12, the Hanged Man. Tarot Key 12 flows into the Sephirah of Hod from the Sephirah of Geburah on the Tree of Life.
Key 15 is The Renewing Intelligence and ascends from Hod to Tiphareth, and to reach Tiphareth, we must pass the challenges of the Devil. Our job is to overcome his scary appearance and the element of fear that he loves to strike in the human consciousness. As aspirants, we cannot help but touch this mass consciousness at times, as we are of the mass consciousness. Should we slip and touch this mass consciousness of Key 15, it is important to remember that the Devil has the symbol of Mercury
Our creative power comes from above as well as the higher forms of knowledge, but it is in the self-conscious level of our waking life that transformation occurs. Everything constituting our environment is subject to our self-conscious thought and reflects that thought. Man’s concept of the universe has been built up from his observation of cycles and 9
on his belly ‒ Mercury, Key 1, which travels close to the Sun.
increase or decrease the power of this bondage by our own magical power.
The Sun, Key 19, will take us to our heart center where we can release the fear and anxiety. Again, Self-consciousness is the Magician and is the Transformer. We do not have to make it so; it is so. Occult practice is not directed toward making Self-Consciousness the Magician. It is concerned with the right application of our inherent magical power. This is the first lesson as a magician. Every appearance of adversity is built up by mental power working though the person to whom the appearance is presented.
Magic affects no change in the essential nature of things nor does it modify the orderly sequences of manifestation. A Magician awakens himself from a dream of delusion. He changes his point of view. He stops thinking of the world as being the adversary, stops seeing it as something opposed to his will. Instead he sees it as his domain, as the instrument for his self-expression, and as something subordinate to the Spirit within him which is his true and only Self. With the use of the Magical powers in us, we learn to set in order that which is in disorder in our lives. We treat adversity as raw
Any appearance in our environment of restriction or bondage is a form. We can
the flammarion; woodcut from the 1888 book ”the atmosphere: popular meterology” depicts how man’s concept of the universe has been built upon observation of recurrent phenomena. it also shows man’s desire to transform and transcend the perceived boundaries of the world.
material for transmutation into the very forms of expression that will best suit their purpose. We become aware through experience and reason that we have Magical Power and our training is concerned with the orderly exercise of this power to the end that we see objectively a set of circumstances which agree with our mentally conceived patterns. We do not attempt to impose
personal ideals of the world surrounding us, but we learn to formulate patterns in accordance with the way things really are. We learn to live by the knowledge that the universe can be depended upon to bring us what we need. Those of us who have read the occult records of the Inner School are not discouraged by the
”A Magician awakens himself from a dream of delusion. He changes his point of view. He stops thinking of the world as being the adversary, stops seeing it as something opposed to his will. Instead he sees it as his domain, as the instrument for his self-expression.”
terrors of this age of transition. Humanity has experienced much worse times than what we are now experiencing and has emerged stronger and more focused. This era is a prelude to a greater measure of freedom and enlightenment for all of mankind.
influence and transform the automatic forces of nature below the human level. The most advanced human beings have long foreseen this era. For centuries, the Inner School has been preparing us for the bringing into actual manifestation of that New Order of the Ages, which is mentioned in one of the mottoes of the Great Seal of the U.S. We together, practicing our Magic using Tarot Key 1, can exorcise the Devil, Key 15, from the mass consciousness.
Even in the midst of the present confusion, for those of us who have had the privilege of spiritual unfoldment, we are able to act as channels for the superior powers that
All form is a limitation of the infinite energy of the Life Power. The primary cause of limitation is the image-making power of the Universal Mind. Every act of human imagination is really a particular expression, through a personal center, of this image-making power. Hence, human imagination is, in kind though not in degree, the same as the Imagination that forms the Universe. – Paul Foster Case The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order
the connection between
keys 21 and 15 by a soror from germany
The first step on the way of return is the thirty-second path. This path connects Malkuth, the Kingdom, with Yesod, the ninth Sephirah. This path is associated with the letter Tav, Key 21, The World.
owadays, people have to deal with many challenges. Issues such as health, climate change, and environmental protection do not concern just a few people or a few regions. Power in the hands of people without an ethical and social conscience leads to abuse of power and is a major problem in today’s world. It is probably the first time in modern human history that people are affected globally. On all continents of the planet, people are confronted with coping with all these tasks.
