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FOR BUSINESS WITHMAPLE! NEW ARMORIES o.. one of mony needs fior ltilaple todoy
ObDortanities etertutbere for MaDlc Flooring iobsl New defeiie projects, faciory retr-abilitati,on, farm biiidings, defensr housing, and other 1942 requirements-improving and remodelingemphasize Hard Maple's advantages- beaury, low upkeep, sanitation, and long life.
Hard Maple offers the best value in fooring+nd its range of thicknesses fit every flooring need:
Popdar 2tf ,2" x tW' to 3Vq" face widths-for homes, scliools, commerciat indusuial and recreational buildings. For bying wer old fuors-4b" aadVe" ,in facewidths L\b" ,/' , and 214," lidertl for home improvement and modernization. H"aot datl-33/32", 4t/32", and )3f 32", in 2",2U+", and TVq," widths-unequalled for foors subiected to unusual suain and heavy trafflc.
Stock mrml Maple now for profiable buildins business. The subecribing manufacnuers listd<'l below can give prompt delivery. Vrite for Grading Rules booklet and photo-descriptive folder.
illple Floontre ilrnurlcrunERs Assoctlrtor
17t7 tcGormicl Building, Ghicago, lllinoir
Michiae Dlmdon Co., fuietlque, Micb.
The Blount L@ber Co,, Leono, N. Y, North Bmch Flmlng Co,, Chiego,lU.
E. L, Bru@ Co., Mmphie, Tenu. Oval lf,ood Dish e-rD., TupDer Iale, N. Y. (Mill &t Red City, Uich.) Robbim trl@drg Co,, Rhlneluiler, Srir.
Connor Lumber & Lmd Co., I&na, WiB. J. W. Welb Lubs Co., Mmmine, Mich.
The M, B. Fuin Lmber Co., Cincianatl, O. Wis@uiD led & L@ber Co., Eolt Hardwood Co., O@nto, Wis. Eeruuville, Mich.
Kery&ErnsonFl@riogCo.,Goyling,lfich. Yawkey-BieeellLumberCo.,WhiteLek€,Wig.
Cnnr H. Kuttl. Rail Shiplws OUALITY FIR YARD STOCK
Nortlrrn Calllonlc R.prcrontctlvc
O. L. NUSSIru ll2 Mcrlet St., So Frocirco, Tclephoao YULoa l{80 . Sooth.- CdE-io Alprcreatctivc FilEDEN BNOTTIEBS
Robert S. Osgood fl)l South Spriag Streot, Lot Angclce-, Telcphonc Vtndi}o 8033 t irooo-Ilflc,lototi'.
P. O. lox 1865, Pbocnix, Telepboao 3ll2l
Mcke your reservqtions NOW crt Hotel Oqklcnd and be in the hecrrt of thingsl Everything for your comfort ond plecrsure. 500 outside rooms. Bcrtes with bcth: single, Irom $3; double, Irom fi.
l4th qnd Horriron Stro€ts Ocllcnd
IL B. KUNGENSMIffi, Mcrncger