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Gll R0rrtATED Zt 1{C Clt t0RllrE
BUT the well known EWAUNA mark will dways be-
FIRST for texture
FIRST for millwork
FIRST for kiln-drying
FIRST for unifor:n grades
FIRST for sepice
Mill, Facory, and Saler Ofice
Central Califomia Rcpresentative Pymnid Lumber Sales Co., Oakland
We invite lumber dealen to hke advantage of our wcll assorted stoclc of
Sell lunber thot ylelds o profit cad loctiag sotirldctioa. C2C, lhe protected ludber, ig cleco, odorlcss <md pointqblc. It t! termite crrd decoy reslsi(Dl cird lirc retcdiuct. You cca scll it lor F.H.A,, U. S. Govemment, lpr Aagelec C.tty qrd Couaty od Uniloro Butldilrq Code loba. CZC trcqtcd lumber ie stocLad lor imnedicrti rhlpnent in commercldl llzcs dt lpDg Bcqch cnrd Alcmcdo. Ask dboui our erchcngc scwica c6d Eill lhlp6eat plctn.
Gllffi $b rFb - ItsT-G0l$ I00D PnEsERYlllG c0. - Srafitlr
Slll W. Plltb St., Lo! Irgolor, Cclll., PAooc Mlchtgsr @l SIl Montgooory SLr Sas Fkllcirco, Cd.. Pboar DOuglcr 3888
Cement Olfers the Dealer Sales Opportunities
California material dealers and rural contractors have a fine opportunity for business by helping the farmer plan and build necessary improvements. Throughout the state there is an urgent need for farm improvements which help the farmer produce more food for the war program.. Activity in this field is taking up some of the slack caused by falling off of miscellaneous civilian concrete construction, and in many instances is producing volume business for rural contractors and material dealers.
fn some areas there is a big demand for concrete hog feeding floors and concrete farrowing houses to adapt the equipment of swine breeders to the new confinement method of hog raising. Agricultural experiment farm reports say that the new method, which keeps pigs on concrete from farrowing to market time, produces fastcr weight gains with less feed than old methods of hog culture. It is also claimed that improved health oi the animals increases the number of pigs in each litter which reach maturity.
Rural contractors and material dealers report that in some counties hog raisers are modernizing their facilities to adopt the new method as rapidly as possible. As a result some rural concrete contractors have jobs booked ahead for some time.
In some sections of the state much activity is reported in the building of concrete feeding floors for beef cattle and sheep. It is claimed that a concrete feeding floor is one of the most profitable investments which can be rnade on a livestock farm. Many successful cattle feeders rr.il dairy ranchers figure that a concrete feeding floor or paved corral returns its cost during the first year of use. When cattle are fed on a paved lot, feed is not lost in the mud. A paved corral also returns a profit in saving manure,
Dairy ranches are another field for rural contractors which has been more than ordinarily active in the past year. More and more dairy ranchers are building concrete barn floors, concrete milk houses and cooling tanks, and paving their corrals to meet the rigid sanitary requirements for production of Grade A milk.
As the list of cities and towns which have adopted the model milk code recommended by the United States Public Health Service grows steadily larger, the services of rural contractors experienced in concrete work are in greater demand. These dairy farm improvements to meet model milk codes are actually war work, because demands for Grade A milk have outgrown the supply largely because of the great military training camps which have sprung up almost overnight.
Army and Navy officers insist that all milk supplied for consumption of enlisted personnel shall be of Grade "A" quality. This has meant improved sanitary standards on many dairy farms not previously equipped to meet Grade "A" standards.
With rare exceptions the concrete farm improvements which are going forward as part of the war food program are being done without the use of steel reinforcement, including barn floors, feeding floors and milk houses.
Strong, durable, watertight concrete can be made by observing a few simple rules. All materials should be measured carefully-water, cement, sand and gravel. It is particularly important that no more water be used per sack of cement than is specified in the table of suggested trial mixes for various types of farm construction. If the sand is verv
Suggestedconcrete Mixes For Various Types Of Farm Construction
Most farm construction such as floors, steps, basement walls, walks, yard pavements, silos, grain bins, water tanks, etc.
Concrete in thick sections such as thick footings, foundations, retaining walls, engine bases.
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