Tav means “signature” or “character”. Among the ancient Hebrews, it was a symbol of salvation (Ezekiel 9:4) and represented the redemption from death and the achievement of eternal life. Tav thus points to the completion of the Great Work of deliverance. Key 21 represents Cosmic Consciousness or Nirvana. This means the knowledge of perfect unity with the One Power, which is the centre and source of the entire universe. The universe is the dance of life, our immortal central Self.
Physical existence is represented on the Tree of Life by Malkuth. Malkuth is also called the fruit of the Tree of Life and thus, the seed for new manifestations are contained in Malkuth. Malkuth is the starting point for the work that leads to liberation. But not only that, Malkuth is also the level on which the Great Work finds its completion.
In the Cube of Space, the letter Tav is assigned to the inner centre. This point, the centre of the Cube of Space, is also called “the palace of holiness at the centre of everything”. This point of holiness “contains all things”; it is the place where one can communicate with God. This is the place where we experience the “here and now”. And at the same time this point is the “peak of concentration”.
The descent or involution of the power of Limitless Light leads from Kether to Malkuth. However, it is also possible to walk the paths in the opposite direction, i.e. from Malkuth back to Kether. This is the path of return, which leads to the liberation and enlightenment of man. 15
Saturn shares the rulership of Aquarius (Key 17, The Star) with Uranus. Saturn rules also Capricorn (Key 15, The Devil) and is exalted in Libra (Key 11, Justice). Therefore, Saturn is a force active in meditation; a source that causes us to seek an escape from the bondage of apparent limitations; and also, a force expressed in balanced action, whose symbol is justice. That shows that Saturn connects four keys:
The planet assigned to Tav is Saturn. In ancient mythology it is said that Saturn devoured his own children. This symbolizes that he is re-absorbing his own forms of expression. In a broader sense, it means a process of development, of learning from one’s own experiences. In an exoteric sense Saturn is the planet of limitation, depth, weight, and inertia. Each form is a limitation of the infinite energy of the life force. However, Saturn’s bad reputation as an evildoer does not give at all a sufficient explanation of the real meaning. Rather, Saturn is the lord of retreat and silence, creating the conditions for inner composure and concentration.
Key 21, The World, Key 17, The Star, Key 15, The Devil, Key 11, Justice. There are a lot of other connections and relationships among these keys, and as well as between these keys and other keys. It is
and structured pattern. The primary colours yellow, red, and blue are assigned to three keys. Each of the secondary colours, orange, green, and violet, is assigned to two keys, and each tertiary colour is assigned only to one key.
extremely enlightening when we look at the colour assignments. To see this clearly let us make a small detour into colour theory. The primary colours are yellow, red and blue. These colours cannot be represented or mixed by any other colour. The secondary colours are orange, green, and violet. Mixing two of the primary colours in the same ratio creates the secondary colours. And then there are the tertiary colours in the colour assignments of the keys. These are mixtures of the primary colours, or secondary colours in an unequal mixing ratio.
This structure is maintained for all keys of the Major Arcana. With one single exception: the colour blue-violet. Blue-violet is a tertiary colour and, according to the pattern, should be assigned to only one key. However, there are two Tarot keys assigned to this colour: Key 21, The World; and Key 15, The Devil. From the colours, we have strong indications of how closely Key 21, The World, and Key
Every key of the Tarot is assigned to a colour. And these assignments follow an orderly
splendid in strength and fury. Among the gods, there is none like unto him, into whose hand are committed the kingdoms, the power and the glory of the worlds ...
15, The Devil, are related. Keys 15 and 21 are connected by Saturn and also by the colour blue-violet. Here, I will not look into further connections. Let us come back to Saturn. We discover that the doctrine of Ageless Wisdom states a close relationship between Saturn and Satan (Paul Foster Case quotes Kingsford and Maitland, The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order, p. 173):
Blessed are they who shall withstand his subtlety, they shall be called the sons of God, and shall enter in at the beautiful gates. For Satan is the doorkeeper of the Temple of the King: he standeth in Solomon’s porch; he holdeth the keys of the Sanctuary.”
“And on the seventh day there went forth from the presence of God a mighty angel, full of wrath and consuming fire, and God gave unto him dominion of the outermost sphere. Eternity brought forth Time; the boundless gave birth to Limit: Being descended into Generation. As lightning I beheld Satan fall from heaven,
And there is another hint at this connection that we can find in the Old Testament. The name of the serpent that tempted Eve is Nachash, wcn. Nachash means “the tempter”. The numerical value of this word is 358, the same as for Meschiach, ciwm, which means Messiah, Christ, the Anointed
Here are some thoughts from Ann Davies. Ann Davies, Qabalistic Paths to the Inner Planes – Class 1:
One, the Redeemer. The same number of Gematria indicates that the power of temptation is the same as the power of redemption. This power is both the cause of limitation and bondage and the power of liberation.
