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ASSOCIATION Update Summit March 29-April 2 in Washington, D.C. Ken Pinto, president of Kenzai USA and author of How
Western Building Material Association will conduct an Much Is the Milk? Uncovering Your Greatest Cost Savings in Introduction to Building Material Sales course Feb.8 and an Residential Construction by Listening to Your Suppliers, will estimating workshop Feb. 9-10 in Wilsonville, Or. speak on “How To Turn Builder Transactions Into Builder
The classes will be repeated in Bozeman Mt., on Feb. 14 Interactions.” (building material sales) and Feb. 15-16 (estimating). He will give dealers a peek behind the curtain of homebuilding operations to see why they do what they do, share
West Coast Lumber & Building Material Association how to motivate builders to be more concerned about lowerwelcomes Ali Wolf, chief economist, Zonda, to present an ing your operating costs, and demonstrate how to build loy“Economist’s View of the Housing Market” during its next alty with builders. 2nd Growth meeting March 3 at Knott’s Berry Farm Resort Hotel, Buena Park, Ca. She will cover current trends in the PCBC will stage two events this year—its traditional sumhousing market, the wider economy, and supply chain, and mer exhibition in San Francisco and a fall executive-level prothe state of the economy, concluding with forecasts of where gram of focused content and buyer/manufacturer meetings. the market can go from here. The show, to be held June 22-23 and now called The Summer Showcase, will feature large exhibitor floor; pavil-
Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers ions showcasing new technologies, materials and solutions; Association will resume workshops in March. Dates and lo- unforgettable keynotes; unparalleled networking; and induscations will be announced shortly. try-leading education. The Fall Conference—Sept. 27-28 in Carlsbad, Ca.—will
Montréal Wood Convention is being postponed from include a Leader-to-Leader Forum, Land & Capital ConferMarch to May 24-25 at the Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth ence, and National Buyers Circle, all designed for big, expanHotel in Montréal. sive thinking and small, collegial conversations.
Apart from the date change, all other show details remain the same, including program content, panel session, trade Oregon Logging Conference is scheduled for Feb. 24-26 show, networking opportunities, and partnering with North at the Lane County Events Center & Fairgrounds, Eugene, Or. American Wholesale Lumber Association for its regional The 84th annual logging, construction and trucking expo meeting (now on May 25). has adopted the theme “Family, Friends & Forestry 2.0.” Highlights will include a tour of Rosboro’s mill, a range of
National Lumber & Building Material Dealers Asso- hands-on seminars, wood carving demonstrations, and log ciation has booked author Ken Pinto to keynote its Industry loader competition.
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