5 minute read


\\ffHEN a woman makes up her mind, she

\r] doesn't want to wait-for anything! \7hen she knows you can get her Curtis Kitchen Cabinets wheo she wants them-sbe'll understand, She anderstands quality, too! That's why over 60,000 "Mrs. Americas" chose Curtis kitchens equipped with Curtis uood kitchen cabinets.

She'll anderstand your Curtis Kitchen Planning Service. One glance and she can see the kitchen she wants-see its efficiency and step-saving features-see how every inch of space can be put to use.

She'll anderstand the economy, the utility of Curtis cabinets, designed by expert woodwork engineers and built of durable Ponderosa Pine.

She'll be glad to know that Curtis cabinets are delivered "fresh" in dustproof cartons ready to be installed. She'll be delighted to know that yoar kitchen planning service provides unpainted cabinets to be decorated "as you like it."

New Business For You

Curtis cabinet prices are "in line" for any size or type of home. Quantity maoufacture makes possible their reasonable cost-widens your new home market to include the low-cost field-increases your opportunity to sell remodeling jobs.

This entire kitchen service was designed to save your time-to cut your selling cost-to attract prospects your way. Get complete details on the Curtis Kitchen Planning Service and on other Curtis stock Architectural rVoodwork.


(Continued from Page 13) construction jobs which may proceed without prior approval of the War Production Board:

(1) Military Construction: Any construction which will be the property of the Army, Navy, United States Maritime Commission, the Panama Canal, the Coast and Geodetic Survey, the Coast Guard, Civil Aeronautics Authority, or the Office of Scientific Research and Development.

(2) Residential: (See Definitions (a) (3)). Any residential construction with a total estimated cost of less than $500.00 may be built.

The construction, howevet, is limited to $50O.00 in any future twelve-month period.

(a), Remodeling Jobs (as distinguished from maintenance and repair jobs) may be undertaken. Example: Adding a porch, a new concrete walk, and so on.

(b) Private Garages and other structures providing accommodations normally associated with residential construction may be built.

(c) Reconstruction or Restoration of Residential Construction: Residential construction damaged or destroyed after December 31, 1941, by fire, flood, tornado, earthquake, act of God or the public enemy may be rebuilt.

(d) Defense Housing (in critical areas only): Defense housing (publicly or privately financed) covered by preference ratings and certificates listed on Schedule A of the Order is exempted from the restrictions. See paragraph (7) (i).

(3) Agricultural Construction: (See Definitions (a) (4)).

(a) Any farm building, structure, or project having a total estimated cost of less than $1,00O may be built.

In any future twelve-month period, all work on any particular building must be limited to $1,000.

(b) Residential construction on the farm is subject to the same lirnitations applying to other residential construction.

(4) Other Restricted Construction: (See Definitions (a)

(5)). In general, this covers commercial, industrial, recreational, institutional, highway, roadway, sub-surface and utilities construction, and is permitted, provided the total estimated cost of the construction is less than $5,000.

In any future twelve-month period, all work on anv particular building must be limited to $5,000.

(5), Mining Construction: Buildings, structures or projects used directly in the discovery, development or depletion of mineral deposits may be built.

(6) Production and Distribution of Petroleum: Construction relating to the production and distribution of petroleum may be built, subject to the restrictions and controls provided by the M-68 series of orders dealing with oil and gasoline.

This series of orders relates to necessary new construction and necessary maintenance and repair of existing construction.

The erection of new filling stations is already prohibited under other orders.

(7) Permits for Other Construction: Paragraph (7) under Prohibited Construction permits construction carrying preference ratings listed on Schedule A, and also provides a means whereby application may be made for an order specifically authorizing construction not accorded priorities assistance, and not otherwise permitted by this Order because in excess of the cost limitations set by the Order.

It is our judgment, where a legitimate need for the prohibited construction can be shown, and particularly where dealers have the .materials necessary for its construction, application should be made for a permit to begin construction. For instance:

(a) Residential Construction: Where need can be shown for the erection of a small home, and whether or not the dealer has materials on hand with which to build this home, we believe application should be made. (The Government's defense housing program does not fulfill the defense housing requirements.)

(b) Where the erection of a farm production building is required costing more than $1,000 and need can be shown, we again believe dealers should apply for permission to begin construction.

(c) We believe this same procedure should be followed in the case of any building of any type lvhich exceeds the limitations of this Order, and for which need can be shown by dealers and builders. Naturally, in making the above recommendations, we are thinking only of construction projects where a legitimate need exists, and the need for urhich can be honestlv and fairlv shown.


Please note particularly the definition of costs, paragraph (a) Definitions (7). The cost limitations set for the various types of construction permitted include all costs incident to the job, as indicated in the definition, and do not refer merely to the cost of critical materials going into the job. They include the cost of all materials, labor, and so on.

Maintenance and Repair :

Maintenance and repair, as defined in paragraph (a) Definitions (8) and (9) are completely exempted from the Order under paragraph (a) (2).

Prohibited Deliveries :

Note particularly paragraph (c) which places responsi- bility upon the dealer if he knows or has reason to believe materials are to be used upon jobs constructed in violation of the terms of this Order.

Orders or Certificates Not Constituting Authorization to Build:

Note paragraph (e) of the Order, which states that the assignment of preference ratings by PD-1 or 1A certificates, or any order other than those listed on Schedule A of this Order, do not constitute authorization to begin construction.

Method of Application for Specific Authorization to Begin Construction:

Please note particularly paragraph (f) and its sub-paragraphs (I), (2L and (3), dealing with the question of securing specific authorization for building construction projects not otherwise permitted by this Order"You will note the differentiation between jobs requiring priorities assistance and those where materials are available and not requiring priorities assistance.

The Construction Division of the War Production Boarrl is now formulating plans to administer this Order, and you will be advised promptly as to the procedure to be followed as soon as their plans are clarified.

It is understood that field offices of the F. H. A. will receive and act upon applications for permits to build.

You rvill note the Order becomes effective April 9, 1942. We will advise you as soon as the details of administrative procedure are available.

Will Build New Warehouse

The San Diego Harbor Commission has approved a request of the Western Lumber Company, San Diego, to build a temporary rvarehouse adjacent to the companl"s y11{. They are compelled to vacate a warehouse at California and G Streets rvhich contained material for defense projects.

Vice-president E. B. Culnan says that work on the nen' warehouse rvill start immediately. The Commission rulecl that the structure must be razed at the end of tl-re lvar.

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