1 minute read

Lumber markets to continu rebound

f T.S. I t \tBl:tt I)t \l \\D cottttttttctl ttt lL./ str-cngthen in l0 lJ as ltotttc eon stfr,rction erpcricncccl trltlclcst llttt stts tlinirblc silit.ts orct l0 l3.lceoltling ttr cstiuratcs br \\'c:tcrtt \\'ootl Ptrtclltcts ,,\ssociation.

\\ Itilc tr''itletttiltI .,,tt'lt lltlirrll slou ctl latc in l0 l-1. rcsitlcnlial rclllir' runrl lcllrotlcling tR&ll. t. tltc largcst lLrnrbcr nurrkct [-rr r olunrc. pickctl trlt thc slack. R&R collstrLt ctl()tt l\ crpcctc-rl t() cortsutltc ltPll|oxittllttclr

I 7.-1 I billion bd. 1't. ol LI .S. protlLrc tion in l0l-1. lncl l0l-r clerttrrrttl is

Devil's Tower Forest Products

Rushmore Forest Products

Spearfish For€st Products

Montrose Forest Products lirrcclst to incrt--itsc lo l7.t)l billion bd. n.

Lurrbcr clenuttttl lirr ner', t'csiclcnlilrl r'i)ll\lttlLti()ll i\ I{)lLr'll\t Itt itltteltsc tlont un c\tintatc(l 10.98 billion bcl. ti. in l0l-1 to l-1.(rl billion btl. 1t. in It tl5. Stlrlrlc inl\'l\'\l r';.llc\. illt ittt1.1p1ing.jobs lticturc. ltnd cottlitttrctl slori ccononric qrori th q ill contli[rute ttt nrorlcst but sustliittible gltitts itl lutllbcl rlcrlancl lirt'ncn htttttc ettttstrtte tiorr in l0 I5.

ILcsponrling to incrcrtsccl tlentlttttl. l0l+ L..S. lumber' pt.ocluctiott irrclcase-cl all c\limiitc(l -+' ( to + I ..1+ billion bcl l'1.. cott.tpitt'crl to -ltl.5 bil lion htl . l't. in 2(J13. accot'dittq to \\ \\'P,\.

[-unrbcr-plocLuctiott itt thc \\'cst is crpectctl to climb liorrr 1.l .Jc) billiorr bcl. 1't. in l0 l3 to l-1.1 lrillion bd. lt. tirr l0 l -1.

For lO I 5. \\ \\ I).\ prcclicts lttnrbcr clenlurtl u ill risc fi'i to -1-1.87 lrilliort bd. 1i

Transitional Siding

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Offering a complete range of accessories for shakes and stone profiles, the product has three opening options for fitting different siding thicknesses.


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Ready-To-Go Railing

AGS Stainless' ReadyRail prefabricated railing system is the industry's first order today, ship today 1007o stainless steel railing system.

The product's precut-to-size posts make it ideal for those wanting the sleek, minimalistic look of an allstainless steel system-but whose projects do not require a completely custom-designed railing system.


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