2 minute read
Rate---$2.SO Per Column Inch. Minimum Ad One-HaIf Inch.
For Sale
Complete Cabinet Shop and Planing Mill Machinery for Sale'
Southern Lumber co. San Jose, Calif.
Retail Lumberman Wants Position
Retail lumberman with twenty years experience wants connection. Has filled all positions from yardman to yard manager. Knows building materials. Southern California experience. Go any place. Can furnish refereirces. Address Box 764, care California Lumber Merchant.
Complete Dri-Bilt Plywood House
(Continued from Page 27) subfloor, and 5/16' Plyscord rvall and roof sheathing.
In addition to the unusual rigidity and strength imparted to the structure by Plyscord sheathing, this type of construction, which is an inherent factor in the new Dri-Bilt with plywood building methods, lowers labor costs and building time as compared with conventional sheathing and subflooring.
The outside wall covering is of "Exterior'' ty,pe of Douglas fir plywood, which has firmly established a place for itself where structural quality and ease of application are the requirements. The Exterior plyw,ood, which is trade marked "EXT-DFPA" on the edge of every panel made by mills whose production is inspected by the Douglas Fir Plywood Association, is manufacture.d with a permanently waterproof glue, and is suitable for all permanent exterior uses.
A clear stain, lightened with white pigment, with several coats of fine varnish, is the finish used to soften, and yet preserve the natural grain design of the wood on the exterior.
On account of its strength and smoothness, plus the fact that plywood has practically no expansion and contraction, Plyscor.d sheathing makes a fine backing for all materials like tarred lpaper, linoleum or fabrics. With this in mind and in consideration of the huge cotton surpluses, it was deemed appropriate to demonstrate a cotton duck roof covering, bedded onto the Plyscord roof deck1ng.
For the interior, Plywall (wallboard) and Plypanel
Opens Retail Yard In Lakeport
Will L. Jones, who has been with The Diamond Match Company in Lakeport, Calif., for the past year, and prior to that with W. W. Prather Lumber Company, has opened a retail yard in Lakeport. His son, Robert, will be associated with him, and the firm name will be Will L. Tones & Son.
Situation Wanted
By experienced lumberman, salesman, estimator and yard foreman. 20 years' experience. Married and have a family. Know wholesale and retail trade. Good references. Address Box C-763 California Lumber Merchant
Experienced lumberman who can invest in well established lumber yard, sales of which average from $4,500 to $5,00O a month, and to act as manager. Address Box C-765, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yards Wanted
If your yard is located in Southern California and you want to sell, let us know about it as we have inquiries from lumber yard buyers. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
(standard panel) grades of Douglas fir plywood have been used for all wall and ceiling surfaces. The living room and dinette are smartly styled with bleached, white stained walls worked out in an overlay pattern. The ceiling, which i, %" Plywall painted an ash-white color, is also laid in overlay patterns.
The bath room, kitchen and utility room have had muslin pasted to the Plywall and the surface then given a high gloss enamel.
The front bedroom, with Plypanel walls, has Vee joints between the large panels, and is stained a soft grey-green. The ceiling, which is the Plywall grade, is painted a soft white. The second bedroom has a light-stain ceiling, but the Plywall walls have been papered, illustrating another practical finish for Dri-Bilt interiors.
In all cases the walls and ceiling have been covered with asphalt-saturated building felt, prior to the placing of the plywood. This serves as an economical, highly effective vapor barrier and is on the room, or warm, side of the structuie as recommended by the Forest Products Laboratory. Full insulation is utilized between the ceiling joists.
Lumber dealers, builders and architects are invited to give careful appraisal to House No. 2 on their visits to the New York Fair.
Wholesale Fishing Trip
Bill Sampson of the Sampson Company, Pasadena, and,32 employees of this concern went fishing for barracuda on a recent Sunday off Balboa. The catch averaged 10 apiece. The party chartered a boat for the excursion and everybody had an enjoyable time.