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Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.
Experienced yard man for yard in large country town 100 miles south of San Francisco. State past experience. Also state when you could start work. Address Box C-576, California Lumber Merchant.
Fir lndustry Pleased With 1936 Oudook
The unusual activity in lumber buying noted during November has held without weakening through the first two weeks of December, although at this season buying and production ordinarily are at low levels. Orders reported to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association for November were in larger volume than any other thirty-day period in two years. The continued activity in December extends the record to the best six weeks in two years.
All American markets are buying lumber in a fairly active way, due to more actual and projected building, both private and public, and to low stocks of lumber held by retail and wholesale distributors in the consuming areas. Foreign markets are lagging, with the bulk of the business offered being taken by the mills in British Columbia.
While lumbermen generally are pleased with the present favorable situation and outlook for 1936, the Association pointed out that the production and orders of the entire West Coast industry are now at a rate of approximately 6 billion feet per year, while the industry produced more than 1O billion Ieet in l9D. The industry has still a long way to go to bring back the business volume and payrolls of the years 1926 to 1929.
Nu-Wood Display Booth
One of the outstanding display booths set up for the inspection of the lumbermen visiting the California retailers'annual convention at San Diego was the Nu-Wood exhibit erected by Geo. E. Martin, Southern California representative of the Wood Conversion Division of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Co.
The exhibit demonstrated in actual use Nu-Wood Tile in two attractive designs on the side walls with Nu-Wood wainscot finishing ofi the lower sections. The back panel was built of Nu-Wood insulating board in old ivory and light tan strips divided with chromium mouldings. On the ceiling Nu-Wood plank in various widths demonstrated to good advantage the use of that particular type of construction. On either side of the entrance to the booth were actual samples of Balsam Wool used as thermal insulation between the studding.
From the favorable comments Mr. Martin had from lumbermen visiting the exhibit it is evident that this predecorated insulating board in its various forms will be stocked and sold by many more lumbermgn.
Lettering in Oil Colors-Prices on Request
Albert B. Tuckcr No. Cedar St. Glendale, GOOD OPPORTUNITY
Do you want to buy an outstanding retail lumber yard near Los Angeles? Never before offered for sale. Shows handsome profit for the last four years. Will require about $16,000. Twohy Immber Company, 549 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Ten Years Ago Today
From the Jonuary 1, 1926 lssue of The California Lumber Merchant
From the L. A. Express, Dec. 7,1875: "Another reduction has been made in the price of lumber. Hereafter rough lumber will be furnished tor $27.50 per M feet, surface lumber for $,lO and rustic*fol 91t."
December 16-The 2,000,000th door was turnecl out by the Wheeler-Osgood Co., Tacoma, since January 1, of this year.
Bolling Arthur Johnson, 63, founder of the Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo, passed away at his home in Chicago, December 19.
The Gibson string of yards has been purchased by patten & Davies of Los Angeles. The deal includes the plants at Anaheim, Fullerton, Brea and La Jolla. tr<>F*
Employees of the San Diego Lumber Company, Frost Hardwood Company and San Diego Planing Mill, were entertained December 23, at the Cabrillo Cafe, San Diego, at the annual Christmas party held under the direction of Al Frost, who is interested in all three companies. *'l*
"Paul Bunyan" of the Red River Lumber Company acted as Santa Claus for Southern California lumbermen by distributing thousands of beautiful Christmas trees from their forests near westwood' ,< >k ,k
A. (Dick) Hiscox acted as Santa Claus at the annual Christmas meeting of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club, on December 24. H. W. Gustafson acted as chairman of the day.
The Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club played Santa Claus to 483 happy children at their Christmas party on December 23. The arrangements were in the hands of B. W. (Bobbie) Byrne, Chairman; Herman Rosenberg, Roy Stanton, Ifarry Hanson. Paul Hallingby and Gus Hoover.