“Any spiritual work intensifies the whole nature. When the whole nature is intensified, your good is heightened and your evil (immaturity) is heightened. And this particular principle is involved in all spiritual growth – the reason it happens is because the scum has to rise to the top.
The power symbolized by “The Devil” is the sensation and perception that distinguishes ignorance from understanding. And yet it is also the power that makes renewal possible. From ignorance and the shackles of our life here on earth, in Malkuth, peace and liberation will emerge.
It is a boiling process for the soul. And then when the scum rises to the top the person can’t help seeing the reactions like envy, jealousy, fearfulness. And then he/she knows what to go to work on in himself/herself. Because transmutation of the personality is the great work. This is one of the safeguards that is a principle which exists in the universe.”
The progressive path of spiritual enfoldment in Malkuth brings salvation (Key 21). We are saved from all the problems that our ignorance has created. The force that brought about the fall is identical with the force that brings about salvation. This principle is valid both for the spiritual development of all humanity and for the spiritual development of each individual life.
challenges that occupy all of us in these days with a little more courage and confidence, and with respect and love for each other.
From this point of view, we can see today’s global problems as a process, as a stage on the path of awakening and spiritual development of all humanity. The “dross” of negativity, aggression, fears, prejudices, ignorance must rise to the surface. According to Ann Davies, this is a process that is necessary to purify the soul.
We live in complicated times and there are still many tasks and difficulties to be overcome. But in mastering these challenges lies the path to liberation. Through the dark the way leads to the light.
This does not, of course, make the problems we have at present any easier. But perhaps these thoughts can help us to face the crises and
As a closing word, Paul Foster Case from The Book of Tokens, Comment on Tav:
May the White Brilliance Of the Supreme Crown Descend upon you, And may you rest in peace Beneath the shadow of the wings of that Mighty One, Whose name no man may utter.
x 21
ann davies and paul foster case
builders of the adytum history and purpose
uilders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A.) is a true Mystery School; an international, nonprofit, teaching and training Order, and an outer vehicle of the Inner Spiritual Hierarchy, sometimes called the Inner School, which guides the evolution of Man. Adytum is derived from an ancient Greek word designating the innermost part of the Temple, the Holy of Holies, that which is not made with hands. Its system is that of the Western, Qabalistic-Hermetic tradition, and its teachings have been handed down from Adepts to Initiates since very ancient times. The founder of B.O.T.A., Dr. Paul Foster Case, was such an Adept. As a recognized world authority on the Tarot and Qabalah, he was given the task by the Inner School of reinterpreting the Ageless Wisdom into modern idiom. After his death in 1954, his colleague, Dr. Ann Davies, extended the teachings of B.O.T.A. to their present state and initiated the international expansion of the Order. The lessons and some of the books of these two spiritual Adepts have been published in French, German, and Spanish, and other translations are in process. B.O.T.A. has Study Groups and Pronaos ritual work in many cities throughout the world. Study Groups afford an opportunity to interact with others who share the same spiritual teachings and practices, gaining mutual benefit from the experience of fraternal harmony offered by group work. The primary purposes of Study Groups are to foster the development of consciousness as set forth in the B.O.T.A. curriculum, to help incorporate the principles of Ageless Wisdom in everyday life, to enjoy together the operation of the One Will in all the circumstances of our lives, to encourage the development of fraternal Love and Harmony, and to provide an open door to the Mysteries to all who genuinely seek them. The headquarters of Builders of the Adytum has been in Los Angeles since the 1930s. For information about membership and group events, or to make inquiries, please visit
MYSTERY OF TIME by reverend ann davies
I gaze upon the mystery of time... As it slips away; A subtle movement holding sway; Over every night... over every day. Is there aught I really have, that time cannot take from me? For I know there is no way That I can manage to hold Diamonds or rubies or silver or gold! Then what wealth have I gathered here, Whose loss I need never fear? Ah, rich beyond time and space Is my soul, receiving God’s grace, The desire... the need to share, The capacity to care... About you. What true gift could I offer thee, That would outlast... even Eternity? Here! Take! Accept! Receive with me God’s Song of Life... the power to soar With Love that washes On boundless shores of time... or Timelessness 25