6 minute read
from BPD June 2021
SOUTHERNPINE.COM is equipped with plenty resources to help dealers find and source the products they need.
Southern pine resources for making the sale
The Southern Forest Products Association represents southern pine producers large and small and is ready to help dealers boost their sales with services the organization has provided since 1915. Both durable and versatile, southern pine is the natural choice for any customer, and SFPA has abundant resources to help dealers sell more of it.
Build with the Best
Homeowners are always looking for ways to maximize their living space and enjoy the great outdoors at home, even more so over the past year. A well-constructed southern pine deck creates a natural extension of a home while offering a restful outdoor place to spend time with family. Contractors can offer many different design choices from simple, compact structures to elaborate multi-level decks with fully functional outdoor kitchens.
Both consumers and builders enjoy the look and feel of real wood, and treated southern pine remains one of the most durable, cost-conscious solutions for outdoor projects. Southern pine’s superior treatability makes it the preferred species when pressure treatment with wood preservatives is required.
Today’s pressure-treated wood products are manufactured with preservatives that are safe for use around people, plants and pets. Pressure treatment provides long-term resistance to decay and termite attack, with no components that are considered hazardous under the Environmental Protection Agency regulations. Pressure-treated southern pine products are economical, sustainable and renewable—important selling points in today’s market.
A well-educated sales team that understands deck design is an invaluable asset that can help close and enhance sales. Whether you are bringing your salespeople up to speed, or just refreshing their memory, SFPA offers resources that can help. Visit the Publications page on SouthernPine.com and download a free copy of Southern Pine Decks and Porches, a 12-page illustrated guide to building a safe, code-compliant deck. Southern Pine Decks and Porches conveniently downloads to your computer as a PDF file, so you can distribute it digitally to your sales team, or print it out and keep it at your counter to share with customers. It covers the entire process, from footings and posts to framing the deck, plus finishing and maintenance. References are made to the Prescriptive Residential Wood Deck Construction Guide from the American
Wood Council, geared to professional deck builders and handy DIYers.
SouthernPineDecks.com can be used by dealers as a virtual training module for new hires. The content covers deck and porch construction from start to finish. If customers challenge you on the merits of composite decking, check out the page “Wood vs. Composites” from the home page’s footer and learn all the advantages of using real wood for any outdoor project.
Flood Protection with Raised Floor Homes
As summer approaches, concerns about flooding are at the top of many homebuliders’ minds. A raised wood floor home provides the solution to homebuilding in hurricane- and floodprone areas, and durable southern pine lumber is the ideal construction material. A raised wood floor home elevates the living space off the ground, isolating it from moisture and pests. Elevating a structure reduces flood insurance premiums and can enhance the home’s energy efficiency. Aside from offering flood protection by elevating the home, a raised wood floor foundation can also help manage a community’s risk of flooding in the first place. Unlike slabfill developments which alter the natu-

A DECK made of strong southern yellow pine adds value and function to any backyard.
ral floodplain, raised wood floor foundations do not displace rising water and support floodplain management.
The southern pine industry is prepared to satisfy orders with a high-quality lumber product and the Southern Forest Products Association is ready to help builders and homeowners with the information they need to build raised wood floor foundations.
Raised Wood Floor Foundations –
Design & Construction Guide
SFPA’s booklet Raised Wood Floor Foundations – Design & Construction Guide is publicly available as a free

RAISEDFLOORLIVING.COM is a unique two-sided website that offers comprehensive information about raised wood fl oor foundations to both homeowners and homebuilders.
PDF download from the Publications page of SouthernPine. com. This 16-page publication is aimed at homebuilders, architects, engineers and specifi ers. It explains how to build to a higher standard with a raised wood fl oor foundation, outlining the many advantages off ered by building a wood fl oor system above grade, including long-term durability and trouble-free performance.
An introductory section covers site conditions, soil properties, design considerations and connections. Properly designed and constructed, a raised wood fl oor foundation accommodates all design loads and transfers those loads to the soil without excessive settlement.
Eight 3-D illustrations detail the assembly of foundation types, both pier-and-beam and continuous stemwall on various types of footings. Information about insulated closed crawlspaces is also included.
RaisedFloorLiving.com –for Homebuliders & Homebuyers
SFPA’s website, RaisedFloorLiving.com, is a unique, two-sided information hub for both homebuilders and homebuyers about all the advantages and specifi cations to build off grade. The homebuilders’ side of the website serves as portal for building professionals, satisfying the needs of its users by striking a perfect balance between clear and logical navigation and extensive details. Raised Floor Living’s expertise in the industry serves lumber dealers with helpful resources like dynamic charts, tables, and diagrams. RaisedFloorLiving.com is also searchable, for easy access to information.
Do your customers have questions about building their new home using a raised wood fl oor foundation? The homeowner side of RaisedFloorLiving.com, explains the features and benefi ts of building raised, all in simple terms. Check out the Getting Started page and fi nd a list of questions property owners frequently ask an architect or homebuilder before beginning construction of a custom home.
Online Resources
The SFPA has a wide variety of online resources, all easily accessible from the homepage of SouthernPine.com. These tools have been helping dealers for years and are just a few clicks away! Product Locator
If you need to adjust your product mix to suit demand or there is a product needed to complete your inventor, the Product Locator at SouthernPine.com is the tool for you. The online Product Locator directs dealers and distributors to manufacturers in their states. Users can select from over 400 lumber products and specify sizes and lengths, grades, or even packaging preferences. Lumber Purchase Inquiry
Need to quickly source a quantity of southern pine materials? The Lumber Purchase Inquiry on the homepage of SouthernPine.com is your pathway to getting quotes from interested mills. Board Foot Calculator
SouthernPine.com features a handy Board Foot Calculator. The perfect tool for dealers wanting to quickly total up orders or the yard’s inventory. Publications
SFPA’s extensive Lumber Library is available for free download on the Publications page on SouthernPine.com. Here, dozens of informative pamphlets and brochures cover a wide range of topics from sustainability to marine construction.

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