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million (33,072,000 bd. ft.),
which rose to $245 million in 201 I In 2013, however, China rose back to an estimated $236 million. a increase of 537o. Hemlock was the leading U.S. species imported in 201I at $105 million; it took the big hit in 2O12 and recovered in 20 13 to $79 million. Douglas fir was $37 million in 2011, and increased to $53 million in 20 13.
Japan is the major export market for U.S -produced Doug las fir, importing $137 million, which was 50Vo of all Douglas fir exported in 2013, increasing to an estimated $160 million this year and up to 53o/o.The vast majority of the product is in metric sizes and lengths for post and beam construction. Western hemlock and hem-fir was a distant second at $6 million. Other notable species include redwood, western red cedar, yellow cedar, and ponderosa pine. Overall exports are on track to increase by more than 2I7o over 2013.
Mexico is the fourth largest market for western species in 2O13. A market value of $126 million was exported to Mexico in 2oll, and 2013 should top out at $149 million. Mexico is a lowgrade pine market, with ponderosa pine the leading known species imported, behind "other softwoods." Uses include furniture components, concrete forming, pallets, crating and millwork. Douglas fir is also imported for some structural applications along the border. The major competition is radiata pine from Chile.
The Softwood Export Council (softwood.org) is the U.S. western softwood link to international markets and marketing activities. The SEC and its member organizations, grading agencies, trade associations, and state agencies provide marketing programs, including trade shows, trade missions, market sourcing, design and usage information in native languages. A special SEC program helps put U.S. companies in direct contact with foreign buyers by helping with travel expenses to trade shows and on trade missions. Whether you are a producer, wholesaler or retailer, you probably have a link to the SEC and its activities through one of the SEC members.
- Craig lrtrsen has served as president of the Softwood Export Council since its founding in 1998. Previously, he spent nearly two decades with the Western Wood Prctducts Association. Reach him at c larsen@ softwood.org.