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Maule-Heber Company Starts Business
J. Earle Heber and E. R. Maule have entered the millwork field in Southern California with a thoroughly equipped plant leased from the Los Angeles Investment Company. L.ocated at l70O West Slauson Avenue: this plant is practically equi-distant froq the down-town district, Hollywood and western residen'ce sections of the city. The firm will be known as the Maule-Heber Company and though new as to name will be well known amongst the architects and general ,contractors immediately for each of these men have been established in business in Los Angeles for many years.
J. Earle Heber, who will assume the responsibity for sales has been selling building materials in Los Angeles for the past twenty-five years; was Pacific Coast Manager of the Truscon Steel Company and in that capacity formed intimate ,contacts with all the major Southern California Architects and general contractors. His ability to manage sales is best illustrated by his selling two of the largest millwork jobs recently started in Southern California soon after the firm was organized. These were the Kerchoff Hall, one of the University buildings at Westwood, the other the Sun Realty Company building, a large down town office building.
E. R. Maule will be the general manager in charge of plant operations. Mr. Maule has been in the millwork business for the past twenty-five years and is well equipped with experience to capably manage the manufacturing and office part of thg business. His association with several large factory operations in Los Angeles for many years starts this new business with an understanding of local methods and the trade which will enable this organization to proceed without economic loss in experimentation.
J. T. Williams who was with E. R; Maule for some ten years as factory superintendent will be in charge of the new factory. Mr. Williams started in the millwork business as a boy sweeping shavings before blower pipes were invented and as frame maker, machine man, mill-wright, draughtsman and estimator is capable of directing the workman b,ecause he knows the business thoroughly and has had long experience in handling men.
One other key man of this organization is Richard P. Kerwin who wiil handle the offici end of 'the work. His ten years' experience in office work in millwork plants thorgug-hly qualified hirn to take care of this work efficiently. fn fact you have only to meet Dick to know you are dealing with a keen student, an energetic worker and a man tremendously interested in getting results in a hurry.
E. R. Maule'states the Maule-Heber Company will confine their efforts to high quality millwork jobs dnd not en-. deavor to compete with lumber yards in the sale of stock lumber, sash and doors or ordinary millwork. The organization is designed to furnish a thoroughly experienced personal sevice in special millwork to architectural details. In trade parlance the principal function of the business will be full mill bids.
Pickering Official Resigns
D.W. Steinmetz, vice-president and general manager of the Pickering Lumber Company, with headquarters at San Francisco,- resigned his position recently, after 30 years' service with the company. His resignation is efibctive July 31.