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Don’t forget fencing!

Stocking strategies for g ing t a gins

Aof today s fic le economic landscape, one thing holds true Americans are spending more time and money than ever before commissioning building professionals to create design-centric outdoor living spaces. In an industry brea down of the most sought-after products, the fence a once overloo ed element of an outdoor living space has become the rising star of the bac yard e uation. A fence can not only extend a homeowner s personal design aesthetic to the property line, but also offers a needed privacy solution amid the newfound desire to revive underappreciated bac yard living spaces.

Underscoring this trend, the chief economist at Porch.com has trac ed a increase in fence installation services over the last year. In addition to a meteoric rise in fencing pro ects, a ouzz study reported a yearover-year ump in searches for dec , patio and porch professionals, with a sharp uptic in dec ing and railing installations. In short, Americans fervor for outdoor home improvement has hit a historically high level and shows no signs of slowing down.

So, that poses the uestion, is the channel prepared to meet the continued demand for outdoor living products in

Prepare for increased demand in outdoor living product categories to win customers.

he country s burgeoning interest in outdoor home improvement caught many dealers and distributors at footed in the first half of . Some were left emptyhanded or pressed to pay a premium to stoc their yard, as existing inventory uic ly cleared. Admittedly, it was unnerving to purchase product amid a volatile economic climate. owever, it was our experience that those who had su cient inventory in stoc saw it move.

Ahead of prime building season, dealers and distributors can move forward with confidence by evaluating their stoc ing strategies. Preparation is ey to not only handle the in ux in demand, but to also win over customers in today s competitive mar etplace. his includes stoc ing product for the entire bac yard pac age, and with it, fencing solutions. For example, if a customer wal s onto a dealer yard to purchase dec ing and railing product but isn t able to complete the bac yard build with fencing, they will spend their money at the lot down the street. We can t stress this enough don t let customers wal away.

Introduce products with familiar value propositions to stay ahead of the competition

Because fencing has gained heavy traction across the outdoor living category, we recommend stoc ing this product ahead of pea building season.

o its advantage, this perimeter line solution off ers dealers and distributors a relatively low barrier to entry when it comes bringing on and selling the product. ards that are already e uipped to house building products of similar shape and size, li e railing, are typically able to also accommodate fencing. What s more, dealer and distributor staff that are already well-versed in railing product categories will be able to confi dently spea to fencing. wo indred products, railing and fencing sing to comparable value propositions, including their shared ability to safely enclose an open-air space in style and provide desired privacy. Bearing shared purpose in mind, fencing can be an easy add on product to sell customers that are loo ing to purchase the total outdoor solution.

Consider industry trends and evolving buyer preferences before stocking fencing products.

oday s off erings have come far from the golden days of white pic et fence Americana. So, when considering which types of fencing solutions to bring on, don t be afraid to introduce a new material. he country s zeal for outdoor home improvement pro ects coupled with lumber supply shortages led many building professionals to turn to wood-alternative building materials. ptions such as aluminum, steel and composite have gained big play, as availability often surpassed customer loyalty to lumber over the course of last year. Not to mention, these alternative materials have brought awareness to the fact that performance and aesthetics can be twofold in the building products industry there is no need to sacrifi ce one value proposition for the other. It may be time to consider stoc ing such options that provide depth of inventory and hold the potential to drive more sales.

Look to cost-eff ective products that move, like aluminum fencing.

he once unassuming and hard-to-install aluminum systems have been replaced with easily ad ustable, low maintenance options that bring eff ortless style to both traditional and modern homes. oday s lightweight panels can be installed uic ly and can typically accommodate grade changes across an uneven landscape. his premium design exibility was not always available however, recent technology advances enable rails to follow the ground while the pic ets stay vertical. An economical solution to have in stoc , some of today s aluminum fencing manufacturers bac their offerings with a limited lifetime warranty to maximize investments up and down the channel.

Stock steel fencing options for customers seeking a high-design look and enhanced durability in one product.

i cult for unwanted visitors to scale, especially when topped with fi nials, ornamental steel fence systems compare favorably with sought-after wrought iron and masonry builds. Select steel fencing manufacturers are also bringing one of the most pronounced design trends the use of mixed materials to the outdoor living space with hybrid privacy fencing systems. hese pair the strength of fully welded steel with composite or wood pic ets for a contemporary loo that stands guard and stands out. oday s design-centric solutions not only help your customers curate personalized open-air spaces, but also drive more and higher sales in the process.

Keep an eye on horizontal fence options, an emerging trend among homeowners with a design-oriented mindset.

Providing a modern loo with clean lines and near-total privacy, horizontal fences lend truth to the truism of “good fences ma e good neighbors.” When pic ets are oriented

WHILE the rigidity of a traditional welded fence requires stair-stepping of panels on hills and slopes, a rackable fence like Fortress’ Versai ornamental steel fencing adjusts to follow the contour of the landscape.

horizontally, they off er an aesthetically pleasing visual for homeowners on both sides of the fence literally . Select composite fence manufacturers off er horizontal options that deliver the old-school charm that wood provides without the propensity to decompose from the eff ects of weathering. Such options satisfy buyer s design-oriented preferences and bolster channel reputability, ma ing the case for wood alternative building products.

Capitalize on the continued boom in outdoor home renovation spending in 2021 and grow profi t margins.

We re confi dent that assessing stoc ing options ahead of prime building season holds the ey to a profi table year for all. With attention paid to wood alternative fencing materials, dealers and distributors can off er customers the missing piece of the bac yard e uation meeting demand for high-design perimeter solutions. In turn, the channel can maximize profi t margins and capitalize on this unprecedented boom in outdoor home improvement spending.

– Tom Leahy is the director, channel sales at Fortress Building Products. Leahy has extensive experience in sales, marketing and product management across the building materials industry. He currently leads the sales organization for Fortress, working directly with the one-step wholesale distribution to better serve customers and support product expansion both inside and outside of the fence category (www.fortressbp.com).

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