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A Nice Flock of 9's Slade-Converse
We are in receipt of a letter from L.A. Ganahl, Ganahl Lumber Co., Santa Barbara, advising that they have a new Ford car that is well equipped with the Hoo Hoo symbol JSo.9. He also gives any Hbo Hoo member in good standing an opportunity _to make a few honest dollais provided they want to buy this car. The letter follows: -
"If, as the German said, 'Too much whiskey is bad and too much beer is just enough,' or quoting Elbert Hubbard: 'One horseshoe is good luck and a wagon load of them is junk' and if NINE is a lumberman's Lucky number-then what do you think of this ?
"February D, 1928, r,r'e ordered a Ford car with motor No. 99,999 but through a mistake of the Detroit factory they sent the motor without the body. We insisted on 6avin! both together and finally compromised by agreeing to taki on another nine.
_ 'February 9, lgn, the motor was completed and about February 17,lgD, the Los 4"S919! Times-printed a picture of our motor right next to No- 1,000,000, which wasbn the test block.
"Whenthe car was delivered to uson Washington,s Birthday we asked the Division of Motor Vehicles t6 give us as many-lLnes in our license number as possible and we drew 2-K-9999.
"If any Hoo Hoo, in good standing, wants to have the car and pay $999 profit we will give you $9.99 commission. flere is your chance to make some honest money.,,
Halvey I umber Company, Bakersfield, recently completed additions to their sheds.