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Ten Years Ago Today
From the Files of The Californio Lumber Merchant, May 1 5, 1928
Mason Kline has joined the Union Lumber Company organization and will act as sales engineer, devoting his time to the promotion of Redwood for heavy construction uses and consulti,ng with architects ancl engineers.
Hull Bros. Luniber Co. has opened a retail lumber yard at Reseda.
At a meeting of the Stocktcn Rotary Club, Wednesday, April 25, the speaker of the dav rvas H. N. Wheeler, chief lecturer of the United States Forest Service. Members of the Hoo Hoo Club of Central California were invited to attend the meeting and a large number were prese.nr.
The Phoenix (Ariz.) Hoo Hoo Club held its first meeting at the Hotel Adams, Tuesday, May B, at 6:09 p. M. The officers are M. H. McCalla, president; E. V. O,Malley, vicepresident, and R. V. Baker, secretary. Mayor F. J. paddock, lvho addressed the mceting, r.vas voted an honorary member of the Club. The Club bas 42 members.
W. J. Lawrence has been appointed plant sales manager of the McCloud River Lurnber Company at McCloud, Calif., succeeding J. M. Heininger, w-ho has resigned.
"Build Your Own Boat" is the title of an attractive pamphlet issued by The Paciric Lumber Company of San Francisco, as part of its new boat plan service.
A. C. (Art) Penberthy, man, is the prorrd father Thursday morning, l\[ay
Los Angeles wholesale lumberof a fine baby boy who arrived 10.
Official naming of the Northwestern Pacific Railroad as the "Redwood Empire Route" was anllounced by the company. This designation will appear on all the railroad's time tables and other literature.
I. F. Laucks, Inc., Seattle, Wash., manufacturers of Lauxein waterproof glues, announces the opening of a California -office. S. E. Tucker is manager of the California division with offices in Los Angeles.
Winfield Scott and R. ufacturers Association.
W. Smith, National Lumber Manwere speakers on "Lumbermen's
Night," April 25, at the I{omes Week. San Francisco celebration of Better
'The tri-annual meeting of the Pacific Coast group of the National Association of Wooden Box Manufacturers was held at the Hotel Senator, Sacramento, April 27-29. Walter S. Johnson, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Pacific Coast group, was chairman of the meeting.
The Orange Belt Lumbermen's Club met at the White Spot Cafe, Riverside, Tuesday evening. May B. Earl E. Bowe, National Lumber Manufacturers Association, Los Angeles, addressed the meeting. During the afternoon, the lumbermen inspected thc Cresmer Manufacturing Co. plant at Riverside.
More than fifty members of the building industry in and around Stockton were guests of the Stockton Lumber Company at a dinner on April 24 at the Hotel Lincoln in Stockton. Tom V. glqrycr .l,vas the principal speaker of the evening.
Col. W. B. Greeley, whose resignation as Chief Forester of the United States became effective on May 1, has taken up his new work as secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association at Seattle. Wash.
Photographs of the Western red cedar shell which the West Coast Lumber Bureau presented to the Associated Students of the University of Washington appears in this issue.
Hamm, Grant & Bruner, Inc., Los Angeles, have been retained by the Pacific Manufacturing Co. of Santa Clara, Calif., to prepare ar,chitectural and engineering plans for a complete new plant for the manufacture of sash, doors and millwork.
The lumbermen of Southern California held an enjoyable dinner dance at the Commercial Club, Los Angeles, Saturday evening, April 30. The party was sponsored by the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club.
Ruse-Blair Lumber Company has opened a retail lumber yard at Stockton.
Reprerenting in Southern Calilornia: The Pacif,c Lumbs Company-Wendling-Nathan Co,
De\(/alt Announces New Model GN \(/oodworker
A new model GN Woodworker is announced by the DeWalt Products Corporation of Lancaster, Fa. This new machine embodies all the finest features of other De Walt machines, at the same time incorporating many new improvements.
It is the first machine with arbor that can be quickly located in almost any conceivable position accommodating a wide variety of saws, grooving heads, shaping cutters, routing and boring bits, grinding wheels, sanding attachments, etc.
Ideal for the residence building contractor, it is equally practical for use by lumber manufacturers and lumber yards, cabinet shops, sash and door plants, planing mills, furniture factories, body shops, shipping and maintenance departments, and for all those who work in wood. The new machine is popularly priced, requiring a small investment, but bringing big returns.
DeWalt Products Corporation has just issued a new folder, "lVlerchandising Manual for the Retail Lumber Dealer," suggesting ways to sell more lumber. Copies of the manual will be sent free to retail lumbermen upon request.
Ernest Pieper, Jr., of the Cheim Lumber Company, San Jose, just missed being amateur golf champion of Northern California when he was defeated at Santa Cruz, May 9, in the 38-hole finals by Mat Palacio, Jr., of San Rafael, 2 and l.