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Age not guaranteed---Some I have told for zo years---Some Less

\(/hat's in a Name?

. A fellow comes into federal court and asks the judge for permission to change his name legally.

"What is your name?" asked the Judge.

"Joe Stinkeroo," replied the applicant.

to take?"

'John Stinkeroo," said the man.

"'What?" demanded the puzzled Judge.

"Sure," the man said. .'I get tired of having all these

"I don't blame you for wanting to change such a name wise guys coming up to me and saying, as that," said the Judge, kindly. "What name do you want do you know?,',

Gets Housing Contract

Riverside, Calif., June l7.-Award of a ffi7,000 contract for a housing project for the housing authority of River-. side County to the Elder R. Morgan Company of Los Angeles was announced today. The contract calls for 52 twostory structures to house eight families each, a child welfare center and a community building.

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