1 minute read
The,AI\TITE FRAME & LOCK.JOINT SASH afford the perfect window instailation. They make possible a higher degree of insula- tion than heretofore atiained, or obtainable with any material other than wood.
Interlocking joints of Aimite Frames. Pulley stiles and sash plouehed for Lock-Joint weather.stripping. Nooel and unique Lock-Joint Sash meeting. rails with co.acting flanges.
Sill double.horned for blind stop. Outside sill has r/4.inch depth for weatherpr oofjoint with storm sash. Sill and sash ploughed for Lock.Joint weather 6trip6.
All stock eizes, for all 6tanda.d types of construction. (Fully protected by U. S. Patent No. 1?52271. Other U. S. and Foreign Patents Pending)
OId-style eash cord knot replaced here Dy Ilne-tal te_rrule connecting cord with angted Eocket in oide of saeh, which automatically locks itself agaiost dis- placement.
Sill moulded with both facesparallel,assuring tight joint entire width of jamb. Pitch of sill increasLd to 3 inch.es in 12, providing riee qralnage.
A completely weather.stripped uDit, ready to install. Entire cost is less than for old.type of frame and window plus. iddi. tional cost of weather. stripping.
Douglas Fir Lumher, Timbers, Door anC Window Frames, Trimoak: Western Hem- locl: Lumber; Western Red Cedar Sidine and Shingles; Southern Pine Lumber anE Timbers; Southern Hardu ood Lumber. Timbers and Trimpak; Oak Flooring,
Weather.strip s epecially de. eigned, made of all heart, edge- grain Dcu glasFir. lmpregnatid with paraffin to make th€m impervious to moisture and to provide sastr lubrication.
*CELLized Oak Flooring Strips, *CELLized Oak Floor Planks, *CELLized Oak Floor Blocks; California White Pine Lumber. Sash,and Doors, Box Shooks; Creosoted Southern Pine Lumber, Timbers, PostE, Poles, Ties, Guard.Rail Posts, Piling.