2 minute read

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By l@cl, \is*tc

Age not guaranteed---Some I have told for 20 yeats---Some Less

A Bit Deliberate

An American soldier stationed in England, built up a considerable reputation as a teller of tall tales, all of them definitely innocent, and all of them, likewise, having to do with the American armed services. The British sent many of their best liars to compete with him, but to no avail. He could always tell a tale of the strength, prowess, speed, or what have you, of the American arms, that topped all competition.

As an example of how good he was, one day he was one of a group of American and British soldiers who were drink-

Visits Minneapolis

Glenn M. Harrington, President of rington, Ltd., San Francisco, returned vi'eeks' trip to Minneapolis, where he ing beer in a British Pub, when one of the British lads said to our talo-telling DoughboY:

MacDonald & HarJunelfromatwo visited his sisters.

"By the way, Chappie, I've been wondering about your plane carriers. I'm sure you can tell me. Have they much speed?"

"To tell you the truth, friend," said the American, "we're a bit disappointed in that department. While they are mighty fine otherwise, our carriers are not nearly as fast as we would like to have them. I'11 have to confess to you that the best we've been able to make them do so far, IS KEEP UP WITH THE PLANES.''


Frank Brown, salesman for PoPe & vision, San Francisco, is enjoying his his cabin at Brookdale, in the Santa

Talbot, Lumber Diannual vacation at Cruz Mountains.

Softwood Plywood Put Under WPB Control

Complete control over the production and distribution of softwood plywood manufactured in the states of Washington, Oregon, and California is established by Limilation Order L-150 as amended by the War Production Board.

IJnder the terms of the amended order producers are required to file monthly reports of production and delivery schedules (Form WPB-2531) and all deliveries must be made in accordance with these schedules as approved or changed by WPB.

Purchase orders are restricted to these specifically authorized by WPB. Application for authorization (Form WpB2532) is made by the prospective purchaser on or before the 10th of each month.

Producers are required to accept authorized purchase orders if they meet with established prices and terms. Delivery schedules as authorized must be followed irrespective of preference ratings.

L-150 as amended also provides that WpB may direct the cancellation of any purchase order, change delivery dates, allocate orders placed with one producer to another, and revoke previously given authorization on purchase orders.

The effect of the order as amended will be to channel all available softwood plywood produ,ction to essential war and civilian uses.

California Lumber Ruling

Producers of Douglas fir, West Coast Hemlock, true fir, and inland larch lumber in California have been placed definitely under maximum price regulation No. 94 (Western Pine and associated species of lumber) the Office of price Administration announced.

The exemption was granted because, through an error, California producers of the woods since May 22 ol this year have been subject to both maximum price regulatiorr No. 94 and maximum price regulation No. 26 (Douglas fir and other west coast lumber).

To clarify confusion which arose in some circles through coverage of fir lumbers by two regulations, amendment 3 to maximum price regulation No. 94, is now issued, elimin_ ating the state of California from its geographical coverage. The amendment becomes effective June 16, 1943,

E. B. Harris

Edwin B. Harris, owner of the E. B. Harris Lumber Comparry of Inglewood, passed away at his home in Los An_ geles on June 7 following a long illness. He was Z3 vears of age.

He came to Inglewood in 1909 and went to work for the firm of which he subsequently became the sole owner. He was one of the founders, and was president of the Bank of Inglewood, which later became affiliated with the Bank of America.

He ,is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mattie Harris. ancl three grandchildren.

Funeral services were conducted at Grace Chapel, In_ glewood Park Cemetery, Wednesday afternoon, June 9.

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