2 minute read
Hi-boro brand treated wood is a borate treated I product designed for interior house framing in Ha .Hi-bor' treat-ed wood resists attack by Formosan termites and numerous hbusehold as well as fungal decay,
Tip-Top Fasteners
Top Hat Duplex screws from RemoveRite Inc. are designed for easy removal in temporary installations such as concrete forms, saving time and money. The fasteners are available in a variety of lengthsfrom l-ll4" to 2-314"-and in a variety of package sizes-from I -lb. to 50-lb. bulk boxes.
(661) 96s-6128 trirePR0o brand interior fire reardaat is the construction industrt's newest and most ad\ancrd fire protection stntem fpt *qgd fire unique FirePro drernisuy is a p?tent pending formulation that coriains no phosphomubhased comlnunds.
Quick Bonding to Roofs
Quick Roof Ultra Bond from Cofair Products stops leaks and permanently repairs most roofing material, as well as skylights, gutters, and flashings. It can also be used for repairs on RV's, trucks, trailers, pond liners, and tarps. Both 4" and 6" sizes come in 25' lengths, in either black or white.
(800) 333-6700 rd9 jorate Dressure treated' lumber for ioih, strils. roof mrses, raften, bear rior framing ind sill plate applicatio
P.O. Box 75 McMinnville, OR 97128
Phone: 503-434-545O . FAX: 888-TSO-WOOD (888-876-9663) Call today and seeJust trbat Royal PactJilc Industrles
Mastering Storms
Scotchgard-protected T StormMaster shingles offer Class 4 impact resistance in classic styles and colors. Atlas Roofing manufactures the shingles with rubberized SBS technology for enhance strength and durability. Scotchgard Protector defends against algae stains and streaks.
(800) 388-6134
Stainless Steel Rail
Atlantis Rail's new cable railing combines the strength of steel with unobstructed views.
SunRail Latitude features prefabricated 316L stainless steel posts, horizontal cable infill, and top rail mounting plates. Kit options include 36" or 42" railing heights, plus various post kits.
(800) 541-6829
Hail to the Roof
Storm Series concrete roof tiles from Boral Roofing are designed for high performance in hail storms.
According to independent testing, the Class 4 tiles withstand sequential impacts of 2" hail at speeds up to 104' per second. The product is also energy efficient.
(800) 571-8453
Sharing a Special Moment
A special moment frame from Simpson Strong-Tie provides a lateral system solution for both new construction and soft-story retrofits in wood and lighrframe structures.
Connecting links preserve the integrity of beams and columns during a large seismic event.
Each frame comes in 198 preengineered sizes, and can be custom-engineered using the company's frame-selector software.
(800) 92s-5099
Roseburg Engineered Wood Products in flre Soulhern Colifornlo mq*6l. Huff Lumber-offers fhe complele line of Roseburg EWP coupled wifh full technicol copobilities including toke-off, conversion, plocement drowings ond engineering services. EWP moteriols ore ovqiloble in mill direct bulk shipmenfs, locol units ond cul piece iob pockoges.

The Roseburg Froming Syslemo consists of: RFPIo Joists used in floor ond roof construcfion; Rigidlomo LVL which is used for heoders, beoms, studs ond columns; ond RigidRimo Rimboord. All of the componenis ore engineered to the industry's highest slondords lo help conlroctors build solid, duroble, ond betler performing froming systems compored fo ordinory dimension lumber.
Rigid[om@ LVL
RigidLom@ LVL Studs
Rigidlom@ LVL Columns
RigidRim@ Rimboqrd