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Goos Bay Lumber Go.
Please address inquiries for Rail Shipments and Finished Stock to Bay Point and Flxport and Other Cargo fnquiries to Marshfield.
How Lumber Looks
A, totd of 345 mills id the Douglas fir region of Oregon, Warhington, and Britioh Columbia, operated at 55.55 per cent of capacity during the week ended Jrme 28, according to their weekly reports to t'he Wert Coast Lumbermen'E Arsociation. Production of the 345 mills for rhis week totaled 1661305,189 feet, as compard to an output of 16719221613 feet, or 56.2O per cent, reported by 3M mills for the previous week. Production reported for the firrft 26 weekr of 193O by the 345 milts was 2O.6 per cent below their cut duri"g the comparable period of 1929. Production har d'eclined steadily since the week ending May 26, when it war approximately 65 per dent of capacitv.

Production, orders and shipmentr at 216 mills for the week ended Jrme 28 were reported to the Association ar followr: Production 14216991442 teeti Orders l22r008r563 feet; Shipmentr 159,280,433 feet. ''Orders were 14.5 per cent under production, which parallels the ceatond decline which normally occura at this time of the year. Shipmentr were 11.62 per cent over ttre output.
Details of ord'ers and shipmentr as reported by there 216 mills follows: Orders-Rail" 48,428,298 feet; Domestic Cargo, 3915431640 feet; Export, 2210171679 feet; Local, 12,0191046 feeL Shipmentr-Rail, 581692,106 feet; Domestic Cargo,58,38a3OZ feet; Export, 301186'974 feet; Local, 12,019,O46 feet.
The California market rhowr very little changp and there ir a fair volurne of business. Special cutting ir strong' and lath are roarce and rhowing rtrenglh, othenviee pricec dre about the same. Douglar fir Cargo artivalr at San Pedro for the montrh of June totaled 82,530,000 feet. Unrold stocks at San Pedro on July 9 totaled 10'76710o0 feet. 44 veesels in the California reryice are tied up.
For the week ended June 28, the Califonda White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association reported production from 23 mills as 28r815rOOO feet, rhipmentr 19'562'000 feet, and ordere 21r039r0o0 feet. The California R€d' wood Association for the week ended Jtme 28 reported production from 12 millr er 5r253r(Xl0 feet, shipments 5'185,OOO feet, and orderu 4,627r(XX) feet. The d'emand for California White and Sugar Pine and Redwood doer not ghow much change Ad Bn"e; t"ri""F about the sarne.
The current relationship of orders and rhipmentr to production for the firat 26 weeks of 193Q based on reportl from the regional arsociations to thsNational Lumber Manufacturerr Arociation, ir as follows:
Wert Coast Lumbermen'r Associatiep-pp{qplion 4r. 162,995 M feet; Shipments 3,950'171 M feet; Ordcru 3r. 916,756 M feet.
California White and Sugar Pine Arociation-Production 438,262 M feet; Shiprnentr 5421698 M feet; Orderc 552,O9O M feet.
California Redwood .A,rociation-Production 191'069 M feet; Shipments 172,744 M feet; Orders l74r097 M feet. lSouthern Pine Asrociation-Production 115371139 M feet; Shipmentc 1,4231044 M fet; Orders 1'407,558 M feet.
Total Hardwes{3-ppr{uction 11150,954 M feetg Shipmenta 958,943 M feet; Ordere 9171923 M feet.
Earl Bowe Busy on Termite Changes in Coos Bay Lumber Investigation Work Co's Sales Department
Earl E. Bowe, of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, whose services have been made available to the Termite Investigation Committee, has been appointed executive secretary of this body.
Mr. Bowe has been busy lately going over the proof of the new bulletin on the subject of termites to be printed at the end of July by the University of California Agricultural Experiment Station. This bu{etin will contain the most authentic and up-to-date infordiation that is available on that subject.
George F. Grant, salesman for the Coos Bay Lurnber Co. in the Coast Counties territorv. has been transferred to the office at Bay Point as assistanl io the general sales manager, H. W. Gustafson. He has been succeeded in the Coast Counties territory by J. S. Quinn.
B. W. Bookstaver, Bookstaver-Burns Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is on a two weeks' business trip to the Northwest. While in the Northwest, he will make his headquarters at.the iompany's Seattle office.