Content writing : Tips and Basics

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Content writing Master Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

What’s ahead??? • Definition of content writing • Importance of content • Think before you write • Tips to be considered while writing • Ending the content in a good way • Conclusion • Queries

Learning from this session This session is basically meant for the beginners and during this session we will learn each and every step of writing. How to begin, while writing and the sophisticated ending with a concluding line and etc.

What is content WRITING?? Content Writing involves penning down content that is easy to target the requirement of audience.  It is like any other form of writing requires in depth knowledge and great skill.  defining other way, It is a specialized style of writing, which differs slightly from journalistic styles.

How content is king?? Content is King--refers to the content of a website, which makes it much more accessible to visitors based on relevancy and provides full knowledge, purposefully attracting more audience and enables us to make it to the top.

Points to be noted-my-lord!!! • Write for User Not for Google • Make your content STAND OUT. • Focus on GIVING ATTENTION rather getting it. • The Customer is KING • Write INTERESTING, UNIQUE, WELL-WRITTEN, content. • Use EVERGREEN and UPDATED content. • SCAN- ABLE text is vital (headings, bullets, etc.) Give your Best Shot of Thought

Before you start writing… Before you start writing there should be some points which should be very clear in your mind like… • Identify the goal of the content: It takes us so long to write good content is because we don’t stop to decide what it is we want to say. • Decide on a hook: Every piece of content you write should have a hook. Just like in fishing, your hook is what you’re using to catch a reader in your net. Whether it’s a news hook, an attack hook, a humor hook or an ego hook, you want to decide how you’re going to draw people in.

Continued… • Think like your reader: Before you put fingers to keyboard, get in the mindset of your audience because your content is for them. If you’re attempting to explain something, talk about it from their point of view. • Get rid of distractions: Log out of Facebook. Close Twitter. Stay away from YouTube. While it’s easy to head to these sites during a brain lull, they’ll only make your content sound more fragmented and make you spend three times as long trying to write. When it’s time to write, turn them off.

While writing… • Put conclusions at the beginning: Think of an inverted pyramid when you write. • Get to the point in the first paragraph, then expand upon it. Write only one idea per paragraph: Web pages need to be concise and to-the-point. • People don't read Web pages, they scan them, so having short, meaty paragraphs is better than long rambling ones. • Use lists instead of paragraphs.

Continued… • Content should be such that the readers feel that they are reading something new and factual • Use words which are normally spoken not the ones that the reader need to have dictionary in hand while reading your content. • Include internal sub-headings: Sub-headings make the text more scan-able. • Clear Titles : Avoid slang & jargon and be painfully clear about what your are talking about. • While ending, wrap-up the subject so as to keep the reader intact. Provide a conclusion!!

Before you publish your content… • Proofread your work: Typos and spelling errors will send people away from your pages. Mainly the grammatical mistakes, so use the tools available online to check grammar of your content. • Read your content aloud: If you want to improve your content, read it aloud to yourself before you publish it to the Web or hand it to a customer. If you stumble over something or think you’re being too wordy, so will your reader, and it may turn them off.

Concluding in one line‌ Drive people crazy with smart writing. The success of any write-ups depends largely on the quality and authenticity of the content.

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