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buyer satisfaction

grow your business, and better serve the full needs of your clients. Here are several strategies I've found to help sell decking more effectively, efficiently and profitably:

Sell the Total Package

A beautiful backyard consists of more than just a deck. The right foundation and accessories are what truly bring a customer's vision to life. I always start a project by reminding homeowners that the key to a durable, high-performance deck is what lies beneath the surface: the substructure. Among the fastest-growing trends in deck building today is the use of steel framing. Products like Trex Elevations Steel Deck Framing System offer an ideal opportunity to upsell since they increase a deck's longevity and value, while improving overall appearance both above and below. Unlike wood, steel won't warp, twist, split or decay and its stability creates a remarkably flat deck surface. For homeowners looking to get the highest quality and lifetime satisfaction out of their space, steel deck framing is a no-brainer. However, the substructure of a deck typically isn't top-of-mind for most homeowners, so it's up to you, the contractor, to present your clients with all the available products and information so they can make the best choice for their backyard and budget.

Similarly, lighting and railing add safety and enhanced ambiance to any outdoor setting. Given the myriad of options available, this is an area where clients can truly customize their space and let their personality shine. Use images from previous projects as inspiration and to reinforce the important role these components play in creating a dream outdoor living space.

lnspire Gonfidence and Possibilities

With the "total package" approach in mind, have the discussion about add-ons early in the planning process.

You will show yoursell'as a true spe, cialist by demonstrating you are thinking ahcad. Ask your cLlstomers questions about how they plan to use their' new deck. and present ideas that ignite inspiration. lntroduce clicnts to online design softwarc and encouragc thenr to experiment with the difl'crcnt f'eatures and options to help expose thent to ncri possihilities. Designirrg an ouldoor living space from scratch can be overwhelming, but I've found that resources like visualizer apps 1'or mobile devices provide a r-rser-friendlv way to experiment with the many deckin-e and railing choices available.

Focus on Value vs. Price

When it comes to decking materials. many consurlers limit their options due to prcconceived pcrceptions about the cost of compositc decking. A great way to address rhis concern is by quantifying the longterm valuc of a composite deck. The cost*and time requircd to n.raintain a traditional wood deck can far exceed the upl'ront inr estmenl in I hirh-per formancc composite dcck that will last for 2-5 years and retain a like-new appearance with just an occasional soap-and-watcr cleaning. Make sure your clients understand and consider the cumulative expense of powerwashing. sanding. staining and paint- ing a woocl dcck-not to rnention the value of all the time they get to spcnd en.joying thc deck rather than working on it. T1'picalll'. the cost diffcrcnce evcns out within fivc to l0 1,ears.

Today's widc rangc of offerings and pricc points rnake it cven easier to convert cLlstomcrs to higher-margin wood alternatives. Trcx. amonr other n'ranufacturers. offers nrultiplc dccking collections. to accomntodatc a range of budgcts. Its three lines all ol'l'cr high durability and wear-resistancc. along with ultra-low maintenance and longlasting good looks. Each off'ering thcn builds on the last with enhrrrrced pcr'formance and design features that makc it eas1, fbr contractors to upscll basccl on customer preferences and budgcts.

Given the constant arrav of new products, advancernents in tcchnology. and the evolution of backyard design, (herc's ncrcl beerr a morc exeiting time to be in the outdoor living business. Be surc vou're making thc rnost of every projcct by promoting \ourself as an outdoor living expert and offering your customcrs complete outdoor living solutions. along with a healthy dose of inspiration and guidance

By Brent Gwatney, MoistureShield

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