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Redwood or White Pine connection for Ohio territory requiring full and exclusive time. Have been exclusive Cypress salesman in Ohio many years for large Cypress manufacturer. For obvious reasons would prefer change from Cypress to Redwood or White Pine. Address Box C-469. The California Lumber Merchant.
Sales Manager Wants Position
Several years' experience as manager of large metropolitan yard in California. Large acquaintance with the retail yards. Can show results. Now available for opening. Address Box C-471, care The California Lumber Merchant.
V/. H. \(/right Low Gross \(/inner
W. H. Wright, Smith Lumber Co., Anaheim, wag the winner of the low gross prize, the Schumacher Cup, at the monthly golf tournament of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club held at the Santa Ana Country Club, Wednesday afternoon, February 22.
D. E. Liggett, Liggett Lumber Co., Santa Ana, and C. B. Lyon, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles, were tied for low net honors. R. E. Hostetler, Costa Mesa Lumber Co., Costa Mesa, and Ray Clark tied for the blind bogy prize.
The next tournament will be held at the Hacienda Country Club, Whittier, Wednesday afternoon, March 22.
Steamship Company Elects Officers
J. Harold Dollar has been elected president of the recently organized Pacific Steamship Lines. Other officers elected are : R. Stanley Dollar, first vice-president; A. F. Haines, second vice-president, and E. H. Hall, secretary and treasurer. The company, which absorbed the Pacific Steamship Company, operates the Admiral Line.
The following is attributed toa San Francisco retail lumberman. When asked whether business is improving he replied: ".Yes, I think so. Yesterday we sold several orders. One amounted to $3.0O. The other two were SMALL."
Jack Rea Vistts San Francisco
Jack Rea, Los Angeles, Southern California manager for W. R. Chatnberlin & Co.. was a recent visitor at the company's San Francisco office.
For Sale
Lumber Yard-$3000.00 for all stock of lumber and other building materials, truck, safe and adding machine. Rent $35 per month for yard. 24O lin. tt. shed and warehouse.
Write Geo. W. Jones Lumber Co., Box 445, Walnut Creek, Calif.
U. S. Building Permits for January
Building permit figures in 531 cities and towns of the country during Jdnuary, 1933, amounted to $33,701,343, according to official reports made to S. W. Straus & Co. This figure represents an increase of 20.58 per cent over December, 1932, when the volume of these cities was $26,3D,495. Permits issued during January, 1933, fell 29.58 per cent below the same month of 1932.
San Francisco has a large lead over all other cities with $14,557,555, which is 43.19 per cent of all the building reported, due to the vast $12,440,000 Golden Gate bridge project recently announced. This threw California into the lead of all states for the month with $16;627,249 or nearly half of all the building reported.
Twenty-five cities reporting the largest volume of permits for January, 1933, with comparisons for 1932, follow: San Francisco, Calif.