2 minute read
Annual "Open House" Day Proves Trade Builder For Iowa Dealer
Unique among successful trade practices indulged in by retail lumbermen of the country is the annual "Open House Day" of the French Lumber Company, of Haywarden, Iowa, an agricultural center. What Mr. S. Q. French does, and how he does i.t, should be of interest to every lumber dealer interested in his own business prosperiiy.
For many years the French Lumber Company announces far in advance and then pulls off in great style this annual fun day at their yard. Every man; woman and child in this whole selling territory knows all about it, and a world of them always attend.
To begin with, it is strictly and positively a day on which they do not and will not sell anything. By keeping to this rule no one is kept away for fear of sales pressure. They can't buy anything no matter how badly they may want to. The attendants will quote them on request, but they will have to come back at some later date if they want to make purchases.
They specialize on the farmer. Twenty-eight well known farmers of the community were the special judges of the
Johnson Lumber Company Adds New Lines
The F. A. Johnson Lumber & Mill Company, Baldwin Park, Cal., has recently completed a new display room and is now handling a large stock of electric fixtures, floor coverings, linoleums and window shades.
?Jo.n Ib Pick the Right Line "/ St"el Casements
In selecting your line of steel casements, consider the quality of the windows and of the service back of them. Truscon, world's largest fabricator of steel building products, offers superior design, construction and workmanship. Truscon backs its steel casements with a great local manufacturing plant and the personal service of its entire engineering and service departments.
Truscon Steel Company
54E0 Errrt Slauron Avc., P.O. Box 12116, Arcade Station Lor Angcler, California various events that took place on French's last "Open House Day," and the county agents of the two adjoining counties also played official parts. All the judges received prlzes.
The first one hundred women who arrived at the Open Ifouse received a can of oak stain as a'souvenir. Every child who attended during the day received a free movie ticket, a whistle and candy. Hot coffee and lunch was served free to all visitors.
There were twelve guessing contests that made lots of fun and were judged by the farmer judges. Weights, numbers, sizes, etc., were among the guessing contests. A nail driving contest made lots of fun, and rooster throwing capped the climax, a lot of roosters being thrown, one at a time, from the top of the highest shed, and the one who grabbed him, got him.
The sheds and office are decorated for the occasion, model farm houses and other buildings are shown, and stocks are interestingly displayed.
Mr. French says they can feel the good effects of their annual "Open House Day" for months afterward.
Forced off the highway south of Salinas by glaring headlights on April 23, L. W. (Lou) Blinn III, salesman foi the Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, was fortunate to escape unhurt. His car was considerably damaged.
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The saw you take to the lumber instcad of thc lumber to the saw.
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Operates from ordinary llght socket Weight 10 to 26 lbs.
The 10Jb. saw ideal for cutting veneer.
Why not investigate the many placer you can use a SKILSAV in your business?
Syntron motorless electtiO hatntt'en for on crete drilling and chipping. For erecring nachinery and remodeling jobs.