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River Lumber Co. To
Willamette Valley Operator Benifit By Klamath Falls/ Keddie Link
Th. recent decision of the Interstate Commerce Commission authorizing the construction by the Great Nrorthern and Western Pacific Railroads of a line between Klamath Falls, Ore., and Keddie, Calif., joining their two roads and giving San Francisco another transcontinental railroad, was particularly interesting to the Red River Lumber Company. Completion of this line will give this company another outlet for the marketing of the products of its big Westwood plants in the Northwest and Middle West.
Bids for construction of the Western Pacific 1l2-mile extension from Keddie to Bieber, where it will connect with the Great Northern line extended from Klamath Falls will be received luly 25, and actual work is expected to start at an earlv date.
Installs Modern Dry Kiln
, One of the progressive small sawmill operators in the Willamette Valley, .the Roy Swenson Lumber Company, has recently installed a modern dry kiln to take care of seasoning Fir common dimension.
This kiln has been installed at Veneta, the shipping point of the Roy Swenson Lumber Company. The lumbir is trucked from the sawmill which is about seven miles from Veneta and is handled and stored in the yard in packases. A Gerlinger carrier is employed for bringing thise pickages to the st-acking position at the kiln or to the planer,
The dry kiln building itself is of 2 x 6 laminated wood construction and has a holding capacity of 45,000 f.eet of.2 inch Fir lumber. The kiln is of the laiest design, beins of Moore's Reversible Cross Circulation Overhead Fan tlpe.