3 minute read
across the board
American dream
I’ve shared a lot with each of you over the years. You know a lot about me, and my family. My beliefs, some of my opinions and my love for the things that are most important to me; my God, my country, and my family. The blessing of stumbling into this industry and serving great individuals such as you has been one of the best gifts of my life. And while we take great pride in serving you at your chosen career, I’ve always felt there was more we could do to serve the people that we are.
I am fortunate that the industries that we work in are filled with people I would call true Americans. Their businesses are the definition of the American Dream and as I’ve shared, you are my heroes and my inspiration every day. In spite of the chaos and division we see around us, you have been my hope that things are still right in America.
And so, while we are firmly entrenched in serving all of you based on what you do every day for work, we don’t get the privilege of serving the person that you are. I often respond when people ask about the odd mixture of industries that we serve that, when you take away what everyone does for a living, we’re all “the same guy”—we love our family, love our country, all serve in some way, and are all trying to give our kids a better chance than we had.
So, for those times away from work, after over a decade of dreaming of this, we are launching our first consumer, subscription publication. ATF will be an American lifestyle publication that focuses on all that we have in common. Why the title? First because I love all three, but not for obvious reasons. They all have been a part of my life in different ways for most all of my years. Good times, bad times, and times where tough decisions needed to be made. But also, I consider them the “great equalizers.” Rich or poor, young or old, when you find yourself involved in these things you have a common bond with those around you. A mutual respect and something you share that is important enough that all of the other BS falls away.
Patrick S. Adams
Publisher/President padams@526mediagroup.com
ATF will focus on the stories of “how” and “why” relating to everyone’s pursuit of their own American Dream. It will not focus on politics or policy. It will not spew opinions on the current state of anything. It will not provide reviews on what we believe is good or bad. Instead, it will share all that we have in common, not just in alcohol, tobacco or firearms, but in the lifestyle that undoubtedly includes at least a few of those things. While we chose this title, it could also just as easily be called “The America I Know.”
It was the time shared with each of you in this great industry that inspired me to have the courage to launch this publication as the media business is not an easy or forgiving one these days. More than just the courage you each demonstrate in your own businesses, but also in the character that you hold firmly on in spite of any current market or personal conditions. So, ATF is essentially about each one of you, for you, and to serve you, and it is why the very first global announcement is made here, to each of you.
I hope that you will give us the same chance and trust to earn time in your personal lives, as you have given us in your professional lives. As always, I am humbled and honored to serve each of you and this great industry! Thanks in advance for your support, and I look forward to hearing your feedback.