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Punctuality Bf le Sioatn

One ol the decdliest sins c sclesmcn cqn be guilty ol is lcck oI punctuclity.

It's q fine thing to be crble to scry crbout c mcn: 'IIe said he would do so' crnd-so cnd you mcy crbsolutely depend on him." Unrelicrbility is mighty closely ckin to dishonesty, crnd the more unreliable people I meet in this world, the more I despise thct lcdling.

Being punctucrl is being relitrble. Also, vice versc. The mcn who is NOT punctucl, who does NOT keep his appointrnents on time, or is slovenly or ccrreless in the tilling ol his engcrgements, slecrls the other lellow's time, crnd therelore is guilty oI thcrt unrelicbility thcrt is qkin to dishonesty.

A mcn's thinking mcy usuclly be iudged by his crctions. And the mon who evidences his indifference to the rights ol others evidently hcrs something wrong with his thinking mcchinery. Time is money with business people. Who steqls the other lellow's time, does not, cs Shakespecrre scrid-stecl trcsh -but steals his vcrlucbles.

Ol course the crvercrge lcrte comer does noi look crt it thcrt wcy. The chcrnces cre he would not deliberately do the other lellow an ill turn, or stecrl his valuables. But his bcd habit condemns him.

Puncttrclity brings its own rewqrd. It elimincrtes the necessity lor excuses. He who hcs leqrned the lesson oI exqct cmd dependcrble punciucrlity, hcs Iound cr pot oI gold ct the end oI the rcrinbow. The lellow who is clwcrl's on time, or iust c little checd oI time, is very likely to be present when the good things of the world trre pcssed cround, card therelore profit directly lor his promptness.

A m<rn who brecrlcs qn engcgement, breqks his word. And the lellow who thinks such things crre unimportcrnt needs his mental equipment slightly crdiusted. To be thoroughly qnd sincerely honest, must include relicrbility, dependcrbility, cnd punctuclity.

Every crmbitious humqn should tcke cr sell'inventory crt lecrst once c month. Let's look ourselves over todcy cnd put the mecrsuring stick oI punctucrlity on our habits, II they qre loose, this is c good time to do some tightening.

And then" ol course, there were the two sclesmen who were engclged in dividing c territory they were prepcring to work. "Wait q minute" said one oI them. "You're tcrking crll the crecun." "Well," said the other sqlesmcrn, "Whct's wrong with crecm?"

L. J. Carr & Co. Sells Output

Two Pine Mills

L. J. Carr & Co., wholesale lumber dealers, Sacramento, whose advertisement appears on another page of this issue, handle exclusively the sales of the output of the Sacramento Box & Lumber Co. This company's mill at Kyburz, Calif, manufactures 23,@0,000 feet of Ponderosa and Sugar Pine lumber annually, one-third of the cut being Sugar Pine.

They will also sell the output of the new Bridgewater & Barrington mill, now being completed at Quincy, Calif., and rvhich will cut 20,000,000 feet a year, expected to run 5O per cent Sugar Pine and the other half of the cut Ponderos:. They handle a good volume of Douglas Fir and Redwood lumber.

L. J. Carr & Co., founded in January, 1938, is a copartnership, the principals being L. J. Carr, who is manager, P. V. Burke and G. H. Thompson. Mr. Burke is also president of Sacramento Box & Lumber Co. E. H. Engstrom is assistant sales manager.

Mr. Carr started his lumber experience with the Exchange Sawmill Sales Co. in Chicago, and after several years there came to Pine Ridge, Oregon, to be sales manager of Forest Lumber Co. He resigned from that position to enter business for himself.

W. D. "Bill" Dunning, with offices in the Chamber of Commerce Building, Los Angeles, is Southern California representative of L..J. Carr & Co.

Fir-Tex Moves Into New Building

Fix-Tex of Southern California recently moved into their own building at 812 East 59th Street, Los Angeles. The new warehouse and office building has a frontage of 100 feet on 59th Street and a depth of 250 feet. At the side of the building there is a paved loading yard 90 by 25O feet. The private railroad spur at the rear is arranged so that cars can either be unloaded into the warehouse or onto trucks.

The walls of the main office are finished with Fir-Tex Ivrykote plank and Philippine Mahogany wainscoting. The ceiling in this and in all private offices is finished in Fir-Tex Acoustical tile.

In the private office of Manager Stanley C. Moore 2(' wide Philippine Mahogany bar tops were used very effectively for wainscoting and Wheatkote plank on the walls.

Fir-Tex Greenkote plank was used on the walls of another private office with Philippine Mahogany wainscoting.

In a third private office Philippine Duali on the walls and 24' Red Philippine bar tops for wainscoting make an excellent combination.

Aprikote plank walls with Fir-Tex Hardboard wainscoting in another room furnish another idea for interior finishing with the company's products.

In the display room various types of Colorkote boards and Hardboard wainscoting are shown, also a colorful exhibit of Coralite board for use in bathrooms. kitchens. etc.

The office of the Dant & Russell sales agency has also been moved to this address.

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