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for 20 years---Some less

Just One Obiection

This recalls the old story of the colored cook who quit her job and when asked by the white lady why she was leaving replied that there was "too much shiftin' of de dishes fo' de fewness of de vittles."

Two darkies were talking over the merits and qualifications of their respective motor cars, both typical, worn, shabby old wrecks.

One of them said, "You know sump'n, deys jus' one reason why Ah caint run disheah cah o" mine two hunderd miles a houah."

"An'whuts dat reason?" asked the other.

"De distance am too long fo' de shawtness of de time," said the first.

George Brown Representg lncreased Lumber Production Hardwood Flooring and Justified bv Code Authority Fir Plywood Concerns Head

G. H. Brown recently closed out his hardwood lumber business, the G. H. Brown Hardwood Co., Oakland, and is now Northern California sales representative of E. L. Bruce Co., hardwood flooring manufacturers, Memphis, Tenn., and Northern California representative of Peterman Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of Fir doors, plywood and wallboard.

Mr. Brown has opened an office at 5O Alice Street, Oakland, Calif. His acquaintance with the hardwood lumber business in this territory dates back to lX)7 rvhen he established with a partner the Brown-King Co.

Since that time he has been continuously in the hardwood business in Oakland. From 1916 until he sold out to the present owners he owned and operated the Strable Hardwood Co., and for several years until recently has operated his own company, the G. H. Brown,Hardwood Co.

Hawk Huey Wins Ne*rpapel Contest

Hawk Huey, Phoenix, Ariz., was announced the winner of the Phoenix Gazette "Today's Line Contest" for the week ended December 30 and received the cash prize of. $5.00, which the paper arvards weekly for the line considered the best of those published. His epigram which was printed across the top of the editor's page in the Friday, December 29, issue, was: "Many who can run a good race spend too much time away from the track." The lines must be original and are limited to 17 words. Everyone rnay enter the contest except employees of the Gazette, the Arizona Republic and their families.

Washington, D. C., Jan. 5.-C. Arthur Bruce, Executive Officer of the Lumber Code Authority, just returned to the city after attending the sessions of the National Control Committee of the Authority at Portland, Ore., strongly defended the action of that body in authorizing production of 5,037,000,000 feet of lumber during the first quarter of 1934. Considerable curious comment has been aroused within and without the lumber industry because this authorization meant total production for the six months ending March 31, 1934, of 2,060,000,000 feet in excess of officially estimated consumption. Production of 4,885,000,000 feet was authorized foi the final quarter of 1933 against the U. S. Timber Conservation Board's estimated consumption of 3,862,000,000 feet for the period, and the Board estimated consumption for the first quarter of 1934 at 4,000,000,000 feet.

"It is incumbent upon this industry," declared Mr. Bruce, "to recognize its responsibility to an army of employes and those dependent upon them, and to make assurance doubly sure that they rvill be provided with employment during the coming months. The industry is also obligated to maintain a supply of lumber adequate to meet any reasonable public demand which may develop."

Mr. Bruce explained that these considerations outweighed any reason for further curtailment which might be deduced from the estimates of the Timber Conservation Board. As to an increased demand for lumber during the first and second quarters of 1934, he said that such a development was not only possible, but highly probable. In addition to the improved tone of business in general, Mr. Bruce cited the impetus provided by public works and civil works programs.

Loop Lumber Co. Speciahzes in Timbers-Carries Bis Stock

When a retail lumber dealer wants timbers he often wants them in a hurry, and sometimes the matter of a feu' hours is important. Occasionally in a real emergency the saving of even an hour in delivering timbers means a lot to the dealer's customer.

It is of interest, therefore, to recall to the attention of retailers that Loop Lumber Co. of San Francisco specializes in timbers, and that they carry the largest and most complete stock in San Francisco. Also that they operate a fleet of motor trucks, and are prepared to make prompt delivery to any destination.

This firm is justly proud of its record in furnishing timbers to retail yards for all kinds of jobs at short notice from stock in its big waterfront yard at the foot of 16th Street, San Francisco. From time to time they have received letters expressing appreciation of their excellent service. The following letter, recently received, stresses the customer's satisfaction with the quality of the material :

November 16, 1933. Loop Lumber Company Central Basin / San Francisco. California


Attention Mr. Brush

We have just gotten in contact with our customer at ......, who told your truck driver that he would be in the market for some more timbers.

This gentleman has advised us that it will probably be some time yet before he does need any, but he certainly will get in touch with us first. He expressed considerable satisfaction at the quality of the material we shipped to him through your good selves and stated that he had had a number of inquiries as to where he secured such nice stock.

We feel confident these folks will see us before they do anything when again in the market.

Thanking you for your courtesy in connection with this matter, we are

Yours very truly, STOCKTON LUMBER COMPANY, per C. G. BIRD, Manager.

Rctiring From Business

Roy E. Harrington, proprietor of the California Moulding Company of Los Angeles, announces his retirement from business on January I,1934. Mr. Harrington is widely known with the lumber fraternity in the Los Angeles district; he has been a resident of the city for fi-fty years and has been connected with the lumber business there since 1901. He has operated the California Moulding Company for the past twelve years, and in retiring expresses appreciation to his many friends and customers for their support. Mr. ,Harrington has made no definite plans for the future but is contemplating an extended vacation.

Purchases Yard at Torrance

The Montgomery Lumber Co. has purchased the Mullin Lumber Co. yard at Torrance, Calif. Ward W. Montgomery, for the past fifteen years secretary of the Hollywood Lumber Co., is managing the yard.

Receives Promotion

J. N. Manning, of the Seattle office of Chas. R' McCormick Lumber Co., has been appointed district sales manager for the Pacific Northwest. Mr. Manning has been ten years in the service of the comPany in various capacities.

Mrs. Mary A. Lolgren

Mrs. Mary A. Lofgren passed away in Berkeley, California, on Monday, January 1, at the age of 85. Mrs. Lofgren was the mother of Alvin N. Lofgren, well known San Francisco lumberman.

Spends Holidays In San Francisco

William C. Daniels, Henry H. Ketcham Lumber Co., Seattle, Wash., with his wife and young son, were San Francisco visitors over the holidays.

Attend Code Hearing In Washington

Ralph Duncan, Merced Lumber Co.; Mercedy chairman of the Northern California Retail Lumber Code Administrative Authority, and Henry S. Patten, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Los Angeles, chairman of the Southern California Lumber Code Administrative Authority, attended a meeting of the Lumber Code Authority in Washington, D. C., on January 10.

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