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It (nears and reears,, but does not nterspli
QfefL-nnnD wheels grinding
\J across a Port Orford Cedar floor won't even splinter it. This is a tough wood, homogeneous in texture. Under hard usage it wears slowlv and evenlv. It-is without superior for dock floors, loading glitforms, bridge decking, f.actorf tloors, etc.
Another fine quality oflight, strong Port Orford Cedar-it is not affected by acids, soil decays, moisture or dampness. It requires no preservative treatment for bulkhea?ing, piling, planking, bridge and boat decking.
The wood. with the "porceloinfinish"
Port Orford Cedar is a most satisfactorv wood for interior trim. It works easily. does not solinter or check and h6ids nails exceptionally well. It takes a satin-smooth enamel finish, does not crinkle or blister. Its cream-white color takes any stain easily and with richness and warmth. '
Its capability to machine easily to sharp, clean'-cut edges gives Port PORT ORFORD CEDAR PRODUCTS COMPANY, Marshfield,Ore.
Orford Cedar countless uses-for curtain poles, picture frames, toys, etc. As it does not warp, it is ideal for built-ins, and Veneiian Blinds. It holds paints for vears. Recommended Tor entranles, porch columns, garden furnirure,- pergolas. The popularitv of this fine wood is grooii.,g daily. Make your yard Port Orford Cedar headquarters. Now available in mixed cars, all