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\(/estern Retail Lumbelmen's Ass'n Elects Officers
Windsor Lloyd, of Nampa, Idaho, was elected president of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association at the annual convention of the association held at the Davenport Hotel, Spokane, February 18 to 20.
The following were elected vice-presidents: California, Ralph P. Duncan, Merced; Arizona. W. F. Edens. Cottonwood; Montana, Chas. E. Brown, Miles City; H. W.Trask, Missoula; Ed. Van Tobel, Las Vegas ; Oregon, Wayne E. Brinker, Milton, and L. C. Scharpf, Eugene; Idaho, I. J. -Dickensen, 'Emmett; Utah, Arthur Jones, Cedar City; Washington, H. B. Kendall, Spokane, and Carl Blackstock, Seattle; Wyoming, S. B. Freeman, Cody.
Directors elected were as follows: Noah Adams, Oakland, Calif.; J. H. Uglen, Lewiston, Idaho; C. S. Kenyon, Bozeman, Mont.; H. L. Bartlett, Reno, Nev.; W. W. Anderson, Ogden, Utah; H. O. Schumacher, Spokane, Wash.; F. H. Dickensen, Seattle,'Wash., and C. H. Crawford, Walla Walla, Wash.
New Yard in Oakland
A new yard has been started on the old Tynan Lumber Co. site at 6225 East 14th Street, Oakland, bv the PearceHall Lumber Co. Gerald G. (Jerry) Pearce,- former manager of the Sunset Lumber Co. and G. Lyman Hall, who was also associated with this firm, are the principals in the new concern.
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Asgociation grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.