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Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany


Shevlin Pine


Items of Interest

The world's most valuable wood-fine pieces worth more than their weight in gold-is Thuya, the wood with which King Solomon lined his temple. It is a dappled red brown in color, as fragrant as spice, and grows only on the Atlas Mountains in Algeria. Cabinet-makers use it for the finest inlays and marguetries.

The whitest cabinet-maker'S wood is holly. Most people see it only as the black keys on pianos, or violin pegs and tailpieces, dyed to simulate ebony. In its natural white it is used for inlays and marguetry.

As a further contribution of the forest products industries to the war metal-saving program, frozen eggs are now being packed in cellophane, with an outside covering of cardboard. Trees are the chief source of cellulose, from which cellophane is made, and cardboard is made of woodPulp.

The average American uses during his lifetime the wood in 400 trees. The American forest products industribs are planting new trees at a greater rate than that.

Nearly three-fourths of America's timber stand is wood.




Yellow Poplar, Water Tupelo and Sweet

Gum Logs

All lengths of yellow poplar, water tupelo and sweet gum logs are placed by OPA under the dollars-and-cents ceiling established for prime grade hardwood logs in an action which substantially reduces the prices currently being charted for short logs less than eight feet in length and logs with lengths over 16 feet in length. At the same time, OPA encourages continued production of small diameter sizes of prime grade hardwotd logs by raising exisiing ceilings on the smaller sizes at the request of WPB and the War Department. The advance ranges from $5 in some diameter sizes to $20 in others. The ceiling on the largest sizes of logs, those 28 inches or more in diameter, is reduced $10 per 1,000 feet log scale (MPR 313, Amendment 4), effective Mav 19.

Dick Alley Test Pilot

Dick Alley, son of Frank Alley of Alley Bros., Santa Monica, is a test pilot for Vultee Aircraft Corporation. Dick formerly worked at the Santa Monica yard.


Outside of America, the only native hickory in the world grows in eastern China. Hickory is a shortened form of the Indian name, "pohickory."

Back Panel Company, Los Angeles, carry a stock of aircraft plywood in addition to their regular line of plywoods. They also carry a large stock of Birch dowels and find business-active in this line.

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