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Captain J. C. Snead (formerly with Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco) has been transferred from Walla Walla, Wash., to Petersen Field, Colorado Springs, Colo.
A. W. "Bates" Smith, manager of the Los Angeles office of MacDonald & Harrington Ltd., recently spent several days at the firm's head office in San Francisco.
George T. Gerlinger, of Willamette Valley Lumber Co., Dallas, Ore., and president of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, has returned to Portland from visits to San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Mark D. Campbell of Campbell-Conro Lumber Co., Port" land, visited San Francisco and Los Angeles two weeks ago on his way to Phoenix, Ariz., where he will spend a few weeks vacation.
Frank Connolly, president, Company, Los Angeles, has to Washington, D. C.
Western Hardwood Lutnber returned from a month's trip
Ernest H. Bacon, manager of Fir-Tex of fornia, San Francisco, returned recently visit to l-os Angeles on business.
Northern Califrom a week's dealer, Alameda, refrom a business trip a lumber auction in
R. E. (Bob) Caldwell, Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco, is back from two weeks' vacation spent at Palm Springs.
Albert A. Kelley, wholesale lumber turned around the middle of January to the Pacific Northwest. He attended Portland and called on sawmills.
Warren B. Wood, president, and Harry F. Vincent, vicepresident and general manager of E. K. Wood Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned January 17 from a visit to the firm's Los Angeles office.
George C. Cornitius of the George C. Cornitius lIardwood Co., San Francisco, returned to his office January 19 from an eastern business trip. He visited Washington, D. C. and called on a number of mills in Virginia.
Crosby H. Shevlin, assistant general manager of The Shevlin-Hixon Co., Bend, Ore., was a recent visitor at the office of the Shevlin Pine Sales Company in Los Angeles.
W. B. Wickersham, Pope & vision, Los Angeles, attended the West Coast Lumbermen's Ore., on Janaary 28.
Talbot Inc., Lumber Dithe annual conference of Association at Portland.
Ray Larson of the Portland office of Wendling-Nathan Co. is now stationed at Camp Kohler, Sacramento, where he is known as Pvt. R. B. Larson, 840 Training Battalion.
Pat Carroll, formerly a salesman with the KimberlyClark Corp., Los Angeles, is now a Seaman First Class in the Navy and stationed at San Diego. Pat is well known in Southern California lumber circles, and before going with the Kimberly-Clark Corp., he was with the George E. Ream Company of Los Angeles.
Home Construction
During December private financial institutions filed with FHA applications for Title 6 mortgage insurance amounting to $59,548,100 to finance the construction of 13;103 proposed new family dwelling units for war workeis. This compares with applications of $59,537,8O0 in Novernber an4 $55,450,600 in December, 1942.
Aircrqft Production
In a broad outline of the ai.rcraft production program lor 1944, C. E. Wilson, chairman of: the Aircraft Production Board, estimates U. S. production of over 100,000 planes with increases in combat types and the B-29 (Super-Fortresses) and decreases in trainer and certain other types.
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