2 minute read


Gedar-Look Gomposite

Duralife MVP Decking from Integrity Composites is now available in Spanish cedar, in a variegated, non-repeating grain pattern.

Manufactured from polypropylene and hardwood composite, the decking is lighter in weight but maintains a 16" on-center rating forjoist span.

Other colors include Greenwich gray and Saratoga brown.


(20'7) 57 r-O77s

Solar Roof Vents

Master-Flow Green Machine solar roof vents from GAF are easy to install.

The solar-powered model has a 2}-watt integral solar panel and an adjustable thermostat/humidistat, to reduce attic-cooling costs.

The dual-powered model switches automatically between solar and house power for cooling at night and during cloudy weather.


(800) 766-341 I


Hi-boro brand treated wood is a borate treated oduct desimed for interior house framing in Ha -bor' trealed wood resists attack by Formosan termit€s and numerous hbusehold

American Shingles

CertainTeed's Patriot asphalt roofing shingles come in six colors: shadow black, weathered wood, driftwood, colonial blue, graystone, and prairie wood. Each shingle measures l3-114"x39-3l8" with 55/8" exposure, for both residential and commercial steep-slope applications.


(800) 233-8990 brand interior fire ret rdail is lhe conshrction industrds neruest and nost advanced fire protection sJ61€fit $ forwuid. The unigue Fireho dlemisty is apalent pendi+g formulation that coritains no phosphomushased cnmpouruls' .

New Porch Boards

Nyloboard is introducing a wood-alternative deck board named NyloPorch.

Made from recycled carpet fiber, the tongue-andgroove boards have a natural-looking woodgrain. The product is also resistant to moisture, mold and insects.


(8',77) 69s-6909

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Catltoday atd seeJust wbat Roltal Pac-tfic Industrles

Stains for Doors & Millwork

PureColor developed EvenGrain stain for door and millwork manufacturers.

The collection consists of three products-for solid and veneered wood doors, hardwood composite doors, and millwork and door trim packages' Each ships and stores dry, contains zero VOCs, and can be applied with either manual or automated equipment. T PURECOLORINC.COM

(9ss) 729-1873

Rustic PVG Fencing

Enduris' Endwood cellular PVC fencins has a hand-stained look. rough-sawn texture-. and vuriegated woodgrain pattern.

It has an outer HardCover capstock shell, a stabililizing rail system, and contains l00o/c inorganic material that won't support molcl.

Styles include California, privacy straightedge or dog-ear, and shadowbox straightedge or dog-ear.


(888) 329-7428

Wood Shearwalls

Strong-Wal I SB pre-fabricated wood shearwall from Simpson Strong-Tie ol'fers cnhanced design flexibility and -qreater lateral-force resistance.

The wall is designed for residential. multifamily, and lightframe commerciul construction, including garage portals and other large openings. Dimensions of l2"xl' to 24"x20' are offered.


(800) 999-5099

GEO. M. HUFF LUMBER COMPANY; o premier distributor of wholesole building products; hos teomed with Roseburg Engineered Wood Products in the Southern Colifornio morket. Huff Lumber offers lhe complete line of Roseburg EWp coupled with full technical copobilities including loke-off, conversion, plocemenl drowings ond engineering services. EWP moteriols ore ovoiloble in miil direct bulk shipmenls, locol units ond cut piece iob pockoges.


The Roseburg Froming Syslem@ consists o{: RFPI@ Joisls used in floor ond roof consiruction; Rigidlom@ LVL which is used for heoders, beoms, studs ond columns; ond RigidRim@ Rimboord. All of the components ore engineered to the industry's highest stondords to help conlroclors build solid, duroble, ond befter performing froming sysiems compored io ordinory dimension lumber.

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