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Omnibus Forestry Bill Being Drafted

Washington, Feb. 14.-The Administration expects soon to cause to be introduced into Congress a general forestry bill primarily designed to fulfill the pact entered into a year ago between public forestry representatives and the forest industries in regard to the realization of sustainedyield operation of private forests. At that time the government representatives pledged certain cooperative measures on the part of state and national governments, without which the progress of private forestry will be seriously impeded.

Presiderrt Helps Lumber Code Forestry

The President has written to the state governors telling them that "some of the provisions of the Lumber Code cannot be carried out effectively without Federal and State legislation", and reminding them of the responsibility of the states in these matters. He lists them as (1) protecting the forests against fire, insects and disease; (2) adjustment of forest taxation; (3) taking over tax delinquent forest land or state or other public forests; (4) other suitable measures to increase public ownership, and encouragernent of better manag'ement of private forests. He assured the governors that he intended to submit to Congress recommendations for legislation looking toward those ends.

A section of the Emergency Relief Act of 1935 has a bearing on the subject be'cause it again authorizes the President to consolidate, redistribute, abolish or transfer the functions and duties of any governmental agency. It is conjectured that under this grant of power the President may make some changes in the Forest Service whilst leaving it in the Department of Agriculture and/or he may transfer it to the Department of the Interior.

' Forest-Growing Loans

Without waiting for the omnibus forestry bill, Senator Fletcher and Representative Caldwell of Florida, have introduced a bill on Forest Credits and Taxation, whi,ch authorizes the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to make forestry loans for as long as 20 years, the funds to be used in sq'ch a manner as materially to contribute toward carrying out a program of forest management "under which the forests involved will be rendered self-perpetuating."

It is desired by the Forestry Corrference Committee that this bill shall further authorize R. F. C. loans to state governments for the purpose of financing deferment of tax payments by forest owners under the deferred forest property tax plan, but this provision has not yet received the approval of R. F. C. be'cause it fears that it might be construed as applying. to other than forest land taxes.

San Diego Fair Bill Approved

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee reported favorably on February 2t the Burnham bill already passed by the House for Federal participation in the California-Pacific International Exposition at San Diego which will open onMay 29. The bill provides a $350,000 fund for construction of a building and maintenance of a Federal Exhibit.

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