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Ponderosa dries easily and thoroughty. It also nails, screws, an4 glues well, and is easy to work. Another attribute of Ponderosa Pine is its low shrin}age factor which is practically gO% less than some of the heavier soft woods.
Ponderosa represents a large percentage of the stoclr employed in the lrnocked-down furniture and household eguipment field. And, of course, in the shipping container market Ponderosa furnishes the necesEar5r protection at a low cost. The light weight reduces transportation charges -an important consideration. For paneling in old and new interiorE, Ponderosa Knotty Pine is available in a wide variety of patterns.
It Could Have Been Worse
Old stories always turn up in new costumes, but the idea is the same.
I used to tell the one about Little Mose, who went coon hunting with his father, climbed a high tree to shake the coon off the limb, but fell and was killed. At the funeral an old friend was commiserating with Little Mose's father about the sad accident, and expressing his opinion as to what a tragedy he thought it was.
"Yassuh, you'se right 'bout dat," said the father. "But hit cudda ben wuss."
"How?" asked his friend.
"\f,fell" said the father, philosophically. "I{e cudda fell
Big Crowd At Picnic
Close to 400 attended the annual picnic for the employes of the West Coast Screen Company, held at Banning Park, Wilmington, on Sunday, June 2.
There were games and races, with lots of prizes, for both children and grownups in the forenoon. The feature of the afternoon rvas a baseball game between the night and day shift crews. The day shift won. Frank Costley was captain of the winning team.
Sprinklers Save Sash And Door Mill
Fire of undertermined origin caused damage to property of the Deats Sash & Door Company, Los Angeles, estimated at $8,000. Two lumber sheds, three carloads of lumber and a new Ford truck u'ere burned. The loss is fully covered by insurance.
The sprinkler system saved the plant from destruction. There \^ras no interruption of business.
on one of de houns." ***
That one came back the other day, like this.
"Lil Mose," said the father. "Ah done seed you teachah on de street terday, an she done tole me you got de lowes' grades in a class o' thirty lil niggahs. Whut you got to say bout dat?"
"\Mell, papa," said Little Mose. "Dass a fack. But hit cudda ben wuss."
"How?" asked his papa.
"Well" said Little Mose. "Hit cudda ben a biggah class."
David Keller Managing New Yard
David Keller is managing the new department, the casb and carry building material yard, for the Liggett Lumber Company of Santa Ana. The new department is just across the street from their lumber yard. D. E. Liggett is the owner.
Building New Office At West Los Angeles
Patten-Blinn Lumber Company has erected a new office building and sales room at the West Los Angeles yard. The new office will face on Sepulveda Boulevard instead of Pontius Avenue. Harry A. DeMeire is yard manager.
Buys Yard At Boyes Springs
Napa Lumber Company has purchased the Boyes Springs Lumber Company at Boyes Springs, Calif.
Pictured above is the recently completed office and store building of the Stowe-Lima Lumber Co., at 75I B Street, Hayward, Calif.
A particularly nice job has been done on the office walls which are covered with Celotex Mahogany Texbord to a height of eight feet. Above that and on the ceiling Masonite Insulating Tile is used.
The counter top is of. r/s-inch Masonite Tempertile and fu-inch Philippine Mahogany panels are used on the front of the counter. The floor is covered with linoleum laid on top of rl-inch Fir wallboard.