found that intelligibility scores increased as reverberation times decreased with a constant signal-to-noise ratio. Intelligibility scores were almost as high as they could be for multiple RT when conditions like increasing speech level with the varied reverberation time, at a constant noise level. The study found that the intelligibility scores of young children increased when sound that was added was early reflections of speech sounds. 282 Publication type: Journal article Study type: Experimental Study Sample: 217 Duration: Longitudinal, two times a year Age or developmental stage: 6 to 11 Years Old
Connection to the outdoors, outdoor learning, physical activity Becker, C., Lauterbach, G., Spengler, S., Dettweiler, U., & Mess, F. (2017). Effects of Regular Classes in Outdoor Education Settings: A Systematic Review on Students’ Learning, Social and Health Dimensions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(5), 485.
Becker, Lauterbach, Spengler, Dettweiler, and Mess address the benefits of Outdoor Education Programmes and discuss the benefits they have on students. The systematic review consisted of using online databases that involved German and English-language journal articles that were peerreviewed. Reviewers then screened the studies to assess the methodological quality. The studies were about curriculum and school-based Outdoor Education Programmes and the academic, personal, and social development of students, along with physical activity. The review found that in the thirteen studies chosen for analysis about social, learning, and additional outcomes of Outdoor Education Programmes. The majority of the studies reported positive effects. The physical, academic, social, and psychological dimensions were found to be promoted by compulsory school- and curriculum-based Outdoor Education Programmes. The study recommends that further studies be done on mental health and physical activity and the effects that Outdoor Education Programmes have on them.283 Publication type: Journal article Study type: Systemic Review Sample: 13 Duration: Cross-sectional Age or developmental stage: Preschool to Secondary Browning, M., & Rigolon, A. (2019). School Green Space and Its Impact on Academic Performance: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(3), 429.
Browning and Rigolon address how green spaces in school affect and impact
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