3 minute read


By Jae Dionne

Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2o ]ears,-Some les{r Mv Goodness!

I said that the story of the three little boys and the little girl in school, that I told in the December 15th, 1932 issue, was the smartest story I had heard in a long time.

VVell, here's the biggest laugh I've had in a long time:

These two birds were "gassing" one another. One of them said:

"When my father was just a year and a half old he had a terrible case of diptheria."

"How terrible!" exclaimed the other. .Did he recover?"

"I really couldn't say," replied the first; .,f was away at school at the time."

California'g Oldest National Forest Manila Paper lssues Philippine Celebrates 40th Anniversary Hardwood Supplement

California's first national forest was created by President Benjamin Harrison on December 20, 1892-forty years ago. His proclamation set aside 555,520 acres in Los Angeles County to be known as the San Gabriel Timberland Reserve under authority granted by the Act of March 3, 1891. This area was regarded as valuable for watershed protection by the U. S. Geological Survey of the Department of the Interior and by the first California State Forestry Commission appointed by Governor George Stoneman in 1885.

From 1892 until 1897 it remained "reserved" from all forms of use except recreation. It was then placed under the administration of the General Land Office of the Department of the Interior, a forest supervisor placed in charge with headquarters in Los Angeles, and a force of short-term rangers appointed for fire protection. In 1908 it was consolidated rvith the old San Bernardino National Forest under the name of the Angeles. In 1925 these two areas were again separated and administered as distinct units.

Today the Angeles National Forest rvith its area of 643,836 acres is more intensively used lor recreation than any other national forest in the United States, and two million persons obtain 8O per cent of their water supply from the streams rising from its watersheds. Within its boundaries over one million persons .annually find recreation in the 153 camp grounds improved by the Forest Service in cooperation with the Automobile Club of Southern California and Los Angeles County, and in the county parks at Big Pines and Crystal Lake.


Hilman Lueddemann, Portland, Northrvest manager of the McCormi,ck Steamship Co.. recently visited the company's San Francisco office.

The Manila Bulletin, Manila, P. I., in its issue of October 3t,1932, carries a special Philippine hardwood supplement containing valuable information on the timber resources of the Philippine fslands, the lumbering and logging methods and other statistical data regarding the Philippine hardwood industry. The issue carries a special article and illustrations of the new modern sawmills of the Findlay Millar Timber Company at Kolambugan, Lanao, and the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company at Dahican, Camarines Norte.

1933 Convention Dates

Jan. 17-18-19 lan.78-79-20






Feb. l-2-3

Feb. 7-8-9

Feb. 7-8-9




Feb. 14-15-16

Feb. 17-18





Apr. 11-12-13

May 1l-12





New York


Kansas City

Grand Rapids

Des Moines


Pittsburgh High Point, N. C.






Portland, Ore.

Corpus Christi


Hotel Auditorium

BellevueStratford Daniel Boone


Noel Ararat Temple Pantlind

Shrine Temple Stevens Hotet

Webster Hatt Sheraton


John Marshall

Robt. E. Lee


Multnomah Nueces

Angebilt ttfn the first place, I don't keep them all in the warehouse. I make sure every homeowner and roofer that comes into my place of business knows about Forestry Blends. I panelled the front of my counter with them and built a little shed roof out over my display windows where I've laid up four sections of various designs and colors. When a fellow comes in for shingles

I lay out an area of the color and pattern hets most interested in and call attention to the way the various colors blend and mingle to give a soft, natural all-over effect. Most people wonder whether a certain solid color will look well on their particular house. Vith Forestry Blends, you can show them beyond question how they will harmonize with any sort of color scheme.tt Forestry Blends are an exclusive product for YOU. When you develop business on this item, you are building business that is free from competition. Display and featute Flintkote Forestry Blend Shingles!

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